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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    I love all the new tuts and art. Beautiful work everyone. I greened where GW would let me, which was only a handful.

    I followed Josi's tut too. Thank you Josi, it was a fun tut.



      Then for the second part of the challenge I created a tut for my current sig...

      I created it in Gimp...

      So… for my O’Neill sig I started out with a base of 650 X 180 in white.

      Took this picture of O’Neill and shrunk it down to about 350 X 525 and then with an fuzzy circle brush I erased the background.

      Duplicated the pic of O’Neill and then set it above the first and desaturated it and lowered the opacity to about 47.5%

      Placed this texture just above the base layer and scaled it to 656 X 375 – this gives the white edges and a bit of a grain to the background

      Placed this texture on top of the white edging one and scaled it to 667 X 501 and then set it to Overlay 100%

      Then duplicated the star/grate texture and set to multiply 23.6%

      Above the star/grate layer place this blue/bokeh type texture and scale to 710 X 479 and set to Screen 100%

      Duplicate the blue/bokeh type layer and set to Overlay 100%

      Above the O’Neill layers (so the top layer) place this green/orange texture scaled to 653 X 367 and set to Overlay 100%

      Add this last layer as the top layer scaled to 651 X 410 and set to Opacity 100%

      Now for the coloring… I played with it a LOT… so this will be close, but probably not perfect.

      I right clicked on any of the layers and chose “new from visable”

      Then I chose Curves from the color menu and then:
      Value set top of “s” curve 163, 215 bottom 55, 70
      Red 143, 131
      Green 136, 130
      Blue 159, 177

      Next I added the text using the font Hand Times

      Hope that all made sense... let me know if it didn't.


        I love both arts and thanks for the tut Bailey

        I just created this using RIG's tut. I used a Supernatural character in honor of her Supernatural obsession hehe



          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
          Welcome to the thread Lisysnakes. It's a great place to hang out!

          Are you looking for someone to make a sig for you? Or are you trying to make one on your own?
          thnk u both Ikorni and yamiisane

          O-o I woudnt even know wher to begin???? i was hopin some1 could do 1 4 me


            I tried a tut here.

            So here are the results (of my new Castle fandom):

            I'm linking a low-res image here from my photobucket acct - does anyone know if the site allows high-res picture linking?
            Last edited by Ikorni; 10 October 2012, 12:40 AM.
            Fics | Art | Tumblr


              I love the new art Ikorni

              So I stayed up way to late trying out all of these tuts and I'm off to bed as soon as I post this.. I tried out one of LG's tuts like Josiane and this is my result.



                Wow Ikorni, stunning colouring. Virtual green for you!

                Excellent tut week work everyone - greened where possible. Once again I have a favour to ask, I'm away again straight after work on Friday so if I can trouble you all to try and get your entries to me before 4pm on Friday, and if possible Thursday that would be very helpful. *kicks RL* Thanks all!


                  Originally posted by Lisysnakes View Post
                  thnk u both Ikorni and yamiisane

                  O-o I woudnt even know wher to begin???? i was hopin some1 could do 1 4 me
                  I think someone would do but we need to know about what or who the sig has to be.

                  Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                  Sig & Avi by Josi
                  LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                  I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                    Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                      LG thanks for the tut and happy birthday!!

                      bailey1ak thanks for the tut
                      Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids



                        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                          Love all the tutorial entries so far - great work everyone. Sorry I can't green all of you

                          I tried Bailey's tutorial - I think her original is much better! The use of all the textures and how they combined was really cool - I'm still struggling to create texture effects like this on my own. Thanks for the tut Bay

                          Last edited by ShaViva; 10 October 2012, 05:10 AM.


                            Those are wonderful sigs, Meredithe.

                            Lt.Col. that is a great looking Batman sigs... love the boldness.

                            Ikorni, that Castle art is beautiful, love the color versus the above... makes it very striking.

                            Love how it turned out Sha Especially like the way you put the title behind the Doctor like that. It also made me realize that I don't typically make sigs with the subject at the center, I usually place them off to the side a bit. Will have to try something centered in the future... stretch my wings a bit more.


                              Hello everyone! I'm back. Great artwork everyone. I tried to green where I could, but it just would not let me. Seems I have to spread the love around some more.
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Awesome art LT Col and Shaviva!!!

                                Thanks bailey.. credit goes to Josie, LG, and RIG for there awesome tuts!!!

                                Welcome back Padme

