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'Justice' (110) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Misfits View Post
    So, instead of the "You Are Here" shirt, you would be the one wearing a red bull's eye shirt, right? :-)
    I do think Eli is somewhat of a morale officer. I mean after all there is the humorus side of him, all those jokes. I love humor to cut tension, laughter is a great tension reliever, and if you lose your sense of humor, you are truly lost.
    no means no, and so does pepper spray
    Sig by The Carpenter


      Originally posted by Misfits View Post
      Like I always say, Fool me once, shame on you.
      Fool me twice, shame on me.
      Fool me three times, I'll just kill you and get it over with, because I'm tired of getting fooled. :-)
      What if he fooled you by eating the last cupcake. Is three lost cupcakes worth killing?

      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        What if he fooled you by eating the last cupcake. Is three lost cupcakes worth killing?

        The cupcakes



        Later, AdamTM

        I swear a lot, just take it as my attempt at honesty.

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          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          What if he fooled you by eating the last cupcake. Is three lost cupcakes worth killing?
          Is there anything else that would justify revenge? Nobody touches the cupcakes. Nobody.


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            What if he fooled you by eating the last cupcake. Is three lost cupcakes worth killing?

            Three strikes you're out. :-)


              So... on topic...

              Spencer's suicide speech was very moving. The guy must have had a hell of a time and a whole lot of hangups.


                Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                So... on topic...

                Spencer's suicide speech was very moving. The guy must have had a hell of a time and a whole lot of hangups.
                It was a textbook case of drug addiction.
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                  So... on topic...

                  Spencer's suicide speech was very moving. The guy must have had a hell of a time and a whole lot of hangups.
                  As the saying goes, "Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem."


                    Originally posted by Misfits View Post
                    As the saying goes, "Suicide is a long term solution to a short term problem."
                    I didn't say I supported his action - just that his speech was moving and he appeared to be in a state of deep despair. Given the circumstances, I'm, surprised more people aren't suffering the same despair.


                      Even if they respect him, and even if they believe him, doesn't mean that anything will be done about it. Scott and Greer are both extremely loyal, and I don't think anyone else would stand up if they were against it.
                      That was my point, plus I don't think they'd be able to at this point.

                      Originally posted by Misfits View Post
                      You have 80 or more people, and you're supposed to pick 15 out of the bunch? And they didn't sign up for this?
                      No matter who he chose, the rest will revolt, certainly the makings of a full-fledged riot.
                      Which is why you fix a lottery, make it look like random people were chosen, when in fact they aren't. To make it look more realistic choose some 2nd tier people as well.

                      You don't know how Gen. O'Neill would view his decisions, and his opinion is the only one that counts.
                      I love Jack, I respect him...but his opinion is really of no value. He is not stuck aboard the Destiny. Only the opinions of the 80 or so people count, that is, when all of Young's actions are revealed to them.

                      He would approve of Young beating up Telford?
                      He would approve of Young beating up Rush and Leaving him for dead?
                      He would approve of Young unilaterally ignoring scientists?
                      He would approve of Young not making hard decisions?
                      He would approve of Young, despite the fact that Young is clearly unstable?

                      The Jack that I have watched would never approve of these behaviours, nor would ha allow this person to remain in command when he is a danger.
                      I agree. I assume that either Young was good at putting his best face forward, or he was a very different leader prior to the event of Air, in fact prior to his affair with TJ.

                      I'd like to add one more question to Deevil's list. Would he approve of Young's affair with an officer under his command? You may brush it off as nothing but a personal decision, but considering Jack and Sam's story, I highly doubt he would be OK with Young's breach of protocol.

                      IMO, with the fact that there were no data about the planet, the Lottery is the right call.
                      The unfixed lottery was the wrong call because there was no data on the planet. Without the data, you need to send the brightest minds, and most experienced/adaptable soldiers because they're the people who will be able to find logical solutions to problems.

                      Jack was never one to let a person's skills excuse their actions.
                      Jack would punish Rush, put him under guard, probably beat him to a pulp, but he would not leave their lead scientist, the man most proficient in Ancient language and technology aboard the ship on a planet. Young could have punished Rush in other ways.

                      But Maybourne wasn't that good at mantipulation
                      Neither is Rush. And Young could have used the same methods he was using before, have Eli check up on him, just double the efforts, get a few other scientists to watch Rush. Put a guard on Rush at all times.

                      Well, if you were in the group selected to go, would you want a physically fit soldier or an astrophysicist?
                      Both. They offer different sets of skills. Then again, considering I'd be a useless parasite, I'd probably give my seat up.

                      I didn't say I supported his action - just that his speech was moving and he appeared to be in a state of deep despair. Given the circumstances, I'm, surprised more people aren't suffering the same despair.
                      I agree, and I'm quite annoyed that the writers billed and pushed this show as a character driven show, then proceeded to use a secondary character as nothing more than a plot point. I wish we'd have gotten to know more about Spencer, even if nobody aboard the ship cared about him, I'd have cared more about the episode, if I'd been given a real chance to care about the character. The actor, IMO, did very well over the 10 episodes for me to feel bad for him, he didn't have much material at all...but I still felt bad for him..


                        Sometimes the people we know the least are the ones who can make the most trouble for us. The viewers didn't know Spencer just like the crew didn't know him. Spencer wouldn't let anyone know him. In the end, that's what killed him, and that's what'll kill all of them if they don't work together and stop the personal agendas. Alone = suicide.

                        Glad to see the 'maroon vs murder' argument has died.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                          Sometimes the people we know the least are the ones who can make the most trouble for us. The viewers didn't know Spencer just like the crew didn't know him. Spencer wouldn't let anyone know him. In the end, that's what killed him, and that's what'll kill all of them if they don't work together and stop the personal agendas. Alone = suicide.

                          Glad to see the 'maroon vs murder' argument has died.
                          He was still used as a plot point, and I don't think characters should be used as such on character driven shows, especially shows basically advertised as such. And I didn't like that the writers took the easy way out, they should have had more stones and killed off a more likable character, shown some of Spencer's positive attributes. No matter how irritating, despicable, or anti-social a character is, a character has something positive about him, something redeemable...especially in a show of this format.


                            I'm sure he painted and had a sister who was a cop.
                            Did Kavanaugh have redeeming qualities? Nope. We just hated him.
                            Sure, Spencer was a plot given form, but I'm not really complaining about that. He served his purpose.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                              So... on topic...

                              Spencer's suicide speech was very moving. The guy must have had a hell of a time and a whole lot of hangups.
                              Ya. I loved the kino video of him before he killed himself. I actually could identify with him. It gave a human side to him. He needed more screente before they killed him. Am I the only one that's sad to see him go????


                                Originally posted by major davis View Post
                                Ya. I loved the kino video of him before he killed himself. I actually could identify with him. It gave a human side to him. He needed more screente before they killed him. Am I the only one that's sad to see him go????
                                I am sad that they didn't bring a psychiatrist up to counsel him. He would have been able to get some help if it was only to get him into the brig on suicide watch till the withdrawals were over. Why did no one notice before.
                                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                                Sig by The Carpenter

