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"Awakening" (203) Pre-Airing Discussion/Speculation Thread

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    I think this episode deals with the resurrection of the dead. Long distance electrodes shot into the pineal and pituitary gland of the recently dead.
    - the guest member of SGU book club


      BoltBait writes: “Do you story board an episode? If so, who draws the pictures?”

      Answer: We break an episode, first spinning out the idea, then fleshing it out on the whiteboard by breaking it down into acts and individual scenes. From there, we go to outline, then script. If the director is presented with a fairly complicated bit of choreography, he may story board the sequence – like Andy Mikita did in Awakening.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        Speaking of Day 1 mixes, guess what we watched today? Yes, a Day 1 mix. That’s the easy part. What episode? Correct again. Episode #2, Awakening. You guys are amazing! I just phoned Joel Goldsmith to congratulate him on the wonderful job he did scoring the episode. Congratulations should also go out to director Andy Mikita, the cast and crew, and – oh, boy! – Mark Savela and the VFX team! I repeat. Oh, boy!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          This morning, I sent post our notes on the Awakening Day 1 mix. In retrospect, I should’ve sent off those notes last week when they were still fresh in my mind. Instead, I spent the better part of the morning struggling to decipher my writing, continually referring to my dvd copy of the mix to help me make sense of the scribbles. Here, maybe you can help me out...

          Okay, this is what I’ve got so far:

          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            How this episode will play out
            (in the gate room young is addressing the crew)
            Young: yes and unfortunately the last of the lucian alliance meat we had is out.....anyway next agenda?
            Scott: Yes it's Greer he's been a bit of an idiot recently
            Young: Who?
            Scott: Greer sir, he's the guy....
            Young: OH him yes that good ol boy what has he done.
            Brody: Yesterday he put a message in the control rooms systems for Park, Eli, Rush and I saying "Nerds"
            TJ: Yeah yesterday he faked he had rabies
            Chloe: And he keeps stumbling on me and Scott...umm
            Scott: (To chloe in whisper) say anything just not.....
            Chloe: Smooching in the broom closet.
            (Lt Scott facepalms himself)
            Young: My, well (on the radio) Greer get down to the gate room please.......Greer I did say "PLEASE".....ugh Riley take the Redshirt over there and Marsden and get his butt up here, take a club just in case and some flash bangs.


            Redshirt: Ok we are here...(raises m4) well open it?!
            Marsden: May god and superman jesus save us.
            Riley: Please, he's probably just (Door opens) Oh he's sleeping. (Over radio) Sir he's sleeping i'm going to wake him, OI GREER!
            Young: DEAR GOD NO!! GET OUT OF THERE.
            (Greer awakens)
            Greer: Graghitantagoiaaghflamethroweraghagma!
            (Marsden and Riley run)
            Redshirt: HEY where are you guys going.
            (Greer grabs him)
            Greer: I go, I am bed, sorry
            (Greer knocks out the redshirt and continues on the rampage across the ship)

            Young: Dammit, Scott get every man woman and child that can carry a women to stop him!(was meant to say gun instead of carry a women sorry)
            Scott: err you mean weapon sir right.
            Young: Yeah these things
            (accidently fires a shot from his weapon and ricochets into Rileys head)
            Riley: Dang it not again......
            Young: Oh he lived, thats a miracle and a half, son I might just promote you for that
            Riley: Oww.........
            (Greer runs into gateroom in a fury)
            Greer: wake wake wake GRR Sleep you woke who? You!
            Young: Oh Greer please, calm down.
            TJ: Oh dear.....sir turns out he really does have rabies after all that might have caused this.
            Young: Hmm we can't get him from the front.....we need to bait him then jump him......but who can we bait (looks over at chloe)
            Chloe: Hello!
            (Chloe gets pushed to Greer who tackles her then the whole marine contingent on board jumps on him)
            Marine 1: Dammit off him Chloe before you do damage.
            (they subdue Greer)
            Young: Ok TJ I wan- ah screw it give him 10 shots of morphine and strap him to a bed in the infirmary.......
            (Greer gets dragged away)
            Greer: BED BED BED BED BED BED BED
            Chloe/Riley: Owww.......
            Young: I love my job



              [...] We eventually settled in and checked out the finished visual effects for Awakening. Wow! I think it’s their best work yet. The movements are fluid and incredibly life-like, the body language and the subtlest of glances alone imbuing the characters with personality. And the ship sequences are pretty damn cool too! [...]
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                this is going to be the episode were Rush gains access to Destinys key systems and wakes destiny up from its slumber. just a thought......


                  Given the spoilers, I think it probably has more to do with aliens.


                    We’ve been deluged with mixes! Awakening yesterday, Malice today, and The Greater Good tomorrow. Awakening boasts some of those incredible(r) VFX I was referring to (especially one complicated sequence many had reservations about that turned out nothing short of amazing) in addition to the discovery of a little something certain fans have been asking about since first season. [...]
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      "in addition to the discovery of a little something certain fans have been asking about since first season."

                      He knows what buttons to push


                        Originally posted by KEK View Post
                        Given the spoilers, I think it probably has more to do with aliens.
                        What spoilers are you referring to? I was kind of thinking it would be discussing dormant areas of Destiny, but that was just a hunch. I read through this thread and saw mostly speculation and production tidbits. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                          Figured it out.

                          Rush wakes up. He is in a stasis pod. It was all a dream where he was the omnipotent observer. He gets out and the Kinos are maintaining all the stasis pods. They see him and it pops open breaking in half to reveal a laser gun which shoots him.

                          Eli wakes up and he dreams Rush waking up from his dream. He has been in hyperspace while dreaming the entire thing. They drop out of hyperspace and something explodes flinging Eli none too gently against the walls.

                          Someone is resting his head on a desk. It's Rob Cooper and he has been dreaming the entire show the entire time. He's been dreaming Eli's dream of Rush dreaming. He shakes his head and stands up to get a drink. He trips on something and hits his head.

                          Then YOU wake up and you've been dreaming Rob dreaming SGU with Eli dreaming of Rush dreaming. Cue Twilight Zone music.
                          this reminds me of "Inception"
                          Grimm returns October 24

                          Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                          Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                            I agree with you on this one, it has been said that Rush discovers it quickly in the season, and I see two episodes (probably the same night) to let the cliffhanger resolve and then start a new plot line.

                            Besides, the spoilers make it sound like it.
                            Save Stargate Resistance and Stargate Worlds, keep a part of the franchise alive! and read our blog


                              Zoomeister writes: “Furthermore, how does that stack up to what we’ll see in season 2 of SGU?”

                              Answer: The Visual Effects for episode 3, Awakening, are probably the best we’ve done to date.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                The Destiny has a pilot, like Moya. And it's a CG character. Rush finds the bridge, but it still doesn't give him 100% control over the ship, until he comes upon references to the pilot and awakens it. Mallozzi has confirmed this to me.

