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How should the Lucian Alliance prisoners be dealt with?

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    Originally posted by GateroomGuard View Post
    This isn't BSG! We don't space people here!

    But the Destiny crew is still from earth. Young is an officer of the United States, we don't execute Prisoners of War no matter what. Regardless of what is necessary. Now if those LA's should choose to live offworld rather than stay prisoners of war then by all means let them through the gate to their new home.
    I assume from your arguments that you believe the rights of the LA prisoners outweigh the safety of Destiny’s crew?


      Originally posted by Blackhole View Post
      I assume from your arguments that you believe the rights of the LA prisoners outweigh the safety of Destiny’s crew?
      Law and doing the right thing outweighs saftey and life every time in my book. We have to have standards that we as human beings will not cross even if it means our own deaths. There are worse things than death after all.
      Doci of the BAG


        Yes, but death is pretty high up there and survival generally trumps the niceties in a desperate situation.


          Originally posted by morbosfist View Post
          Yes, but death is pretty high up there and survival generally trumps the niceties in a desperate situation.
          Sadly it does. But if they do execute all the LA prisoners all they have to look forward to once they get back to Earth is a prison cell. Executing POWs is still a crime.
          Doci of the BAG


            Originally posted by GateroomGuard View Post
            Law and doing the right thing outweighs saftey and life every time in my book. We have to have standards that we as human beings will not cross even if it means our own deaths. There are worse things than death after all.
            It is misguided morality and story-bookish nobility to expect Destiny's crew to risk and likely sacrifice their lives in order to preserve the lives of ruthless invaders.
            Last edited by Blackhole; 30 September 2010, 05:45 AM.


              Originally posted by GateroomGuard View Post
              Sadly it does. But if they do execute all the LA prisoners all they have to look forward to once they get back to Earth is a prison cell. Executing POWs is still a crime.
              As opposed to, in no particular order:

              * Pretty much wiping out an entire civilization, racist though they may have been (the Eurondans I think they were called).
              * Giving the Aschen a bunch of doomsday addresses that they expected them to dial.
              * Sheppard talking a man into committing suicide.
              * Sheppard's team getting that civilization with the prison island wiped out.
              * And more that I'd have to look for.

              Not only is them putting the Alliance on a planet from which there is no escape hardly the worst thing they've done, it's not even unprecedented. Atlantis tried to do the same thing with the converted Wraith they got following the first attempt to reach Earth.


                I wonder if Varro will be made to use one of the stones so that Homeworld Command can interrogate him to gain intel on Lucian Alliance operations in the Milky Way.
                "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                BAD WOLF!!!


                  A Latin Phase"Inter arma enim silent leges" is also a legal term use by judge .It means "In times of war, the law falls silent." And also a title of DS9 episode.

                  The Lucian alliance invader onboard might have surrender , but the lucian alliance still interested in Destiny, and they will make more attemps to capture from the Milkyway side.
                  The war with Lucian Aliance is still not over.
                  Can SGU's Earth team afford to have someone on board to help them the next time Alliance attack.

                  And i think captain of a ship has the right to excecute mutineer or pirate.

                  I remember the Writer of SGU once said something about SGU is darker ,and the charater are not as perfect as SGA or SG1.
                  Let's see How SGA treated their Wraith POW
                  Dr Weir experiment on them,
                  Allow Wraith turn human and then allow a Wraith queen to feed on the newly human Waith
                  Torture Michael.
                  Fire on planet full of human Wraith , to prevent the Wraith discover Atlantis City survive the last attack.

                  If SGU is darker than SGA, then they can do almost thing with the LA prisoner


                    Severe wet noodle flayings for all LA prisoners.
                    All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story...

                    "Scott isn't out. Actually, he'll probably soon get back in, then out, then in, then out, then in, with rhythm and stamina." reddevil 4/22/2010


                      Originally posted by IMForeman View Post
                      I wonder if Varro will be made to use one of the stones so that Homeworld Command can interrogate him to gain intel on Lucian Alliance operations in the Milky Way.
                      Which makes me wonder HOW thy would interrogate him..


                        Originally posted by IMForeman View Post
                        I wonder if Varro will be made to use one of the stones so that Homeworld Command can interrogate him to gain intel on Lucian Alliance operations in the Milky Way.
                        Why can't Young just interrogate him on the Destiny and relay it back to the Pentagon?


                          Originally posted by Blackhole View Post
                          What is the best way for the Lucian Alliance prisoners to be dealt with?

                          Should they be marooned on a planet, kept under guard on the ship or just spaced?

                          What do you think the writers will do?
                          The useful ones added to the crew an kept under constant surveilence, Eli getting good at that anyway, the solders if they want to play nice can join off world teams an Destiny security teams, one or two per team.
                          Any one not willing to cooperate air lock them. Keeping them as prisoners is just a wast of resources an limited supplies.


                            Originally posted by Vanek26 View Post
                            Why can't Young just interrogate him on the Destiny and relay it back to the Pentagon?
                            Because after his less that successful command so far, I would not trust him to do anything correctly, Rush is far better at interrogation, he already demonstrated that he got the balls for the job an well already proven he willing follow through on his threats, something Young has never done.


                              Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                              the useful ones added to the crew an kept under constant surveilence, eli getting good at that anyway, the solders if they want to play nice can join off world teams an destiny security teams, one or two per team.
                              Originally posted by shai hulud View Post
                              slaughter the lot of them, the destinites need protein to vary their diet.
                              and this^


                                Force one of them to use the stones, then bingo, you have a mole within their group.

