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Problems with a GateWorld Ad? - Provide Ad DETAILS

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    Originally posted by Darren View Post
    Are we still seeing the talking Wii ad? I have someone on the hunt for it, if it hasn't expired ...
    I haven't seen that ad appear for days
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Not sure...but from all I know Darren doesn't seem to like those "You have won-click here" type of ads on GW?
      Because there seems to be one in the rotation atm. Claims that (whoever encounters it) was chosen among the visitors of this page and has won an i-phone. Bet you know that kind

      Bit hard to get details on it since the ad itself doesn't seem to have any properties. Only the link included spit out this one :

      h ttp://

      Starting up adblock again it seems to be related to this script : h ttp://

      And since I do not think you got treaties with a German ad-company ...seems to be coming from this one here :
      h ttp://;sect=ros;sz=728x90,468x60;tile=1;ord=5622325492642624?

      Not that anyone really would click on scam like that but you never know. If nobody would they wouldn't still use them.

      Edit : Just to make clear why this ad bothers me : In Germany it is not allowed to be called by callcenters (although some just do it anyway),if the one being called doesn't explicitely allow it. Well that happens when you participate in that 'competition' ,hidden in the GTC.
      One could say "It isn't that bad. I just ignore the phonecalls and I got the chance to win a price" they don't. The company behind that 'ad' (adRom Holding AG) is widely known for putting sponsors on their pages,that are supposed to deliver the prize.But apparently they have never ever heard of that company. Nor of the fact that they would provide any prize in a competition.
      So it is scam...although still a rather 'harmless' one.
      Last edited by Karhedron; 29 June 2009, 04:57 PM.
      Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
      Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
      You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

      The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


        That 'Be Naughty' site is back. I've seen it advertised on other sites - photobucket for one! - but the pictures have been relatively tasteful, however unpleasant I find the marketing. But this one is just tacky and nasty. I don't really need to see that female's chest when I'm surfing GW.

        Hope this is the right thing:

        And it's back again today, Sunday the 5th. Hadn't seen it in between times.
        Last edited by Alder; 05 July 2009, 10:42 AM.


          Not that I'm offended, but I don't think that ads offering me the chance to "meet SEXY Polish girls!" is exactly PG.



            Originally posted by Thunder Hawk
            that's why ad block is your friend
            It might be, but not for me when I visit Gateworld. Despite what some people think,ads just showing up on a page (without you clicking on it) still generate a bit of income for the site owner (although a click on an ad generates a bit more).

            Adblock is deactivated on my browser when I visit GW, because I want to support the people behind the page, providing a place to discuss,have fun and much more.

            Adblock is a fine tool...but also responsible for turning quite some pages on the net into exclusive-membership-pages with a monthly/yearly fee.
            Sites that produce a lot of traffic, can quickly generate a LOT of costs too. And with GW not being all too ad-heavy, I do not see anyone becoming rich. On the contrary...I would be rather surprised to hear that the ad-income covers the running costs completely.
            Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
            Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
            You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

            The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


              I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this .... however, every time I try to go anywhere on GW this morning, I get an Arco ad popping up continually, even after I check the close box. It immediately pops up again and again and again and again ... I think you get the idea. I can't even scroll down a page without that ad popping up and blocking what I'm trying to read. I have pop ups blocked on my computer, but this one doesn't seem to get the hint. Any suggestions on how to put a stop to it would be appreciated. Thank you.


                Offhand, I would say that it sounds like you've been infected with adware. Try Malwarebytes for removal.
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                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this .... however, every time I try to go anywhere on GW this morning, I get an Arco ad popping up continually, even after I check the close box. It immediately pops up again and again and again and again ... I think you get the idea. I can't even scroll down a page without that ad popping up and blocking what I'm trying to read. I have pop ups blocked on my computer, but this one doesn't seem to get the hint. Any suggestions on how to put a stop to it would be appreciated. Thank you.
                  I get this one from time to time as well. (Including tonight.)


                    The 'Be Naughty' site is not only back, but coming up really, really regularly. Ugh.


                    Second attempt to get the link. Hopefully.


                      Boobs. For some online game. It might be borderline, but it's not what I'm looking for on Gateworld.


             3EJmDJnriGwKPYFaABv4PW7AOyARNmb3J1bS5nYXRld29ybGQubmV0ugEJNzI4eDkwX2FzyAEE2gE0aH R0cDovL2ZvcnVtLmdhdGV3b3JsZC5uZXQvc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA_cD0xMDM5MjA4OeABAoACAbgCGK gDAfUDAAEABA&num=1&sig=AGiWqtzO7K8ZVM6LwVajtAf9Nzg_eU0eIA&client=ca-pub-9904705405658291&adurl=


                        Yes, I'm getting that Arco station add too.

                        Bit annoying really.

                        I can deal with the ads of half naked women, or even the "you've won" ads, but I can't deal with the ones that cover the text on your screen and won't go away. That will drive me crazy to no end.

                        (Sometimes I wish I could find the people who make these ads )


                          Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                          Boobs. For some online game. It might be borderline, but it's not what I'm looking for on Gateworld.



                          Some might like it, but I don't think it's a PG ad. I was going to report it too. Thx for the details.

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            I don't regard a bit of illustrated cleavage to be outside the bounds of decency for our forum. But I do thank you for voicing your opinions -- its important for me to track with the sorts of things that do and do not raise eyebrows for others.
                            GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
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                              It starts to sound with out me klicking on it.

                              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                                Originally posted by Darren View Post
                                I don't regard a bit of illustrated cleavage to be outside the bounds of decency for our forum. But I do thank you for voicing your opinions -- its important for me to track with the sorts of things that do and do not raise eyebrows for others.
                                I would agree that it's a PG ad, but I personally am finding it a bit annoying on two levels: 1) it seems to be on practically every page; and 2) the ad makes me a touch uncomfortable going on GW while I'm at work.

                                I suppose arguments could be made that I should be working while at work, but I just don't have much to do anymore with this recession still in full swing. And if this is supposed to be a site with a family-friendly standard, and I really don't feel comfortable with the ad while at work, what does that say about it?
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

