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'Time' (108) General Discussion

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    I felt it was one of the weaker episodes so far, really added nothing at all to the story as it was all reset at the end. Kind of disappointed in the fan response too, totally pointless episode yet gets hailed as a great episode just because there was a bit of shooting... heh.


      OMG get out really??/ i'll have to go re-watch it!/Solar_wind84


        I got to watch the episode of Hulu last night and I liked it. Some good and bad

        1. There was more action
        2. There was more direct charachter development also the charachter devolpemnt through the kino replay was contrived. They were trying to get through the time by talking.
        3. I liked how Greer felt responsible even though it was an alternate Greer
        4. I thought that they had a good introduction and didn't jump straight into the finding the Kino. We thought they died. I knew from the teaser that they would find a Kino of themselves but it wasn't that obvious what happened.
        5. I liked the almost Alien like creature peircing through everyone. I thought for a moment that that was the creature. They were incubating in them and then they popped out and that was why they suddenly were attacked and Chloe had a giant hole ripped through her stomach.

        1. Solar flare plot device has been used before. (It does help establish the genre and as being Stargate but it has been used in Atlantis, SGI, and Continuum)
        2. Too much Kino cam. We got the point that they were watching on KINO vision, so every now and then switch but not all the time.
        3. I can accept the first time with the KINO. Unintentionally, using a solar flare to save the day is not bad, but when Scott throws it through the second time that wasn't ok.
        4. I am assuming that when Scott through the KINO threw the gate the second time, it wrote over their previous events. I don't think that they would get the first KINO that included all the charachter development. I think that the information found their is not only important for the viewers but also for the destiny shipmates to try and understand each other. If they never watch the first KINO then Rush and Young will never realize that they like the same movies.
        5. It would have been better for them to have barely got out with their lives and not killed anyone


          Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
          Except we've seen people ascend without the use of gates.
          I don't think the gate is a component. its was more of a effect to show transition to a new destination or transit.


            I've really enjoyed Universe so far. I thought this episode was a great balance of the character drama Universe is going for and the "shooting deadly aliens" action theme that was prevalent in SG1 and SGA. Also an original take on the "time loop" conundrum, in that it didn't show the eventual happy ending, just showed that they had enough information that the next loop could solve the problem.


              I loved the fact the soldiers were wearing helmets! it's normal for military operations.
              But some of them didn't, and the civilians didn't, so the whole idea of "head protection" is not meant for everyone. (unlike wearing a helmet on a building construction site, or a real field of military operation).


                maybe they are in short supply.

                One interesting piece of detail. The offset eye contact sold the use of the Kino. Too much kino? It makes the recording of events realistic.


                  Originally posted by Kidwizz View Post
                  and every other time travel ep, including; 2010, Moebius, Continuum, Before I Sleep and The Last Man. Did I miss any?
                  1969 and Unending are two more that come to mind.
                  Last edited by ufgator1977; 15 November 2009, 09:07 AM.


                    I cannot fathom how people are complaining about the solar flare thing - it is established in canon that solar flares disrupt gate travel... why would this issue simply not occur in Universe?


                      Originally posted by ufgator1977 View Post
                      1969 and Unending are two more that come to mind.
                      Here is the key difference, 1969 was all in one timeline this episode had at least 3 separate timelines.

                      The Kino from T1 is on Destiny in T2 and therefore only the Kino tossed from T2 to T3 . So the T1 Kino (where Eli's mother's condition etc. are revealed) never made it past T2.

                      So in many ways this episode (though enjoyable) was worse than filler since they revealed key information that can't affect the story line. It was purely to inform viewers while in actuality the story hasn't progressed.

                      Such a shame, I enjoyed the ep and next week looks like an episode of the bold and the beautiful.


                        Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                        I cannot fathom how people are complaining about the solar flare thing - it is established in canon that solar flares disrupt gate travel... why would this issue simply not occur in Universe?
                        It's simple. It was okay for SG1 and SGA to repeatedly utilize valid (in-canon) natural phenomena, but not SGU because....SGU suxxorz!!1one
                        Sig by Pandora's Box


                          Originally posted by majatt View Post
                          Here is the key difference, 1969 was all in one timeline this episode had at least 3 separate timelines.

                          The Kino from T1 is on Destiny in T2 and therefore only the Kino tossed from T2 to T3 . So the T1 Kino (where Eli's mother's condition etc. are revealed) never made it past T2.

                          So in many ways this episode (though enjoyable) was worse than filler since they revealed key information that can't affect the story line. It was purely to inform viewers while in actuality the story hasn't progressed.

                          Such a shame, I enjoyed the ep and next week looks like an episode of the bold and the beautiful.

                          That is not true. AU3 has the Kinos of AU1 and AU2 so the information from those Kinos is known to the main characters
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            You want more of what we've already had for 15 years?

                            Yup, somethings are just that good that 15 years is just not enough
                            General Jack O'Neill, still HOTTer than ever!


                              Originally posted by missmobius View Post
                              Yup, somethings are just that good that 15 years is just not enough
                              Their is a word for that...stagnent
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                                Well, rainforests tend to work that way, with a lot of the light barely seeping through the canopy above.

                                And I'd have to disagree, I thought the set was fantastic. Whoever designed it deserves some recognition, as they obviously worked very hard to try and bring us a very new kind of off-world locale.

                                So what did you think of "Air" part 3? I'm assuming you liked it, simply because it was filmed on-location (in a spectacular location, I might add)?

                                And really, I will take the somewhat limited rainforest set over the thousandth Vancouver forest any day. It's nice to change things up like this every once and a while.

                                I'd disagree, but that's okay

                                I am curious though, have you ever had a good thing to say about SGU? Or are you really subjecting yourself to that much pain week after week?

                                I'm serious, too...I don't know off hand if there's anything you actually like about SGU, given this particular post.
                                I like Rush and Eli (when Eli is not near Chloe cause then his character becomes annoying)
                                I like Riley (but of course he's either on his way out or something)
                                and of course I like any cameos by former SG1/SGA cast members.

                                Only reason I am still watching, and I tape it every week and re-watch it 3 times, just to try and "get it", get "hooked" like I did with SG1 within 5 min. of it's first episode.

                                I am trying so hard to learn to like it out of respect for the wonderful 15 years that the SG franshise gave me, and I'm hoping that things change up some, like Chloe really is dead (now that would lower the annoyance level for me).

                                So although on average I only enjoy about 30% of each episode, I keep watching (mind you my fave episode was the one with Destiny refueling through the sun's corona, and about the Air part 3 with the desert, there was wayyyyy too much desert with nothing else, no enemies, no ruins, no ancient structures that they had to figure out, so no, I didn't like the desert episode.

                                The episodes have been mostly too slow for me, I wish they would move things along more quickly, and answer more questions,

                                1. what made them go to the jungle planet? I missed that.
                                2. is Telford having an affair with Emily, and why did he go to her house?
                                3. why is Scott so cold and vapid?
                                4. why is Chloe so lame?
                                5. why don't they give Rush and Eli more scenes together where they are trying to solve their problems, i.e. looking at different parts of the ship, talking about some cool ancient equipment/technology on board, heck even spend 10 minutes dissecting a kino and trying to figure out how it works and is it relaying the videos to some secret recorders somewhere.

                                I just need a bit more science fiction technical interesting cool stuff to be talked about.

                                Yes I like my "presents" tied up in a neat bow, with a big surprise inside, but I want to open the present the day I get it, not wait for weeks on end, that for me is frustrating, and makes me eventually lose interest, like I did with the show "Lost", yes I faithfully kept watching, till the last 2 years where I missed ever other episode, and the only reason I watched Lost was because I like Josh Holloway (Sexy Sawyer) (although they totally changed up his personality in season 2 and I didn't like what they turned him into). Also I like the character Benjamin very very much, I LOVE A GOOD VILLAIN!
                                and I ADORED Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) but of course they killed one of my faves off. (thank goodness he's now on FlashForward, which I like, no, not love, but I'll watch to see Dominic)
                                Last edited by missmobius; 15 November 2009, 10:17 AM.
                                General Jack O'Neill, still HOTTer than ever!

