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VOTE! How would you rate 'Epilogue?'

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    After an 8 for Common Descent (because it felt a bit choppy), this earned itself a 10 just for being such a perfect conclusion to that story. It felt a bit choppy too, but that's what you get for putting so much into one ep.


      9. Very good, very good. But made me feel like the show is wrapping up (speeches about "it's the journey", and such!) I know this is wrong because they didn't know the show was ending while filming this. But it seemed so....end'y.

      And I never want it to end!
      Teal'c: "Appearances may be deceiving."
      O'Neill: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor."
      Daniel: "A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell."
      O'Neill: "Never run with...scissors?"


        Begone ye trolls...get thee to the k'woosh!


          i really liked this episode. i love how it showed flashbacks of that crew arriving on the planet. and of course how it started off as a small village and over 2000 years it was an advanced civilization. i'm giving it a 9, because it wasn't perfect but well done.


            I'm surprised at how much I ended up liking this episode! I'm giving it a 9, and I thought it would end up being one of my least favorite, but somehow it all worked for me.

            Maybe I'm getting sentimental in my old age, but that closing scene of Alt!Wray, giving a speech at the opening of the new school, and then the fades of the city growing up over the years, really got to me. Yeah, I'm an old woman now.

            Loved Volker nailing it on the head with Rush - it really does bother him that they went on just fine without him (without Volker, too, but Volker seemed to handle the knowledge of his alternate death with good grace, considering).

            All in all, a surprisingly good episode!

            I'm sure the action-lovers won't love it much, but us sentimental old fools will!
            Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


              This storyline that has been created since twin destinies, common descent and epilogue is science fiction at its best. I mean wow! what a great side plot that works well with the SG franchise as well as SGU. I gave epilogue a 9 only because i was hoping to find out more about the drones but was pleasantly surprised.


                10/10 for me!


                  Strong 9 from me.


                    Looking at the ratings and responses, I think this episode is the most loved by all Stargate fans watching the series.

                    I'm glad because it's the way I always imagined the potential of SGU to be. Personally, I love those kind of twisted sci-fi stories with a slight dose of mystery.

                    The tone of the show and characters of SGU made it a completely different story that previous gate series, yet still keeping the spirit of explorations (adventure)/actions/mystery typical of Stargate.
                    Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                      10/10. Great episode.


                        10 out of 10. One of my most favorite episodes in entire stargate. Thank you (all) for showing us such great episode.


                          Meh. 7/10

                          It had it's good parts, but then I'm not exactly that attached to the majority of these characters to really love this ep. It drug in places. Wray's speech at the end was a nice cap on the series and the franchise as a whole.
                          IMO always implied.


                            Ready the k'woosh!


                              Gave it a 8.


                                LOVED IT. That is all.

                                Okay, seriously, I gave it 9. It felt a bit choppy in places, 1 or 2 moments of old!kino montage didn't quite gel with what was happening in our timeline (bad editing maybe?) and at one point TPTB overdid baby stuff IMO, but darn it, I loved it! Loved the story, loved the characters, loved their AU lives...fantastic ep.

                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                Best to ignore them or their fury becomes bigger.
                                Ignore who?

                                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                                awesome sig by Josiane

