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VOTE! How would you rate 'Cloverdale?'

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    Originally posted by Ghost22 View Post
    This was the worst SGU episode to date, i fast forwarded through 25% of it. Never before Have i fast forwarded through ANY SG.
    Same here, first time since I watch Stargate that I fast forwad one episode almost entirely. So I give it a 1, but I hope the next ones improves. Crossing fingers!
    They hit us with guns, bazookas, tear gas, tanks, APVs, helicopters, rockets. I'm pretty sure at least one of them used really harsh language.


      I voted 8/10 - Enjoyed the episode - could have had a little bit more Rush and was missing the LA, otherwise I liked it.
      Grimm returns October 24

      Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
      Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


        Here is syfy's poll in case anyone was curious..

        1. A+(8 votes [17.39%])

        2. A (3 votes [6.52%])

        3. B+ (5 votes [10.87%])

        4. B (6 votes [13.04%])

        5. B- (1 votes [2.17%])

        6. C+ (7 votes [15.22%])

        7. C (5 votes [10.87%])

        8. D+ (2 votes [4.35%])

        9. D (1 votes [2.17%])

        10. F (8 votes [17.39%])

        * I Bolded the highest percentages*


          A great big Outstanding from me. Loved it.
          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


            I gave it a 6, with some doubts about giving it a 7. The earth scenes were again not very interesting in my opinion and detracted from an otherwise good episode.
            I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

            Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


              People tend to be quik and extreme with rating. A 10 or a 1, those usually stand out. Few bother with going a little bit above or below those. "Hated it! 1!" , "Loved it! 10!"

              - A 1 means it's the most terrible episode you've ever seen, and there was not a single thing worth watching in the entire episode and when locked up for a month with only 1 thing to watch, you'd rather choose 40 minutes of a homeshopping channel than this junk.

              - A 10 means it's the best episode you've ever seen, the story was brilliant, the dialogue witty, smart or badass etc. and the plot suprising and epic. Other episodes might be good, but nothing would ever trump this and you will be rewatching it at least once a day or put it on in the background while doing other activities.

              I rated an 8 if I recall correctly, although now I do find that a bit high. I'd rather rate a 7. Memories of the flamethrower scenes cloud my judgement! The scenes on the planet ( a fair bit in fact, the flamethrower bussiness started before the ep was halfway ) were really enjoyable and while I liked the earthstuff less ( but then again, in such dream "alternate-life" episodes I'm never really interested in the alternate life ) it had it's moments ( Rush! ).


                2 - My least favorite yet. I'm going to watch it again hoping it strikes me better in a different mood. It felt like a ripoff of the Soprano's, when Tony was in the coma and he was someone else in his dream. I really just think that I don't like Scott. Any episode where he's a focal point, my eyes glaze.


                  Eh, I gave it a 5. Maybe if I actually liked Scott more I might have cared more about the ep but meh. And considering this was much better done with SG-1's The Changeling. Course I also like Teal'c a heck of a lot more than any of these characters. Scott's dream stuff was pretty basic and not all that insightful. lol! with Rush as the JP. That was the best part.
                  IMO always implied.


                    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                    I gave Cloverdale a 10. I really liked it, it's one of my favorites. I usually like episodes that go between reality and a dream world. I found the parallels between them interesting, everyone was so like and yet unlike their regular selves. Loved Rush as a justice of the peace marrying Scott and Chloe. The only part I really didn't like was the whole Chloe and her magical blood(I know its really not magic); but thats probably because I really dislike the character(always have) and can't stand thet fact that tptb needed to give her special powers(first increased intelligence, now special healing abilities/immunities in her blood) in order to make her useful. I don't mean to offend anyone who likes Chloe, but I just don't like the character and I'm not sure I ever will( but who knows). Anyway, I still give the episode a 10 because that was the only major issue I had with the episode.
                    Sounds like I liked it better than you did and I only gave it a 9. Proof that we all have different levels of 'generosity' in our ratings
                    "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                    Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                    Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                    Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                    Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                      2 from me. Way too in- your- face with the symbolism and similes (Young = father figure, Destiny = small town/closed community, "binding for life" = wedding = blood donation...) with the wedding/blood donation sappy beyond all reason. We get it, it's "Destiny". Obviously, it's also destiny for James to once again get to be the bartender in the tight/ short clothes you grope *sigh*.

                      Generally, I found the resolution pretty cringe inducing:
                      - Chloe not telling Tamara directly about her "ability" to fight of the plant thing's infection (had to involve Rush to redeem him a bit... "see, he's not sacrificing the golden boy!").
                      - Scott's blue arm- growth. After 10 minutes, it covers the arm. After 2 hours, it's not grown any farther (only gotten thicker), despite it's unprecedented growth rate, just because they bound the arm? Plus the overly dramatic shattering of whatever it was at the end.

                      Summary: Way over the top (this time, sadly also acting wise for BJS, in my opinion).


                        For the people who voted 10/10, can you please tell me which planet you're from and what water you drinkin?

                        The last episode had Rush skeeming up a plan with Chloe to hide her fake her chair cure, then we get hit by this blatant blood tranfusion. Which by the way was only the last couple of minutes of the show, cause that was all that mattered. Hello! Plot fail.


                          Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
                          Sounds like I liked it better than you did and I only gave it a 9. Proof that we all have different levels of 'generosity' in our ratings
                          Lol yea, I'm pretty usually generous when it comes to rating/judging things. I feel that my issue was more of a character issue, than an actual episode issue. If I'm honest with my feelings, I'd say that if it had been anyone but Chloe, I probably wouldn't have minded the magical immunity thing that much, but just because it was her I was more bothered by it. I'm trying not to let my personal dislike of one character affect the way I feel about the episode as a whole. I guess it also got some bonus points since I actually liked Scott in this episode. I'm usually not too fond of the character, especially when hes anywhere near Chloe; so for me to actually like him in this episode, to me, meant it was pretty good.


                            I said 6.5 in my review thread and i voted 7 here. But after a re-watch I find Cloverdale really funny. It's a fun episode. The parallels are funny. I would give it a 8 or a 7.5 for killing the plant aliens with a whoooshhh. This episode is actually better on a second viewing.
                            Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                              Originally posted by pipi View Post
                              For the people who voted 10/10, can you please tell me which planet you're from and what water you drinkin?

                              The last episode had Rush skeeming up a plan with Chloe to hide her fake her chair cure, then we get hit by this blatant blood tranfusion. Which by the way was only the last couple of minutes of the show, cause that was all that mattered. Hello! Plot fail.
                              I'm glad I voted 9, so I can keep the source of my water a closely guarded secret. But I've said too much already...
                              I don't have any problem with the way Rush's plan to fake Chloe's cure got blown open suddenly at the end of the ep. I think it's more interesting having them not get away with it for long

                              Originally posted by Kelara View Post
                              2 from me. Way too in- your- face with the symbolism and similes
                              Can't please anyone these days. I quite liked the symbolism, and found it rather fun.
                              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                                It was an enjoyable hour of TV. I wouldn't call it the best thing ever, but it was a well written and nicely CGI'd mix of psychological deconstruction and KICK IT'S ASS!!! action.

                                I gave it a 6.
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

