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    oh, have they lightened up in the years since I last attended? When I went, if you were absent 3 times, you were out, if you were unprepared for class the professor "asked" you to leave, and even if you were in the hospital you had to get prior professor approval for turning in something late


      A lot of that is up to the individual professors' own discretion. Some are more strict than others. We also no longer write on stone tablets anymore
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Some of us even used a new-fangled invention called a computer.

        My university profs were fair about a point. If you were sick, they'd understand and work with you to make up assignments. If you had too many absences, then they'd probably just fail you. In my last term of grad school, everybody realized that we were job hunting too so missing the occasional class for a job interview was allowed as well.
        Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons; for you are Crunchy and good with Ketchup.


          Nola probably thinks that's is sorcery.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            If we didn't show up for class at all, nobody cared. So long as your assignments came in on time, and you showed up for exams.

            One professor thought he could keep 300 students quiet for 2h, and was quite mistaken and then continued to stop speaking every so often during his teaching until everyone was quiet again - art history which was not of much interest to 3/4 of what was sitting in that classroom.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              the half about some kids don't belong in college? or the half about having to grow up and take responsibility for their own education?
              Please, this is a public forum. It's not polite to expect people to be responsible for their own behavior in any way. Hasn't been for some time now.


                The standards in undergrad were looser than in grad school. Because the classes were so much smaller, and then in the doctoral program our cohort was only about 20 or so, it was very obvious if someone wasn't there. And I had a couple of professors who were huge sticklers for attendance. I literally was in the hospital having surgery and missed the next week's class as well while recovering, and he was going to kick me out of the class. I explained where I'd been and he *grudgingly* allowed me to stay. But he gave me a B - when I asked why, he said it was because I'd been absent!


                  I was nearly kicked out of school for being absent when I had surgery.. There was none of this "lower grades" or "reasonable excuse" nonsense..

                  The kids who were in detention every night and barely did any work when they bothered to turn up at all, no problem, they can stay.. But I missed a few weeks and suddenly there are no second chances




                      I was sent to talk to some local education authority seat-warmer to explain why I had been absent.. He didn't want to hear any of my excuses. Having a hole cut in my side was no excuse for not going to school every day. What do you mean "could barely stand up without pain, you have a football to chase in PE! Running about in the rain will make you feel better!

                      They really didn't want to listen.

                      I had to send a note to school every day to explain why I wasn't there after that.


                        *burns PH's note*

                        The only excuse is death
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          But... but... I'm too sick to go to school!


                            Then you fail
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              *burns PH's note*

                              The only excuse is death
                              What about being undead? That probably offends them.

                              "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                                Tomato tamato
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

