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'Water' (106) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I think even Young and TJ could learn a thing or two. Young could learn not to keep everything bottled up and TJ could learn to be a little more sympathic.
    She did good with Rush in Darkness, in my opinion.
    ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

    ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


      The water issue 40000 liters = ~10k gallons divided by 80 people max means over 100 gallons per person. The ice they brought back was that really significant?


        Originally posted by Gatebsg View Post
        The water issue 40000 liters = ~10k gallons divided by 80 people max means over 100 gallons per person. The ice they brought back was that really significant?
        500L / person is a lot of water
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
          500L / person is a lot of water
          Thats what I thinking makes Rush wanting Young to ditch Scott even more interesting.


            Hey, is anyone else frustrated at the death rate in sgu. I mean 4 already, and I know of at least 2-3 that are two come. Plus I really liked gorman. I hated to see him die. Don't you think he could have gotten at least 1 more episode?

            See!!!! I told you they would kill off redshirts too often!!!
            Last edited by major davis; 30 October 2009, 09:04 PM.


              Originally posted by joeynox View Post
              Loved the episode. The face the buh sand thing made was that scotts face?
              Looked like it. Same way it looked like the doc when she encountered it. Reminded me of the Film the Abyss when the aliens sent that water probe in..

              Why is TJ in charge?
              Next highest ranking officer after the col and the LT.

              Young: "That man needs a lot of work." Wonder if he'll ever get a chance to "work on" Rush? That line has already come up a few times.
              I am honestly wondering what "work' he keeps going on about? Mental issues? Being beat up (code red!!!) or something else?

              I guess Young is healed.
              It was kinda unbelievable he was walking around so easily on the ice planet, as well as using he injured leg to support him while he tried to pull up Scott.

              i got the feeling the bugs might have been the reason the planet in "air PT3 was a desert. the bugs took all the water.
              Ya think.. While it is a good hypothesis, i would think there had to be a lot more of them than there was for that to happen.

              T.J. also scored a lot of points for me. I really like her character. I also liked the moment she looks at Eli when she lies to Young
              My fave was when she told greer she did NOT trust him.

              if they really wanted to replenish their supplies they needed thousands of pounds of ice
              With young having to stop collecting/taking the sled back to help out Scott who got trapped, he had to forgo getting more.. BUT i do agree, they needed more.

              Sunday is a great example of that.
              I prefered Siege part 1 with grodin dying in the Satellite weapon.

              Travelling through a star only replenished 40% of Destiny's power reserves? Holy smokes....either it has colossal reserves, or the thing is so bloody old that the batteries have lost their zero point, so to speak.
              Actually all fuel cells degrade over time so they won't store as much as they used too. So that was not outlandish.

              The rest of Young's 'done this before' stuff was amusing too.
              Which makes me wonder, what he did before joining up?

              I don't remember seeing them in either series.
              Neither do i.

              The teeny glowing things in SGA's "Defiant One" and in the SG1 eppy with the new female recruit (forget the name). The flying speck things killed people on SG1 too.
              Not the same thing. One is an energy bug like a firefly. The other (sandy) is something else..

              Lt. Scott still can't keep it in his pants (and turns his radio off, on duty no less).
              I cannot wait to hear what happens to Scott for this.. his second time doing it.

              I wonder if you would felt that way if Rush had asked you to understand to watch your girlfriend die. Of course Rush is right but emotions can cloud logic
              Unfortunately, that is true. And worse yet, it seems it is always the fairer sex who lets their emotions cloud up logic.

              As for my opinion. A solid ep, but not as good as it could have been. iMO the getting trapped in the crevace should have been left out, and they should have concentrated more on the dust thing.


                Originally posted by major davis View Post
                and I know of at least 2-3 that are two come.
                Great. Thanks a lot for that

                We have SPOILER tags for a reason, you know. Jesus.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  I thought this episode was ok, wasn't great. TJ was pretty good and so was Young.


                    Opps sorry forgot!!!

                    Or r u just messing with me?


                      loved this episode. i followed SG1 and SGA religiously. both were great shows. SGU is shaping up to be better than both of them in my opinion. a character driven stargate series is a welcome and long waited edition to the stargate universe.

                      everyone keeps comparing SGU to ST:Voyager. when they should be comparing SGU to STS9. when STS9 first came out, most die hard trek fans hated it and trashed it at every chance for the same reasons people are trashing SGU. funny thing is when STS9 ended, it was and continues to be the top rated star trek series.


                        Well looks like I missed a lot in those 10min that OnDemand cut from the episode.

                        Apogee Institute

                        Congito, ergo sum - congito


                          Quite liked this. Strangely.

                          The episode seemed slow, yet I was intrigued by their reactions and behaviour on Destiny due to the sand alien. I liked watching TJ, Greer, Rush and Eli react to that situation and each other. TJ was cool here too.

                          Also, I'm still in the Greer fan club. Did it seem like the Marines were going to deal with Spencer themselves? A bit of rough justice for a somewhat treasonous act.

                          The end scene was good. Why? It compares what Col Young has to deal with, to what Eli has to deal with. Young has to deal with big picture people issues, whereas Eli only deals with well defined technical issues.


                            Great episode. Not up to the same standard as Light but it was good. While it's true that the Scot/Young plot was a pretty typical first season type story that we've all seen before as usual with this show it's the characters that really make it great.

                            TJ was really the stand out character in this one. Being left in command really showed off a side of her that we haven't seen so far. I didn't think that she was going to be given this kind of opportunity and it's good to see she handled it well. I liked that she told Greer that she didn't trust him, these two had previously been set up as friends and it's interesting that the friendship is tested to a certain degree.

                            I liked that there was friction between Eli and Rush. The relationship between the two of them is becoming more and more interesting. In fact I think that it might be the most important relationship of the series. I liked Eli's reaction when Rush told him he was acting like a child. He seemed equally angry and embarrassed and that seemed like a very real reaction.

                            I'm glad that the sand creatures from Air part 3 were used again. I didn't think we'd be seeing them again and it's good that there is a lot of follow up to previous episodes. The way that they were dispatched was a pretty typical Stargate solution but I think that it worked quite well for this episode.

                            It was good to get off the ship and on to an alien planet this week. There is a really good sense of being out on the frontier so when they do go to other planets it feels like a big deal. SG 1 and SGA both lost the sense of wonder of going to other worlds and SGU seems to have got it back. The shot of Young lying on his back and looking up at the foreign sky was great.

                            The end of the episode was interesting with everyone complaining to Young about lots of different things even though he'd just been risking his life to get them all more water. His reaction of just ignoring them all was perfect. Tensions seem to be rising on the ship and people seem to be getting more and more dissatisfied. It will be interesting to see what all of this builds to. I find this kind of character driven drama much more engaging than action based drama. I really don't think that this show need's gunfights with aliens to be exciting although I'm sure plenty of people disagree.


                              I totally saw the "Scott and Chloe kissing when he was called on the radio" thing happening... like two seconds before it happened. This show is too predictable!!!!!


                              Anyhow, it was great to see more of the ship, chase up on several plot threads (the powerbars, the sand aliens which I hadn't expected to see again actually, the impossibility of dialling Earth, to name a few) and get a look into some of the characters, particularly Rush, Young, a bit of Scott and Greer, and of course TJ. And a little bit of Chloe. She's most interesting when she's trying to put Rush in his place, methinks. I was hoping for a more substantial scene with Vanessa but I guess it's probably best left as subtext for now.
                              Eli's latest invention was pretty cool, and shows that he can innovate
                              And the alien-attack scene sure was bloody and a little disturbing.

                              Scott's got to get busy if he wants to keep up with the number of bullets fired!
                              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                                Am liking Greer more and more. Scott and Chloe less and less. James and her reaction was very mature and well played. Eli I still love. And Rush I still love to hate. TJ. Meh. Glad to see nothing of Wray in this episode.

                                Only a few days have passed, right? Young was healed enough to go down to Hoth? I hope the next episode shows him sore from the exertion.

                                I like the alien entity and the continuity with it from Air part 3. I hope these are the kind of aliens we'll be seeing.

                                I like the different planetary environments, too and . . . was this the first episode we've seen the wormhole? It was white wasn't it?
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

