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How Christian of him.

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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    Sorry, I confused you with France, I was reading an article regarding some of their laws. As well as England, its not that easy keeping track of who has what law when you study multiple nations at once. But either way, politicians should not be deterred from expressing their beliefs or opinions.
    Their supposed to choose a party that follows their beliefs. When it comes down to it most stuff in the UK isn’t related to religion, we are very blasé to it, the average person pops into to church every so often, churches are often part of the local community but extremely strong religious conviction is unusual. When it comes down to controversial matters like abortion, MP’s in parliament are usually allowed to vote with their conscience.


      Originally posted by Keroude View Post
      I just gotta put my two cents into this matter. I myself am an Evangelical (or Protestant) and I can tell that you shouldn't be condemning (There's a difference from judging someone and condemning) someone IF you are a Christian period and even if you aren't you should realize that Christians are human beings as well...we are imperfect beings but we seek forgiveness for such things. There is a difference also between those who license or misuse the grace of God and someone who (Like I think Scott is) is making clear mistakes. However, Christians believe he will have to answer sooner or later to God. And the other clear thing is as I've heard is that Scott may very well be suffering from sexual addiction given his clear traumatic driven past and this very well might be how he deals with it. I personally (And many people) find this wrong of course, but those upcoming webisodes from the Kinos perspective may very well show Scott repenting of his sins. There are MILLIONS of Protestants and Catholics alike that are like Scott...and they alike recognize their sin and repent for it. However..full repentance means you turn from your sin after confession.

      And on a different note, I think it's awesome we finally have a religious character!! I mean Stargate hasn't been unfriendly to Christianity in the past, but it hasn't had someone who knows all about the universe and the stargate program and knowing that STILL has faith in Christ...that's REAL faith in my opinion. (But hey those people on the Destiny we're chanting the Lord's Model Prayer! Hmm...)

      In the episode Faith, I think we'll learn a lot more about Scott as well as everyone's religious background a bit.
      Thanks for sharing your opinion. And i do agree that its nice to see religious characters in Stargate which we haven't really had in the past stargate shows. I was shocked to see the cross in Air Part 3.


        Originally posted by haloplayer View Post
        they are making out Scott to be more of a Whore then a Christian
        I wouldn't want to see neither. Closeness is nice and we all have enough imagination for the rest. Religiosity is a very private matter and I don't like such exposes, it feels false.


          spoilers for Water

          Wow! Only 10 minutes in and we already have some more material for you guys to hash out the morality of for the next week. Too bad no skin, but Scott did have his radio off, so that counts for something, plus his closet GF was the one sent to get him. He's sure to rot in hell this week!

          Guess it's more like freeze in hell...
          Last edited by Skydiver; 31 October 2009, 09:42 AM.


            So, If this is true then why would Eli Pray from scripture?

            Further more, what would then be the point form a writers perspective? Why emphasis his Christian background only to ignore it beyond a flashback? I just don't see him as a deist. He is most likely to have retained his Christianity.
            When did we start talking about Eli? Also please see my comments regarding solace in scripture. You think your question is pretty clever don't you? Nah, clever would be something like "why do atheist say things like goddammit?"
            How to Survive an Alien Attack


              Originally posted by KEK View Post
              Religious schools are state schools. They receive the same funding any other school does, and are governed the same way, the only difference is in these schools tax payers money goes towards the indoctrination and brainwashing of children. It's a disgrace. If we were a secular nation, no state run institutions would be allowed to operate like this.
              i agree! if you were in kindergarten and were told the earth was created by a god, what choice to you really have to believe it, you dont know enough to disagree and the teacher is able to tell you why 1 + 1 = 2 so they must be right...

              and at a christian school they dont really give you much other choices. in science when we were being taught about evolution, the teacher, mr ratty (thats what we called him, he looked like a rat) barely touched ont he subject merely explaining why he thought his idea of the earth being created in 7 days was one liked him...not even the christians in the class


                Originally posted by aarlin81 View Post
                When did we start talking about Eli? Also please see my comments regarding solace in scripture. You think your question is pretty clever don't you? Nah, clever would be something like "why do atheist say things like goddammit?"
                Excuse my mistake, I meant Scott.

                But if you are only going to attack my perfectly viable questions, and insult me, and not respond then I don't see why I should continue this with you.

                Ecoys, I don't know what kind of teacher Mr. Rat does, but even in Religious schools here in the states they still have to make you able to site all the evidence for the Big bang and Evolutions in order to be certified. In Public schools teachers should not be able to say that the world was made in 7 days anymore than saying that a student's belief in it is wrong.

                You have pointed out a problem with many teachers. They overstep the bounds of their duty and make a class room "unsafe" for their students by out right imposing their personal views on students be it atheist or theist views. This has little to do with the type of schools and more to do with the type of instructors.
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                  You have pointed out a problem with many teachers. They overstep the bounds of their duty and make a class room "unsafe" for their students by out right imposing their personal views on students be it atheist or theist views. This has little to do with the type of schools and more to do with the type of instructors.
                  I would like to point out, before this becomes a teacher bashing session, that "many" does not mean "most". On our campus we only have two out of our entire staff.

                  When I was student (and over the course of education students have a lot of teachers) I only remember two who ever tried that and they weren't trying to impose a religious belief. They were just chauvinists.

                  My theater teacher was an ordained minister and never once preached at us.

                  As a teacher myself--and this is the view of most of my colleagues--I hardly ever share my opinion with the students, but play both sides of an argument to get discussion going. My students do not know my political affiliation, my specific religion, or my stance on many topics. The only thing I am adamant about is no underage drinking/smoking or drug use at any age. But they only know that much because I'm the SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) sponsor.

                  See ya at the con, baby! (L.A. '11) (L.A. '10) (L.A. '09) (Burbank '08) (Burbank '07)


                    Folks, please, ALL spoilers must be tagged.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I'm not religious and so can't judge. Of course many people do have there own sense of morality which can be as compassionate, forgiving, respectful, charitable etc. etc. as those derived from religion. From my own sense of morality, if a knew someone who was as sexually permissive as Scott especially considering the timescale of the shows then I would have a very dim view of them and little respect. Scott hasn't learned from his past. He appeared to show some sense of remorse and understanding in his flashback but it appeared to make no lasting impression. I don't care for Scott's character.

