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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Just to end that discussion over different types of FTL drive : what kind of FTL do the Tel'taks/Alkeshes use? is it the same than the Ha'tak one?

    Since I'm making the Canderans riding ships derived from those small spacecrafts, I'd want to have the limitations right and avoid having people choke whenever they see a 100+ fleet made of hyperspace capable bombers and heavy fighters going against capital ships.

    Oh! They have also their upgraded version of ring platforms... by upgraded I mean big enough to transport cars.
    La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
    L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


      Al'kesh are canon, with hyperdrive. But personally I think most of them should use Subspace drive

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        We should keep this somewhere :

        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        there are multiple forms of FTL i've thought up, yes.

        -Flash/JumpDrive. the ship is night-instantly teleported to another location. the power increases with distance, a non-linear relation. the further you get the faster the energy increases. making it more beneficial to make dozens of short jumps instead of 1 long jump. the energy depends on the volume of the field, not the surface. mass does not matter. Momentum is conserved, meaning speed before jump=speed after jump.

        -Subspace Drive. generates a subspace field around the ship, rendering it intangible and invisible. like a hyperdrive, but then inside realspace.

        Because of the field, Relativity does not apply to the ship. Essentially the laws of physics work normally inside and outside, but due to the field the ship can accellerate to speeds greater than c. The downside, is that the ship does need to accellerate: this means that regardless of the FTL engine, the ship requires it's thrusters for actual propulsion.

        When the field shuts down, the ship reverts to a Relativistic Speed, with the Kinetic Energy of the craft remaining the same, the speed just differs. In general, this means insta-death, as speeds thousands of times C translate to a thousandth of a percent less than c. this causes the ship and crew to incinerate due to the interstellar dust.

        Depending on the FTL engine, the speed of light is essentially increased. a low-tech engine will shift c to perhaps a million kilometers per second, a high-tech engine will allow thousands to millions of times c. still the speed limit does apply.
        For all that matters I'm fine with that. At best my Canderans people were working with thousand year old Goea'uld tech (like the one that was supposed to have apophis need 2 months to get to Earth at the end of S1). They could very well have their Hyperspeed tech based on Subspace Drive and be quite good at using it.

        But I'd seriously need to understand what's make it better (or weaker) than Hyperdrive. Any idea?
        Do you have the same blue effect than in hyperspace tunnel or can you still see the outside like in FTL? With the later you could for example pinpoint the exact spot were you want to get out.

        Hyperdrive: an engine which surrounds the ship with a subspace field. the intensity of this field causes the ship to travel through subspace in a bubble. inside is Realspace, outside is Subspace. the resulting tunnel is called Hyperspace. in front of the craft, the tunnel is built and behind it, the tunnel collapses. unlike FTL, this engine is safe: cut power, and subspace essentially spits you out. though basic propulsion is delivered by the engines, the subspace field essentially propels the ship, almost like a warpdrive through subspace.
        And about wormhole drive, can't we keep it to intergalactic travel : since the stargate use artificially made wormhole, then inside a galaxy you would have lot of interferences and risk having your ship trying to get out through the tiny hole of stargate. That wouldn't be cool at all!

        Wormhole Drive: instead of mere teleport, a wormhole scoops up the ship and disposes it elsewhere. unlike Flashdrives (named because of a momentary flash, similar to beaming), this engine requires FAR more energy, but has a linear correlation between distance and energy. because a wormhole is always a shortcut, the distance can increase massively without the energy increasing massively. still the base powerrequirement is utterly massive.
        Last edited by lord groovy; 07 May 2010, 01:42 AM.
        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


          a wormholedrive would need ZPM levels of energy, and longer distance needs even more energy. only a great race with sufficient infrastructure could have a use for them.

          a subspacedrive is less advanced, because it doesn't deliver thrust. it takes relativity out of the equation. a hyperdrive however appears to DO deliver thrust, as more power and more advanced engines allow for much greater speeds than technically possible with such engines. any race using subspace drives would have huge engines, or at least would develop FTL platforms designed to carry fleets, designed to have big engines.

          i think you'd see a kind of shield around you when using a subspacedrive, in front of you there's a big light and the rest is total darkness.

          For all that matters I'm fine with that. At best my Canderans people were working with thousand year old Goea'uld tech (like the one that was supposed to have apophis need 2 months to get to Earth at the end of S1). They could very well have their Hyperspeed tech based on Subspace Drive and be quite good at using it.
          it's possible some crazy scientist *because most groundbreaking discoveries are made by madmen scientists* of your race realised that they could use a much more primitive, less powerconsuming version of the engine. which is the described subspace drive.


            Al'kesh are canon, with hyperdrive. But personally I think most of them should use Subspace drive
            system lords have hyperdrive tech. it's possible very old versions use more primitive engines, like primitive hyperdrives or an occasional subspace drive.


              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              a wormholedrive would need ZPM levels of energy, and longer distance needs even more energy. only a great race with sufficient infrastructure could have a use for them.

              a subspacedrive is less advanced, because it doesn't deliver thrust. it takes relativity out of the equation. a hyperdrive however appears to DO deliver thrust, as more power and more advanced engines allow for much greater speeds than technically possible with such engines. any race using subspace drives would have huge engines, or at least would develop FTL platforms designed to carry fleets, designed to have big engines.

              i think you'd see a kind of shield around you when using a subspacedrive, in front of you there's a big light and the rest is total darkness.
              Exactly what I was looking for. I like the fact that all subspace capable ships need to have an oversized rear engine. That will add a distinctive look to them.

              Then my current fleet will count :

              - FTL platforms/command ships with cloaking tech, sensors and subspace communications. They can tow other ships into their subspacedrive bubble but are more often used for spying.

              - heavy gunships : I seriously mean ships built around a Ha'tak-like super beam cannon or Tollan Ion Cannon. They are used in combination with FTL platforms and are the core of the defense fleet of Canderas. With sufficient number, they can bring down Ha'taks fairly easily.

              - bomberships/heavy fighters to harass enemy capital ships and counter fighters (302s and death gliders).

              - the ancient ark-ships transformed either into trade stations (in neighbor systems) or mobile fortress (in Canderas solar system)

              - maybe some failed prototypes of capital ship that will appear once, perform the good deed and get destroyed. Not unlike the Orion.

              Where should I begin?

              it's possible some crazy scientist *because most groundbreaking discoveries are made by madmen scientists* of your race realised that they could use a much more primitive, less powerconsuming version of the engine. which is the described subspace drive.
              Well since at some point, my race get hunted down by the goa'ulds throughout the whole galaxy and gradually lose their access to naquadah ore or any other valuable resources, I think your idea could help them outbest them long enough. I'd probably have to design also some long-forgotten space shipyard where they massproduced those drives. Or maybe a secret facility.
              La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
              L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                Oh and one last thing : since Canderas was occupied twice by Imhotep's and Qetesh's forces, do you mind if there is left some Jaffas and undercover Goa'ulds?

                The former somewhat nicely integrated in their society. Though forcefully required to show their undying loyalty to the Republic...

                The latter jumping from body to body desperately trying to avoid being discovered and *hum* interrogated.
                La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                  - heavy gunships : I seriously mean ships built around a Ha'tak-like super beam cannon or Tollan Ion Cannon. They are used in combination with FTL platforms and are the core of the defense fleet of Canderas. With sufficient number, they can bring down Ha'taks fairly easily.
                  a gun that big is oversized. what do you want? what type of beam. because a real beam would be more like a longer tube with a thicker dish-like end. so it's more about length.

                  - FTL platforms/command ships with cloaking tech, sensors and subspace communications. They can tow other ships into their subspacedrive bubble but are more often used for spying.
                  you do know that such a platform would be pretty big? also big engines create a big energy signature. i think a race using subspace drives would be more of the carrier kind. use several sizes of platforms, from single-ship attachements to large constructs that carry fleets. if i were you, i'd design a "flying engine" ship. big engine, big subspacedrive, long and thin with cloak. something that cloaks is better off small and compact.

                  - bomberships/heavy fighters to harass enemy capital ships and counter fighters (302s and death gliders).
                  good idea. don't give them FTL capability, just build a safe carrier type platform that tows them along.

                  - the ancient ark-ships transformed either into trade stations (in neighbor systems) or mobile fortress (in Canderas solar system)
                  big means bigger field needed. the trick is, the surface of the field decreases relative to the volume increase. a bigger ship means more powergeneration, and by tactically placing the subspacedrives and engines, a big ships would be MUCH faster, even relative to it's size.

                  - maybe some failed prototypes of capital ship that will appear once, perform the good deed and get destroyed. Not unlike the Orion.
                  more like concorde. a ship designed to be really fast but they discovered it's either useless in general combat (like in standard fleets) or the costs of production do not weigh up to the benefits.


                    Originally posted by locutes View Post
                    Al'kesh are canon, with hyperdrive. But personally I think most of them should use Subspace drive
                    I know Killman had given first thought ot a subspace drive, though I am still working out the tweaks of a subspace transporter, which is similar to a subspace drive, only in this case one can transport items or people from planet to planet instead of planet to ship or the like. Just like radio waves go across the galaxy in subspace.

                    Mention of a subspace drive ties in partly to the subspace transporter technology. though I'm still working out that kink.

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      a gun that big is oversized. what do you want? what type of beam. because a real beam would be more like a longer tube with a thicker dish-like end. so it's more about length.

                      Just imagine the Alkesh without the hyperdrive, the big thrusters, the gravity or any other unnecessary thing. It is a gunship that does what's said on the can : only shooting.

                      A variation of the same beam weapon used on Ha'tak but probably with a longer tube and a big radiator device to deal with the excess heat generated by the gun. There will be room for 1 or 2 people max. and a shield similar to the one seen on Teal'c Alkesh in Continuum. Except that it's pretty much stationary with mini-thrusters to fix the orientation when firing. No artificial gravity. No cargo rooms.

                      A gun-ship!

                      you do know that such a platform would be pretty big? also big engines create a big energy signature. i think a race using subspace drives would be more of the carrier kind. use several sizes of platforms, from single-ship attachements to large constructs that carry fleets. if i were you, i'd design a "flying engine" ship. big engine, big subspacedrive, long and thin with cloak. something that cloaks is better off small and compact.
                      Exactly what I envisioned. Except the part about the big engine = big signature. Once it drops the ship he was towing, the platform shut down its major systems and goes into cloaked mode. The power used for the subspace drive is then rerouted to sensors and cloak. However you found the right weakness of that system : they are totally vulnerable whenever they enter or drop out of FTL.

                      For this class of ship this is the only parameter that matters : how long does that vulnerability last? The longer it does, the farther they have to drop from their target. The closer they get, the easier it is to spot them, calibrate the weapons and shot them down.

                      Currently I'm pondering between 30 seconds and 30 minutes.

                      big means bigger field needed. the trick is, the surface of the field decreases relative to the volume increase. a bigger ship means more powergeneration, and by tactically placing the subspacedrives and engines, a big ships would be MUCH faster, even relative to it's size.
                      though only the mobile fortresses at home (Canderas) have subspace drives. And maybe not even all of them since some are dedicated to slow a massive invasion while other exists only if they need again to evacuate their planet. They have to choose between people accommodation or weapons.

                      more like concorde. a ship designed to be really fast but they discovered it's either useless in general combat (like in standard fleets) or the costs of production do not weigh up to the benefits.
                      Yeah that's it!

                      I know Killman had given first thought ot a subspace drive, though I am still working out the tweaks of a subspace transporter, which is similar to a subspace drive, only in this case one can transport items or people from planet to planet instead of planet to ship or the like. Just like radio waves go across the galaxy in subspace.

                      Mention of a subspace drive ties in partly to the subspace transporter technology. though I'm still working out that kink.
                      Would you mind sharing?
                      La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                      L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                        i'm not sure i'm gonna be happy with such tech because of the potential uberness, since you'd be having stargates without size problems. if we do incorporate, the technology should be large. as in, you need a large spacestation.


                          Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                          Just imagine the Alkesh without the hyperdrive, the big thrusters, the gravity or any other unnecessary thing. It is a gunship that does what's said on the can : only shooting.

                          A variation of the same beam weapon used on Ha'tak but probably with a longer tube and a big radiator device to deal with the excess heat generated by the gun. There will be room for 1 or 2 people max. and a shield similar to the one seen on Teal'c Alkesh in Continuum. Except that it's pretty much stationary with mini-thrusters to fix the orientation when firing. No artificial gravity. No cargo rooms.

                          A gun-ship!

                          Would you mind sharing?
                          Sure, see below Killmans quote.....
                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          i'm not sure i'm gonna be happy with such tech because of the potential uberness, since you'd be having stargates without size problems. if we do incorporate, the technology should be large. as in, you need a large spacestation.
                          For a subspace transporter? not really sure, but I have in a story series of mind called Dawnless Earth, a Terminator/SG cross over story type, beaming technology is still there but not as widely used as it used to be before the rise of them achines in T3. (which is the timeline I'm going by with some added by me). subspace transports are either located at all major factory locations for Skynet and also on several stations in orbit. there are a few ships, but the subspace transporter also works planet to planet in the series because the stargate was destoryed/rendered useless from a ion attack.

                          The subspace transporter int he story started first about the size of the stargate itself. about four men or so wide/tall. and only produced a steamlike fog where the datastream transport was to be located. the reciving end was a inprinted area of a room or the like. once or twice I was asked about it and only said that even though the reviewer said he was reminded of the reactor core of the second death star for what the subspace transporter room looked like I said no that was far too big.

                          ETA: whenver anyone says "gunship" I automatically think of the Dragon Gunship from Avatar

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            that's a cool gunship, yes.

                            my problem with the tech being small is that it makes every other form of transport obsolete, since it's a stargate for all ranges, with no real size limit. i'd prefer if it's big, used interstellar only (if that's your intention). otherwise, for planet-to-planet i'd reccomend some ring-derived system. perhaps a different form of platform, but it works pretty much the same. don't see why you need it to go through subspace.


                              neat, i remember the last thread, although other things kept me from participating and as well i forgot the other thread entirely. I would like to try and be a part of this, now that i have some time on my hands.

                              I like the idea of making my own race if i am allowed to do that. Oddly enough as im doing a reboot of my old Leviathan carrier i was thinking of a alternate SG universe and races etc. If its ok to submit my race idea i would post it soon with history and tech level and specializations


                                all ideas are welcome. many crazy ideas lead to good ideas.

