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'Life' (109) General Discussion

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    i'm sure on icarus there was a very definite division of labor, muscles vs brains

    but now those lines are disappearing because they need to work together, and they're just getting to realize that
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i'm sure on icarus there was a very definite division of labor, muscles vs brains

      but now those lines are disappearing because they need to work together, and they're just getting to realize that
      On the contrary, I think there's a very clear division and its widening.


        Some extra thoughts:

        The writing is so smart. Life is dark, extraordinarily dark. The darkness in the episode until near the end when the tone changes makes it the darkest episode yet I think. Just a great episode. I can't wait for Justice!


          I think it could go either way, it could be Rush was testing to see if Eli is spying on him, or it could just be that Rush had no idea he was, and had no reason to try and cover his tracks.


            There was decent character development but I'm still having difficulty swallowing how accepting their partners are of their sig other showing up in a new body. I realize precisely what it is about this show that bugs me, there are too many problems being introduced in episodes without any resolutions. Making it all feel pointless:

            In ep 1 or 2 there was a small ship that detached...and then...6+ eps later nothing.
            The time nothing.
            Young used telford's body to service his wife...young whoops telford...I care because? neither of them are likable characters (to me) they could both die next week for all I care.

            If these eps were built around exploring the ship and planets while the other things go on so that each ep or every 2 eps could have some sort of meaningful conclusion that would be great. Even lost did a good job of wrapping everything around 1-2 episode mini arcs that kept it interesting while everything else built up.

            Its like a 20 episode movie

            The other thing is the characters, I like Rush, Eli is ok most of the time, Scott is ok and Greer has his moments. The show has shown all of their more glaring faults before giving me (in my opinion) any reason to stick around for redemption.

            Anyone know what the ratings are like? I didn't even try to catch this first time around after seeing the preview.

            If this wasn't stargate I wasn't even going to bother but it is so I hope they get it right before people tune out (unless the viewership is overall loving it in which case it'll just be me, lol).


              It did seem silly to me, as you say they have built up Rush so well to this have him make such a simple error seems ridiculous.


                Originally posted by shade45 View Post
                So who else was hoping that the planet Rush was talking about was actually real? Would've been nice if there was actually some kind of one year goal that they all seemed to be workign on. I mean sure I don't want the show to end in one year but by then the writers could think of some elaborate story around that planet.
                I did hope that initially - a goal for the next season to build up to, and then SNAP! The planet gets iced or destroyed or the Destiny can't be stopped in time, making things more perilous than ever (Though that is a very BSG-esque route, especially in the back half of the 4th season).

                However, that Rush lied to leverage power, and the lie failed, was decent enough to build the tension between Rush and Young, and Rush and the rest of the damn ship.
                ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                  Originally posted by shade45 View Post
                  So who else was hoping that the planet Rush was talking about was actually real? Would've been nice if there was actually some kind of one year goal that they all seemed to be workign on. I mean sure I don't want the show to end in one year but by then the writers could think of some elaborate story around that planet.
                  *Raises hands*

                  Yep, definitely. At that moment, I felt like the first 7 episodes were the "Introduction", the 8th was a standalone separating the intro with this new "Let's go to the new Icarus planet" arc. It would've certainly provided the series with a direction.

                  I'm a little disappointed that it all turned out to be a lie, but at least it helped develop both Rush and Young (i.e. how they deal with hope and morale) and their relationship. Plus, now I'm back to having no idea where this series is going. That's good. It keeps me guessing.


                    People with personality disorders make AWESOME foot soldiers. No fear no empathy, ready to run in and kill everyone and probably die. Thats who I want to kill people for me. Some guy cutting notches in the barrel of the gun!


                      Sorry, but this Episode was to Creepy and Weird, especially the Gay parts.


                        This is episode is my favorite so far.

                        I Loved it!. Didn't dislike one part.

                        Just because any episode doesn't have "action", doesn't mean it's not good.

                        I think we got more character development in this episode then we did with all of the Atlantis characters combined in 5 years.

                        Can't wait to find out more about the chair, and who will eventually end up using it.


                          Originally posted by daventry View Post
                          Sorry, but this Episode was to Creepy and Weird, especially the Gay parts.
                          Ah, bigotry standing in for concrit.


                            Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                            Can't wait to find out more about the chair, and who will eventually end up using it.
                            I agree. While I know some disagree, I'd actually be intrigued if it ended up being Chloe. If you think about it, she already feels really useless and would love to be able to contribute in a more meaningful way. I could see her feeling really down at some point, and Rush manipulating her into doing it. Hmmm.

                            And while I'm not saying that Chloe can't contribute in meaningful way, I certainly don't think that this scenario would be a bad one if done right.

                            SGU just makes me excited to see where it's going. Some really interesting things have already happened, so I hope it continues to just get better and better. The mid-season finale certainly looks quite good
                            Last edited by Coronach; 21 November 2009, 10:11 PM.
                            Sig by Pandora's Box


                              You know that actually makes a lot of sense. And it would be interesting
                              "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                              *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                              "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                                I am concerned that this series will die a premature death based upon the majority of the episodes in the series so far before it really gets started.

                                I was listening to the commentary for the SG1 episode "Fallen" and I remember something Michael Shanks said about writing Stargate episodes: Character development is the first think you lose to story pacing.

                                In SGU I think there is too much character development and not enough pacing, at least not enough for the long time Stargate fans. I will always remember my first SG episode, "Lost City", which mind you was very action packed, but it is supposed to be that way as it was an action show.

                                With the termination of SG1 and SGA I was bummed of course, but was relieved when I heard about this new SGU. But if the show stays along the same lines as it has been doing (exception for episodes 1,2,8) I think the majority of fans will be bored and find something else to watch.

                                Yes it is cheaper to focus on characters more than stories with expensive effects and use only Earth and Destiny as locations, but don't cheapen the stories, this is after all sci-fi not space opera.

                                That being said I do like the characters very much and especially felt compassion for them in the "Time" episode, but it was because we were given only a glimpse of their humanity, leaving us wanting more. Most of the SGU episodes seem to do the opposite, flooding the viewer with character overload and with just enough of a story to carry the viewer to the next episode.

                                Science fiction is meant to be an escape and yes I admit and love that the SG series has been the most grounded in reality of any sci-fi show I have ever watched (this show could be happening now in the real world - maybe). Especially with the current situation with the world we viewers want/need that escape instead of showing us more Aaron Spelling melodramas. I mean now that sex is on the show, how long till we hear those words: "I'm pregnant!"

