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'Probie' Status for New Members

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    Hi, I've been a member here since November 18, 2008 but haven't spoken before (at least not that I recall). Tonight I tried to post 2 posts regarding SGU and the final episode. It says it will have to be approved by a Mod. I understand that.

    So, I went to my profile to put up an Av and I don't have the authority to do that. I am hoping someone will bump me into 'acceptable to post' status and let me run my own profile soon. Thanks

    I love Star Gate and I think this Forum will be a lot of fun once I can actually post and speak a little bit!


      Hi Kona.

      The Probie status and the reasons for installing it in 2008 are explained in post 1 ,and the restrictions you're seeing are part of that stage of membership.

      Your other 2 posts have been cleared already so carry on posting your opinions and we'll get them cleared as quickly as possible.

      Probie status doesn't last too long ,so relax and try to enjoy your visits till the system promotes you to normal posting and lets you access features and your profile.
      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


        Thank you so much for advancing me to Probie Status, Bagpuss! I really appreciate it! And yes, I had read all about the Probie Status even before you mentioned it to me.

        I will just be happy to be able to put up an Av as soon as I am allowed!


          You're welcome Kona .Won't take too long before you can access the Forum preset Avatars and choose one you like.

          In the meantime,happy posting !
          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


            I have been registered since 2008 and attepted my first post last month. I am still a probie. Sad but true. I think if I were going to spam anything, I would have done it by now. LOL!



              there's a difference between 'probie' and 'probie' - and it's an unclear one.

              there's a forum title of 'probie' until you make enough posts to get a higher title. i don't have a clue what that number of posts is, but it can be changed at any time (indicated somewhere by Darren that he randomly changes it.)

              however, 'probie' as a status was brought in during August 2008 (as per first post of this thread.) it's essentially probationary, until you make enough of a contribution for mods to see you're not a bot/spammer/other unwanted. if your posts are coming through immediately, you're not on probie status. if they're delayed (so mods can look at them) you are on probie status.

              hopefully this clears up the difference between status and title.

              no, i'm not a moderator, and i'm pretty sure i could be here for the next 10 years and not be wanted as one just trying to help
              Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


                Originally posted by randyored View Post
                I have been registered since 2008 and attepted my first post last month. I am still a probie. Sad but true. I think if I were going to spam anything, I would have done it by now. LOL!

                Not suggesting you personally are a Spammer,but the Probie status is a very valuable tool.

                Take a look at the Spam-O-Matic stats on the forum front page to get an idea of just how many tried to join ,or were caught after making a few or more spam-free posts since March this year.
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  I don't mind the anti-spam probie status feature. But when I think of the spam on other sites, what would a gateworld spam look like? "I met the Jaffa of my dreams on deathtothetokradotcom. Show your allegiance to your god and join!"


                    Some of the Spam we're hit with is purely commercial,but there's a significant percentage of the more harmful kind.

                    You name it...we've had it here,so we aren't planning to open the floodgates any time soon.
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      while i missed the time that it was on here: i've seen spam on many forums. it's typically the same stuff, in many places. dedicated spam attacks like a 'deathtothetokradotcom' type thing would indicate a specific targeting of a particular group, more likely malicious.

                      from what i've seen about it after the major incident that happened, it wasn't a dedicated attack, but a spread-out campaign against many sites. so yeah, pretty much what you see everywhere else
                      Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


                        Hi, I just signed up for the forums on the 9th and the site will not allow me to change my profile pic or edit my profile. I have no problems posting in the forums. Any ideas why this is happening?


                          Originally posted by JanineGrant2 View Post
                          Hi, I just signed up for the forums on the 9th and the site will not allow me to change my profile pic or edit my profile. I have no problems posting in the forums. Any ideas why this is happening?
                          You are on probie status. Read the 1st post in this thread for more information.

                          To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                          From the wonderful XKCD site


                            the varities of spam we've had

                            endless 'air jordan' ads
                            ads for purses
                            replica watches
                            jailbreaked cell phones
                            porn sites
                            illegal download sites

                            and the most malicious have posted links that lead back to virus downloads. Some of the mods, in checking out these links, have had to deal with getting viruses on their computers

                            The first, annoying to disgusting (the porn ones often posted explicit pictures), the latter, very malicious. Can you imagine what would happen in a thread with hundreds of active viewers if someone posted a virus link that replicated itself?

                            The 'are you a real person' program, reccapatcha, was cracked earlier this year and many sites have been bombarded by hundreds of spam posts a day. they register and spam faster than you can ban them.

                            As we've said in the first post, they've tried to put their virus and spam links in their profiles, they've tried to VM them, they've tried to PM them...which is why things are so locked down. It's not something we wanted to do, but something the spammers forced us to do.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              What she said. ^

                              To help innocent new members find their way around,I've updated post 1 of "Welcome New Members" to add the most relevant useful help/advice links into post 1.
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                Hello ? testing, 1, 2. Goooooooooood moooooorning Gateworld ! I have a voice, nice one. Cheers Baggie for the hand ! Ok post properly soon, gotta study !
                                What a show !

