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'Subversion' (118) General Discussion

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    Overall it was a good episode. Te torture scenes were unnecessary since it calls back from that stupid series 24. Who the hell really watched that racist tripe?

    Camille character is grinding on my nerves, not just now, but for quite a few episodes now. But perhaps thats the intention of the writers. I feel the civilians will rise up again. So it won't be the blue aliens in the next double episode....interesting.

    Nice to see Rhonda mitra in this episode. She brought her "talents" along for the ride this time. :-P


      Originally posted by Kaiphantom View Post
      #2: Someone want to explain to me why Daniel was here? At first it was because I thought he'd actually confront Rush, since the two knew each other. I wondered if it was because he knew the man. But really, Daniel is an archeologist; why the hell is he taking pictures instead of studying some ruin or artifacts somewhere?

      #3: Why the hell does the LA want Destiny? Not for shields, and not for weapons. They apparently had means to get information via Telford, so why the effort to gate to Destiny when they could just use spies on Earth to steal technology. The ship is billions of light years away, and they should know they have 0 methods for getting information back to the milky way. The only thing of possible interest is the "recharging from a star" but even that should be "meh" since they don't have power issues. Destiny could have information on worlds, but how does that help them? The worlds are out of reach.

      And as I said, they can just steal the information and tech from Earth. They turned Telford; turn someone else! The writers better have a real good reason. If they don't give a good one, it's gonna be a gaping plot hole over the series, and only look like a way to get a third faction aboard the ship for more drama.

      #4: The baby shower, and the gifts, seemed a bit.. out of place. Seriously, they can make a toy truck on the ship? There is enough cloth to make a small T-shirt? Wouldn't those resources be better saved for something a bit more important?
      1. That has been my only gripe so far with the casting thing, I wasn't sure why they needed Daniel here.
      2. Why do people assume we know everything about Destiny? The producers have said it's very important and we're going to get a lot more answers later on. I mean for god's sake it would be like explaining everything about the Island in Lost in the first episode. The LA obviously know the ship is of great importance, even if they aren't 100% on why yet. Everyone seems to want to know why Destiny is so important NOW NOW NOW, but it's the main mystery of the show.
      3. Who would want a naked and screaming baby in their situation? Keeping it entertained and more importantly clothing it seem like fairly big priorities.

      I liked the baby shower. I really don't get why people didn't, I mean what did people want? For TJ to say 'I'm pregnant' and not have it mentioned again until her waters break? It needs some build up and I think this was a good way to do it, as it also showed crew bonding.

      Originally posted by globex View Post
      Was this episode drama or sci-fi?
      Both, like a hell of a lot of SciFi is...

      Originally posted by mparsons1981 View Post

      I dont think it is a good thing for the show that so many people loved this episode, including me. This is because if we have to rely on daniel and o'neil for a great episode then universe is really in trouble.
      Me loving this episode had nothing to do with Daniel, I thought he was a bit out of place. It was nice seeing O'Neill on the ship, but that was just one of my reasons for liking the episode.

      I'd say for most, having Daniel and O'Neill there was a nice bonus, but the good story, writing, and tension would have made them enjoy the episode either way.


        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        I loved the tension on the Destiny with Camille being concerned and the rest of the crew being out of the loop. This is not military vs Civillian since Rush is playing a major role in this. So I loved that tension and the final scene was very powerful.
        I loved the tension in this ep. The whole 'who do we trust, are the good guys doing the right thing etc.. I especially loved Chamiel's statement to Scott "I know you don't want to live with this on your conscience".

        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        Now getting to the guest roles, Daniel was not really used too well in this ep. Obviously O'neill used Daniel because he trust him. I loved the one-liners from O'neill, "Corporale"? lol. "I know what makes me special". So this felt like classic SG-1 all over again. There was a strong plot, excellent character moments, and something really brewing up.
        I did not understand why they used daniel as the 'spy' unless it was that oneill trusts daniel so explicitly, he was the only one he could trust for this mission..

        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        The only downfall to the ep was the T.J. baby shower. I guess they had to put it in there, but it was limited, thank goodness. I guess that was the SGU twist, lets throw in a baby shower. lol.
        I actually liked the baby shower..

        I was like Colonel Young hoping that Telford was brainwashed but he did turned to be a treacherous turncoat
        I would have not liked it if he was brainwashed, as they kind of did that before. I actually prefred it being him just being a turn coat.

        What Young did at the end sent chills down my spine, the man is totally ruthless when it comes to fighting for the so called "Greater good" the thing is he would not only be killing Telford but Rush as well.
        Very true, and the big part i cannot stand, is rush only signed up for the intel side, not the potentially dying cause his body gets tortured to death' side.

        Apparently! I just realized that the LA guy who said that he would kill Rush was in SGA, he was a runner with a invisibility device and he kidnapped Keller so she could heal a little girl. and I think he was a LA guy in Season 10 of SG1.
        Was he not also the guy from the SG1 ep dead man's switch (Season 3)?

        This is classic Stockholm Syndrome. He was undercover for so long that he began to relate with the enemy. I know it primarily has to do with hostages relating to their captors, but it fits. Especially when he started ranting on how Earth freed all those worlds then left them with no help and they had to fight for themselves.
        Ohh.... Good catch. Which makes me wonder if the LA have a whole propaganda wing.

        Seriously that was no point to having Daniel be the one who is following Rush. His job can have been played by any one single person.
        Heck... what of that FBI guy that they have used in the past, agent Barret.

        It is too bad that O'Neal didn't stay connected long enough to tell Camille to stay out of it. I think Greer is doing a great job when facing Camille. You wonder how long before it takes before he loses his cool and put her on her back end.
        I would have at least liked him to have given her a "look"... if nothing else.

        I loved all the tension at the end when Young ordered Brody to vent the room. (note he didn't even bother asking Eli) Most of them seemed to be clearly for or against except Scott. He was the only one that really felt conflicted by the decision.
        It looked like BOTH Eli and the other scientists in the room were against it...

        - Scott and his big mouth. Seriously, he must be one of the worst officer ever. Hes supposed to have a strong sense of the chain of command. But he cant keep it shut, even when ordered to.
        I would honestly like to see Young reprimand Scott for this..


          Camille character is grinding on my nerves, not just now, but for quite a few episodes now. But perhaps thats the intention of the writers.
          I love her. And I love the actress that plays her. Superb. Full of depth and interesting bits and pieces. Can't wait to see more of her and her story.

          If it was me, I'd have her take over the entire damn ship.


            Originally posted by SciFiRick View Post
            Good Observations. I think bringing Daniel in helps keep the ties of Stargate together and remember Daniel did a lot of investigating during the SG-1 series and he also became a great negotiator. He really progressed beyond studying ruins. Actually, the entire SG-1 team were instructed by Hammond to investigate a lot in a lot of episodes. O'Neal knows Daniel's ability first hand and would make sense to call upon Daniel to do recon.
            It made sense in SG-1, because those were about SG-1. But this is SGU, so why here? However, I suppose I'll buy the reason someone stated farther down, that Jack knew he could trust Daniel, when he didn't know who else he could trust. It's flimsy, since Daniel could have been brainwashed, too. But it's all I can think of.

            I thought the same on the toy truck but depicts Riley has other talents. Once the baby is born you would expect the infant to be clothed. So sacrifices are being made to help provide for the child. That should be considered an important resource need. I would think other crew member pregnancies are possible but the writers would need to think through that before writing it in.
            I can buy the baby needing to be clothed, I suppose, but it's not born yet. And as Riley noted, it could have been a girl, so why waste resources on a toy that may not be used? I suppose you could call me sexist, by saying "How do you know a girl won't want to play with a toy truck?" And then I could point to copious amount of child research that shows girls and boys have a natural tendency to drift toward certain types of play, since their brains are wired differently. But yeah, girls can still play with trucks. The whole thing just bugs me.

            I do not and have never liked the amount of time between seasons. Season 2 has already been given the go ahead and filming has already started. So, why can't the season start once there is say get 13 or 14 episodes in the can and be filming the last few episodes during the season.
            It takes more than a week to film a new episode, so I understand. They film the back half of Season 2 while we are watching the front half. It was more of a stupid gripe on my part, because I do understand; I just want to whine about it.


              Take out the baby shower and this episode was Stargate SG-1!


                Originally posted by DCK View Post
                I love her. And I love the actress that plays her. Superb. Full of depth and interesting bits and pieces. Can't wait to see more of her and her story.

                If it was me, I'd have her take over the entire damn ship.
                Her story with that girl is boring and irritating. Its not really adding the value.

                Not really. Rush I would trust. But not her. She too sneaky...and the baddd sneaky.


                  Originally posted by globex View Post
                  2 week break. So you won't see it till 4th of June 2010.
                  But Space & whatever that is not Syfy is airing it though I think so it'll get online & Syfy will wonder why ratings suck


                    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                    Take out the baby shower and this episode was Stargate SG-1!
                    No one on SG1 would have done what Young did at the end
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Riley probably made the toy so he had something to do, at the very least anyway. Morale is nearly as important as resources.

                      I didn't think the baby shower scene was bad though, it showed a large amount of unity which was nice.


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        No one on SG1 would have done what Young did at the end
                        Really? O'Neill was prepared to kill an unarmed Priest in Red Sky, he forced Kinsey to work with the SGC in Full Alert with the threat that if he didn't work with them, he'd let the Trust kill him, he was willing to torture Klorel. Then in SGA we have good old Colonel Shepard, who tortured a Wraith. To Death.



                          Originally posted by SciFiRick View Post
                          I knew that guy looked familiar. I couldn't place him at the time. He was in SG-1 Season 10 episodes if I recall. I will have to go back and find the episodes. It should be worth mentioning that a spy can still be on board. Remember the scene where Young gave instructions to the control room to start venting the atmosphere. I think it was Brody and he did not hesitate to follow the command. It could be too obvious or he would just like to see Rush's body die.
                          He also played Specialist Gage, everyone's favorite BSG rapist.
                          All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story...

                          "Scott isn't out. Actually, he'll probably soon get back in, then out, then in, then out, then in, with rhythm and stamina." reddevil 4/22/2010


                            Looking back... i guess the point of the baby shower was to show that, despite the fact they were mostly all getting along quite well now.... There's still a lot of secrets and whatnot within the crew....

                            'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                              The baby shower was actually one of the better moments. It added alot of depth to the character and an idea the skills of the characters.



                                Originally posted by senilegreen View Post
                                Amen. Agree with pretty much all you wrote. This is why I found the goofy Jack-isms out of place in this episode.
                                Actually, they felt a lot like Eli's Geek quips. Makes me wish we could have seen Eli with someone who actually might appreciate his jokes.
                                All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story... All plot and no character makes for a dull story...

                                "Scott isn't out. Actually, he'll probably soon get back in, then out, then in, then out, then in, with rhythm and stamina." reddevil 4/22/2010

