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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Thanks Sy and Jumble

    Rocket they were lovely textures to work with - and they went together so well

    This is what I was going to do this morning based on Sy's tut, still not as pretty but this one worked a bit better I think

    Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Just a quick fly by and then I'll come back later to respond to everyones' art properly.

      Just wanted to show what I made with MR's tut. It's my first one.
      that's terrific! I like grungy textures and the color is so nice. <snurched>


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Just a quick fly by and then I'll come back later to respond to everyones' art properly.

        Just wanted to show what I made with MR's tut. It's my first one.
        WOW. Yep having that one too...... * adds to the pile of many textures*

        You know Jumble, maybe that texture week isn't such a bad idea after all
        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          This tut was made by Jann (Starlover) some time ago...............

          Martin wp, made in PS.

          1. Grab 5 (HQ) or so pictures and crop them and put them in an empty new file. Mine was 1280x800. I cropped them in their original files and finished them in the new file. I did the cropping in it with the rectangular tool.

          After you’re done with this you make a stamp of it(shift+ctrl+alt+e) and then turn this a bit with the rotate tool and because it won’t fit anymore make it bigger. The quality of the pics won’t go down a lot if your pictures were already from good quality. After this copy the layer. Put a noise on it(filter -noise - reduce noise) and delete the eyes and other parts that you want to have really sharp.

          2. After this just the coloring is left. I put a few gradient layers on it, selective coloring and a curve layer. Adding the PSD file so you can see the coloring.

          In the end, I stamped it again, sharpened it and VOILA you have a Martin Wood wp.
          Very nice, Jumble! Thanks!

          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
          Okay, here's that tutorial that Jumble asked for.

          How to make this: in GIMP.

          You will need four pictures of your favorite actor/character, one that will enlarge well, one that's landscape, and two that are portrait. You'll also need this texture by Mr

          Open your canvas to the size of your screen resolution. I use 1366x768.

          Add in texture by Mr. Enlarge so that it fits your canvas. Set layer mode to Difference.

          Open up your main picture that will enlarge. I suggest using a close-up with the shoulders. Erase background around the image, using Layer Masks if necessary to fade any sharp edges into the background.

          Desaturate image. Set layer mode to Soft Light. Duplicate the image.

          Open up the first of your smaller images. For this, I simply lowered the opacity (while keeping layer mode to Normal), scaled down, and positioned the image over the “frame” I wanted it in. Then, I put the image behind the mask texture and erased what I didn't want to show through.

          Do this for each of your two remaining pictures.

          Add text. For this one, I used Bright Young Things.

          And you're done. Hope this made sense.
          Thanks, lg!

          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Just a quick fly by and then I'll come back later to respond to everyones' art properly.

          Just wanted to show what I made with MR's tut. It's my first one.

          Cool!I love it, sci!

          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Thanks Sy and Jumble

          Rocket they were lovely textures to work with - and they went together so well

          This is what I was going to do this morning based on Sy's tut, still not as pretty but this one worked a bit better I think

          I like it Mr!


            Some new sigs/icons...thanks KrisRussel for the pics



              Beautiful syfyfan

              I've just been boobling around playing with textures. Nothing fancy, but the mood just struck me.


                Great artwork, everyone!

                Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                Sig & Avi by Josi
                LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Thanks for the tut lg
                  Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
                  Very nice, Jumble! Thanks!

                  Thanks, lg!

                  Cool!I love it, sci!

                  I like it Mr!
                  You're welcome.

                  Wonderful, Sy! There were some pics in there I wanted to use as well. But these are gorgeous!


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    Thanks! Lovely texture!

                    Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                    You're welcome.

                    Wonderful, Sy! There were some pics in there I wanted to use as well. But these are gorgeous!


                      Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                      WOW. Yep having that one too...... * adds to the pile of many textures*

                      You know Jumble, maybe that texture week isn't such a bad idea after all
                      I was thinking that earlier, but the way things are going maybe everyone will soon be textured-out I'll file the idea for a later date

                      Love those textures Nola *snurches*


                        Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
                        Some new sigs/icons...thanks KrisRussel for the pics

                        <too lazy to take the img tags out>
                        Amazing Sy, you captured them so perfectly

                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        Beautiful syfyfan

                        I've just been boobling around playing with textures. Nothing fancy, but the mood just struck me.
                        <Again being lazy!!>
                        Lovely Nola, I especially love the middle one

                        A little something loosely based on lg's tut

                        And is it wrong to follow my own tut? No? Good

                        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                          Wow, gorgeous work everyone!

                          Here's my first contribution to this week's tutorial week:

                          Tutorial for this wallpaper (Photoshop CS5)


                          1. Place your background picture (the one which will be black & white) so it fills the entire canvas. Add a new layer above it, fill it with grey and set to color 100%. (I tend to prefer this as a way to make things black & white, rather than desaturating, as then you can change your mind much more easily!)

                          2. Make a stamp and use the paint daubs filter on it (Filter > artistic > paint daubs) with settings of 5 and 5 for brush size and sharpness. Add a layer mask and use a soft brush to erase the part over Castle & Beckett on the right (I wanted them more in focus than the rest of the scene). Set the opacity to 20%.

                          3. Make another stamp and this time use the gaussian blur. Again add a layer mask and erase the part over Castle & Beckett and set the opacity of the layer to 20%.

                          4. Now add the three smaller pics, crop and position them.

                          5. New adjustment layer - brightness/contrast. Increase the brightness to 54 and the contrast to 51.

                          6. New adjustment layer - vibrance (NB, I don't think this is on earlier versions of photoshop - you could probably fiddle with brightness/contrast and saturation to try and get a similar effect. Basically it brightens the whole thing.) Increase the vibrance to 41 and saturation to 2.

                          7. Add these two textures, both set to screen 100%, and resize and position above the smaller, coloured pictures. I wanted there to be a bit of a blend without losing the hard edge of the smaller pics - just to bring the colour through into the black and white background.

                          8. Add this texture, again set to screen at 100%, and desaturate it - I just wanted the light, not the colour.

                          9. Make a stamp of the whole lot and sharpen.

                          10. Add the text, font delicious, and add a drop shadow.

                          11. I still felt it was all a little dull, so these last couple of steps just clean it up and bring out the contrast. First add a new layer and fill with a very pale grey, set to color burn at 100%. Then finally another adjustment layer - brightness/contrast. Increase the brightness to 7 and the contrast to 51. And finished!
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Thanks Mr! And lovely wallie...snurch the texture

                            Beautiful josi!Thanks for the tut!


                              A tut on making custom gradients...

                              Nothing wrong with that Mr!
                              lovely work josi!


                                Nice, Nola!Thanks for the tut.

                                Tutorial for...

                                For photoshop but will work on Gimp too.

                                1 - Play with your pics untill your happy (resize,erase,contrast,brightness)

                                2 - new layer:use this image and set to soft light 50% and erase anything you don't want

                                3 - new layer: use this image and set to soft light 70% move untill you happy and erase what you don't want

                                4 - new layer: use this image and set to sot light 70% move untill you happy and erase

                                5 - new layer: fill with #744c0d set to soft light 30%

                                6 - font Baroque Script

                                images from Shadowplay site

