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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Wonderful hush entries everyone!

    Love your sig, Bay!

    Nice wallie, Hyn!

    Love the wallie, yamii!

    Thanks for the tut, Sha!

    Cool sigs and thanks for the tut, lg!

    Lovely icons, Graceful!

    Very nice, LCJS!

    Love the gifs, Nola!


      My first entries .... tut from Shadowplay.



        Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
        Very nice, LCJS!
        thanks i like yours a lot as well just a heads for every one most of my artwork will be of Police Academy and HIMYM
        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


            Fabulous artworks everyone!

            Stunning "Hush" entry challanges everyone!

            Sorry I've not been on much. I have been busy the last few days. It was my birthday yesterday and I spent most of the day with my sister, who has come down from Brisbane after having a major operation. I then went out to dinner with my Dad and Step-mum to a local pub (took bub with me of course). I've not long been home from my mum's and sister having a roast dinner with them and my mum's friend. Very enjoyable last two evenings with family. I got the pressies I wanted to: the last book Inheritance from the Eragon series by Christopher Paolini, a set of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and a blue visual diary (blue is my fave colour). My sister is down for a week, so I may not be on much. So, I will probably miss some of the great tutorials that I know will be posted over the week.

            I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
            My My Own Website


              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
              Fabulous artworks everyone!

              Stunning "Hush" entry challanges everyone!

              Sorry I've not been on much. I have been busy the last few days. It was my birthday yesterday and I spent most of the day with my sister, who has come down from Brisbane after having a major operation. I then went out to dinner with my Dad and Step-mum to a local pub (took bub with me of course). I've not long been home from my mum's and sister having a roast dinner with them and my mum's friend. Very enjoyable last two evenings with family. I got the pressies I wanted to: the last book Inheritance from the Eragon series by Christopher Paolini, a set of Derwent Graphite Pencils, and a blue visual diary (blue is my fave colour). My sister is down for a week, so I may not be on much. So, I will probably miss some of the great tutorials that I know will be posted over the week.

              I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
              1. i assume your talking to me
              2. i am having a lovey weekend thanks for the good wishes
              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                Gorgeous artwork!

                And yay! Tut weeks are always one of my favorites!
                Mh, I have to say Tut-weeks are boring for me *shrugs*. But glad you enjoy them .

                Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                Sig & Avi by Josi
                LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                  Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                    Thanks for the tut Sha

                    Lovely work lg and Sy


                      Love your entries lg and sy!


                        Wow, lots of awesome tutorials and tut week entries already Nice work everyone!

                        Originally posted by maneth View Post
                        Lovely arties!

                        Tut week again already! I do hope to get something in this time. If it's not too much work for Josi, I would really love it if you could post all the entries that follow one tutorial together, no matter who the artist is. That's what interests me most in tut week, seeing the different artworks people make from the same basic tut.
                        Sure That shouldn't be a problem!

                        By the way everyone, the link for the ongoing list of all the tuts shared this week is
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Thanks, Sy, Jumble, and mane.

                          Sy, I've been eying that particular tutorial as well but haven't figured out what to do with it yet. Great job!


                            Tut for this sig, as requested by Jumble:


                            1. First, add the picture of Beckett onto a new sig sized canvas, and resize and position it.

                            2. Duplicate the layer and brighten it using image > adjustments > levels. Moving the right slider on the RGB graph inwards brightens and lightens; moving the left slider darkens the dark bits and the middle one adjusts the contrast. This does a similar thing to using brightness/contrast, but you can control it a bit better with levels (or curves, but I find levels easier to control).

                            3. Make a stamp, go to filter > other > high pass, and set this layer to soft light at 100%. This sharpens it and increases contrast/detail.

                            4. Make a stamp of all these and desaturate (Ctrl+U). Set to screen at 100%

                            5. Add a new layer underneath this screen layer, fill with #b8b8b8 (light grey) and set to hard light at 100%. This will make the sig look very washed out, but don't worry, it won't stay that way. This step is just to even it all out a bit in terms of light and shade.

                            6. Make another stamp and set to hard light at 100%. Beckett's eyes should really start to pop at this stage, and all the variation in the background will have gone.

                            7. Make yet another stamp and desaturate.

                            8. New adjustment layer > levels. You should see that all the black on the histogram is over on the right hand side. Move the left slider right up to where the curve of the graph starts, then fiddle a bit with the middle one and right one too to increase your brightness and contrast further.

                            9. Now to add Castle on the right hand side. Normally I like to get my full composition in place first before I start fiddling with colour/contrast and so on, as it helps it look more blended and coherent in the end, but I didn't decide to put him in this time until after I'd done all of that fiddling with Beckett so had to work with what I had! Desaturate this layer and use a layer mask to erase where it overlaps with Beckett's face. Set this layer to multiply at 40% to fade it a bit.

                            10. Now duplicate the Castle layer, use the high pass on him too (filter > other > high pass) and set this layer to soft light at 70%, to increase the contrast and sharpness again.

                            11. Now my favourite step - new layer, fill with #ebebeb and set to color burn at 100%.

                            12. Finally time to put some colour back in. Use this texture and put it on the canvas twice, both to screen at 100%. Use layer masks to erase bits of the texture where it's too strong or over a part of the sig you don't want. The reason for having this texture in twice was so that I could use different parts of it that otherwise wouldn't have been in the right place.

                            13. And very very finally, make a stamp of it all and sharpen. Et voila!
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              And an entry, made from this tutorial which syfyfan shared earlier:

                              I never use stock, so thought this tut week I'd take the opportunity to force myself to try it! I kind of went my own way when it got to the colouring and text, but was pretty faithful in the composition and use of stock
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Thanks for the tut Josi, and that's an awesome sig! Stock pics can be very useful

