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    Originally posted by greytop View Post
    I have a serious question.

    Will there be a way to notify those in a certain social group if someone post a new message?
    We are hoping that eventually VB will come out with something in one of its releases
    but so far no

    but you can send a *Mass PM* to notify folks
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Oh, mods... that's so funny! I like the magic 8 ball one I changed my profile, but people take me so seriously!
      McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


        I've gotta ask...whose bright idea was it to change the ranks...yet again??? I was happy with the military ranks...but these new ones are just...well I don't like to use the term stupid but that pretty much fits. I don't get it?? Why change them again and why like this?? It's kinda cheap...I really didn't think this would be GW's style.
        I guess I will just wait for an answer. Thank you.

        EDIT...OK...I get it now...didn't take me long but hey...I just got home from work and I haven't had my coffee's been a bad week!
        Last edited by Chelle DB; 31 March 2009, 10:46 PM.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by kennythewraith View Post
          so im assuming the ranks being replaced by the strange and some what funny sentences is an april fools joke right?
          Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
          you are correct they will be back to normal at the end of April 1st (probably late USA time)
          OK..please disregard my previous I know why I don't like April Fools day. That and a few very bad experiences. Do we really need to do April Fools day in the forums?? Couldn't you just make a new thread for April Fools foolery??
          Thank you!!!
          Last edited by Chelle DB; 31 March 2009, 10:47 PM.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            *eyes rank* You're trying to tell me something, aren't you?


              *walks up to darren* *begins pulling on his ascended robes like a kid.*

              mistuh....mistuh! when are the moddies going to let me back in the cantina?

              also, they owe me 5 crates of grade A booze

              I'm not dead. Yet.


                I gotta say I love the pink colour - can we have it longer than for 1st april?



                  ROFL.. love the pink.. great work guys!





                    My peril sensitive sunglasses just went black!


                      Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                      Relax, it's only for April Fools day. Sheesh.
                      Tryin' to be a little foolish here and now and what do they get? Demands!
                      Sharp just LOOOOVES April's fools...
                      Have a look at what he tried to pull at us in the Aftermath RP-folder:

                      Originally posted by Colonel Sharp

                      Look- I don't really know how to say this- but I'm just going to start typing and hope that the words come out alright.

                      I'm sick of this bickering ****! The past week has been ridiculously busy with PMs regarding other members of the RP and I am simply just DONE. If you all can't act like *******ed adults and play nicely with eachother- I really don't know what to say. I'm not your babysitter.

                      As of tonight, when Sky gets around to it, all the threads will be locked indefinitely until you people can calm the !#@$ down and behave as intellectuals instead of as monkeys.

                      I've had fun RPing with you so far, and I hope to again in the future...but this time it's really been pushed too far.

                      -Colonel Sharp
                      [FONT=Times New Roman]

                      ...and they say third time's the charm, uh?
                      I guess he really was inspired by you mods... Bad mods, bad, bad mods... *giggle/snorts*

                      *off to shrink the page until mods have stopped play with nauseating colors at the sides*

                      "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                        I do NOT play in the games folder!!! Oh, well OK maybe just started recently!
                        Love the pink - although it's a bit bright and makes it harder to sneak on while at work!!!
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Ouch, my eyes hurt!


                            I thought i had downloaded a virus or something when my screen went pink...holy cow! Did I mention how much I really don't like April Fools?? I'm thinking next year I wont pop in on April 1...which is such a shame really.
                            I guess though, that the colour pink is kinda growing on me. You know what you guys should do? Next time they have national breast cancer awareness week you should colour the screen pink...goodness knows it's for a much better cause than for April Fools day!
                            Oh and just in case you think I might be a little tissed off...I'm not...I'm just not a fan of April Fools. I do hope that everyone had fun though.
                            Cheers mods!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Gah I am so dense, I totally forgot about it!! and was wondering why we had pink... LOL

                              So who ate my dinner?? and when LOL


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                *eyes rank* You're trying to tell me something, aren't you?
                                would we do that?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


