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'Water' (106) General Discussion

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    People have commented about how come Gorman gets a memorial but the senator doesn't, but I've just realised that Young says, "I intend to hold appropriate services tomorrow at sixteen hundred hours." Services plural, so maybe he's going to hold one for the senator as well, and possibly also for Palmer and Curtis.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Its a reason like this that I like Chloe and don't follow fandom on here. I like the aspect how to a varying degree everyone else is trained for this kind of scenario. Chloe is not and its interesting to see how she adapts to being unprepared
      I agree. While Eli is the closest to being in the same situation as she is, even he is a bit of a different case because he has an applicable skill to the crew.

      Every other person there is either a civilian who was trained to some degree to work at Icarus Base, or they're a military member who was definitely trained for such missions.

      I'll be interested to see how Chloe handles all of this
      Sig by Pandora's Box


        Originally posted by Descended View Post
        The thing I don't understand is why are these people so close to mutiny? The situation doesn't really warrant it. People as animals are most comfortable in a clearly established hierarchy, and none of the command decisions have been horrible to the point that they should be this disgruntled. I think the problem is just that Young is an ineffective commander and is not providing enough information.
        Isn't Dr. Rush the leader?

        Think about it, most of the disgruntled complaints could be solved with a little more communication...

        1) We are stuck on destiny -- Rush never really explained why he dialed Destiny instead of Earth, all it would take is for him to say "Look, the planet was exploding, it was very possible that the explosion could have translated through the gate and destroyed the gate on Earth (it has happened in the past) and then you would have died instantly and taken millions and millions of people on Earth with you. We could not risk it."
        So dial somewhere else in the galaxy? This is the most logical conclusion.

        2) Rationing -- Any sane person could recognize the need for rationing in that situation, it is the first thing that comes to anyone's mind when faced with starvation. I refuse to believe that a bunch of scientists can't see the need for it.
        Not all of them are scientists. They are also all human, and being stuck billions of light years away from home is enough to make anyone act irrationally.

        3) Military Command -- Everyone on the base was already under military command because it was a military operation, so why are they now so opposed to the military. It makes no sense for the scientists to be grumbling when they would have been taking orders from the military commanders for months (they are essentially defense contractors)
        A controlled military environment where everything is operational and almost a limitless supply, along with the ability to go to Earth whenever vs very far deep space where that stuff isn't as structured because of circumstances.

        4) Water Shortage -- If they had explained that there was something wrong and they needed everyone's help to figure it out, it would have been a lot better, but by keeping things cloak and dagger they are getting accused of hoarding. I am not sure why that scientists said "If they control the water supply they can control us." Why would they even have to, they have the guns, if the military wanted to control you they could simply threaten to shoot you, screw the water.
        Its not about threatening life, its about controlling behavior. They think they're going to withhold water in order to force them to cooperate. Much easier to make them dehydrated and break em down that way than to render the people useless.

        5) Aliens -- Not telling people about a potentially hostile alien was just a stupid decision. TJ confined people to quarters, but what were they supposed to do if they aliens flew into their room and no one had said anything to them.
        I disagree with this statement. The last thing they need is a panic.

        If Young had better communication none of these problems would be arising. It is only a matter of time before he has to put down a mutiny which was entirely avoidable.
        He probably will have to put down a mutiny, this I agree with.

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          This was the first episode of SGU where I thought that I might start liking it. Still I have these questions:

          Wrong people at the wrong place - is there supposed to be somebody else? How come they are always arguing? How did they work together in Icarus? I thought they were kind of chosen there. Shouldn't they have some training and some experience by now? Why are they acting like a bunch of people who are beamed up random?
          Best technology that is ever found - yet nobody from Earth is interested?
          Characters are too ordinary. It could just as easily be whatever other show, 24, or whatever. Instead of earthborn behavior I'd like to see some heroism and mystics. Or why all this should take place in space?
          Why isn't there any stargates in the header of the show? Shouldn't it be the mark or something?
          Eli's jokes are really lame.
          Why does the DHD screen at the gateroom seem like a 60 years old TV?
          Does Scott think anything else than sex? Think not.
          Space suits are not in a could shape? But blankets and pillows were... better material perhaps than space suits?
          Plasma cutter - did they take one with them while escaping from Icarus?
          Nice lost tribe suits indeed. Perhaps they have seen the "lost tribe"?
          What was the thing Eli sent them and how it was flying?
          How can Eli not know the maximum time that stargate can be open - after all those lessons Daniel gave him?
          Why is Greer always so hot tempered?
          Nice bugs. What is this - Mummy IV?
          Nice falling through ice - just like Sam and Jack once did, remember?
          Why weren't the bugs attacking Greer when he first burned them? It doesn't make any sense.
          When did Young recover? He was almost dead 3-4 days ago.


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            The fact the soldier was patroling the ship tells he did know about the occurence. And I never said anything about leaving everyone in the dark. In military situations information is on a need to know basis because telling everyone would cause anarachy which would complicate the objective of securing the alien.
            I got the impression from the episode that the killed soldier did know nothing at all, since it was just decided to tell nobody about the aliens just a scene before(?). Well, I'll have to wait for the transcript to figure that out.

            While its true that its unecessary for everyone to know everything in a military command structure, the crew of the Destiny clearly did it the wrong way.
            Their superior officer was nearly left in the dark about the discovery of the aliens even though he is supposed to be the one in charge of the bigger picture. And this discovery completely changed the mission priorities from "we need supplies, go get them on the ice planet" to "we have stowaways on board, go throw them out of the ship".
            Meanwhile, the grunts weren't instructed on how to deal with the alien life form, even if they were warned that they had to prepare for an encounter (which I didn't see in the episode, but perhaps I missed it).
            All this lead to one unnnecessary casualty against an essentially harmless, even friendly, alien lifeform.

            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            True. What is your point?

            What would Young and Scott returning have accomplished? They all know about the sand aliens and the Destiny people were trying to capture and prevent them from taking more water. I don't see how Young returning would have changed. Besides aliens or not the Destiny needed more water.

            The point is that Young and Scott should have realized that the ice planet was pointless and that the only solution to their problem was going back to the ship and flushing the aliens out as quickly as possible.
            No, that's to weak. Rush, Young, hell, everyone in the Gateroom and on the planet should have known with 100% certainty that going for a second haul of ice wouldn't solve anything and was an absolutely pointless waste of time.
            1. They couldn't hope to replace their water losses to begin with (40 cubic meters of water went missing, they probably managed 0,5 cubic meters of ice on their first trip and only had a much too small water source to begin with). They would have had to make upwards of 80 trips to get even.
            2. For the same reasons, after they stopped the alien's consumption of their water supply, they had much more water left remaining than they could ever hope to bring in.
            3. All water they brought back would potentially be consumed by the alien lifeform anyway if they didn't solve that problem before they went to FTL.
            4. Any soldier could have brought in more ice, the aliens however were a much more delicate situation that potentially would have required Young to solve.


              First I'm really not liking SG-U at all. Im trying to give season one a shot but gets harder each time. A few points that annoyed me...

              1.) They are on the ice planet where the temps are way below 0 and etc.. So why is it that when they come back through the portal at the end, everyone runs up and touches the floating pad and the metal suites with no issues? They would be super cold to the human touch

              2.)WHen Scott was trapped in the underground pit, why didnt they just tie him to the floating pad vs young being all dramatic and TRYING to pull scott up?

              3.) They throw the canister out through the gate knowing that young/scott have to come back in. Odds are that the alien could come right back through.

              Just venting even a day later, just seems the writers are losing it. Bring back SG1 or SG A


                When Scott was in the crevasse, and Young couldn't do anything to pull him up, there was sundenly a sort of earthquake, and then, Young succeeded rescueing Scott.

                I don't understand what happened!...

                Did I miss something?

                Nothing supernatural happened?
                At one time, I thought they'd free the alien from the ship, and that it would run (fly) to the stargate and save Scott...


                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  And of course, later on in the epsisode we had James informing Chloe of Scott's troubles. Reading the transcript would be useless here, as I was impressed with the amount of information expressed solely in the form of body langauge and facial expressions.
                  *Hurt expression* Hey, I do my best, you know!!


                    Originally posted by ttsec View Post
                    If the writers really wanted an interesting and innovative show, this is how it should've gone:

                    Young gets pulled down with Scott and they both fall to their deaths. Cloe, in her stupidity, runs towards the Stargate hearing that Scott is dead, and is vaporized as the wormhole opens. TJ, now permanantely in charge, orders the execution of Spencer by locking him in a room with the bugs. The bugs get incinerated by the black guy. Show ends with Rush and TJ in a sex scene as Lt. James kills her self by hanging herself from the top of the Stargte.
                    I rate this post


                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      I apologize if someone stated this, but you do realize that SG-1 is the definition of luck. Half the stuff they done were done so against the odds. Half the breaks they have done were nothing more but luck.

                      This was the type of episode that I was looking for. They used the gate, they had two problems, proper screen time for those affected, some humor, and some urgency.

                      They had to find the way to get the dust out, this reminded me of that Atlantis Episode where they had to get a ascended black thing out of the city.

                      The Ice thing was pretty much what they are going to be doing. They have to use the gate to resupply and I hope that there are more episodes like this in the future.

                      tsk, tsk, lieutenant.
                      Bad comparison. SG-1 didn't pretend to be anything other than what it was. A Hero-romp, a Saga, epic grandeur....
                      With this we accept that the incredible and the fantastic occure on the regular basis and the Astounding on the finaly. We want our ears tickled and the SGC, intact for every mission and Earth surviving past the credits.

                      That is not what the SGU is.
                      Comparing them is not fair. For one is aiming for realism and the others aimed for sensationalism.


                        Originally posted by Arga View Post
                        When Scott was in the crevasse, and Young couldn't do anything to pull him up, there was sundenly a sort of earthquake, and then, Young succeeded rescueing Scott.

                        I don't understand what happened!...

                        Did I miss something?

                        Nothing supernatural happened?
                        At one time, I thought they'd free the alien from the ship, and that it would run (fly) to the stargate and save Scott...
                        the earth quake freed him...but he should have fallen down.


                          Overall this was an improvement over the other episodes except maybe Air part 3. The Alen bug sub-plot and the humor saved this episode. I'm lookin foreward to Earth.
                          For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11


                            Originally posted by Nemises View Post
                            the earth quake freed him...but he should have fallen down.
                            Remeber he was tied that rope.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              it's very possible that chloe didn't want to have a service for her father.

                              or, it's been 3 weeks that they've been ship wrecked, for all we know they already had services for the others. this is the only one that's been canonly mentioned.

                              as to gorman, they have parts of the ship that don't have atmosphere, so the body would be preserved, maybe they put him there, or they use the kawoosh, who knows.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                Remeber he was tied that rope.
                                and young suddenly found the strength of hercules and pulled him up. that was a lame scene and we all knew scott wouldn't die.

                                young should have gone back to the destiny and give the environmental suite to greer to go back and pull him up. he was stuck for hrs so he wouldn't have fallen.

