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'Awakening' (203) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Rob23 View Post
    Anyone else think the LA are being very impatient?
    Why shouldn't they be? They've been nothing but cooperative and Young is not giving them an ounce of leeway for it. I can agree with not letting on the ship, no way that is a good idea, but there's only nine of them. At least isolate them somewhere with actual beds.


      Originally posted by morbosfist View Post
      There is no risk in dialling the gate. There is a risk in using it to send everyone home. Big difference.
      Again sorry to disagree.

      I think there was a risk in dialling the gate. They were attempting to dial earth, needing huge power reserves, which they were taking from a ship they knew nothing about, which had aliens on they knew nothing about. Who knows what could go wrong!
      Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
      Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


        Originally posted by Rob23 View Post
        Anyone else think the LA are being very impatient?
        Yes, as well as being very annoying.
        Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
        Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


          Originally posted by morbosfist View Post
          Why shouldn't they be? They've been nothing but cooperative and Young is not giving them an ounce of leeway for it. I can agree with not letting on the ship, no way that is a good idea, but there's only nine of them. At least isolate them somewhere with actual beds.
          Nothing but cooperative? Like when they were invading the ship and shooting everyone? Airlock all of them, thats what i say.
          Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
          Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


            Originally posted by mparsons1981 View Post
            Again sorry to disagree.

            I think there was a risk in dialling the gate. They were attempting to dial earth, needing huge power reserves, which they were taking from a ship they knew nothing about, which had aliens on they knew nothing about. Who knows what could go wrong!
            They know what kind of ship it is and how to operate its technology. That's all they needed. Dialling would have worked. The aliens are an unknown, but they could knot have known or predicted that the aliens would reverse the power flow, especially from outside the control room.

            Originally posted by mparsons1981 View Post
            Nothing but cooperative? Like when they were invading the ship and shooting everyone? Airlock all of them, thats what i say.
            That's over and done. These people surrendered and have aided in undermining their own organization. That calls for some leeway.


              The LA clearly have an alterior motive for being on destiny and I just don't believe Ginn's story from the last episode there's definently something going on.


                I didn't like the episode nearly as much as I thought I would. For an episode with a seeder ship and new aliens, I expected a lot more than we got. While I accept that this isn't Stargate Atlantis and we don't have McKay to do a large info dump on nearly everything we could want to know about the ship, I would've appreciated a little information. And while the SGU norm is to focus on characters with the plot being secondary, both plot and character development seemed in short supply this week, or at least neither one seemed to take the forefront. What character moments there were seemed like rehashing from prior episodes (Chloe's leg mysteriously healing, Rush feeling the cost that his secretive nature brings on others, etc.)

                Despite all that, I was thankful that Telford got some development in this episode, even if said development will take him away from the show (possibly permanently, but I highly doubt it). Also, I loved the Varro/TJ interaction this episode. While I still think that bringing in the Lucian Alliance was a mistake, as long as they're here now, I do like that what few of them there are, are at least interesting.

                I give this episode a rating of 2 out of 4 stars.
                Check out my fanfiction!


                  Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                  Right then, you didn't answer the question. Which means we both know what you would have answered would have vindicated Rush. You're right, everything is just too dangerous. They shouldn't have ever stepped through the gate because it was dangerous. Glad to see you would have never wanted SG-1 to have ever been made!
                  Like I said, of course there's always risk when going off-world. What there shouldn't be is unnecessary risk. Rush created that unnecessary risk and it resulted in a loss of life and the loss of one of the ship's vital resources.

                  Riley died and we lost a shuttle all for nothing.

                  It doesn't matter if there was danger in going to that specific planet. They had no business being anywhere near there in the first place.


                    Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                    Rush is probably the most sane person aboard the ship. With Young causing the death of Riley, and being half the reason Telford was stranded (he did allow Telford to stay, rather than order him back)...
                    Seriously? All Young did was alleviate Riley's suffering (per Riley's request). He would have died regardless. And if Young is partially the reason for Telford being stranded, the majority of the culpability still falls on Rush.


                      Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                      Jel, most of the time I can at least understand where you're coming from, even if I don't agree. But this is just bad; time and time again you've had the evidence laid out showing exactly why Rush wasn't at fault. And yet you still cling to this without offering any proof.
                      Not sure what "at fault" means here (are you putting the blame on only one person, or is the blame shared between several?), but either way Rush is not innocent. He had a hand in both Riley's death and Telford's exile from the ship. He was the one who "got the ball rolling", so to speak, by making the ship stop for both the planet and the seed ship. Obviously it's not completely his fault nor did he intend for both stops to end the way they did, but he's not completely innocent.

                      Chloe's wound should have been addressed in the last episode; in fact, it would have been a better use of time for it, rather than the vocal montage or that Brody/Volker scene. But, I guess the writers/producers or whatever or more convinced they have to try and be hip and popular by continuing to crank out the music. I suppose it's understandable; having people pay you to advertise their music on your show must be bringing in some decent extra cash. Selling out is always profitable, so I don't begrudge TPTB for trying to make more money. They could pick better tracks, though, and be a bit more inventive about how they use the music, instead of a song at the end of almost every episode now.
                      Why do you assume the worst, that TPTB are putting music montages in because they're payed to do so?

                      Is it difficult to accept that maybe they're putting it in because they think it's a good way to tell the story?

                      As a result of the continuing montages, I'm afraid I can't support the show anymore by watching it on TV or telling my friends to watch it. I'll get it other ways as long as it's on, but I can't support it via ratings anymore. Of course, I'll be willing to continue to support it if they pledge to drastically minimize or discontinue the vocal montages, but I doubt that will happen; pride goeth before loss of viewers.
                      Do you have a Nielsen box?

                      Because if you didn't then you never helped in the ratings anyway.


                        Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                        Right then, you didn't answer the question. Which means we both know what you would have answered would have vindicated Rush. You're right, everything is just too dangerous. They shouldn't have ever stepped through the gate because it was dangerous. Glad to see you would have never wanted SG-1 to have ever been made!

                        Anyway, on to my thoughts of the episode...

                        My initial thoughts are that the aliens aren't evil, per se. To them, they found the ship and these strange humans arrive and start taking power. What would you do? That's right, you'd stop them. They didn't kill Rush or Danning even when they could have. They simply reversed the transfer to get their power back. On another note: yet another bipedal humanoid looking alien that breathes oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. Crazy how there seems to be a lot of them.

                        JM said it was highly unlikely they'd come across a seed ship, so one wild theory I had was that wasn't a seed ship; rather, it was a ship the aliens made by studying a seed ship. A long shot theory that probably isn't true, though.

                        Young - The guy just doesn't learn. Through his actions, and lack of some, he's making the same mistakes that led to the mutiny of the civilians earlier. He's also making things worse. I don't begrudge the guy his drinks, but I wonder if it's affecting him. At any rate, this guy is no O'Neill. He's a dictator. He's already caused the death of Riley and now Telford. Hmm, two deaths in two episodes might make someone not like the guy!

                        Rush - I said to myself that if Gloria or Franklin ever appeared to Rush while there were other people around, it would confirm whether they were Rush's hallucinations or ship projections (or ancients). Since they haven't, I'm beginning to wonder more if they are ship projections. If Rush were crazy, Gloria would have appeared to him on the Seeder Ship. My opinion of him dropped slightly, since he didn't immediately tell people they could dial back to Earth, and logically speaking, keeping the bridge secret is a no-brainer bad idea anyway since such a secret will be discovered eventually. I understand his reasons why, but I wonder how long he thinks he can keep the charade up. Speaking of which...

                        Jel, most of the time I can at least understand where you're coming from, even if I don't agree. But this is just bad; time and time again you've had the evidence laid out showing exactly why Rush wasn't at fault. And yet you still cling to this without offering any proof. Repeating it over and over is a good way to convince yourself, and some of the weak-minded, but it doesn't prove a point to the more intellectual among us. The very fact that you want to count Telford as dead when he clearly isn't, shows a similar level of mental disconnect you want to accuse Rush of. Newsflash: Telford is still alive. And if you're keen enough to look up some spoilers, you find some surprising things.

                        Chloe's wound should have been addressed in the last episode; in fact, it would have been a better use of time for it, rather than the vocal montage or that Brody/Volker scene. But, I guess the writers/producers or whatever or more convinced they have to try and be hip and popular by continuing to crank out the music. I suppose it's understandable; having people pay you to advertise their music on your show must be bringing in some decent extra cash. Selling out is always profitable, so I don't begrudge TPTB for trying to make more money. They could pick better tracks, though, and be a bit more inventive about how they use the music, instead of a song at the end of almost every episode now.

                        As a result of the continuing montages, I'm afraid I can't support the show anymore by watching it on TV or telling my friends to watch it. I'll get it other ways as long as it's on, but I can't support it via ratings anymore. Of course, I'll be willing to continue to support it if they pledge to drastically minimize or discontinue the vocal montages, but I doubt that will happen; pride goeth before loss of viewers.

                        Last note: I still agree that an LA attack on Earth is laughable. There is no way they could muster enough ships to be a threat, UNLESS they found some secret advanced technology or some super weapon or something. They'd need a massive edge they do NOT have right now.

                        You ask for evidence in regards to jelgate. How about a different point of view. Lets start with Young being a dictator. Though it appears that it is a dictatorship going on but the series started with the wrong people being in the wrong place. Young has of course his duty to lead the military as trained but the civillains is another matter. He has literally taken it upon himself to be a Father to these people just as you would with your own children. As a Father, you try to do what is best and you make wrong decisions sometimes as you grow to be a better Father. Do we not as parents do something similar? Look outside the box on this one. I do not disagree that he his having big troubles and does not have it all together but bottom line he is completely committed to the lives of each and every person on that ship. Why do you think when there was a sign of trouble during Season 1 that he annouced to the civilians "go to your rooms" Sound familiar?? (I am assuming that you are or have been a parent)

                        I agree, Telford is NOT dead. We actually don't have enough info to know either way.

                        As far as Rush NOT being entirely responsible for the death of Riley. Considering bad timing in this thought process, he was responsible. He was the first domino that caused the domino's to fall that created the events that eventually caused the death of Riley and losing their last shuttle. If it were not for the discovery of the master code being unlocked and the bridge's location being determined at that particular time by Rush, Destiny would have continued on its path never dropping out of FTL in the first place. There would not have been any decisions, discussions, plans, etc. It would be different if Rush told Young and the rest of the crew of the discovery. Everyone would have known about the planet and no doubt dropped out of FTL with the possibility of finding food and water. Young would have definately sent a team. Since this didn't happen, Rush is the only one to blame. I am not a Rush basher because he does make good decisions and bad. He is just making a lot of bad ones right now that is costing dearly and yes, Young has as well.

                        I am not a fan of some of the music either. I try to tune it out when it is one that I don't like or I didn't think it worked well with the scene but not near enough to make me stop watching.
                        Last edited by SciFiRick; 12 October 2010, 10:32 PM. Reason: Left out three words


                          This episode brought a classic stargate vibe to SGU. I hope there is more like it this season.


                            Originally posted by Derocalypse View Post
                            This episode brought a classic stargate vibe to SGU. I hope there is more like it this season.
                            How was it classic exactly?

                            Didnt see a team going through the gate and having adventures!
                            Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
                            Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


                              O yay I get to do this again

                              Rush: Were about to dock with a ship
                              Young: What are you some kind of gypsy?
                              Rush: It's called a plot device
                              Brody: Yeah we docked with the ship
                              Rush: Now I predict you will go to the ship
                              Young: Malozzi told me in the script already geez......

                              Volker: It's a seeder ship alright
                              Eli: Whoa......................
                              Young: HAHAHA OMG nice Keanu Reaves impression
                              Volker/Eli/Rush: ????
                              Young: Oh well....

                              Scott: Ok we're on the ship, looks like set 3
                              Greer: Let's go down this path, the darker one is always more tempting.

                              Chloe: Hello
                              TJ: Hi
                              Chloe: Hi
                              TJ: What is it........
                              Chloe: You may not have noticed, but I have been walking around without a limp or blood everywhere even though I got shot.
                              TJ: ??? and, this concerns me how?
                              Chloe:Well, my wound was the-
                              TJ: Chloe, have you stealing my cold and flu tablets?

                              Volker: This corridor smells of wet people and men, lets split up
                              Scott: I'm turned on by it
                              Greer: ...............seriously?
                              Volker: Brody turn the flying ball on search mode.

                              Gloria: You realise what this ship means right?
                              Rush: The episode will end on a cliffhanger?
                              Gloria: No this is the Magnum Opus, but again you won't tell anyone for some reason
                              Rush: I am too sophistimacted for those apes.
                              Gloria: Odd, I remember in bed YOU were an ape.
                              Rush: (Face goes red)..................
                              Franklin: HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god HAHAHAHAHA!

                              Greer: Dude we are back to stage 5 we are lost
                              Scott: No it's the control room stupid.

                              Young: Now where the hell were you?
                              Rush: Got mocked by my wife
                              Young: Join the club
                              Telford: Can I have a word with you Everett?
                              Young: Fine..... I swear if it's about how you were taped to the gate last week, that was Greer........
                              Telford: I'll kill him for that with a spoon, anyways Camille told me about the ship.
                              Young: One day I might put tape over her mou- oh well and?
                              Telford: You didn't tell I not cool anymore?
                     know how to get to me when you do that puppy look, yeah we found some ship and Scott is looking around for something to make this dramatic.

                              *Volker uses the Power up spell on Seeder Ship + 1000hp*
                              Alien no1: Dude I was having a dream about Pamela Anderson.......bad timing...

                              Young: Hey guess what, i hate you all, I am going to keep you here to peeve you all off and make Simeon go insane, goodbye (exits)
                              Varro:................he could of at least Texted us that, wouldn't have hurt so much......
                              Simeon: kids and technology................

                              Eli: Hey look an R18+ video!
                              Rush: Really? Does it have perhaps Uma Thurman nak-
                              Eli: I was messing with you, seems the ship didn't need the +1000 hp we gave it.

                              Young: Why do you keep talking out loud to everyone Camille?
                              Park:........thats Camille over there.........
                              Young: sorry Camille.......
                              (walks over to Wray)
                              Young: Why do you keep opening your mouth to TRAITOR sorry I mean Telford, and the Lucians......
                              Wray: I don't like you, surely a season together taught you that........and the coup......
                              Young: Whatevs.......

                              Scott: So who are you doing? Wray? James?
                              Greer: your sister........
                              Scott:...............i'm sorry (breaks down)
                              Greer: I was joking, im doing Park.
                              Scott: She IS my sister.

                              Young: What's going on?
                              Eli: We got enough power to gate home
                              Rush: *cough cough* yes but we need to channel power through some dangerous conduits to do so.
                              Young: Well get on with it.........

                              Brody: I need to go pee, I'm going to find the Kino room here and pretend that it's bed is Eli's and let it flow.
                              Volker: Sure, it's not like those movies where the lone guy ALWAYS get jumped hahahaha............oh crap......

                              Scott: Surprise we found some gates!
                              Rush: You idiot, I don't care let's do some other stuff......
                              Greer: (flips rush off as he leads them away)
                              Scott: Werd..........

                              Volker: Oh hey, I could hear your pee from here, you need to OH MOTHER OF JESUS
                              Alien 1: God you humans are fat......(passes out)

                              TJ: If you aren't careful your head might explode
                              Simeon: I want to have sexxxxx.........want in?
                              (TJ knocks simeon out)
                              Marine Guard:..................nice
                              Young: What, get off the floor what are you doing down there? Oh TJ I impregnated James, that is all bye......

                              Volker: Hey guys something just found me
                              Greer: I swear if he's playing hide and seek again I will rip out his oesphagus with my bare hands.

                              Varro: Let's make out
                              TJ: God not here, Young is watching
                     try tapping her and I will make out with YOU, yeah how you like THAT.
                              Varro: he always this crazy.....
                              TJ: He only started being like that once he learned Marsden forgot the stash of "Revealing Material" on Icarus Base if you get my drift (motions hand up and down)
                              Varro: (facepalm)

                              Telford: Hey i'm going to go on the ship as the redshirt, umm yeah
                              Young: Goddamit how many redshirts are we gonna kill off this season.

                              TJ: Oh cool an alien
                              Greer: It's sleeping or something
                              Alien 1: SURPRISE, who are you? Who are the two fat guys? And the hairy man?
                              Rush: Lower yer guns he won't betray us yet.
                              Volker: Here give him some fruit
                              Brody: It's crap.....
                              Volker: Whatevs
                              Alien 1: Holy crap that tasted like poison.
                              Rush: Search for his friends my minions.
                              Telford: Agreed, we need the meat......
                              Alien 1: ???

                              Rush: Transfer being initiated now
                              Eli: Now only those aliens can stop us BWAHAHAHAH!

                              Greer: Hey guys, looks like he brang along a whole posse of these guys.......some of these pods say........"Metallica Rules".......this one says.......
                              Scott: Greer?
                              Greer: That one said "Justin Bieber is hot", barbarian.........

                              Rush: I'm gonna stay here so Telford gets captured
                              Young: Ok i'll send redshirts into the fray, bring the alien too, dunning stay with him.
                              Dunning: Why god why.......

                              Young: Gate is dialing, excellent, oh dear it's stopped, Rush are you interrupting it for porn again?
                              Rush: I don't know-
                              Dunning: Ow...........
                              Eli: Umm they are stealing our HP.
                              Young: Hackers.........

                              Alien 1: I'm out, i need to take a dump, bye!
                              Marsden: Dammit can't hit.........targets.......2.......feet away.....

                              Telford: We found Rush and Dunning, they are fine.
                              Young: Get yer azz back here.
                              Telford: I'm gonna pull a redshirt on you and stay and make sure we make this dramatic.

                              Airman: I can't open this door.........
                              Rush: I NEED TO GO OUT OF THE WAY!
                              TJ: ??
                              Greer: whilst he was unconcious in his sleep he was saying stuff about me.....

                              (Destiny has updated their face book status with seeder ship: Broken Up)

                              Rush: God I am suckish sometimes.......
                              Young: Sorry Telford, sucks to be you
                              Telford: Yeah just get out of here and get those people except for Rush home.

                              Telford:................KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- wrong movie RRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Alien 1: Sup
                              Alien 2: Sup
                              Alien 3: Sup
                              Alien 4: METALLICA RULES
                              Alien 5: Sup
                              Alien 6: Justin Bieber is like so turns me totally....
                              Telford: Dear god.......................................................



                                Originally posted by mparsons1981 View Post
                                How was it classic exactly?

                                Didnt see a team going through the gate and having adventures!
                                They didn't go through the gate every episode.........

