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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    i like the ideas but the first ship sould not be a warship it sould be a space shuttle with modfication


      For my Canderas race, here's their Naquadah Generators.

      Background :

      After the end of the Holy War, the Renaissance era started all over Canderas. Every nation wanted to have their own staffs, zats and other Goa'uld devices. At first they just had to loot the remnants of Imhotep's bases on Canderas but there wasn't enough for everyone.

      From there started the attempts at duplicating their technology. It took centuries before they even managed to understand the physics behind Naquadah nuclear reaction. From there they managed to devise powersources reliable enough to supply their cities, their factories and finally their spaceships.

      After Qetesh invaded Canderas, the space forces fled the system and took with them the knowledge about Naquadah reactors. Over the 600 years of occupation, they managed to improve the engines and have smaller and sturdier devices. Back on Canderas, the natives infiltrated Goa'uld science bases and learned too about the working of their much more efficient version of the Naquadah generators.

      The new versions originated from both those designs.

      TBase tech:
      Currently 2 corporations are competing in Naquadah Based Energy Generations : the Condare Conglomerate (Radaman, Red generators) and the Saresh Company (Saaldin, Blue generators).

      Both their version are based on single Naquadah Energy Cells (N-Cells) made by a joint-venture between those two.

      1 N-Cells = 3x Tau'ri Mk1 = 1/2 Tau'ri Mk2

      Red N-Generators (Condare)
      N-Cells are put into racks that can be used separately or by pairs.This generator is primarily used when the systems need to be isolated from each other.

      For example, on bomberships the weapons can still be fired even when the shield or the FTL drive are down.

      Type : virtually unlimited quantity of cells

      Blue N-Generators (Saresh)
      N-Cells are used jointly. The racks are connected by an control system to manage the interferences between each cell and stabilize the power supply. Though far more expensive, it is one of the most reliable and most versatile type of generator.

      With it, a transport ship can easily calibrate the repartition of power between cloaking systems, FTL drives and communication. For example, if necesary, all power could be diverted to FTL drives, making the travel faster - or the cloak ,protecting the ship from a wider array of frequencies.

      Type: 4X cells, X being an integer between 1 and 5
      24-cell generators are still at experimental stage. The main limit is the complexity of calculations to maintain the stability of Naquadah.

      Note : On every Canderan spaceship, the captain has a master code that would trigger the destruction of protection measures in the generator, resulting in an overload and the explosion of the ship. That's the standard procedure when there is no longer any chance of escape.
      Attached Files
      La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
      L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


        I extremely dislike the pre-SG-1 idea. The fleets have always been a continuation of, not a rewrite of, the Stargate universe. If we want to write crossover stories with an alternate universe, fine. But don't turn the fleet into that.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Would an additional Earth faction be possible? Something like a massive corporation who is undertaking their own space missions with their own agendas. They might employ tech which looks suspiciously similar to what the SGC uses (as in core technology), but along a completely different design approach.


            Originally posted by blackluster View Post
            Would an additional Earth faction be possible? Something like a massive corporation who is undertaking their own space missions with their own agendas. They might employ tech which looks suspiciously similar to what the SGC uses (as in core technology), but along a completely different design approach.
            I like that and have been working on it slightly (got exams to worry about for now), the other human organization I was thinking off be based in Europe, based on finds from all over the world during the colonial eras. This would put, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Spain and possibly Portugal as the main force behind these artefacts. Perhaps they even have a slightly different engine, like a flash engine (great reason as to why they don't notice each other, the SGC agencies know only of Hyperdrive engines and thus scan for them and the former colonial empires know only of flashdrive and scan for those (which is damned near impossible) and since both groups have to keep their space tech secret they find ways to hide them from also each other (unknowingly)).

            Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
            I extremely dislike the pre-SG-1 idea. The fleets have always been a continuation of, not a rewrite of, the Stargate universe. If we want to write crossover stories with an alternate universe, fine. But don't turn the fleet into that.
            well I for one would love to do it that way, just try something whole new.


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              the 1.0/2.0/3.0 fleets have proven that we can govern our own universe.

              as to a second earth faction: don't know. i need to know more about them to see if it's good or bad.


                Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                I extremely dislike the pre-SG-1 idea. The fleets have always been a continuation of, not a rewrite of, the Stargate universe. If we want to write crossover stories with an alternate universe, fine. But don't turn the fleet into that.
                Totally agree with you Mcoy, this new universe needs to be set after the events of SG1/Atlantis/Universe.


                  after SG1 SGU and SGA it is fracked up, starting anew is best. BUT we should follow SG lines, just iron out the errors.

                  Alo Killman, the Goa'uld seem static, using old tech is just about the same as the new tech


                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    The idea I had for a second Earth faction would take the form of a multinational conglomerate with incredible resources that doesn't answer to any government. They begin secretly expanding into a space venture which causes them to cross paths with the SGC since they now possess the means to observe events the SGC would rather keep secret. There is no legal recourse to silence the conglomerate who become more and more interested. To buy their silence, the SGC trades certain core technologies in a very limited fashion. The result is privately owned space vehicles which operate with inferior SGC tech but deploy it in an incredibly creative manner making their ships highly effective given certain tactical situations.

                    In terms of development, this conglomerate can either take the economic route of resource mining and theft (somewhat like the NID did eventually) or they can begin to adopt a kind of galactic political agenda where they begin to back earth isolationism and intentionally undermining diplomacy with alien races.


                      Alo Killman, the Goa'uld seem static, using old tech is just about the same as the new tech
                      i was more going for the Systemlords not having the same tech and not using the same types of ships. i'd introduce more goauld ships, used by different goauld. each goauld has a personalized hand device. each their own jaffa with weapons (not just spear-like but also, say, tridents and such)


                        Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
                        Same here, although off-road transport could be used until we get the infrastructure up. But this raises the question, how much are the Army going to be involved. Will they play a small part or a large one. For Me I would like them to play a large part.
                        It doesn't really matter what arm of the service is in there. AirForce, Army, Marines or even Navy. As we're starting new, we should be able to dictate when certain branches of the forces are used. For example, if you want a little more realism, you would not have Air Force Colonels in command of your capitol ships. They would be more likely from the Navy. As to ground transport, I suggested this because how many times have we seen a SG team footslogging it for miles, when in reality, few ground forces walk that far today, except for a couple of elite groups. You have a decent vehicle that can fit through the gate, it's armed and can take your team anywhere they want to go. In COTG, if that were real, they would have driven to the temple.

                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        i would like to keep it more of an SG-team format.

                        however i think merely adding UAV's is gonna be enough. they can scout massive areas while the SG-teams check out the nice spots. once something deemed worthy is found, they can send in the rest of the troops.

                        a simple UCAV is sufficient for air support. however some sort of buggy might be nice for longer range transport
                        A light Infantry Combat Vehicle is the term I think you were looking for. There are many, but only a few that are effective and could actually drive through the gate.
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                          It doesn't really matter what arm of the service is in there. AirForce, Army, Marines or even Navy. As we're starting new, we should be able to dictate when certain branches of the forces are used. For example, if you want a little more realism, you would not have Air Force Colonels in command of your capitol ships. They would be more likely from the Navy. As to ground transport, I suggested this because how many times have we seen a SG team footslogging it for miles, when in reality, few ground forces walk that far today, except for a couple of elite groups. You have a decent vehicle that can fit through the gate, it's armed and can take your team anywhere they want to go. In COTG, if that were real, they would have driven to the temple.

                          A light Infantry Combat Vehicle is the term I think you were looking for. There are many, but only a few that are effective and could actually drive through the gate.
                          Only car I can think of that fits this filter is anything up to the size of a Ford E650 cargo van/truck at largest in terms of hight

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
                            Same here, although off-road transport could be used until we get the infrastructure up. But this raises the question, how much are the Army going to be involved. Will they play a small part or a large one. For Me I would like them to play a large part.
                            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                            i would like to keep it more of an SG-team format.

                            however i think merely adding UAV's is gonna be enough. they can scout massive areas while the SG-teams check out the nice spots. once something deemed worthy is found, they can send in the rest of the troops.

                            a simple UCAV is sufficient for air support. however some sort of buggy might be nice for longer range transport
                            Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                            Only car I can think of that fits this filter is anything up to the size of a Ford E650 cargo van/truck at largest in terms of hight
                            We're talking of a combat vehicle here. Soft sides, which include Humvees and your everyday 4x4's won't cut it. It needs to be something similar to this Only one that is tailored for gate travel
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              We're talking of a combat vehicle here. Soft sides, which include Humvees and your everyday 4x4's won't cut it. It needs to be something similar to this Only one that is tailored for gate travel
                              That's pretty much my older brothers family truck right there, A Hummer miltary edition can fit through the gate if you've read Stargate Resistance (I LOVE that book! Sekhmet is cool!) you'd know of the stuff that can get through including some gunships like Huey's... I think

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                                That's pretty much my older brothers family truck right there, A Hummer miltary edition can fit through the gate if you've read Stargate Resistance (I LOVE that book! Sekhmet is cool!) you'd know of the stuff that can get through including some gunships like Huey's... I think
                                Though yes Humvee's can fit through the gate, they are not tactical recon vehichles, they are regarded as "soft sides" ie infantry ballistics can penetrate the body. The vehicle in the link is armoured against 25mm rounds at 1000 yards. There are other smaller vehicles similiar as well. But...well I'd paste my vehicle design here, but for some reason Photobucket is wonko today???????
                                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier

