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    Can anyone tell me the last date for voting in the Stargate Fan Awards? I think it may be tomorrow, but I'm not sure, and I can't find it on their site. Thanks.

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      march 3 2008!/Solar_wind84


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
        Thank you. I never found the link to that page from the page I was starting from. (I thought going "home" would take care of that....)

        In memory of Deejay.
        May we all be so well loved.


          I'm trying to download the "David Hewlett on Extra" video but can't seem to find it, other then on You Tube and MGM's site. Can anyone help me get a free download I don't know how to get them off YouTube for free so I can put it on my Zen?

          Thanks in advance



            not sure if it's possible. ....


              Originally posted by Baileyblue
              ...hijack thread after thread after thread and banter back and forth completely off topic, and it can go on for pages. <snip>
              They can play all they want on a thread dedicated to them, can't they?
              Yes, people can ALWAYS find or start a thread in OT in which to chit-chat and no, it absolutely should NOT take place extensively in on-topic threads; it defeats the point of them being ON TOPIC. The ones who do it think they're being funny, but all it does is piss off the attacked thread's denizens and piss off the mods who have to go in and clean up all of their crap. Post. By. Post. For however many pages it goes on.

              If you see it happening, REPORT IT. At least the mods can snip the garbage and maybe if the same offenders repeat it often enough they'll get gagged.
              Last edited by ShadowMaat; 05 March 2008, 12:50 PM. Reason: Original post was cut, but spamming is still a relevant issue


                Originally posted by Wabit View Post
                I'm trying to download the "David Hewlett on Extra" video but can't seem to find it, other then on You Tube and MGM's site. Can anyone help me get a free download I don't know how to get them off YouTube for free so I can put it on my Zen?

                Thanks in advance

                Are you sure what your looking for is free and will not break the copyright laws? Because if it isn't I would suggest that you keep it quiet as we are not supposed to speak about it in any of threads and you may get a warning for it.

                Sorry if it sounds like I'm being awful - I only have your best interests at heart.
                President of the 'AFTU Writers Association'
                President of the 'Count to 15,000 Legends' club
                Forum Charmer
                Forum Ambassador
                Prince of The Hugglings

                CURA STORY LINE, ATFU Pg 53 - Pg 804 (751pages)
                VAMPIRE STORYLINE PT1, AFTU Pg 804 - 912
                VAMPIRE STORYLINE PT 2, AFTU - Pg 855


                  Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                  Is there any way to view all the comments you have received with your rep points?
                  You can...sort of. It depends....

                  By putting the various people who have left you rep on and off ignore, you can remove all of their rep comments thus bumping up other previously hidden comments by other posters. If you are looking for a rep comment by say a particular poster who has given you a lot of rep then you will only be able to read however many comments the rep panel allows, as the others will forever remain hidden...unless Darren changes the number of comments that are visible.
                  IMO always implied.


                    Originally posted by FenRiR FoXz View Post
                    I have asked a few people and still don't completely understand... What exactly is an infraction?

                    Is it like a mark on a person's account so the Mods know who has crossed the line, kind of like a criminal record?
                    If you do a search on the Ask a Mod thread for "infraction" you'll find Sky's original post about it. Took me two tries to find it, though, as I originally searched the whole folder, assuming it'd have a dedicated thread:

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    A little update on things here at Gateworld.

                    Some of you may have received an 'infraction' message. The infraction system is something that came with the newest software upgrade. It allows for us to - when we set it up - set up a point based automatic moderation system. Such as each transgression would be worth a certain number of points. And if the points accumulate to a set level, then a punishment is automatically administered. Points also have a set life span...right now the points expire after 10 days and goes away.

                    That's what it allows for. We don't have that part set up yet. What it is right now is a one click way to let folks know that they've done something wrong.

                    In the past, let's say i wanted to tell someone that their sig was too big. I'd have to click on their profile, choose to send them a pm, type up the pm, send it, go back to the thread and c/p any 'evidence' we needed to keep (we'd do this in the case of us snipping a nasty comment or the like) and then go into the mod thread and c/p that to preserve it.

                    Needless to say, this was ponderous. Dealing with a person could take me 10 minutes or more.

                    If we use the infraction system, we have a link we click on, it takes us directly to the pm system, we can type our message, hit send and we're taken back to the thread where we can deal with whatever needs to be dealt with. It also automatically creates an archive of these messages, along with a copy of the involved post.

                    Much faster and much more efficient.

                    So for those that receive infractions, don't be alarmed by any idea that there will be automatic punitive actions. There won't be. not for the time being anyway. Given the sheer magnitude of people asking for downloads, we are seriously considering implementing something for that.

                    However, that is still in the future and should we take the infraction system 'live' and have some automatic modding attached to it, we will make an announcement and let folks know.

                    As of right now, the infraction system is just another tool to make it faster and easier for the mods to do their jobs.

                    If anyone has any questions, you can pm me and i'll do my best to answer them.


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                      If you do a search on the Ask a Mod thread for "infraction" you'll find Sky's original post about it. Took me two tries to find it, though, as I originally searched the whole folder, assuming it'd have a dedicated thread:
                      What is this "search" thing you speak of? I'm sorry but I don't have the time to go through 100 odd number of pages looking for the answer. Excuse me for asking again!

                      (Sarcasm, you know that!)
                      If I never reply to something you said to me, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, it means I'm lazy and the thread moves too fast.
                      It's all explained here. Well, one part anyhow

                      My LibraryThing.


                        Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
                        can i use this as a sig?
                        speaking as a member no the KB is over 50 which is the rule


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          LMAO! Yeah, you and everyone else! LOL!

                          The writers are legally prohibited from reading fan suggestions/stories/scripts. You need to be a valid screenwriter with an agent to even be under consideration and even then only if they're looking for submissions.

                          Or the short answer: You don't stand a chance in hell.
                          not totally true 2 freelance writers wrote "the storm & "the eye" ( then the real writers did a pass

                          reference - the audio commentary


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                            speaking as a member no the KB is over 50 which is the rule

                            Speaking as a member, you can use it if you hotlink it. Make sure it is not taller than 180px.


                              Umm... No. Rules are rules. It isn't "These are the limits unless you hotlink" it's "These are the limits." And I think it has more to do with slowing the download speed of users rather than some fear of using GW's bandwidth. Plus, for those poor SOBs still on dial-up that kinda crap with kill them.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                Umm... No. Rules are rules. It isn't "These are the limits unless you hotlink" it's "These are the limits." And I think it has more to do with slowing the download speed of users rather than some fear of using GW's bandwidth. Plus, for those poor SOBs still on dial-up that kinda crap with kill them.
                                GW already does that with their ads so it is not the hotlinks. I have a 16 megs connection at home and when I open threads my browser gets stuck at random ad pages.

