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'Incursion, Part 1' (119) General Discussion

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    Sigh, don't know if this has been said. Don't understand why the military just didn't bunker down in the gate room and pick off the Lucian alliance one at a time as they come through the gate. Isn't there a sort of balcony? Enclosed space leaves little room for maneuvering. Think military people might know what I'm sort of talking about.


      Originally posted by jmoz View Post
      Sigh, don't know if this has been said. Don't understand why the military just didn't bunker down in the gate room and pick off the Lucian alliance one at a time as they come through the gate. Isn't there a sort of balcony? Enclosed space leaves little room for maneuvering. Think military people might know what I'm sort of talking about.
      Yeah, I said that already, or sort of. The Destiny's gate room is probably one of the easiest military position to defend in history with the second floor balcony all around it. I thought it was a pretty clever design by the ancient the first place I noticed it. It was particularly apparent in the Design images JM uploaded on his blog.
      Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


        What page?

        Eli and Chloe are deus ex machina hunting....


          Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
          Not watched all the episode yet, but I was right about the Rite of Mal Sharaan

          Brag thread Alert!!!!
          Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


            Originally posted by jmoz View Post
            What page?
            I have no idea, sorry. Just read and saw the images when somebody post about it in here. It was some drawing.
            Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


              Just some live thoughts....

              Yay carter!!!!!!

              Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, i had forgot shutting off someones heat cures mindcontrol!

              Eep pregnant woman running the halls with a gun, seems unwise...

              Suprised they let Chole get shot!

              Ohhhhhhh new room!

              Mmmm incinerator shield

              YAY nother WoW comment!


                Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                Not watched all the episode yet, but I was right about the Rite of Mal Sharaan

                Well Done. You get a lifetime supply of nothing in return.
                Last edited by EvilSpaceAlien; 05 June 2010, 05:24 AM.


                  Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ. This thread is pretty much proof how far we have lowered our standards when it comes to Stargate. Yes, this was a good episode... for Universe. Can't hold a candle to even the mediocre ones from SG1 or A. Guess I have to forget about Stargate being the funnier, more light hearted scifi show even when the stakes are high. While U has improved significantly it's still too dark, twisted and concerned with personal details. I yearn for the days when you learned about important personal stuff while moving a story forward and not as a reason in and for itself.

                  First of all, even Private Billy could have come up with a better plan to defend that gate room. I know it was for the story, but in the 'real' world, this would have been a suicide attack by the LA. Is Young an idiot? Or are the writers just lazy? Of course they had to lose the battle, but the writers could have done it without making the crew look like incompetent fools. Which, on looking at Season 1 more closely, is a distinct possibility.

                  Secondly I'm getting pissed off by their personal stuff constantly getting in the way of getting the job done. Goes for the whole season so far - this just isn't how people would act in such a situation. Same goes for the sappy who-with-whom stuff. Come on, are you setting up Eli with Chloe now? Not that I'm interested as a science fiction fan but 35 years in this real world tell me that he'll be her doormat forever while various hunks will share her bed. Eli is good for being the 'friend' ('don't say it' was the single best and realistic line in SG:U so far). Doesn't matter what they'll find or how often he saves her life.

                  Also, don't get me started about that pregnancy. It's a soap opera vehicle intended to manipulate audiences into liking characters that still don't have one redeeming character trait.

                  On a positive note I'm surprised that Lou Diamond Phillips isn't dead yet. He must be rather expensive. But I do like him. His character has the right attitude for the situation. Eli continues to be a high point. I'd like to see him mature into a mini-McKay. Hopefully the actor is up to the task.

                  Kudos for improving the whole series significantly after the Christmas break. Before that I was completely willing to not watch any more. After the break I was somewhat interested again and rewarded with better entertainment. I hope there will be a HUGE change by next week, something that alters the whole premise to a more action oriented affair. By now I know everything I never wanted to know about those thin characters, it's time to dig out a few of the qualities that made Stargate a fixture in my TV schedule for more than a decade.


                    Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                    Not watched all the episode yet, but I was right about the Rite of Mal Sharaan

                    I don't think so. A rite means a ritual of custom in a certain. In this case removal of a Jaffs symbiote. Just bringing someone to the brink of death does not equalte Rite of Mal'Sharan
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                      You want a cookie or something?
                      yes please
                      Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                      Well Done. You get a lifetime supply of nothing in return.
                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      I don't think so. A rite means a ritual of custom in a certain. In this case removal of a Jaffs symbiote. Just bringing someone to the brink of death does not equalte Rite of Mal'Sharan
                      I guess this is a fair point, but it still functioned the same way as the Rite
                      Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                        Originally posted by Jedi_Master_Bra'tac View Post
                        I guess this is a fair point, but it still functioned the same way as the Rite
                        No doubt they have the same result but a lot of things bring someone close to death. Surely those can't all equal Rite of Mal'Sharan?
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Guess Sheppard had that rite too huh? The whole defibrillator thing.


                            Ok so here we go, part 1 of the 2 part finale. Well, gotta say it was pretty good, I only gave it an A, or a very high B+. It started off good but then just dragged a little for me. You had this whole climax and them ready to fight head to head, then when the fight took place it lasted very quickly. It just seemed very rushed at parts. So let me separate this review between plot and character..


                            Very solid plot, but folks have complained in the past about SGU not being like SG-1/SGA or being annoyed at rehashed plots. Well this felt like SGA's "The Seige" and The Storm/The Eye, only it did not live up to those eps sadly. I actually saw Subversion part 2 and it was a great cliffhanger, but it's been done before, you will get a "First Strike" kinda feeling, you shall see.

                            Anyway, getting back to the plot. You had a couple of things going on, Eli and Chloe became totally separated from everyone else, which could be a good thing later...hint hint. I liked seeing the planet blow up and Carter flying away on the Hammond. It made it feel so Stargate. I loved that.


                            Young was not bluffing he planned to knock him out, or at least put him at near death to free him of the brainwashing. Scott, was not too happy for Young not telling him. I loved that, and Scott is actually starting to become a character I am enjoying to watch on screen. Greer and Chloe still need a lot of work.

                            I think there was some great moments like with Young and Rush fighting at eachother and then he realized Rush is correct. Wray was also very good in this episode as well. Acting as the negotiator.

                            This episode also shows Young's softer side as well as harder side. He was ready to vent atmosphere, but saw they brought Telford through the gate, so he did not want to sacrifice both Young and Rush.

                            Overall a very good episode, and I think the season finale is going to please some people and really disappoint others. Myself, I am pleased but there has been better Stargate and it was done both with SGA and SG-1

                            So a A- or 9/10!


                              Originally posted by Commander Zelix View Post
                              Yeah, I said that already, or sort of. The Destiny's gate room is probably one of the easiest military position to defend in history with the second floor balcony all around it. I thought it was a pretty clever design by the ancient the first place I noticed it. It was particularly apparent in the Design images JM uploaded on his blog.
                              Actually not putting people in the gate room was the best idea. Gating to Destiny from the Milky Way as we have seen throws people out violently, and at speed. Put people on the ground level next to the stargate and you've got a whole horrible mess of LA personnel being thrown out of the stargate in and amongst you, then it's not a firefight ,it would descend into a brawl and the advantage that Young's personnel would have would be negated. Putting people up on the balcony overlooking the stargate would also seem like a good idea, good field of fire and if it were a normal gate assault this would work perfectly, mow down the LA as they walked through. Except they don't walk through, they get shot through at speed, enough so that more than likely several could scramble underneath the balcony, and then you've got to find some way to dislodge them.

                              The biggest reason for Young's plan whoever is simply lack of resources. He has only limited ammo and limited military personnel, and he's in a hostile region of space with other hostile aliens to fight. He needs to conserve resources, putting men into the gateroom means putting resources at risk, they had no idea the size of the LA force, the military personnel could have simply run out of ammo, or at the very least suffered casualties, there is no way to guarantee in a firefight you will not take casualties, and the last thing they need is wounded to take care of. Young's plan of venting the atmosphere was absolutely the correct thing to do, with limited resources it was the best course of action. The only reason it didn't work was because he bottled it when he saw Telford, with drove him conviction to get back the hostages later on, the entire situation could be left as Young's feet for not giving the order soon enough.

                              After that it was all downhill, LA used standard breech and clear tactics to clear the corridors, they took casualties, but with the limited resources available to Young's personnel there was no way they'd realistically hold them back.
                              Originally posted by valerius View Post
                              Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ. This thread is pretty much proof how far we have lowered our standards when it comes to Stargate. Yes, this was a good episode... for Universe. Can't hold a candle to even the mediocre ones from SG1 or A. Guess I have to forget about Stargate being the funnier, more light hearted scifi show even when the stakes are high. While U has improved significantly it's still too dark, twisted and concerned with personal details. I yearn for the days when you learned about important personal stuff while moving a story forward and not as a reason in and for itself.
                              Whose we sucka? Let me handily translate your post into plain English. "Boohoo not everyone shares my opinion." I thought this was a fantastic episode, full of action and tension, and better than many an SG1 and SGA.


                                The one big question I have about the episode is: Why are the Lucian Alliance using guns that shoot bullets? Weapons that propel little bits of lead at high velocity have mostly been unique to military from Earth. I'm pretty sure that there haven't been any in the Milky Way galaxy.

                                If someone had asked me in advance "If the Lucian Alliance were to get into a firefight, then what kind of weapons would they be shooting with?" I would have had to say Zats and staff weapons because most of their tech comes from the Goa'uld.

                                I dunno. It could be a writer's choice type thing for aesthetic purposes.

                                Otherwise, I really liked the episode. It's the first episode that I've watched twice and I'm about to watch it again to get a better look at those Lucian Alliance guns.
                                The Characters from Bloom County were located to another world where they could live in Peace and avoid the wrath of Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

                                Here's a photo of Bill the Cat hanging out by the gate waiting for more partying supplies:

