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I just don't get it...

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    Originally posted by Nth Chevron View Post
    As i said somewhere else, what if the ship could be accelerated by only using 1 or 2 of the FTL modules, not all 15?

    Would that enable the ship to travel slowly enough for 4 hours in FTL to cover the route?

    the problem remains that they're still Faster Than Light.

    finding the novus ships may or may not be a problem (energy signatures or lack thereof, precision of destiny's scanners, whether the route is straight, the colour of the ships...) but - the novus ships ARE travelling sublight. chances are they're moving fast enough to have the doppler effect.

    using the atlantis episode where they tested the midway setup and encountered ancients as an example, it's safe to say destiny probably can't make them stop. the lanteans had modified their ship to move as fast as possible, but the daedalus only barely got up to a speed where the lanteans noticed them. destiny, on the other hand, appears to be older - and its structural damages at the moment mean that in sublight, the stresses of going that fast - if it's even possible - could tear it apart.
    Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


      Operating on fewer drives MAY lessen their top speed.



        but FTL is still FTL

        fewer drives won't help, since they'd still be in actual FTL on even one drive.
        Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


          With all 15 the FTL speed is well in excess, with 1 or 2, would they even reach FTL speeds?



            well, if the module is for FTL, then yeah i'd expect they would hit FTL.

            they might be crawling along at 1% above the speed of light, though.

            if it's just an engine module, and not a dedicated FTL module, then MAYBE - tbh, i don't remember where the 15 drive modules thing has come from anyway. however, it would be the first ship using FTL and sublight engines in the one build - more likely it's 15 modules for redundancy, and quite possibly across the whole ship to make it all move - it's pretty big, and i can imagine needing 3-5 as a minimum just to get it started.
            Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


              Do we know if our sub-ftl drives are faster than the Novans are? Could we just push to max speed and head in that same direction?


                Even assuming we could outpace them, they have a few decades' head start.


                  Well they could always park it in orbit and use the stasis chambers to wait on them. (in theory). Not that I'd know why they would given that they don't have the power to get them home, aka the primary mission since day one. (that we know of).

                  besides it looks like they already made it and set up camp in the next episode. According to the ads anyway. Not that they're still around for a decent conversation.


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    Do we know if our sub-ftl drives are faster than the Novans are? Could we just push to max speed and head in that same direction?
                    Originally posted by morbosfist View Post
                    Even assuming we could outpace them, they have a few decades' head start.
                    theoretically, if we found them somehow, we could FTL to their location and sublight to their speeds, IF our sublights are fast enough. but destiny's a pretty big ship to move like that, and even atlantis-era ships (the return) need to be modified to go near the speed of light with sublight engines. while i don't know if the novus ships are capable of that, it's safe to say that if they aren't then they're probably in stasis. making catching up with them pointless, since they're not around to hear us.

                    Originally posted by Shadow_7 View Post
                    Well they could always park it in orbit and use the stasis chambers to wait on them. (in theory). Not that I'd know why they would given that they don't have the power to get them home, aka the primary mission since day one. (that we know of).

                    besides it looks like they already made it and set up camp in the next episode. According to the ads anyway. Not that they're still around for a decent conversation.
                    a couple of hundred years in stasis, out of contact with earth. by that time, i'm pretty sure young's pay would have been stopped

                    and everyone they know would be dead. at least as things are they have communication, no matter how limited, and they have hope - but in 200 years, earth will probably have forgotten the destiny.
                    Cantina Petition for Perma-sticky (or own subforum)


                      They seemed to have replicated the kinos, why didn't they bother with the gates??? It's only taken us 100 years from flight to have space stations and start to explore other planets robotically. Seems to me that something stunted their growth. We've basically gone from roughing it across the prairie to space tech in less than 200 years. In 100 more years, who knows what tech we'll have.


                        The Goa'uld can't replicate gates and they had far longer to do it. The gates are immensely complex pieces of technology. The Novans hadn't even mastered FTL travel.


                          Originally posted by Shadow_7 View Post
                          They seemed to have replicated the kinos, why didn't they bother with the gates??? It's only taken us 100 years from flight to have space stations and start to explore other planets robotically. Seems to me that something stunted their growth. We've basically gone from roughing it across the prairie to space tech in less than 200 years. In 100 more years, who knows what tech we'll have.
                          We had a ton of help from the Asgard and other races and backward engineering , they were out there alone and started from basically scratch, all they had was what Eli and the others wrote down.


                            Taking a few hundred years to get from our current Earth tech ( real world, not SGverse) to tech faster than the speed of light is an incredibly positive assumption. To be honest I wouldn't be suprised if it took us a 1000 years or more to figure that out. The jump from sublight to speed of light is a difficult one, which might even be impossible without something such as subspace.


                              Well we don't know if those ships are capable of speed of light or even near light speed. All we know is that they don't have FTL or Hyperspace. And I wouldn't imagine that the nearest gate world is that far away. Which afaik was their destination. Or maybe a gate or two past them to out run the black hole.

                              In theory it tooks us less than 200 years to land on the moon. From lugging shovels across a prairie. And probably a bible as the only text. Granted that we've had a few more established cultures to steal from. And a large migrant / slave labor force. But still 2,000 years is more than enough time to be a space faring culture. Especially if you know from day one that the planet isn't flat. And that space travel is/was already possible millions of years ago.


                                Going to the moon is quite different from going to a different planet, several lightyears away. In my mind they basically used the same technology ( sublight like a rocket; big engines ), just a bit more advanced than we have now, but still nowhere near the speed of light; thus it'd take hundreds of years. Our 304's can't even accelerate anywhere near the speed of light. We can only do that by jumping into hyperspace. And even then we are using our sublights to go through this hyperspace corridor we made.

