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'The Greater Good' (207) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Kane3162 View Post
    I posted @

    but ill repeat it here, it just made the jump from mix of SG and Soap Opera's, to total Soap Opera, this scenario is a definite one from the playbooks (think days of our lives, a show my mother used to watch all the time with the volume loud enough to bother me in my room, thank god i got a CD player that Christmas... 6 months of SO hell)

    Guy finally gets girl, she gets killed... I cant help but feel crushed for Eli... (bleeding heart i know, nice guys DO finish last, DEAD last if your Eli now)

    and I have no reservations about saying that its probably going to be what causes me to pull SGU off my watch list, and my DVR, im just that annoyed
    Based on this post, I assume you never made it past season 3 of SG-1, did you? Forever in a Day was like that...guy/geek finally gets his girl back, she gets killed and dies in his arms. What's more, the entire episode is devoted to his grief! Days Of Our Lives copy, indeed.

    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    HO. LY. ****.





    Now, take a deep breath. Exhale. Take another deep breath. Exhale. Repeat until regaining control over your body is possible and you are able to lower your voice.

    Originally posted by antipodal View Post
    I'd like to know why it was so important for the SGC to discover what the ninth chevron was for. So important, that according to Senator Armstrong in Air, Part 1, that 1.6 BILLION dollars were spent on the project. Money has been an issue in the Stargate series in the past (season one for example), so why -- especially during a time when the US government was fighting two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan), was having domestic problems (the economy for one) -- was it so important for the SGC to discover what the 9th chevron was for.
    Actually 1.6 billion dollars isn't much for Stargate program. The SGC alone in its first year cost almost 7,5 billion*, and the costs increased with each passing year, additions of new teams, developing new technologies etc. Then budget was cut back in season 9. I assume the same happened post AoT. With the System Lords, Replicators and the Ori all defeated and gone military budget cuts and directing some part of thus saved money towards scientific research seemed reasonable and logical, IMO.

    *transcript from Politics
    The word "threat", Colonel O'Neill, has been used far too often by this country's military as a justification for expenditures that we can no longer afford. Do you know how much this program costs?


    7 billion, 407 million dollars.

    Give or take.

    Per year.

    As to why fund chevron 9 research? Maybe because science, discovery and exploration are all part of the SGC's mandate and reason of existence?

    Originally posted by Utitan View Post
    I think everyone is missing the point of the mission.. They aren't looking for "God" at least not in the biblical sense, God doesn't even exist here. They are looking for the ultimate "code" or Universal pattern that was embedded at the creation the universe as a message that will propel their understanding of reality. What they are going for is the key to ascension.
    I'm at loss how you reached that bolded conclusion. I agree with the rest of your post but going from Universal code/pattern to ascension seems to be a huge leap based on nothing.

    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
    Greer doesn't need a reason to be angry. It's a permanent part of his personality.

    Originally posted by kudra View Post
    Finding a complex pattern in the radiation from the big bang doesn't necessarily point to existence of god to me, at least not in the personal deity who cares what happens to us sense. An earthworm contains non random 'genetic' codes but it's not that smart - I mean I wouldn't base my life on its teachings. I suppose the writers may go with the creator god or giant space pixie story but they could go lots of other ways too.
    Thank you for saying this. I was starting to wonder what did I miss and why (almost) everybody started talking about religion, God and intelligent design. To equate complex pattern with God and assume that the show is going to take religious path based on a few lines which don't even imply it seems very strange to me. don't you guys think you are jumping the gun here? I don't know, maybe my take on it is different because I'm not a religious person, but my first thought was about some form of alien life form and scientific means of explaining it.

    Another thing that has me puzzled is all this talk about Rush wanting to ascend to save/be with his wife. It doesn't make any sense. She's dead and in all likelihood she didn't ascend (you need help to do it, remember?), so the whole point is moot, IMO. Besides, as someone else noticed, Rush seems to fall for Mandy.


    Once again I didn't find this episode as awesome as apparently most of the people did. Actually, first half was pretty 'meh'. Thankfully the second half was excellent.

    I know that the alien ship was just a plot device, but I was still irked that once again alien ship on the other side of the universe was perfectly habitable for people. Right amount of space, right hight of the doors and corridors, breathable atmosphere...WTF? And just how in Pete's name was Rush able to decipher alien controls? Sloppy writing, really sloppy.

    That being said, Rush/Young scenes were awesome. Their fight was brutal and believable, their talk was painful and honest but they seemed to bury the hatchet for now. I wonder though if they will ever be able to trust each other? I must admit that the scene with Rush saving Young's life and their solemn silent exchange, apart from being incredibly cool, does give some hope that they will. We'll see.

    Destiny's mission seems very interesting, and my first thought was "cool".

    This was a great episode for Eli. As much as it's nice to see him happy and not pining for Chloe, my feelings re his romance are still pretty lukewarm. However, Eli rocked when he figured out the bridge, did all the calculations so fast and saved Rush and Young. I want to see more of that super smart, resourceful Eli. Oh, and DB shined in this episode.

    TGG continues to build up tension and hostility between Simeon and Greer. I'm counting on a great pay-off here. Judging by the end of this episode (and what an end it was! My roommate started laughing when I cried "No! You can't end it now!") Rush and Eli will have their own reasons for wanting the revenge, but I want to see Greer administer it, dammit it! He's so gonna take whatever happened to Ginn/Mandy personally. I can't wait.

    Is it Tuesday yet?
    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
    awesome sig by Josiane



      An episode worth watching. Any reason why it took 26 not as good to get here from there? Stuff that actually happened. People semi-working together to solve a problem. Was that so hard?

      Not to imply perfect. They ventured to the other ship, just because they could? Simeon allowed to roam free for some reason? Everyone turns 3yo when they find a new toy? Push buttons.... hahahaha... must push buttons.... (no wonder Rush kept it hidden)


        Originally posted by Shadow_7 View Post

        An episode worth watching. Any reason why it took 26 not as good to get here from there? Stuff that actually happened. People semi-working together to solve a problem. Was that so hard?

        Not to imply perfect. They ventured to the other ship, just because they could? Simeon allowed to roam free for some reason? Everyone turns 3yo when they find a new toy? Push buttons.... hahahaha... must push buttons.... (no wonder Rush kept it hidden)
        Has anybody realized that, yet again, Rush's scheming ended up with someone dead?
        Based on next weeks sneak preview, Dr. Amanda Perry, in Ginn's stoned body, is killed by Simeon.
        If Ginn had stoned to Earth in someone else's body, she probably would have been in the stone room instead of roaming around in Destiny. This area is probably off-limits to LA prisoners, hence, Simeon would have not been able to accost Ginn and kill her.


          Originally posted by boo1234 View Post
          ginn noooo!!
          Yeah that sucked, they just killed Eli's girlfriend I hope is Eli himself who shoots the Lucian Alliance ******* dead. Still why did the SOB did it? To what gain?
          The world hath known no greater love than this, to give one's life for his friends. John 15:34

          The banning of images in SIGs suck.


            Originally posted by RJLCyberPunk View Post
            Yeah that sucked, they just killed Eli's girlfriend I hope is Eli himself who shoots the Lucian Alliance ******* dead. Still why did the SOB did it? To what gain?
            Remember the beginning? Wray said a faction from Ginn's homeworld was planning the attack on Earth. Ginn might know where they are. Simeon was obviously concerned about her talking, and once he found out she was on Earth, something needed to be done.


              Originally posted by Misfits View Post
              Unfortunately, exploration is so bland. Just look at Star Trek. Whenever they talked about exploration for the sake of exploration, everyone, including the characters would yawn.
              Cataloging a gaseous anomaly, make-up of a nebulae, etc... can only go so far.
              Conflict, drama, perseverance of human spirit and ingenuity is how they keep the show on air.
              And hopefully, we'll enjoy their adventures and maybe learn something about ourselves in the process.
              Yeah you've got that exploration which makes for boring tv, but I'm talking more boots on the ground exploration/adventure that mixes in the bolded stuff. The fact that they are so far out and cut off from Earth (for the most part) makes for compelling story. I just think the show has suffered from the pace it's been going at. I love character drama, conflict etc, I just wish it had more backdrops to it than being on the ship so much. Show is heading in the right direction though.

              Originally posted by Misfits View Post
              Has anybody realized that, yet again, Rush's scheming ended up with someone dead?
              Based on next weeks sneak preview, Dr. Amanda Perry, in Ginn's stoned body, is killed by Simeon.
              If Ginn had stoned to Earth in someone else's body, she probably would have been in the stone room instead of roaming around in Destiny. This area is probably off-limits to LA prisoners, hence, Simeon would have not been able to accost Ginn and kill her.
              That's assuming that stoned in people are always sequestered in the stone room.

              I'll agree that it got someone he cared about killed though.
              IMO always implied.


                Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
                Why was Simone allowed to walk freely on the ship to begin with ? & he better not survive past next week. I am not talking about being left alive on that planet. I am talking about him dying. Next week better be the last we see of him & him dead
                I said the same thing. Where is his escort??????? if I was Eli or Rush I would get one of their machine guns and hunt that M.F. down. Like Ronon Dax said “if you kill him before I do, I will kill you ”. Why did they have to kill off one of the hottest girls on the show?
                Where is a ascended being or a prior of the Ori when you need one to bring her back to life.

                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                And Mandy too

                I really liked this episode but now I'm depressed
                I feel the same way.


                  Best SGU episode ever!! Absolutely fantastic: Rush and Young fight and interaction (the colonel needs to be included in Street Fighter IV videogame ), Destiny's mission, Eli finding the bridge, and the grim ending.

                  This episode deserves over nine thousand Emmy and Gemini awards!!!


                    Originally posted by Kane3162 View Post
                    but ill repeat it here, it just made the jump from mix of SG and Soap Opera's, to total Soap Opera
                    So all the stuff from Rush about learning about the secrets of the universe is total soap opera? Wow.
                    "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                    Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                    Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                    Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                    Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                      Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
                      Same here, I'd rather keep Ginn/Perry and get rid of Chloe.
                      I'm a Defender of Chloe but I must agree with you on general principle of hawtness.
                      "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                      Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                      Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                      Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                      Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                        Of course it's soap opera.

                        The Young and the Restless was all about the nature of the Universe last week. Didn't you watch?


                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          Of course it's soap opera.

                          The Young and the Restless was all about the nature of the Universe last week. Didn't you watch?
                          Don't ya mean, "Young and The Rushless"!


                            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                            Don't ya mean, "Young and The Rushless"!
                            Heaven forbid!


                              Things were going so well... Action, exploration, character and plot development. Then TPTB decided to finally use Knepper and ruined the whole episode. I mean, offing Perry in such a brutal way is worse than killing a kitten, no? And why? So Rush can play Charles Bronson next week? As if that wasn't enough, guess whose body Perry happens to be in when the sh!t hits the fan. Wray's? Nope, Ginn's, the lovely Lucian Alliance redhead who seemed to have a thing for oversized nerds. And again, why? So Eli can dive deeper and deeper into emo-land? Two more likable characters gone for "shock value". Fail.


                                Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                                Yeah you've got that exploration which makes for boring tv, but I'm talking more boots on the ground exploration/adventure that mixes in the bolded stuff. The fact that they are so far out and cut off from Earth (for the most part) makes for compelling story. I just think the show has suffered from the pace it's been going at. I love character drama, conflict etc, I just wish it had more backdrops to it than being on the ship so much. Show is heading in the right direction though.
                                Apparently having an episode that starts and ends within the hour, 'Cloverdale', is something they're not doing as consistently anymore. It's more of the overall arc that they build and build. Hopefully, the payoff is worth it.

                                That's assuming that stoned in people are always sequestered in the stone room.

                                I'll agree that it got someone he cared about killed though.
                                At the beginning of 'Trial And Error' Col. Young is seen sitting in the stone table when he returns from Earth. In 'Life' Col. Young in laying down on the couch when he returns from Earth. I would think that the people that are switching from Earth are sequestered in the stone room unless they have a specific purpose to be on Destiny.

