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'Water' (106) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by mjwalshe View Post
    f = mv2

    Velocity is squared
    Um no.

    Force=mass times the accleration.

    and accleration is determined by the change of velocity divided by the change in time.
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I disagree their is nothing to gain from lying. The main mission was water. Without a distraction the water (ie the sand aliens) the mission will be achieved more efficently
      So it's okay to leave everyone in the dark about what is happening as much as possible? That wasn't the only instance when information was deliberately withheld this episode.
      Hell, one crewmember died this episode because of this!
      (The soldier wasn't informed about the presence of alien lifeforms and that he should remain peaceful.)

      Besides, it was pretty clear even early on that they were losing much more water than they could possibly replace at this pace (10 000 litres and more went missing, a few 100 litres were brought back).

      In fact, Rush was wrong when he shut up Eli and convinced Young to stay on the ice planet for a second haul. They should have returned to the ship as soon as it became clear that an alien lifeform was causing the water losses, as simply replacing the lost water had become meaningless at this point. The ice could have been stolen from them just as fast as the water if they didn't get the aliens from the ship.

      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Isn't her lack of nothing to do and her quest to find her worth in essence something to do?
      Granted, but I hope she finds out what to do soon.

      Originally posted by Ukko
      I think he/she is reffering to Air pt1 (I think it was 1) when Greer took some kind of energy bars from the supplies.

      But breaking the rules at every oppertunity, i dont know about that.
      No, Greer didn't steal anything, it was Spencer.
      Greer however
      • was confined to the brig in the pilot episode because of an assault on a superior officer
      • nearly shot Rush in the pilot episode on one ocassion and abused him on another because of his mistrust
      • has clear anger issues
      • in this episode, attacked an alien lifeform despite being ordered repeatedly not to do it
      • in this episode,came very close to disregarding the authority of his superior officer

      He really has no moral high ground to judge Spencer, he isn't a shining beacon of military conduct either. Although i likely went too far by calling him a hypocrite.

      Originally posted by hedwig
      The question had nothing to do with what they should do with his body. I know they can't get to him. Though somebody could use one of those suits they just used in "Water" to retrieve him now without sacrificing anybody.
      Yeah, I only wanted to explain why Young reacted so indifferent. Wray only asked about the body, not about any spiritual aspect. I agree that they probably should have shown a fitting funeral scene.

      Still, how is the spacesuit going to help them close the door, which can only be done from inside the shuttle? You'd only trade the senator's body with a guy in a spacesuit who would have to be resuced. The hole in the window doesn't seem to be large enough to get out of the shuttle either, so the guy is trapped.

      What really could be done is just duct-taping the hull breach with some spare parts. Or they could eventually hack into the shuttle program to solve the door-switch, but so far it clearly isn't their top priority.


        Originally posted by Dain View Post
        Greer apparantly is a nice big old hypocrite -loathing thiefs and non-military personnel with passion and yet breaking the rules himself at every opportunity.
        Greer was doing his job in this episode, as senior NCO, he is in charge of discipline. Greer was in the lockup for a reason but after that he has obeyed all orders. And what rules are you talking about cause I don’t see Greer breaking any. Further he is only disrespectful to those who don’t give him respect, he was pleasant towards Chloe and less pleasant to the scientists who got in his way and showed him no respect.


          Originally posted by Dain View Post
          So it's okay to leave everyone in the dark about what is happening as much as possible? That wasn't the only instance when information was deliberately withheld this episode.
          Hell, one crewmember died this episode because of this!
          (The soldier wasn't informed about the presence of alien lifeforms and that he should remain peaceful.)

          Besides, it was pretty clear even early on that they were losing much more water than they could possibly replace at this pace (10 000 litres and more went missing, a few 100 litres were brought back).

          In fact, Rush was wrong when he shut up Eli and convinced Young to stay on the ice planet for a second haul. They should have returned to the ship as soon as it became clear that an alien lifeform was causing the water losses, as simply replacing the lost water had become meaningless at this point. The ice could have been stolen from them just as fast as the water if they didn't get the aliens from the ship.

          Granted, but I hope she finds out what to do soon.

          No, Greer didn't steal anything, it was Spencer.

          Greer however
          • was confined to the brig in the pilot episode because of an assault on a superior officer
          • nearly shot Rush in the pilot episode on one ocassion and abused him on another because of his mistrust
          • has clear anger issues
          • in this episode, attacked an alien lifeform despite being ordered repeatedly not to do it
          • in this episode,came very close to disregarding the authority of his superior officer

          He really has no moral high ground to judge Spencer, he isn't a shining beacon of military conduct either. Although i likely went too far by calling him a hypocrite.

          Yeah, I only wanted to explain why Young reacted so indifferent. Wray only asked about the body, not about any spiritual aspect. I agree that they probably should have shown a fitting funeral scene.

          Still, how is the spacesuit going to help them close the door, which can only be done from inside the shuttle? You'd only trade the senator's body with a guy in a spacesuit who would have to be resuced. The hole in the window doesn't seem to be large enough to get out of the shuttle either, so the guy is trapped.

          What really could be done is just duct-taping the hull breach with some spare parts. Or they could eventually hack into the shuttle program to solve the door-switch, but so far it clearly isn't their top priority.
          You seem to have missed my other post

          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
          My mistake Just rewatched the seen. It was spencer.


            I like Johansen's leadership style and the fact that she was not afraid to command. She's got quiet confidence. I say she reminds me of Carter, which is a relief because I am so disappointed with the other women on board specifically James and Chloe. Those two don't fit properly in SG canon, but then again none of the crew is supposed to be there anyway.
            Last edited by Daniela; 31 October 2009, 12:48 PM.


              Originally posted by Daniela View Post
              I like Telford's leadership style and the fact that she was not afraid to command. She's got quiet confidence. I say she reminds me of Carter, which is a relief because I am so disappointed with the other women on board specifically James and Chloe. Those two don't fit properly in SG canon, but then again none of the crew is supposed to be there anyway.
              it was Tamara Johanssen on the ship, not Telford. Telford is played by Lou Diamond Philips
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
                In the interest of brevity, I'll prune a bit, too, especially the parts we agree on.

                As I think I mentioned before, too, plenty of other characters have gotten as much, or less screen time, and have shown some growth. James, for example. Perhaps it's my own expectations, but I generally expect more growth from a character that has more screentime.
                Ah, that helps me understand a bit further as well. It's nice to see where you're coming from as well as why, so thank you for this.

                I can agree she wouldn't want anyone to. But real life doesn't work that way. Sometimes idealism has to give way to reality. Someone needed to die. I'm a logical guy like Rush, and I admit I would have volunteered to do it. No, you can't ask someone to sacrifice themselves, but you can put it up there what the situation is. But her smacking him and getting angry after was pure immaturity, because she passed on the idea to her father, who obviously agreed with Rush.
                I agree with everything here. She was being illogical and showing immaturity due to her extremely emotional state, which was understandable given what had happened.

                I'm sorry, I can't put logic and practicality aside; it's a philosophical choice. If she says it about anyone else, like Greer or Volker, I might start to see it. But it was her boytoy that was in danger. That means she can't be an objective party.
                Fair enough I hope we see more instances of her being a caring, unselfish person in this case.

                Chloe hasn't exhibited any real positive signs. Well, to be fair and honest, I have to take that back a bit. On a second watching, I was impressed with her allowing her room to be searched for water and completely understanding the reason why; the search needed to be done and had to be done fairly to all. So I give her props for that.
                Yes, I can agree that Chloe has lot of growing and developing to do. Hopefully we'll get to a point where we can agree that this is happening, rather than at this strange standstill we find ourselves at.

                In any case, thanks for helping clarify your position and I'm glad we seem (at least I hope so ) to have come to an understanding.

                This isn't BSG, and I hope to Apophis this show doesn't become BSG.
                In a lot of aspects I agree, though I differ in that I liked BSG and think there are some things it did well that SGU could benefit from as well...but these are strictly BSG-related things anyways.
                Sig by Pandora's Box


                  Oopsie daysie. Thanks Mod Skydiver.


                    Am I the only one with a bit of deja vu over this episode?

                    Basic resource was needed for survival, ship dropped out of FTL, planet was dialed, resource was on the planet, send team off world. Homogeneous planet, no lifeforms. Team goes, scoop up some ground, put it in a tube. Shake tube. Did color change? Is it the right color? No. We have to go further away from the gate, risk our lives, keep testing, finally find the right color. Scott may die. At the last minute he lives, resource is delivered to ship, carry on.

                    I'm thinking there was an "idea outline" that got duplicated. One writer sent a sizeable team to a hot planet. The other writer sent a small team to a cold planet.

                    Granted, most shows are "the same" structurally, but we've had the same thing twice in 6 episodes? Really? And the similarities were really REALLY similar.

                    Is it just me?


                      Frankly, I'm liking BSG WAY more than I have been SGU so far. Battlestar Galactica was something I liked instantly when I watched the Miniseries. Stargate Universe is something that I'm still kinda iffy about.

                      Anyway TJ's leadership was interesting because I think her uncomfortableness in command showed. She seems like one of the best candidates with Scott and Young out on the planet but she was not sure of herself and made mistakes. I hope we get to explore her in charge more often.
                      "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                      *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                      "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                        I gotta start off by asking does the military not issue knives any more? They bring a rifle with them but not a knife. Yeah yeah "he could cut his suit though just like with the plasma cutter". Well that's the chance you take. It's either that or not bother trying to free yourself. That has got to be my biggest gripe with this episode. It could be super frozen ice and a knife might not have been very effective at chipping away the ice, but it wasn't even mentioned as if they didn't bring one in the first place.

                        Otherwise...hmmm, episode wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. I thought there would be more to the plot on the planet so that was kind of a disappointment. It lead to some good Young stuff, but SG leaders have always been the self-sacrificial type for whatever reason.

                        Young shouldn't have been out there in the first place. Again with the poor leadership decisions. This is one of his major character flaws, imo. He is the senior officer and shouldn't be taking the risk like that, not to mention he is not in top physical condition. If there are only three officers in this bunch, it makes no sense to send himself and Scott on a dangerous mission. I like characters to have flaws, but he was being reckless with this decision, and, like his lottery decision last week, it was another easy way out of not having to make the tough choices to send some one else, imo. There seems to be no reason why someone else couldn't have gone in his place other than for the sake of the story it created with TJ thus having to lead on the ship and deal with Rush/Greer, as well as create more unfounded tension between Young and Rush.

                        I still like Young and the fact that he is not handling all the pressure he is under that well. Makes him one of the more interesting characters even though I don't agree with everything he does. That scene at the end of him walking down the hall and ignoring all the people talking at him about problems...really great scene to illustrate the burden of command and the stress he's under. Oh and nice VFX when Young was looking up at the sky. Though I have to again chastise him for not tying the rope off even if Scott was seemingly wedged as I had already figured out the tremors were what were going to free Scott.

                        I really liked TJ in this one. I'm liking her character more and more every episode. Seems to be promising as a stronger female lead, and one the writers so far seem to be writing decently. Unlike a certain other female lead that I would never miss if she *cough* "accidentally" stumbled out an airlock, which btw does exist no matter what Rush says. Back to TJ...fairly good first command except for the poor decision to stop work on prepping the third space suit.

                        As to the plots, even though I found them both to be highly predictable, I still liked the story they provided because at least the B plot had the characters doing something, and I liked the sand alien. Story didn't go in depth about them, but it provided enough detail to make them interesting. Linking them to the condition of the desert planet...or that's how I'm interpreting it even though it wasn't directly stated. How they helped Scott and him unknowingly helping them in return. Showed nice continuity between the two episodes. Though like a couple of others said, the movie The Abyss immediately popped into my head when they created the faces as a way to communicate.

                        This episode wasn't exactly that much of an improvement over last week's. *shrug* The slowness of the episodes is still somewhat off putting. Though this week the slowness of the A story was somewhat off set by the B story. I am still not that impressed with the show, but I'm sticking with it in the hopes of continued improvement...character wise and plot wise. I like SGU well enough, but I don't love it.
                        Last edited by LoneStar1836; 31 October 2009, 01:03 PM.
                        IMO always implied.


                          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                          Frankly, I'm liking BSG WAY more than I have been SGU so far. Battlestar Galactica was something I liked instantly when I watched the Miniseries. Stargate Universe is something that I'm still kinda iffy about.

                          Anyway TJ's leadership was interesting because I think her uncomfortableness in command showed. She seems like one of the best candidates with Scott and Young out on the planet but she was not sure of herself and made mistakes. I hope we get to explore her in charge more often.
                          With BSG I was engaged from the first episode, I really cared about those people, wanted them to survive. It went downhill, I stopped caring, and finally stopped watching. Have a negative opinion of the show - since last impression is the lasting impression. So...BSG started up and finished down.

                          I'm hoping, strongly, that SGU has an opposite trajectory. So far there are a couple of characters I sort of care about, some of them I would like to see survive, and I'm moderately interested in seeing how they deal with things. There's been improvement since the beginning. I think as the writers figure out where they want the characters to go, and figure out how much they can rely on the actors, it will get better.

                          Hoping for "start low, move higher, finish high" kind of thing.

                          So far, it's looking that way. Each episode is better, in some way, than the previous one.


                            Originally posted by Dain View Post
                            So it's okay to leave everyone in the dark about what is happening as much as possible? That wasn't the only instance when information was deliberately withheld this episode.
                            Hell, one crewmember died this episode because of this!
                            (The soldier wasn't informed about the presence of alien lifeforms and that he should remain peaceful.)
                            The fact the soldier was patroling the ship tells he did know about the occurence. And I never said anything about leaving everyone in the dark. In military situations information is on a need to know basis because telling everyone would cause anarachy which would complicate the objective of securing the alien.
                            Besides, it was pretty clear even early on that they were losing much more water than they could possibly replace at this pace (10 000 litres and more went missing, a few 100 litres were brought back).
                            True. What is your point?
                            In fact, Rush was wrong when he shut up Eli and convinced Young to stay on the ice planet for a second haul. They should have returned to the ship as soon as it became clear that an alien lifeform was causing the water losses, as simply replacing the lost water had become meaningless at this point. The ice could have been stolen from them just as fast as the water if they didn't get the aliens from the ship.
                            What would Young and Scott returning have accomplished? They all know about the sand aliens and the Destiny people were trying to capture and prevent them from taking more water. I don't see how Young returning would have changed. Besides aliens or not the Destiny needed more water.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Thus far in every episode chloe has either cried or gotten tapped....she brings down the show.

                              Another slow and boring episode...the previous episode was quite good.


                                What a dissapointing ending. I was hoping in vain they would finally kill of Scott but no.

