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Did they take the other robot?and..

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    Remember they had forty minutes and dozens of people. So I'm sure they got everything that wasn't bolted down.


      Nice to see they let the Lucian Alliance members do their part too.


        I wonder did they took the cards and the chest set(if Rush ever finished it).


          Originally posted by Stalekon View Post
          I wonder did they took the cards and the chest set(if Rush ever finished it).
          What about Rush's iPod and deck? It would be nice to have two, I think.
          Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


            Is the still portable?


              They were also supposed to take the shield relays.
              But at that distance to the star, would they not need Destiny to have her shield's up (to protect against heat, radiation, etc) while they salvaged the other supplies?


                Well, technically you would only need the shields to be powered closest to the star. Any other shield relays powering the forward sections of the ship, are good to go.


                  Originally posted by blueintegraboy View Post
                  They should have taken the extra spacesuits.
                  I am surprised i didn't hear someone say that..

                  I'm worried they didn't take the extra suits. They could explain not taking them in another episode if they were down the corridor that Varro couldn't get down (Because of an explosion).
                  Maybe that Was his salvage mission..

                  Remember they had forty minutes and dozens of people. So I'm sure they got everything that wasn't bolted down.
                  Anyone get a count of how many went aboard?


                    I tried counting but they don't all start in shot, and they are still coming as it cuts away. from what I saw though, it looks like about 40 people went through.


                      Now they got double of almost everything they had in supplies. Funny when you think about even the serial numbers in every two of the guns will be the same.


                        True.. serials would be the same. BUT that is easy to remedy. Use an engraver to add an A/B to each.


                          Does it really matter? There are two if it was more than two i would see the reason to differentiate them. And anything they can get their hands on would make their lives easier. From the repair bot to the space suit and even the plants from the garden would matter. Hell i would have taken the stones to and all the notebooks, socks, cloth, body amour, radios.
                          - SteamID user since 2005 -- you can add me - visit steam translation server brazil @ Steelbox


                            I wonder if the stone device was on the 'A" list of things to grab.


                              Most likely there was a scene filmed which saw them taking the robot but probably got cut most likely because of time issues they were packing a lot into this episode with the flashbacks or should that be flash forwards, and something had to be dropped most likely there will be a line of dialogue in the next episode about the 2nd robot, if there was a scene where they take the robot it most likely got cut to make room for the scenes where they are taking the weapons, food, medical supplies, spare parts and the stuff from hydroponics.

                              Originally posted by blueintegraboy View Post
                              They should have taken the extra spacesuits.
                              I forgot about those and the ancient long range communication stones, they should have taken the kinos as well.

                              Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                              At the beginning of the salvage operation I was chanting "Medical supplies! Medical supplies! - my partner was all "Relax, you know TJ is on that" - and yes, she was, they were, scooping everything into bags like a reverse Santa Claus. I was seriously emotionally involved at that point.
                              They should also have taken the diagnostic equipment that was next to each bed in the infirmary, if they got busted on our destiny that would be the end of them, 2 teams should have gone to the infirmary 1 for the medical supplies, the other team for the diagnostic equipment
                              Last edited by generaloneill; 24 April 2011, 01:24 PM.


                                I am sure the kino's were used as a sled.

