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    The Shrin'yar

    History, Part I

    The Shrin'yar race was born on Fassan, a world in the Phoenix Irregular Dwarf galaxy. After the Shrin'yar discovered hyperspace-flight, they made contact with the Taugh, a more malevolent race. The Taugh threatened the Shrin'yar, and so the major nations of Fassan allied themselves to defend against them.

    The Shrin'yar held the Taugh at bay for a few years before they stumbled upon another alien race: the Hgrrh. The Hgrrh were more advanced than the Taugh, and they offered to protect the Shrin'yar. The Shrin'yar Coalition agreed, and so the Hgrrh aided them in their fight against the Taugh, eventually driving them away from known space.¹

    For a few decades after the Taugh War, the Coalition was at peace and they relaxed their guard. However, an assassination by a terrorist group sparked conflict between two of the member states and the Coalition crumbled. Eventually, open war was joined (whether or not it was a Civil War is debatable since the Coalition had already dissolved).

    The Shrin'yar fought amongst themselves for years, and even their off-world colonies were sucked into the fight. The Hgrrh, dismayed, withdrew all contact with the Shrin'yar.

    Then end came when one of the factions fired a salvo of experimental, naquadah-enhanced nuclear warheads at one of the rival nations on Fassan. The warheads were far more powerful than expected, and Fassan was devastated. Seeing the carnage, one of the Shrin'yar Generals, Thei-Hodas, decided that it was time to end the war. He rallied the rest of his military forces, and many of the other forces deserted to his banner, seeing a promise of peace. He then cunningly destroyed the rest of his opposition and convinced the Shrin'yar people to follow him.

    Fassan was uninhabitable after the nuclear devastation, so Hodas set up a new government on Nahara, one of the larger colonies. Having seen the destruction brought about by bureaucracies, Hodas declared himself the head of a Shrin'yar empire, taking the ancient title of Go-Cach'cor. However, Hodas had no wish to rule his people with an iron fist, and intended to move the people back to a republican form of government once they were fully unified again.

    But Hodas died before his task was complete, and his son, Thei-Her'ji, took the throne. While not a tyrant, Her'ji was less idealistic than his father, and he believed that it was better to continue the Empire than to give away his power to the people. He feared that the common folk, once given power, would fall back into strife.

    So it came to pass that Her'ji died as well, and his son took the throne. Unlike his father and grandfather, the son of Her'ji believed the place of Emperor was his by right. He took the name and title of Go-Thei-Cor, naming himself among the mighty. He expanded the Shrin'yar Empire, albeit peacefully, and under him the people regained their spirit. During the reign of Go-Cor, the Shrin'yar also stumbled upon a world with a device that would revolutionize their view of the universe: a Stargate.

    The Stargate was similar to the ones left for the Destiny, and had no DHD. The Shrin'yar worked to decipher its purpose, and they were eventually able to create an interface to the device. They were able to translate some of the data by comparing it with other ruins found on the planet. They discovered that an ancient race, the Altera, had passed through their galaxy long ago. They had lived in a small network of planets, and had created the Astria Porta to connect them. However, some unknown event caused the Altera to leave the galaxy shortly after the creation of the 'gates, and, as far as the Shrin'yar knew, they had never returned.²

    Intrigued, the Shrin'yar tried to activate the device, but they did not make a successful lock until many years later during the reign of Go-Cor's grandson. They sent a small team through the 'gate, and found that they had come through to the home world of another race: the Gagoda (or Tka-tko-tka, but the Shrin'yar could not pronounce their name properly). The Gagoda had been studying the Stargates for some time, and they offered to trade their knowledge of the 'gates. The Shrin'yar agreed to set up an embassy on the planet.

    For several years the Shrin'yar and Gagoda engaged in trade, but eventually the alliance broke down. The Gagoda were at war with another race, and they let their relations with the Shrin'yar grow cold. Exactly who this other race was, however, remained unknown until one of the Shrin'yar ambassadors saw the wreckage of a ship being transported to the surface for study. It was a Hgrrh warship.

    The Shrin'yar had not had direct contact with the Hgrrh in a long time, but they immediately sent a ship to contact the Hgrrh and ask them what was happening. The Hgrrh informed the Shrin'yar that the Gagoda had opened war on them in order to expand their territory.

    The Shrin'yar ship returned to Nahara and informed the Emperor, but a Gagoda spy among the Hgrrh had witnessed everything that had happened. The Gagoda seized the Shrin'yar embassy and sent a strike force through the Stargate. They were stopped by the Shrin'yar forces, but not without losses.

    The Emperor, Go-Thei-Ara, declared war on the Gagoda. The Hgrrh, glad to have allies, agreed to upgrade the Shrin'yar warships with new defenses: phase-cloaks like those the Hgrrh themselves used. And although the Hgrrh had not admitted it to the Shrin'yar before, it soon became obvious that their fight with the Gagoda had been going on for many years, and their forces were weakened. However, the Shrin'yar forces were fresh and ready for war.

    The Shrin'yar fought wars against the Gagoda for nearly thirty years, each side ramping up the conflict. The Shrin'yar perfected their phase-cloak technology, and they also gained a new technology from captured Gagoda spies; a mimic device that allowed them to take the form of other people and species.³

    Halfway through the conflict, the Shrin'yar Emperor was assassinated. In shock, the Empire reeled and nearly toppled, but again a cunning General was there to take the throne. His name was Ler-Kana. Go-Kana took the rage of his people at the death of their Emperor and forged it into a deadly weapon. The Shrin'yar pulled no stops now; anything that stood in their way was blown aside. The Gagoda retaliated in kind, completely destroying several Shrin'yar worlds. This, however, only served to fuel their rage.

    The Hgrrh were worried by the change in their allies, but they were in no position to say anything. They merely watched as the Shrin'yar forces swept across the Gagoda, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.

    Eventually, only the Gagoda home world was left, their other planets reduced to glowing husks from nuclear bombardments and worse. Nothing seemed to stand in the way of the Shrin'yar's final victory.

    The Shrin'yar forces fought the Gagoda for days before they realized something was wrong. The Gagoda ships seemed to be drawing out the battle intentionally. Worried, the Shrin'yar performed a scan of the planet and were shocked to find that the Stargate was active. Or rather, they were shocked at how much power the Gagoda were pumping into the active 'gate. The Shrin'yar General in command of the attack, worried that his foes might escape, ordered his ships to breach the atmosphere at all costs and secure the 'gate.

    But the Shrin'yar, for all their efforts, could not break through. They ultimately destroyed the Gagoda, but the gate was lost in the molten city around it. They would never know what had happened.

    1. The Taugh are actually the aliens seen in The Daedalus Variations. Why they went to Pegasus in that reality is a mystery. However, if the Hgrrh and Shrin'yar had managed to repulse the Taugh when they returned in that universe, they might have fled to Pegasus in shame from a second defeat.
    2. The Stargate system in Phoenix was indeed left for the Destiny; it passed through Phoenix on its way to Pegasus. Why the Ancients abandoned their colonies in Phoenix and chose Pegasus instead is unknown; it could be because Phoenix had very few resources in comparison.
    3. The Gagoda's mimic technology led to a common Shrin'yar epithet after the war: 'Il'i olai-wle qach'. Roughly, it meant "he's a worm of many faces": it was basically equivalent to "he's a two-faced sleazebag".
    Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 26 September 2011, 08:20 AM. Reason: Grammar: the stuff crazy people care about.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      The Shrin'yar

      History, Part II

      The Shrin'yar experienced a period of peace after the Gagoda were defeated. As the years passed, the Shrin'yar and Hgrrh began to feel cramped. There were not many worlds capable of supporting life in the region the Shrin'yar were familiar with, and several had been devastated in the wars. So the Shrin'yar sent out explorers in ships to scout out new planets to settle.

      One year, a century and a half after the war with the Gagoda, one of the Shrin'yar exploratory vessels came across a small fleet of ships in what looked to be battered condition. The Shrin'yar captain hailed the alien ships, and asked who they were. The aliens replied in a form of Old Alteran, which the Shrin'yar realized was a sort of trade language for them. They called themselves the Galerites, and they said they were fleeing from the massacre of their people by another race. A race they called the Ta'hg.

      Fearing that these Ta'hg were none other than the Taugh that had threatened to destroy the Shrin'yar so long ago, the Shrin'yar captain led the Galerite fleet to Lourssa, a nearby colony with a Stargate. From there, the Shrin'yar captain and the Galerite commander travelled to Nahara, where they met with the emperor to warn him of the Taugh's possible return.

      The Emperor, Go-Ilji, heard the Galerites' tale, and was convinced that it was indeed the Taugh who were coming, perhaps seeking revenge for their defeat. He conceived a plan with the Galerite Commander to ambush the Taugh before they reached the Shrin'yar Empire, or the Hgrrh. Using information the Galerites provided on the location and movement of the Taugh, they selected a star system forty-eight light years away from Shrin'yar space. A derelict Shrin'yar warship would be towed to the system, and its distress beacon would be activated. The Shrin'yar counted on the Taugh to see the ship as an easy target, and a quick source of intelligence. The Shrin'yar and Galerite fleets would hold position just outside of the star system, and when the Taugh fleet arrived in system they would attack.

      The Shrin'yar spent a week repairing systems on board the Galerite ships, and then they set their trap. The system was a day's journey away by hyperdrive, and the Shrin'yar and Galerite fleets took several days to make sure everything was in place. The Shrin'yar committed a large chunk of their forces to this battle; they wanted to ensure the Taugh would never rise again. Then, when their preparations were finished, they waited.

      Three days later, their patience was rewarded. A fleet of large, arrowhead-shaped ships slid out of hyperspace around the derelict Shrin'yar vessel. On their grey hulls, they bore an emblem the Shrin'yar knew well: a figure like an X with a diamond above it. It was the symbol of the Taugh.

      When the Taugh fleet seemed fully occupied with the derelict ship, the Shrin'yar and Galerites jumped in-system. The ambush was perfect, and the Taugh vessels were caught with their shields down. The Shrin'yar hammered the Taugh with a double wave of nuclear missiles, destroying dozens of escort ships and heavily damaging the larger warships, while the Galerite ships used their guns to finish off smaller craft. A handful of Taugh ships managed to raise their shields, but the spurts of green flame that burst from their cannon were too little to turn the tide.

      Victory seemed assured, but it was not to be. Before the last Taugh ships were destroyed a second, larger fleet of Taugh warships dropped out of hyperspace in front of the Shrin'yar. They poured a withering rain of virid plasma onto the Shrin'yar ships, catching them off guard in turn. The Shrin'yar fleet took heavy damage, and the General commanding the fleet ordered his rapidly shrinking forces to fall back.

      Then, disaster struck. As the Shrin'yar ships fled the hail of fire from the Taugh, they were suddenly attacked from behind. The Galerite vessels that had been guarding the rear turned their guns onto the Shrin'yar ships, betraying their trust. The Shrin'yar realized that the Galerites had been working with the Taugh all along. They had been led into a trap.¹

      The destruction of the Shrin'yar fleets was complete. Only a few ships made the jump to hyperspace, and worse was yet to come. When the surviving ships arrived over Lourssa two days later, limping out of hyperspace, they found to their horror that the Taugh had already come. While the bulk of the fleet had been away, more Taugh ships had come around into Shrin'yar space and begun destroying their worlds. The Hgrrh had also come under attack from a combined force of Taugh and Galerite ships, and they were being overrun.

      The Taugh had created weapons and sensors which rendered the phase-cloaking technology used by the Shrin'yar and Hgrrh useless. With precious little defense, the Shrin'yar were hopelessly outmatched. One by one, their worlds fell. The Hgrrh were lost, never to be heard from again, it seemed, and the Shrin'yar were nearing defeat.

      At last, when all hope was lost, the Shrin'yar decided to flee. They gathered all their remaining ships over Nahara, and then they left, abandoning their home. They flew on through hyperspace for weeks, dropping out around silent stars to resupply. But they were always afraid the Taugh would be right behind them, breathing down their necks.

      So the Shrin'yar decided to risk something that had never been done before. They decided to leave their galaxy and flee somewhere where the Taugh could not follow them. They set their eyes on a larger galaxy, many light years away, which they called Ca'Oul: the great disk.

      Only the largest ships could make the journey, so the smaller ships were abandoned. The Shrin'yar ships stocked up with food and water, and prepared places to grow food on board when those supplies ran out. Then, when everything was ready, they said farewell to their home, and made the jump out of their galaxy.

      It took the ships 40 years to cross the interstellar void. Many Shrin'yar died on the way: some of old age, some of sickness, a few of starvation in the last years as supplies ran low and could not be easily replenished. But at last they reached Ca'Oul, the galaxy called the "Milky Way" by some of its inhabitants. And there, at last, they found a world to settle on. They called it Thre-Fassan: "New Fassan".

      The Shrin'yar rebuilt their civilization on Thre-Fassan, and they began scouting out the rest of the galaxy. They discovered that a large portion of the galaxy was under the control of a race called the Goa'uld, but recently the chief of these Goa'uld, named Ria'h, had been assassinated by an unknown group. Another race, called the Asgard, seemed to have an arrangement with the Goa'uld for the protection of certain worlds, but they were not seen often. The Shrin'yar were wary of the Goa'uld, and kept themselves completely hidden. They colonized a few other worlds, but stayed in their own space as much as possible.

      A decade passed, and the Shrin'yar watched in interest as the Goa'uld were overthrown by their former slaves with the help of a new faction called the Tau'ri. A Shrin'yar vessel carrying supplies between colonies was surprised by a Tau'ri craft at one point, and they nearly destroyed the smaller ship because they did not want word of their presence to spread. However, one of the Tau'ri had tricked the Shrin'yar ship into a nebula which prevented its engines from activating, and she only let them out on condition that her ship would go free.²

      During the time of the Goa'uld and their fall, the Shrin'yar spread agents around the galaxy to keep track of the political scene. Sleeper cells were sometimes established on worlds deemed important. Not once, however, did the Shrin'yar reveal themselves. Their experiences with aliens had left a bitter taste in their mouths, and they had no wish to repeat the past.

      Another decade passed, this time leaving the galactic scene much less uniform. A powerful race from outside the galaxy sought to invade, the Tau'ri expanded into the galaxy, the Jaffa -- former servants of the Goa'uld -- fractured and reformed, and other groups rose in prominence. One of these groups would be the first in the galaxy to have open contact with the Shrin'yar. They were called the Aschen

      1. The Galerites must have given the Taugh some intelligence on the Shrin'yar vessels, because in the ambush they were able to target the Shrin'yar hyperdrives relatively quickly, preventing the ships from escaping.
      2. The Shrin'yar would not normally have opened fire on a non-threatening ship, but their standing orders were to ensure that the Shrin'yar presence remained secret at all costs. Their long-range scans revealed that the Tau'ri vessel had detected them, and so they had no choice but to close and destroy the ship. Ultimately, the captain of the transport was forced to let the Tau'ri go anyway, but no harm seemed to come of it.
      3. Yes, that's right; I'm ending on a cliffhanger. I like cliffhangers, so you'd best just get used to it.
      Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 26 September 2011, 08:26 AM. Reason: Grammar. You know: the stuff crazy people care about. :D

      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


        Wow I really love these Shrin'yar. can't wait to hear more of them. Also can't wait to see that the "foothold" aliens got to the milkway before them

        "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


          Yes, their reaction could be rather . . . interesting, to say the least.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            Internet again its so wonderful but I still don't have internet with my laptop but I will tomorrow but have I missed anything big? IE should I go back and read or not bother to much
            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
            A Face you Can Trust
            So whats the worst that could happen?
            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


              Just some stuff about the colonies, the Foothold aliens (Tom's Tka-tko-tka), and the Grace aliens (my Shrin'yar).

              David's writing an opener with the Lucian Alliance.

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                Nice I have a smaller but important battle for the Lucian Alliance and Earth but I can't wait to see everyone else's plans and stories, this is by far the best part coming up and god bless high speed internet, my grand parents have to update
                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                A Face you Can Trust
                So whats the worst that could happen?
                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                  Here's some more Tka stuff, I'll post it as I type it.

                  Infantry drones are spheres of composite armor designed to deform to absorb kinetic impacts and ablate to deal with energy weapons. Within is encased a miniature inertia-less drive unit derived from Goa'uld scout probes and long range communication devices, powered by a liquid naqudah cell, also of Goa'uld origin. Rounding off the package are the drone's electronics, including it's quantum computer “brain”, radio and tight beam laser transceivers, crystal memory, and an array of mimetic field projectors. The entire self contained package is maintained by a bio-nanotechnological self repair system.
                  The Tka soldier uploaded into this body interacts with his environment through the use of the mimetic field projector, which 'e can reconstruct to do anything from crush an opponent's skull to perform brain surgery in the field(sometimes without opening up the patient's skull). The universal nature of this manipulator allows the soldier to carry various weapons and pieces of equipment in the field, much the same way a blood and bone soldier would carry things in his or her hands.
                  Due to the unique nature of this interface, Tka weapons are by an large, inoperable by most other military forces, requiring both classified access codes to activate, aim and fire, and lacking any identifiable ergonomic features.
                  Like it's space borne cousins however, the mimetic field trades strength for flexibility, and while an infantry drone's field projectors may defect glancing shots and detonate some munitions early, they are unable to fully protect the drone from them because by their very nature they are “softer” and more malleable than hard shields.
                  Typically, a drone's outside will be covered with any variety of external equipment, form ammunition pouches, to grenades and long range communications gear.


                    So, what's our planned timeline with the fleet?
                    Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                      Just thought of something the lucian alliance too, while we may have the technological advantage over them, they certainly have the number advantage. They probably will have 2 or more likely 3 times the number of ships we do.


                        Caught up (I think)

                        First Ragnarok idea, what if the asgard designed as a fail safe in case Earth did fail and did not live up to being the fifth race (I mean come on the Asgard were smart guys) and in fact it turns out that Earth didn't receive the most advanced technonlgy from the Asgard but the last generation of technonlgy with the APBWs as an added bonus, which means they installed a second data core so that if Earth did fail then a race that was worthy enough could still access all of the asgard knowledge and a fifth race born but like Killman said its hard to get in, really hard and in fact all knowledge of its location and how to get in was deleted from all of the asgard memories in case someone found a way to access their memories (IE replicators or the Jontar), this would allow both Killman's version as well as allowing the asgard to regain technology that is vitally important for their war with the Jontar

                        Secondly as for the attack by the Lucian Alliance I have a pretty good story going so far, it can take place after yours Dave but it involves a Tau'ri ship getting attacked without proper cause by the Lucian Alliance and I can't wait to finish it

                        Thirdly I see the Lucian Alliance going away from their thug look and more like the Lucian Alliance in SGU, we could say that the Lucian Alliance started as a smuggling organization however it has slowly started to build an empire as it gives protection to worlds who would otherwise be extremely vulnerable to space attacks but I do like the idea of using Kasa (Is that how its spelled) as a weapon against its enemies

                        Just my thoughts so far
                        Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                        A Face you Can Trust
                        So whats the worst that could happen?
                        Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                        It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                          That's what I'm trying to do with them fugi. I definitely think that by 2025, they are going to be a big force and not just a small terrorist organisation. This multi-attack on our colonies will make our leaders sit up and recognise the lucian alliance as an empire in the galaxy.


                            Guys after reading "Are the Tollan Stupid" Thread which by the way anyone who supported not Stupid way to go

                            But what if we brought the tollan back?

                            Not in large numbers but small numbers say 10,000 or so of them maybe less, we could say they phased out when Anubis attacked and waited for the bombardment to over with however they lost all of their infrastructure and their new home so the groups split up into different factions breaking down to those who blamed themselves for the destruction of their own world and those who blamed the tau'ri

                            We could say that the ones who took responsibility and blamed themselves went to the Nox to seek the path to enlightenment as well as a path to salvation and where they could go to study the universe without fear of attack while the others wanted to build their own world again and start anew just this time without anyone knowing, especially Earth as these ones held a grudge

                            So by 2025 they have reemerged only this time the ones who blamed earth have heavily defended their world and knowing they don't have the numbers found a race on a similar level of technology and numbers on their side to team up with, and if you guessed the aschen you would be right as the Bad Tollan (up for name change later) are aiding them in research and development of weapons to be used against the tau'ri while the other group of peaceful (led by Narim) finds this out and warns the tau'ri but having lived with the Nox and being a true Tollan still believes in neutrality and will not betray his brethren even though his group of people has advanced exponentially with the Nox's help in terms of non-violent technology but not weapons tech of course still will not help earth out also if Narim does aid earth past warning them about the Bad Tollan (really need to get a cool name for them) the Nox have threatened to remove him and his people from their world and their protection

                            So what do you think?
                            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                            A Face you Can Trust
                            So whats the worst that could happen?
                            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                              I would say their population would be much lower, although we never saw the destruction of the tollan, their gate was at least buried.


                                Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                                I would say their population would be much lower, although we never saw the destruction of the tollan, their gate was at least buried.
                                They had ships and yes most were destroyed but they could have phased a few of them out and waited then the two groups to emerge with Narim taking his to the Nox while the others have shed their tollan ways and want revenge against the people that doomed them and in their eyes Narim and the Tau'ri but as they know the Nox are defending Narim and his group they go after Earth

                                and I really don't care about population that much I just want to see the Tollan again
                                Last edited by fugiman; 08 August 2010, 06:44 AM.
                                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                                A Face you Can Trust
                                So whats the worst that could happen?
                                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

