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'Incursion, Part 2' (120) General Discussion

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    This episode was AMAZING! Especially loved the last few minutes including the part with Eli and Chloe....
    Can't wait for Season two!!


      This was such a great cliffhanger, one of the best ever.

      Yes, I liked Atlantis' going into season 5 too. This one was just so very different. Everyone is in immediate peril. In SGA, it was primarily Weir we were concerned about, but Rodney had time to figure something out as they were adrift through space.

      There's no McKay or Carter that can save the day here because there's an enemy in the midst. It's not as simple as figuring out that the Replicators have a ZPM and that Weir can help. The military personnel are about to be executed. TJ has likely lost the baby and is at death's door herself. Chloe has had the life draining out of her since she got shot. Scott and Greer may be outside. The civilians might be executed as well. Telford is very likely dead. And the Lucian Alliance folks just lost a bunch of people in the infirmary and may be losing their commander.

      I know they put these characters into peril and had no firm ideas on how to pull them out. That's often how the cliffhangers are written and the SGU cast apparently were a bit upset because they were left hanging too.


        Let us not forget what Exceptional Sci-Fi really means. I don't define it as a giant shark in a lake or clayface make=up aliens. If someone comes to me wondering what exceptional Sci-Fi is, I can simply define it to them by showing them a quick clip of any of the EVA scenes from this show. Srsly... Great Sci-Fi, Stargate!!!
        "Specialization is for Insects" - Heinlein -


          Originally posted by FoX-1028 View Post
          The soundtrack @ the end, it was like all coming to a end. Young face was just awesome..
          One of the best cliffhangers ive ever seen.
          That look on his face made me think he's wondering where he went wrong after telling Rush(?) that he was going to save every single person on the Destiny (his crew), and not one person was going to die. Famous last words ...

          I feel badly for Young.


            hugely impressed with this episode!
            even knowing that we were looking at cliffhangers, seeing so many
            I'm going to have to re-watch this tomorrow morning before I can come up with something more intelligent to say



              I am amazed, that was really good! (Not that I was expecting otherwise )
              So, let's see where the characters have been left:
              Scott and Greer: It looks like they're getting gamma'd but you can be sure they either made it inside in time or found some other way to survive. So in that case it's artificial suspense made by keeping the resolution from us. It's possible that they only barely made it and thus aren't in so good shape (maybe someone got a limb fried? That would be more interesting than the standard narrow escape), in any case we have to wait months for the resolution.
              Eli: doesn't seem to be in any direct peril (apart from wearing himself out by exertion) but emotionally he's in quite a state, being relied upon to save two lives while having to abandon Chloe who knows he'd do anything to save her. Even though he won't get physically injured he's not going to come out of this unscathed.
              Chloe: Yeah we see her pass out but we can trust that she'll be rescued soon enough. Still plenty suspenseful.
              TJ: she's not it a good way at all! Sure, we know she's going to survive but it's going to be very hard on her.
              Young + various soliders: They're probably in the most peril as we can pretty much expect that there's going to be a big fight and some will be killed and several injured.
              Telford and Kiva: wow, having them shooting each other was a shock when it happened, but at the same time not. Points to Kiva for immediately realising what was happening and reacting. And the way it occurred (appearing like they were attacked because they didn't have a proper crime scene investigator to point out that they shot each other) was a great catalyst for the ensuing conflict. Oops. Who knows whether either will survive?

              There was some concern penned last week over whether Eli's position would end up as an all-too-convenient plot device. I feel that was nicely averted as a) he's only positioned to help two people, not to save the entire ship, and b) he was still out of place for the actual rescue and had to abandon Chloe. So it was a little bit convenient but not over the top.

              Nice explanation for the guy who got toasted and for the computer/power problems. I figured it had to be radiation, and I'm glad it had nothing to do with Franklin or some Destiny AI or whatnot.
              I think the scenes with Eli and Chloe were better than last week's.

              Kiva completely outclassed Wray. Exchanging the soldier she'd killed was downright nasty! It'll be sad to see her gone as she added a lot to the show.
              Young sure went pretty crazy with his 'fix it immediately' type demands Wow.
              I also liked the moment between Greer and Scott about trusting their superior to do the right thing at the right time.

              One last thing: I really liked the visuals of Destiny bathed in radiation and of Scott and Greer on the side of the ship with the tail far behind them!
              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                Originally posted by Makenshi View Post
                October! That's going to be a looong wait... T__T


                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  Chloe might be die. Scott, Greer and Young may die as well. And T.J. Might be dead.
                  Hummm, Probably not.


                    Originally posted by O'Neil View Post
                    This show has taken a detour down stupid lane.

                    The only hope this shows has left is giving Greer (even though he's a real pain) a automatic weapon, and let him start leveling out everyone.

                    This is a good example of why spin off's never work.... tisk tisk
                    Oh, I don't know...I thought that the spinoff of that Stargate movie worked pretty well...


                      I liked this episode. Part one was better, but there were still scenes that had my jaw on the floor and me gasping! It was a decent cliffhanger, didn't get me itching to see the season 2 premiere. But I am interested in knowing who survives. And I hope this LA plot doesn't last too much longer. I liked it at first, but it is getting a little tired now. Well we have four months to theorize about next season. Let's take our time!


                        Solid episode. Not perfect, but very good.

                        All in all it was all rather predictable but still very entertaining. I didn't expect Kiva and Telford to shoot each other like that, and it was great. That soldier who grabbed the Lucian Alliance thug and started shooting all around was...well...either courageous, or stupid as hell. He took down many enemies, but injured TJ and most likely killed Riley and others. Could have cared less about the Eli and Chloe scene, but I admit she was pretty good in those scenes, I prefer her pale and a mess than all dressed up, for some reason. Eli was sweet, I guess.

                        I was a huge fan of Young, I loved how psycho he could be sometimes because the irrational way he acts sometimes reminds me of myself. But this time, he crossed into idiot territory a few times.

                        The same thing that made me adore Light, made me love the end of this episode. The music. The soundtrack in the final scene is absolutely amazing, my favorite after the soundtrack from Light. Hard to believe this is the same guy that composed the Atlantis music. Not quite Bear McCreary, but very good.

                        I hope Telford doesn't die. He's one of the two senior actors on the show, and his acting skills bring a lot to SGU. The guy has presence, that you like him or not.

                        Finally, I have to agree with Brigante. First Strike and Camelot are my favorite Stargate season finales. Incursion Part 2 was not as strong as say, BSG season 1 ending, or even season 3 ending, but it was among the best few season finales of the franchise.


                          Originally posted by Utitan View Post
                          Did they seriously Just kill TJ??? Chloe too??!! I cant effin believe it just ended like that... with you still on the edge of your frackin chair!! No That wasn't fair at all.. brilliant writing. And one big HooRah to the marine blasting everyone.. maybe except for TJ. I'm damn glad Kiva got one, looks like her replacement is worse.

                          Young, your my point man on this show but I'm flat out disappointed.
                          More likely TJ will survive but lose the baby. Chloe just passing out due to blood loss. I thought the bald guy was more a body guard, follower and killer “on command” and then he takes command? I didn't see that coming. Of course he is almost as evil as Kiva so maybe nobody would dare challenge him. Varro would have been the one I would have expected to take charge especially since we know now that his recuperative powers are off the scale. It seems to me that would make him super human or he is a snake head.


                            Originally posted by Abiron View Post
                            Oh, I don't know...I thought that the spinoff of that Stargate movie worked pretty well...


                              Guys, I think I figured out why the Goa'uld exiled Anubis.

                              Before he was exiled, Anubis produced teleball shows for other Goa'uld. He was exiled for always ending a season on a cliffhanger.


                                Well, I was one of the doomsayers after the first half of season one. And I'm man enough to admit I was wrong.

                                This show is really starting to show its potential. Hopefully it all comes together in season two.

                                And hopefully we slaughter all those Lucian Alliance <insert expletive here>.

