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'Human' (114) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
    I just finished lecturing to my class - at one point I asked a question covered in last week's lecture. No answer. The temptation to shout "Then what good are you? Get out!" was nearly overwhelming. However, I refrained.

    Professor Rush - not always the best role model.
    Doesn't your boss kind of frown on that?
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Doesn't your boss kind of frown on that?
      I did say I refrained - I was just tempted.

      I did have a professor back in my undergraduate days that would throw his chalkboard eraser at students that were reading the paper in class. He had very good aim. I don't know if he got in trouble for it, but after a couple of times, no one read the paper in class again!
      Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


        Originally posted by SG7 View Post
        Point well said! I think that TPTB have found a nice balance of action and story/character development. And it does not feel as though they are cramming one or the other in to fill a quota. In watching "Faith", I have seen some of the best acting I have ever seen portrayed by Alaina Huffman. And yet it was not anything long and drawn out. Just her portraying the anguish that she is dealing with of being alone and pregnant, and on a ship millions of light years from home, and with the possibility of it being with the man that she ended an affair with a few month earlier.

        And we then have before that, "Divided" where we see "Military" vs "civillian" and some of the action that came from that. We have a balance between the action and the drama/character development. With neither seeming to be forced into "specific" spots for what ever reasons (quota's etc)
        Yes I'd agree, I like a nice balance. And for truly effective action, you need quieter slower moments or eps, you need to care about the people in the fight and want to know and worry about them. That's why the best action films aren't just some action sequences strung together by a loose story, but are instead films where the plot and the characters are just as important, and by doing this enhances any action and makes it meaningful.


          Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
          You know what, I'm beginning to really enjoy SGU. It started out a bit shaky and for weeks there, there was always something for me to hate with each new episode (though I still enjoyed the majority of them).

          But this episode is yet another episode where SGU just "goes there", another episode which made me completely fall in love with the show again. Because it's a sci-fi show, yet it still goes "there".

          What's "there"? Two words: "Light" and "Human".

          Episodes where there are next-to or actually no action, episodes driven by character development, inter-character relationships and interactions, emotional drama. SGU is a Sci-Fi Drama (like almost every single other Sci-Fi show out there). Sci-Fi writers often neglect the "drama" part and go all-action-all-the-time and that just ends up being boring to me.

          Of course, this type of episode often draws the ire of viewers, most often American, because they aren't used to, especially not on a Sci-Fi show, narratives that are slow, subdued and which rely on character development instead of action. Both episodes begot hate-threads, heck, "Light" begot two (at the very least!)!

          But you know what? As a viewer of Japanese and Asian cinema, of a lot of films and television shows that aren't American, where each minute isn't filled with action, where there's not things going on the screen every single second, I welcome these kinds of episodes.

          Just because there's a few minutes in an episode where there's not much happening besides two characters sitting around talking doesn't mean those minutes were uneventful! Those characters might just have gotten more character development during those few minutes than they got for the past 10 episodes where they were involved in high-speed action!

          "Human" made me cry. I cried when Rush talked with "Gloria" at the end there. There was so much going on in that subdued scene. The emotions on display, the acting, the way they spoke. The actors did their job, they made me feel empathy, sadness and, ultimately, my eyes welled up and a I cried (not bawled, just a few tears).

          Because it was good writing, good acting and just darngo**** good everything!

          To those who did not like it: Try it sometimes, because, really, if you can only be entertained by a movie/TV show if it's jam-packed full of action, then you really need to broaden your horizons.
          My sentiments exactly.

          There's not that many explosions, or suns going boom or Universal threats . Just a bunch of characters, a strained group dynamic and fascinating insights in what makes them tick.


            I have to mostly agree. The A plot (Rush storyline) was FANTASTIC, though the B plot (going to planet) could've been way better- this is probably because of my dislike of Chloe, but I'll keep my opinions about her out of this thread.

            RC did a really nice job in this episode. It always helps to have a MS appearance also. On a side note, this episode called back to the SG-1 episode Changeling (sp?) for me. What Daniel did with Teal'c in Changeling, he sort of did with Rush in Human. I know the cases aren't exactly the same, but it felt close to it, and I appreciate TPTB for it.

            Greer was awesome with is death stare: "PLEASE don't kill me?"

            Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!


              Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
              God, I get so tired of seeing people saying Chloe was brilliant/really good/epic in an episode where she simply contributed at all.

              She wasn't bad! She was good. But "really good"? Really? Hardly. She was great by Chloe standards, but if you compare her contribution to those of the other characters, she didn't do anything special this episode.

              She is merely growing into, you know, an actual character. But just because Chloe's starting to contribute just as much as the other main characters doesn't mean she's magically "great" now. She's just good. She's just measuring up to the others. Give her her due, but no need to inflate her status just because she's no longer a wallflower filler.

              Blowing things out of proportion. That's the short definition of Fan.


                Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                Blowing things out of proportion. That's the short definition of Fan.

                Apparently you are un-greenable?!


                  Trae writes: “Who wrote the violin music? It didn’t sound like Joel, but he has done some surprising things before. Who played the violin? Whose idea was it?”

                  Answer: It’s actually a classical piece, one so challenging that the production had to hire a virtuoso to play it (source: Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. I need to get him to do a Q&A).
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by yanna View Post
                    I never liked Ford very much but I never blamed him for that particular line. Zelenka and McKay had been bullying him with their Prime - Not Prime game before he snapped. I loved that part of the Military/Scientist rivalry in SGA. It was also very funny when McKay and Jackson were making fun of Sheppard's claims that he could have been Mensa.
                    I thought Hot Zone turned out to be an excellent foreshadowing episode of what Ford became after the Wraith enzyme took over. Likely not meant as such but it turned out that way.

                    Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                    I just finished lecturing to my class - at one point I asked a question covered in last week's lecture. No answer. The temptation to shout "Then what good are you? Get out!" was nearly overwhelming. However, I refrained.

                    Professor Rush - not always the best role model.
                    *spit take*


                      Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                      You know amazingly I agree with you, however I do take issue with the bolded part. There's plenty of Asian cinema filled with action, I'm thinking particular Hong Kong films, a certain Mr John Woo started out there. I think films like Hard Boiled and the Killer managed to rack up more action than 10 American action films put together. Let's not get snooty and declare all American tv to be mindless action, and not delude ourselves that only Hollywood produces action films.
                      1) I never said there's no such thing as Asian action movies or Asian movies filled with action. What I meant was that Asian cinema is generally slower paced than Western cinema. Even Asian action movies/thrillers/suspense movies are more plot driven and less action oriented than Western ones. Case in point? Any Asian movie that has received an American remake. Compare the original to the knock-off.
                      2) I never said that all American TV shows are mindless action shows... I said that Americans have been spoiled by action since not only are action shows wildly popular in the U.S., they're also mostly written the same way: action, more action, yet more action and then a bit of plot. American action shows generally do not feature things such as long shots of a character reacting to something or episodes like "Light" and "Human".
                      3) How in the world did you manage to interpret my post as saying either of those things?

                      Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                      However what it did, and what I think SGU does is make sure that the story isn't playing second fiddle to the action.
                      Which was my point?

                      Plot driven, not action driven.

                      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                      Wait, is this a FallenAngel post actually praising SGU!? The Apocalypse is upon us!

                      But seriously, glad you're finally starting to enjoy it
                      I praised the writing and pacing of "Light" as well, actually. I created a thread for it an everything.


                        Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                        1) I never said there's no such thing as Asian action movies or Asian movies filled with action. What I meant was that Asian cinema is generally slower paced than Western cinema. Even Asian action movies/thrillers/suspense movies are more plot driven and less action oriented than Western ones. Case in point? Any Asian movie that has received an American remake. Compare the original to the knock-off.
                        2) I never said that all American TV shows are mindless action shows... I said that Americans have been spoiled by action since not only are action shows wildly popular in the U.S., they're also mostly written the same way: action, more action, yet more action and then a bit of plot. American action shows generally do not feature things such as long shots of a character reacting to something or episodes like "Light" and "Human".
                        3) How in the world did you manage to interpret my post as saying either of those things?

                        Which was my point?

                        Plot driven, not action driven.

                        I praised the writing and pacing of "Light" as well, actually. I created a thread for it an everything.
                        I don't mind the action but let's hope all episodes stays plot driven. I would have never have watched SG1 if it didn't have good sci-fi plots (mysteries, adventures, explorations, intelligent, topical). The action scenes seemed to fit the story for what I recalled. Am i wrong to say that 75% of SG1 episodes didn't involve action? What I remember most is the exploration of planets and other cultures. I'm a big fan of the new Outer Limits and most of the time, there's no action at all, just good sci-fi plots.
                        Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                          Originally posted by AVFan View Post
                          I have to mostly agree. The A plot (Rush storyline) was FANTASTIC, though the B plot (going to planet) could've been way better- this is probably because of my dislike of Chloe, but I'll keep my opinions about her out of this thread.

                          RC did a really nice job in this episode. It always helps to have a MS appearance also. On a side note, this episode called back to the SG-1 episode Changeling (sp?) for me. What Daniel did with Teal'c in Changeling, he sort of did with Rush in Human. I know the cases aren't exactly the same, but it felt close to it, and I appreciate TPTB for it.

                          Greer was awesome with is death stare: "PLEASE don't kill me?"
                          I'd mostly agree too about RC's acting in this episode. And yes MS appearing was a definate bonus (and not hard on the eyes either!) And I think that they struck a good balance between Rush, Rush and his wife, and Rush with Jackson. They didn't stifle Rush's storyline with MS at every corner. His appearances through out the episode were nicely placed. And I enjoyed how they were able to use MS without it being hokey. Job well done on the part of the writers and TPTB! I was half expecting something weird when I found out that MS was appearing in the episode. And thankfully I was proven wrong. And his appearance was well done.
                          My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
                          "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                            Incase anyone wants to know. A sneak peak of the next episode(Lost)...


                              I've been reading quite a few reviews of Human since it aired and I find it amusing that the main complaints about the episode are about the team down on the planet, the apparent 'action' story. Most of the reviewers preferred the Rush story.


                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                1) I never said there's no such thing as Asian action movies or Asian movies filled with action. What I meant was that Asian cinema is generally slower paced than Western cinema. Even Asian action movies/thrillers/suspense movies are more plot driven and less action oriented than Western ones. Case in point? Any Asian movie that has received an American remake. Compare the original to the knock-off.
                                2) I never said that all American TV shows are mindless action shows... I said that Americans have been spoiled by action since not only are action shows wildly popular in the U.S., they're also mostly written the same way: action, more action, yet more action and then a bit of plot. American action shows generally do not feature things such as long shots of a character reacting to something or episodes like "Light" and "Human".
                                3) How in the world did you manage to interpret my post as saying either of those things?
                                What Asian cinema have you been watching? Have you seen Hard Boiled? The last 40 minutes is nothing but shooting, and most heroic bloodshed, the oh so popular Asian cinema genre, films are much faster paced than American action films. The best, such as John Woo films do feature characterisation and plot, many though are just massive shooting sequences strung together by a paper thin plot.

                                As for American action shows, this isn't the 80's, the A team is not the standard. You have 24, which admittedly has gone downhill, but it is not simply shooting and action, much of the praise and the awards the show has won has been over the characters and the actors. Fast paced the show may be, but you also have actors like Dennis Haysbert who won widespread acclaim and popularity for his role as the President, a role that didn't have him kicking in doors. Long before SGU arrived 24 did what similar things, not having a set amount of action in each episodes, some are fast paced, others are slower and filled with character drama. Then for other recent American action shows, you have things like The Unit or Sons of Anarchy. The Unit was created by David Mamet, and was in its 4 seasons about as far away from mindless action as you could get. Sons Of Anarchy is actually based on Hamlet, the characters and their interactions are more important than any action which serves simply as a backdrop. In fact I struggle to think of any mindless American action show, today's audiences are seeking something better than just shootouts, they want to root for the characters and do that, be it tv or film, you need slower moments.

                                These shows aren't written as action, more action and then a bit of plot. Story and characters are the focus and they arn't afraid to make slower episodes and focus on the characters. There are very few mindless action shows popular on US tv today, you need more to make a show successful. If anything the thing that is lagging behind is scifi tv, which in many ways is still stuck, applying in too many shows action without plot, and we've yet to have the science fiction equivalent of the Wire or the Sopranos because as a genre of tv scifi is struggling to mature.

                                Which was my point?
                                Yes and though I disagree with your assessment of Asian cinema and American tv, I agree with your basic point. Are we not allowed to? Are you only happy when you get to play the affronted party who no one will agree with?

