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    Of course you do. What would you do without a Nola to blame?
    Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons; for you are Crunchy and good with Ketchup.


      Blame ph
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        I never really got into DS9. I gave it a fair shot, knowing that Trek sometimes takes a season to find its legs, so to speak, but it just never hooked me. I think the biggest reason was that it wasn't starship based, it was based on a space station. Another reason I disliked it was the slimy underbelly side of Federation life the series focused upon.

        Yes, I know, even with practically unlimited energy resources & the ability to transform energy to matter, the perfect socialist utopia portrayed in TNG is impossible in real life.

        But that utopia was part of the dream of Star Trek, and I didn't enjoy that being ripped away.


          I agree - Roddenberry's rosy futuristic view was always one of the best parts of the entire Trek-verse. An optimistic viewpoint is not a bad thing, considering the darkness usually portrayed in space operas.


            The pilot and the 2nd episode... it's just not my thing.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              I agree - Roddenberry's rosy futuristic view was always one of the best parts of the entire Trek-verse. An optimistic viewpoint is not a bad thing, considering the darkness usually portrayed in space operas.
              Except he took it too far. His plan for TNG was for interpersonal disputes to be a thing of the past. There would be no conflicts between crew members, everyone would get along and be happy all the time..


                That's my problem. I can't take the unrealistic federation where everything is perfect
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  interpersonal conflicts will always be with us, I'm afraid. But a future where hunger and basic needs are a thing of the past? Yes. I'd love to see that.


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    interpersonal conflicts will always be with us, I'm afraid. But a future where hunger and basic needs are a thing of the past? Yes. I'd love to see that.
                    But his plan was for a galaxy that had evolved beyond interpersonal conflict. Everyone would be happy and get along.

                    It makes sense in a way.. He lived through the Second World War, and saw the worst of humanity up close... so he wanted to create a future which showed humanity at its best. But to take away all conflict, all disagreements and have everyone happy all the time.. That's where human civilisation ends. If everything is perfect and everyone is happy there would be no reason to do anything. No need for technology to advance. No need to explore or experience anything new. Because everyone already has everything they need, and everything they could ever want.


                      PH is right. Never thought I'd say that
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        PH is right. Never thought I'd say that
                        I should print that out and frame it


                          I'm sure you have it quoted for next time
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Now the apocalypse can begin...I agree with Jel and PH. That's what I didn't like about TNG--it was too perfect! Having war and want and hunger and poverty and all that be gone is amazing. Having everybody love everybody forever and despite themselves is bad.
                            Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons; for you are Crunchy and good with Ketchup.


                              I want to know where the fat kids are at. A machine that could instantly make whatever food you wanted. You know people would abuse that to eat their favorites. Imagine a person who would eat steak everyday.
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I want to know where the fat kids are at. A machine that could instantly make whatever food you wanted. You know people would abuse that to eat their favorites. Imagine a person who would eat steak everyday.
                                I would imagine that replicated food would be made without the harmful components, so that someone could eat steak every day without risking heart attacks, etc.

