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VOTE! How would you rate 'Cloverdale?'

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    Really loved this episode, it had heart and really made me like all the cast members and loved the dream part as i thought the characters were great playing other roles. Plus it had a few laughs which is great.

    Gave it a 10.


      Gave it a 1. IMO, this episode is the summery of almost everything wrong with SGU. This was nothing more than a daytime drama with scifi elements added. There was no tech, no spaceships, no new understanding, no plot advancement, no exploration, nothing learned, nothing interesting. This episode was entirely predictable thus unnecessary.

      The ending of the episode was mind numbing. The idea that whatever modifications done to Chloe would pass on to Scott via blood transfusion is laughable. The changes that happened to Chloe over months took Scott 5 minutes. He regenerated all the tissue and muscle damage done from that plant's venom eating away at his arm for hours in a matter of seconds and filtered his blood to boot. Woohoo! MacGuffin solved!

      Edit: If Chloe's blood is enough to transfer this magical superness to people wouldn't Eli be infected too since he carried her blood covered butt all over the ship just a few episodes back?
      Last edited by Nth; 28 October 2010, 07:50 AM.


        i gave it a 10 compared to other SGU s2 , but question for other people is what is a 10 to you if you voted 6 or less
        Stargate Mods List

        I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
        StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
        GW member infractions : 1


          Originally posted by Nth View Post
          Edit: If Chloe's blood is enough to transfer this magical superness to people wouldn't Eli be infected too since he carried her blood covered butt all over the ship just a few episodes back?
          Since Scott had to have Chloe's blood given to him intravenously, I think Eli is safe - he just had Chloe's blood on his hands and clothes.
          Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


            Originally posted by The Destiny View Post
            - A 10 means it's the best episode you've ever seen, the story was brilliant, the dialogue witty, smart or badass etc. and the plot suprising and epic. Other episodes might be good, but nothing would ever trump this and you will be rewatching it at least once a day or put it on in the background while doing other activities. [/I]
            The above is exactly why I gave it 10. It's tied with Aftermath as the best ep of season 2 so far, one of the best eps of SGU and I'll go as far as to say - one of the best in the franchise. I absolutely loved it - which is quite surprising, given that I'm not a fan of Scott. This time though I found myself interested in how he perceives other people onboard Destiny, I loved how fitting their small town personas were and I thought that explaining how Scott got infected via watching a movie in the theater in his vision was really clever. I watched it twice in a row, and that happened only once before in SGU and just a handful of times with SG-1.

            All in all, I think it's a worthy successor of FIAD and The Changeling, which are some of my all-time faves. What can I say, I love dream/hallucination episodes.

            Originally posted by Nth View Post
            The changes that happened to Chloe over months took Scott 5 minutes. He regenerated all the tissue and muscle damage done from that plant's venom eating away at his arm for hours in a matter of seconds and filtered his blood to boot. Woohoo! MacGuffin solved!
            I think you should rewatch it, as clearly you are mistaken about the time frame. If Chloe's blood really worked instantaneously Greer wouldn't have to stay behind and keep dialling to buy more time for the tranfusion to have an effect.
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by Petra View Post
              I think you should rewatch it, as clearly you are mistaken about the time frame. If Chloe's blood really worked instantaneously Greer wouldn't have to stay behind and keep dialling to buy more time for the tranfusion to have an effect.
              5 minutes might be a bit exaggerated. But it is also stated that they have about 3 hours left on the countdown clock, *before* Greer decides to Rambo- defend the gate position. So bringing the the big boxes through the gate and making a perimeter... let's be generous and say 30 minutes (considering the box sizes and possibly having to empty them beforehand). Plus Greer is at the plants with the flame thrower for a while, let's say another 30 minutes (I have no clue how long you could sustain short burst fire with such a thing). A little time for Chloe's self- experimentation ... another 30 minutes maybe? So you have 90 minutes left, which is still pretty unrealistic considering Chloe's leg showed entry/exit wounds several hours after being shot (compared to Scott's perfect arm) and the alien pathogen has been in her system for days, if not weeks by then.


                Originally posted by Kelara View Post
                So you have 90 minutes left, which is still pretty unrealistic considering Chloe's leg showed entry/exit wounds several hours after being shot (compared to Scott's perfect arm) and the alien pathogen has been in her system for days, if not weeks by then.
                True, but it seems to me that her transformation or whatever it is speeds up. She wasn't blacking out for several months after Space, and then many symptoms appeared more or less at the same time and they keep getting stronger. So it makes sense to me that with increased speed of her change her ability to heal is also getting stronger and requires less time.
                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  i voted 6, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. the stuff with the plant (or alien being) has been done before in stargate, and this time it seemed almost as though it wasn't the main focus. and the "vision" thing he was having seemed to be kind of random and gave me no reason to care about what was happening.

                  it wasn't my fav ep, but there's been worse.


                    Originally posted by Petra View Post
                    True, but it seems to me that her transformation or whatever it is speeds up. She wasn't blacking out for several months after Space, and then many symptoms appeared more or less at the same time and they keep getting stronger. So it makes sense to me that with increased speed of her change her ability to heal is also getting stronger and requires less time.
                    To me it seemed Chloe didn't act weird until Incursion. Maybe the tramua of a leg wound activated the alien organism in her blood.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      To me it seemed Chloe didn't act weird until Incursion. Maybe the tramua of a leg wound activated the alien organism in her blood.
                      That's what I meant
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        I gave it a 6. Not great. Not bad.


                        glad i didn't rush to watch it when they released it here!!

                        The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


                          Originally posted by webxro View Post
                          i gave it a 10 compared to other SGU s2 , but question for other people is what is a 10 to you if you voted 6 or less
                          A 10 for me is some pewpew action, blood splatter that is red not blue, someone dieing or wounded, gore more gore, and ofcause what goes best with violence but a good sex scene. And in the context of Stargate, add some new alien technology or discovery.


                            Originally posted by pipi View Post
                            A 10 for me is some pewpew action, blood splatter that is red not blue, someone dieing or wounded, gore more gore, and ofcause what goes best with violence but a good sex scene. And in the context of Stargate, add some new alien technology or discovery.
                            so you are saying is that rambo is the best and all the stargate is 6-7 ?
                            Stargate Mods List

                            I am webxro , google me .SG,ST,SW,B5 Fan since forever.
                            StarTrek Excalibur enthusiast and Pardus player .
                            GW member infractions : 1


                              ZERO... 0...0... minus 10. Come on!! How many times are they going to do this story line. I liked the SG-1 firefighter episode....then it was repeated on SGA...that was okay...but when you recycle episodes for a third time? Really?


                                I voted this episode to be a 3. Better than Life and Earth, but still one of the worst of the franchise.

                                Hated the CGI.

                                Terrible Earth storyline that, while matching up the people on the Destiny to their Earth "counterparts" in a satisfying way, was boring as heck. I wish TPTB would stop doing Earth-focused storylines (e.g.- Earth, Brainstorm, Life).

                                Somewhat interesting aliens, but not really..

                                Scott really is a boring character, and Chloe annoys the crap out of me to begin with so an episode focused on them makes me want to turn the TV off.

                                Completely predictable parts throughout. I haven't seen any spoilers, commercials, teasers and I didn't even know the episode name before watching it and I correctly predicted the blood transfusion, the wedding ending the hallucination, the surprise bachelor party, and the cop-out to chopping off Scott's arm.

                                The few cool parts were Greer having fun with his toy (), and the alien losing its head to a :KAWOOSH:.

                                Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!

