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    Originally posted by kiwigater View Post
    However, the news about
    is new, and we're trying to stop to bulk of the spoilage, but to be honest that's a bit like trying to dam Niagara Falls with a kitchen sieve
    Is it really necessary now that Gateworld's got the story on its frontpage?


      hey, since the detailed release of the 2 new stargate movies of the "Ark of Truth" and "Continuum" can we create a thread for it, like we have Sg-1 seasons 1 to 8 and 9 and 10 sections, can we have one for the movies because you'll have to do it sooner or later, might as well do it now MY IDEA , like the ones under the "Gateroom" section if u didnt get me lol
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        actually, we already have 1st and 2nd movie speculation threads in existence. We just haven't gotten around to changing the thread titles to reflect the movie titles.

        As to sections of the forum for the movies, that's darren's call

        As to the atlantis episode thread, someone in canada please confirm for us what is really airing and i'll move out the appropriate thread.

        We also need some brits to let us know for tomorrow night's sg1 eps too. I don't care what the online guide says, what counts is the real title of the episode from it really airing
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I'll happily confirm details of the UK airing of SG1 once it airs - it'll be on at 8pm GMT which is approx.... 18 hours and 20 mins from now!


            I'll probably add a dedicated SG-1 Movies folder in the near future, in lieu of a Season Eleven folder. Stay tuned.
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              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Is it really necessary now that Gateworld's got the story on its frontpage?
              Probably not - we decided that news of a specific actor's coming and/or going does not count as a spoiler due to the fact that 1. it's impossible to hide, 2. fans should be able to freely campaign for the retention/hiring etc of their fav actors, and 2. it's not a storyline.

              So, the change for Torri is NOT a spoiler, BUT any information about how/when things may happen to Weir is.
              Make sense?

              NB. this is the thought now, it may change at any given moment....


                I know that there have been enough mod posts warning not to resort to name-calling and insults that people should really know better, but perhaps now is a good time to remind folks that "The Idiots In Charge" and/or "TIIC" falls into that category. It keeps cropping up in the Weir thread...


                  We have confirmation! The Atlantis episode that's airing in Canada right now is Sunday.

                  So...episode thread please.


                    Sorry about double posting, but this is a new question.

                    On another board I visit, whenever someone died, we would have "moment of silence" threads, where basically each post is just ".", like:

                    Signaling a moment of silence. Now, with (spoilers for Sunday):

                    Carson dying, would you allow a "moment of silence for Carson" thread?


                      We have been trying to catch this as it comes up in the reported posts. If we've missed one report it again.
                      This phrase falls under the "respect" rule, and using it will result in an infraction being issued.


                        Given the apparant "flux" in casting right now I question whether having a new thread for EACH "death" is appropriate. (not to mention some people spamming it just to up their post count ).
                        OK, I guess for now I'll say yes, perhaps it would be nice if each post could also include a comment on WHY they'll
                        miss Carson.

                        However, if it gets silly, or people spam it, or we feel the thread is being abused for any reason we will yank it.


                          A good title could be ' so adn so's fate. Spoilers for Sunday'
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            To save things getting ugly. Can you please put a 'Spoilers Ahead' onto the end of the Rampant Lion thread? I know people have to wade through 70+ pages to get to where the Sunday discussion has begun but I've noticed we've already had one troll.

                            Also, you merged the How to Save Carson Thread with another. There was a note to the moderators NOT to remove this as 70+ pages is alot to wade though for people new to this since seeing the episode. So we began a new one.

                            We're going to repost it under the title ' Campaign Thread SPoilers Ahead'.
                            removing references to Weir (I believe this was the problem). She was mentioned as a courtesy to the other campaign. However 'SaveCarson' is a large and organised campaign, has been going for 6 MONTHS already and is in need of support raised by awareness. THIS IS NOT A dicussion thread, it is a campaign thread for information and support. I would great appreciate it if it were not merged with ANY other thread.

                            Thank You. (also for the quick moderation earlier)

                            I've also warned the posters on Rampant Lion thread and asked them not to respond to trolls. Someone from the campaign will keep an eye on it and report any such flames to the moderators immediately.


                              I do need to ask. what makes yours different from the 'keep the lion rampant' thread?

                              Why must there be two save carson campaign threads?

                              I can understand one for save weir, one for saving carson and one for saving the both of them, but not the need for a second save carson thread.

                              If you guys really want to accomplish something, your focus needs to be focused, not spread out over several threads. conversation will just get lost that way
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I do need to ask. what makes yours different from the 'keep the lion rampant' thread?

                                Why must there be two save carson campaign threads?

                                I can understand one for save weir, one for saving carson and one for saving the both of them, but not the need for a second save carson thread.

                                If you guys really want to accomplish something, your focus needs to be focused, not spread out over several threads. conversation will just get lost that way
                                70+ pages is a lot to wade though, we just wanted to make people (for both) of all the information for writing letters, emails and more. If you feel thats wrong, then please remove the thread.

