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    Hi, i hope im posting in the right place -

    Ive only been a member for a short time, and i came here because it seemed such an active, friendly place. But since ive registered and starting posting messages, and starting threads, i just seem to piss people off. I dont get it - i came here for the debate.

    Could someone check the messages ive posted and tell me if and where im going wrong??

    I try and support other peoples imagination, and i dont attack anyone for a bad idea - but ive had some horrendous insults and people accuse me of all sorts!!!

    Maybe its the way im communicating or not communicating!!

    I just feel very unwelcome - and im new to the whole message board thing, and like i said feel very unwelcome!!

    Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


      I would suggest stepping back and taking a break. Don't start any new threads. Hang around, read. Get to know people that way. Post only intelligent things -- learn the Rep system to say "Thanks!" otherwise you're just taking up pointless bandwidth -- if you have a fabulous idea do a search and see if someone else has had the same fabulous idea last week. How do I do a search? It's a button up by the "My Control" button, one button to the left.

      For being here for a short time, only a month (hopefully it's been a month and not a week ) you have nearly 200 posts ... Stop posting and start reading.

      If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
      It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

      My LibraryThing.


        Originally posted by Poseidon
        Hi, i hope im posting in the right place -

        Ive only been a member for a short time, and i came here because it seemed such an active, friendly place. But since ive registered and starting posting messages, and starting threads, i just seem to piss people off. I dont get it - i came here for the debate.

        Could someone check the messages ive posted and tell me if and where im going wrong??

        I try and support other peoples imagination, and i dont attack anyone for a bad idea - but ive had some horrendous insults and people accuse me of all sorts!!!

        Maybe its the way im communicating or not communicating!!

        I just feel very unwelcome - and im new to the whole message board thing, and like i said feel very unwelcome!!


        It's probably just that some people are as... - short tempered, especially at the moment, because their favourite show has just been cancelled, and are looking for the nearest person to lash out at - especially if they have a different opinion.

        Personally, i applaud someone who's come here for the debate. Sadly there are a few bad eggs in the 20000+ basket that are completely, and wrongly untolarent of the opposite viewpoint.

        In other words - ignore the idiots - if they attack you, report them, and perhaps try and squeeze into a few regular, perhaps off topic threads, to gather round a group of posters you feel comfy with.

        EDIT: Oh - and Adrianne's ideas are good too!
        I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


          Ill take that on board adrianne -

          Please bear in mind though - im a very very long time lurker here (at least 2 years), im also off work for 2 weeks! Hence the amount of posts, and i do search thoroughly before posting - i enjoy debating - being a Journalist - i like to pick original topics!!

          But i appreciate the sound advice!
          Last edited by Poseidon; 28 August 2006, 04:40 PM.
          Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


            Originally posted by Poseidon
            Ill take that on board adrianne -

            Please bear in mind though - im a very very long time lurker here (at least 2 years), im also off work for 2 weeks! Hence the amount of posts, and i do search thoroughly before posting - i enjoy debating - being a Journalist - and like to pick original topics!!

            But i appreciate the sound advice!
            If you like debate you shouldn't, excuse me, whine when someone is mean to you ... It's part of debate, especially when this place is crawling with teenagers, of which you sound like one.

            Why don't you like me! I've been a lurker for a really long time!

            If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
            It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

            My LibraryThing.


              Originally posted by Poseidon
              Hi, i hope im posting in the right place -

              Ive only been a member for a short time, and i came here because it seemed such an active, friendly place. But since ive registered and starting posting messages, and starting threads, i just seem to piss people off. I dont get it - i came here for the debate.

              Could someone check the messages ive posted and tell me if and where im going wrong??

              I try and support other peoples imagination, and i dont attack anyone for a bad idea - but ive had some horrendous insults and people accuse me of all sorts!!!

              Maybe its the way im communicating or not communicating!!

              I just feel very unwelcome - and im new to the whole message board thing, and like i said feel very unwelcome!!

              Others have made some good suggestions:

              -Take a break from posting for a bit.
              -Take the time to review the thread you are posting in. That gives you an idea of what the general consensus is, as well as the "mood" of the thread.
              -Use the search function to see if there is already a thread discussing the topic you want to discuss. This way, you can add to an existing thread rather than starting a brand new thread.
              -There will always be people who disagree with you in some way shape or form. Some voice this disagreement more vocally than others. If someone says something that you think offends you, you may report the post to the mods by clicking on the red and white triangle of the post that offends you.
              -Be sure to check the Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines. That way you have an idea of what's what in terms of rules and things you can and can't do.

              Hope some of this info helps.


                Originally posted by AdrianneP
                If you like debate you shouldn't, excuse me, whine when someone is mean to you ... It's part of debate, especially when this place is crawling with teenagers, of which you sound like one.

                Why don't you like me! I've been a lurker for a really long time!

                Reactions like that are what im talking about - - i get accused of all sorts - being a teenager at my age - i kinda like that one!

                I was genuinely concerned because recently i was accused of being an immature - uhem something because my grammar was slightly off - i used double exclamation marks as a sign of excitement - posting a postive comment and get accused of being well a ******. I just dont get why people are so quick to shoot me down - i wasnt expecting people to be so personal, i dont think im particularly provocative - and i never attack anyone in a post.

                Cheers for proving a point though!
                Last edited by Poseidon; 28 August 2006, 04:59 PM.
                Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


                  In your years of Lurking you never noticed this behavior is common here? What the heck kind of threads have you been reading for the last two years? Are you sure you've been lurking on THIS forum?! Teasing ...

                  Seriously, it's nothing personal. When you notice that you're starting to take people's comments personally, to where you're like, "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME! I'M A REALLY NICE GUY!" walk away from the computer and go outside. It's a stupid forum. Take it for what it is ... a stupid forum and walk away.

                  If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                  It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                  My LibraryThing.


                    To be honest - no - i hadnt taken much notice of too much flaming - which is why i liked the board quite a bit.

                    Its not that im thinking OMG 'they dont like me', its just Ive had some pretty personal attacks over really silly things- and being new to online forums wondered if maybe i was doing something wrong.

                    I also think tensions maybe a little higher due to the cancellation of SG-1.

                    Please forget i said anything
                    Its not about whos right or wrong its about the debate!


                      Originally posted by Colonel Sharp
                      Dear moderators:

                      Do you have a mascot?

                      If not, what would it be?
                      Isn't it obvious? A FURLING!!


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                        Isn't it obvious? A FURLING!!
                        So... not a furry pink rat thing?

                        ... oh cr ... *runs*
                        I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                          Originally posted by jonno
                          So... not a furry pink rat thing?
                          You say that like there's a difference.

                          C'mon! It'd explain so much!


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            You say that like there's a difference.

                            C'mon! It'd explain so much!

                            I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                              You two are treading on thin ice...if a certain Major C show up with her Spoon!


                                Originally posted by Nolamom
                                You two are treading on thin ice...if a certain Major C show up with her Spoon!
                                Oh ... really?
                                I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!

