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'Justice' (110) General Discussion

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    First off, lol @ people who read spoilers then say the episode was predictable. Sure a test is easy when u read the answer sheet.

    Ew the chair drilled into his head! I like the newer models better XD Suprised Franklin was the one to do it, I bet he will replace Rush as the Destiny expert for awhile.

    Wray kinda bugged me, but then again I hate HR people as a general rule.

    I was suprised Rush framed Young, but he didnt murder anybody so its only kinda criminal.

    Nice alien ship, it seemed kinda ancienty, i mean it wasnt too far from the ancient shuttles on destiny. Thats what i thought it was at first. Obviously Rush is gonna get it figured out before he runs out of food and water. McKay or Carter would and he seems in their league. Couldnt picture Carter in a fist fight with Oneill tho lol. Wonder if Rush will go back for those 2 people stranded aways back.

    Im alittle suprised a Young beating the $#!* out of Rush and leaving him behind and lying about it, but its not like there isnt a ship there and Rush had water and presumably food in his vest.

    Anyone have a comparison between that probe thingie that flew off destinys rump a few episodes ago and this crashed ship? One was powered up and one was buried in sand... but itd be interesting to compare.

    I hope sky isnt airing the second half in Jan and syfy in April cuz thatll totally r@pe syfys ratings which are very important to the shows longevity... D:


      Finally! We are getting somewhere.

      For the most part the episode was entirely predictable and rather boring until the Rush/Young confrontation on the planet, but the ending made up for it. Granted I had seen the mention of Young being framed and then the rampant mentions of suicide floating around pretty much gave this ep away though I don't think it would have been that difficult to have guessed anyway based on how the show has been building up the hints about Spenser as well as the hatred/distrust between Rush and Young. Rush was the obvious framer so I thought maybe they'd go a different direction, but they didn't, and I certainly don't mind that. That ending will hopefully set in motion some good stuff to come.

      Go Rush! He told Young the same thing I've been saying. Man up and make the tough decisions. You are the leader after all.

      I usually side with the military characters, especially on Stargate and shows like BSG, but Young is on thin ice with me. I wanted to like this guy, even if he has flaws, but some of his flaws and some of his decisions make me dislike him. I certainly think a lot lesser of him after this episode. The guy is a hot head. And Greer was made out to be the hot head at the start of the He is more level headed than Young. At this point, I'd trust Greer in command. Strand your lead scientist (who might be your only hope of returning home) to die because you don't have the guts to lead and deal with him. Genius. Because he can't get past his own ego, Young damns the rest of the people stranded with him. I can only hope this comes back to bite Young in the ass when Rush shows back up.

      I hope this all come out when Rush shows back up. Don't see why it wouldn't. Rush has nothing to lose, imo, if everyone knows what he did to frame Young. I'm sure there are a number of people who would probably agree with his reason for doing it. Young on the other hand does since he was the one who did actually try to kill someone on purpose because of his own pettiness. I think most of the military people will stick with him, but the civilians do outnumber them so bring on the turmoil!

      One can say that Rush was doing what he thought best, but since the writers essentially want us to distrust Rush, his actions are seen as being the bad guy. I don't necessarily agree with the way Rush went about trying to get Young removed from command, but I don't disagree with him. Rush is still my favorite character, even if he is questionable, but so far nothing he has done can be pointed to as malicious, imo.

      Him not wanting to sit in the chair himself only makes sense. You don't have your lead scientist test it on himself. Duh. So Young getting his panties in a twist over that really makes little sense because even he should understand that rather than use it as a condemnation of Rush. I think Forrester or whatever that guy's name is sat in the chair of his own free will. He told TJ in the last ep he was losing hope, but Rush creating the fake planet in the database restored that...only to be ripped away by Young who couldn't imagine that might have been Rush's intention...give people hope. If you want to point fingers, Young helped drive him to take that risk and sit in the chair out of desperation.

      I hope they don't make Eli out to be a complete idiot. He better have saved a copy of the vid for himself. Surely he of all people, knowing what he knows, would seriously question Young's story about leaving Rush on the planet. Not sure if he'll come right out and say anything, especially not to Young, but he might mention something to Chloe. Though I don't see how some people (the science people in particular) on Destiny wouldn't suspect something fishy anyway considering the way those two feel about each other.

      Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
      It is better than BSG. These people may cry or show an angry temper or even do some morally questionable things, but not one of them has fallen on the flour crying like a 5 year old screaming "WE'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!"

      And the way they handled the "trial" in this ep was perfect compared to the grand-standing "after school special" speech that Apollo gave in BSG.
      Heh. SGU has a long way to go before it reaches the quality of BSG, imo.

      Your Starbuck example has no comparison to anything on SGU as far as what that character went through for 4 years only to mysteriously come back and no one will listen to you when you truly believe you know the way to Earth. When the whiny babies on SGU go through all the **** that Starbuck went through and don't lay on the floor and scream in desperation, then get back to me.

      Originally posted by siles View Post
      Young is not a monster! He did exactly what O'Neill would have done in that situation - remember "The other side" when he shut the gate on Alar?
      Originally posted by Chad View Post
      Exactly, What Young did made him more of a leader than less.
      O'Neill would not have done what Young did in a million years, imo. He is not that stupid or petty.

      Killing Alar is no comparison, imo. Other than for the reason that O'Neill basically did it because he had been played the fool. Totally different situation otherwise. I do think Jack did "murder" Alar because common sense dictated that Alar would follow them through the gate even though Jack had explicitly warned him not to, but Alar was basically a genocidal Nazi.

      Rush is far from that, not to mention that the people on Destiny actually need Rush's help to survive and get back home. So Young "killing" Rush is basically a big screw you to the rest of the people on Destiny all because his ego couldn't take it and he lost his temper. Killing Alar hurt no one other than for the possible technological knowledge he had that could have benefited the SGC.

      So while what Jack did was technically wrong, I still don't fault him for it. And while what Young did was emotion driven as well, he totally lost all reason, and never considered what he was doing to the others.
      Last edited by LoneStar1836; 05 December 2009, 12:50 PM.
      IMO always implied.


        only question I have is when will the season resume? I know I got a wait on my hands considering I'm watching at US pace


          Originally posted by kymeric View Post
          First off, lol @ people who read spoilers then say the episode was predictable. Sure a test is easy when u read the answer sheet.
          I've only seen spoilers on one episode so far - the one with camille and body swapping - but this episode. I knew squat about, but yes, it was easy to figure out that Spencer killed himself and someone took advantage of the situation.


            Originally posted by Hibblette View Post
            The ship does what it thinks is best for the ship and the crew-that's why every planet it's gone to there's been a reason.

            The ship is in control. That's what I mean about it turning around to go back and get Rush. It won't be the crew...
            While I can see the AI of the ship adjusting for the presence of humans on it, case in point going to a planet with the resources necessary for the air scrubbers. I can't see it actually taking into consideration the uniqueness of the persons actually on board. Hence while it might become cognizant of Rush being alive, I don't see it turning back on its mission to go grab him.
            The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



              Of the 10 episodes of the show so far, I've only thought of one as actually worth watching: "Time". But now that I've seen "Justice", I am pleased to say there are now two episodes of SGU worth watching. I'm actually excited to see what happens to Rush next, what happens to that guy (whose name I never before cared to know) once he wakes up from his chair-induced coma (hopefully cool stuff starts to pop into his fron), and what happens to Young when Rush somehow gets back to the ship.

              Unlike the other eight episodes, I found this one to be interesting and well told; it wasn't trying to kill time with stupidly-slow pacing due to a lack of story and the subject matter wasn't gag-worthy tripe. I really hope the next half of the season is more like this solid, enjoyable hour of TV.


                I loved the ending of this ep. Seeing Rush stranded/marooned/abandoned on the planet made me laugh/cheer. I am not a huge fan of Rush, though I fully expect him to get back to Destiny. I have, like others, felt that he will end up fixing the ship and getting back to the ship, though how he tracks them is beyond me. Maybe the scanners in the alien ship are able to track the warp signature or something (a la Star Trek). My real question will be what happens when he does return. That first confrontation between Rush and Young will be very, very interesting.


                  I have to wait until April... and it was AMAZING, I want to see the second part of this episode so badly.
                  Why are Stargate scientists so awesome?


                    Well, I've spent the whole season wondering if I actually liked the show. It seemed a little like Stargate-Lite. But this cliffhanger was very good. I loved seeing that slimy, scummy, hiding-something, greasy-haired Rush get his. I'll definitely tune in to see if he fixes the ship and catches up with Destiny and maybe reappears as a hybrid with a Borg (oops, wrong show) or a Goa'uld.


                      I'm glad it wasn't an extremely suspenseful 'To Be Continued' type cliffhanger, because I'd have trouble coping with the wait in that case. I find it odd that some people think it's bad that they don't have to undergo such mental torture.
                      "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                      Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                      Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                      Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                      Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                        Rush, a-ah
                        Savior of the Universe
                        Rush, a-ah
                        He save everyone of us
                        Rush, a-ah
                        He's a miracle
                        Rush, a-ah
                        King of the impossible

                        True story.


                          Originally posted by HAL2100 View Post
                          While I can see the AI of the ship adjusting for the presence of humans on it, case in point going to a planet with the resources necessary for the air scrubbers. I can't see it actually taking into consideration the uniqueness of the persons actually on board. Hence while it might become cognizant of Rush being alive, I don't see it turning back on its mission to go grab him.
                          I'm pretty darn sure it won't happen but ... it certainly would be better then the obvious.

                          But, for argument sake, who's been dealing with the ship for the most part? Rush. Eli of course has been using the Kino's-which are actually connected to the ship-but Rush is the guy who has been communicating with the ship.

                          I think it's entirely possible that the ship will know that Rush isn't there.


                            Originally posted by KibbyCC View Post
                            In not even 24hours out of Young losing command, Rush had already managed to give his pep talk to his scientists and give a not so subtle push for one of them to sit in the chair. Which one did, leading to a very possible death shortly. .

                            Where is that not so subtle push?? maybe i am not seeing it but i could have sworn he even instructed them to NOT sit in it?


                              Originally posted by Sam StarEagle View Post
                              Seriously...and the last bit wondering about how much Eli actually knew... WOW.

                              I want to see the next one NOW!!!
                              Me too. I want to see how Rush handles getting back to Destiny . . .if he gets back. I think he will and that the seeder ship will play a part in it.

                              In thinking about the seeder ship, if that is in fact what it is (right now that is my opinion - otherwise how did the stargate get put on the planet), why is it on the planet? Mechanical problems? Delivered it's last Stargate? Something else?

                              Also, if this is a seeder ship when was it sent out? Before or after the Destiny took off? The reason I ask this is if it went out before Destiny then it would have older tech. If it was sent out afterwards then it would have newer tech (hence faster drives, which would allow Rush to catch Destiny).

                              It will be interesting to see how ti all plays out.


                                Earlier today someone posted a message either at or here on (sorry I can't remember which) that said when Rush looked up in the sky at the end of "Justice" the constillation "Souther Cross" was there.

                                I didn't think much of it until now. According to reports on how the series closes for the year the Lucians get onboard Destiny or attack Destiny. I have wondered how this will work as they are supposed to be nine galaxies or so over and no ship, especially a modified Goa'uld ship could travel there. And the Orii deep space rings can't really be built to bounce ships back and forth.

                                So I was thinking what if Rush lied about how far away they are from home? What if they are still in the Milky Way or a galaxy close enough that the Homeworld Security crew could send help in a relatively short time frame, say a year or so?

                                Who would challenge him on this? Most of the scientific crew have been working on survival level issues like how the ship itself works. Eli has been trapped between the Rush/Young power struggle.

                                I think HWS is going on Rush's word for their exact location. They are only travelling a little faster than light speed so considering it would take years to travel from Earth to our closest neighbor star at light speed this may not be a far fetched an idea.

                                Rush has lied before to continue his work. Lying about their location to keep his butt on Destiny is clearly not above him, so what do you guys think?
                                Last edited by candylyn; 05 December 2009, 04:11 PM. Reason: spoiler tags

