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So has no one explained to the Lucien Alliance that Destiny is worthless?

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    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
    does earth have anything that can pass trhought a sun and travel a billion lights years unmaned and still be going after a million years.
    Exactly! We only think that the Destiny is an old rust bucket because the writers haven't let us in on much about the Destiny. We know that it can travel through suns to recharge power, and it has travelled for billions of light years unmanned.

    I would not be surprised if the Lucian Aliance knew something about the destiny through their own research that we don't. However probably weren't able to figure out how to dial the ninth cheveron. Probably planned on overtaking the Icarus base at a point when they figured that we had, but didn't realize that attack would actually cause the whole planet to blow up.
    My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
    "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


      The technology we've seen so far, isn't what makes it worth it to the LA. Street gangs are not interesting in something unless it's highly valuable. Some stuff on the destiny may be valuable, but not enough to warrant this kind of effort.

      As someone has said, Telford would have told them that going to the Destiny is currently a one-way trip. He would have told them it was a rust bucket and that supplies are minimal. So going there is pretty much a death sentence; why go?

      I've maintained that it's not so much the ship itself, but where it's going. The LA probably uncovered some partial ancient database that listed where it's going: someplace that the Ancients believed held a lot of value (but would take millions of years to get there).


        Maybe the Destiny is very powerful. Which makes the commander of the Destiny the most powerful person in the galaxies.
        I think both Telford and the LA know this.


          Originally posted by s09119 View Post
          They can send the know-how on the stuff itself back via communication stones, not difficult. And how is that stuff not valuable, as you implied later on? This stuff is all way more advanced than anything the Goa'uld have, and that alone makes it well-worth the effort. Who would buy it? Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't!?
          And how would they do that? It only transfers consiousnesses, not data.

          The sun diving recharge would be economically brilliant, the currency in the MW is naquadah which is an energy source if the LA no longer had to use it to power things they would be richer
          Very true. Naquida runs out, mine's get collapsed. Other than going Nova, nothing stops a sun!

          I've maintained that it's not so much the ship itself, but where it's going. The LA probably uncovered some partial ancient database that listed where it's going: someplace that the Ancients believed held a lot of value (but would take millions of years to get there).
          Maybe it is going to where that key to infinite treasure is (the clava thing)..


            Originally posted by Arturis View Post
            Seriously! Especially when compared to Atlantis and all of the other cool stuff they could steal from Earth in the Milky Way.
            Define useless in this case.

            Furthermore, remember that the LA seem to think by stories - that this ship has some kind of religious and/or greater significance then the some of its parts. How would that ever be considered useless?
            Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

            Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Maybe it is going to where that key to infinite treasure is (the clava thing)..
              If the Destiny has anything to do with the Clava Thesara Infinatus (sp?) I would think that Destiny would actually be the CTI. Didn't Daniel say in Avalon pt2 something to the effect of "The only true treasure is wisdom" or something when there were the two pots one saying the universe was infinite and the other saying the treasure is here. So if treasure is wisdom or knowledge, then wouldn't Destiny be the key to that? Since it is going out into the farthest reaches of the universe where there is potentially infinite knowledge to be gained?



                Hasn't Atlantis proven to be worthless thus far? With Destiny being less advanced, perhaps there's some technology we/they would be capable of reverse engineering.


                  Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
                  what makes you think Destiny's worthless?
                  Well, let's suppose that the Destiny has value to the Lucian Alliance. Just because it has value doesn't mean it's accessible to them. We were shown that the Lucian Alliance doesn't possess the best scientists. They don't have high caliber scientists so the moment they board the ship, they'll fight a losing battle trying to survive on board the Destiny. The earth crew had to respond intelligently to new threats and scientific adversities using their best and brightest scientists. We haven't seen the best and brightest scientists on the Lucian alliance side, and they may not have them because they are still portrayed as an organization of thugs rather than an organization that promotes scientific discovery.


                    Originally posted by DetriusXii View Post
                    Well, let's suppose that the Destiny has value to the Lucian Alliance. Just because it has value doesn't mean it's accessible to them. We were shown that the Lucian Alliance doesn't possess the best scientists. They don't have high caliber scientists so the moment they board the ship, they'll fight a losing battle trying to survive on board the Destiny. The earth crew had to respond intelligently to new threats and scientific adversities using their best and brightest scientists. We haven't seen the best and brightest scientists on the Lucian alliance side, and they may not have them because they are still portrayed as an organization of thugs rather than an organization that promotes scientific discovery.
                    If they've got access to Telford (and who knows who else is tied into the LA), AND they have Rush, AND they manage to dial the Destiny AND they may be ruthless enough to put someone or as many someone's as they wish, into that chair, who's to say it's inaccessible to them? Because you can't open something today doesn't mean that you can't open it tomorrow and if it's under your control, you can be pretty sure that at some point, it will get opened. That the LA are a criminal organization and or thugs doesn't preclude their getting that information or using it, as criminal organizations manage to use plain old earth tech that they shouldn't know how to use either but if something is there to be picked up and used, it will be used.



                      lol, I don't see why it would matter what anyone "explains" to them about Destiny. Placing oneself in the shoes of the Lucian Alliance: you know there is an Ancient ship out there without Ancient crew, you know said ship is very difficult to get to and is essentially protected by a code. Your enemy and a turncoat then come along and tell you it's worthless. Why the hell would you believe them?


                        In Air, extended version, there's a bit of mythology revealed about the Destiny and why someone would want it. Incredible power, keys to the universe, etc. The fact that the LA has already picked up so much alien tech left lying around may make them slightly more open-minded (whether they have actual info to back that up) about what the Destiny might be.



                          To the Lucian Alliance, getting to Destiny is like discovering the origins of life. I'm not sure if that was a pun or not...

                          Something of that significance would have its religious fanatics who would do anything to get it, including self sacrifice. The problem of getting Destiny back to the Milky Way is a small price to pay, and it's only a matter of time before they crack the password and take control of the ship.


                            Destiny may be worthless but the Seeder Ships are not...who would say no to free Stargate factory's? Destiny is the closest way to a free ride behind them.
                            Also lets not forget that Joe stated in his blog that the Destiny was a secret project and there is something more than meets the eye about this ship.


                              Apparently Ra was also trying to unlock the secrets of the ninth chevron. Probably Ra found an Ancient Database and learned about Destiny, exactly what it containted, where it is going and why. I too wouldn't be surprised if the Lucian Alliance knows something that we don't.
                              - SteamID user since 2005 -- you can add me - visit steam translation server brazil @ Steelbox


                                If Destiny has the ability to channel a star's energy into a power source. Are these early model ZPMs? Maybe Destiny dispenses ZPMs like Kinos, it's just in the engine room that hasn't been discovered yet, and the crew is supposed to rotate the ZPMs (aka batteries) for a recharge so they don't have to visit a star so often.

                                Unlimited supply of ZPMs, *drool*. Gate back to Earth and even send the surplus.

