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'Human' (114) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by SG7 View Post
    My thoughts on the episode. It was a brilliant episode for RC. Really enjoyed it, however not quite as much as "Faith".

    The one thing that is beginnig to irratate me about the show is how they have a plot and then don't tie up the loose ends. We find out in last weeks episode that TJ was pregnant, and this week there is no mention of it. No "awkward scene" of her breaking it to Young (or others on the ship that she has not yet told) that she was pregnant. I just hope it isn't some hoky thing where suddenly one week she is discussing baby stuff with him with no prior scene or line(s) of dialogue of her telling him she's pregnant.

    Wanted to put my fist through the TV when I was left with only a couple of minutes of the episode and realized that it would have to be a 2 parter!!!!!
    In an episodic adventure, it would have been dealt with right then in that episode but SGU is a different kind of storytelling altogether. Will TJ deal with it? Most likely, but it will be on her own terms. If she didn't look/sound sick, she likely wouldn't have let Chloe know. If she didn't need to explain why she didn't want to leave, she likely never would have told Scott. TJ strikes me as a very private sort of person, and I don;t think she's likely to go blabbing all over the ship that she's pregnant. I sure don't think she'd appreciate it being blabbed. On the flip side, I doubt Chloe would break her confidence and Scott never would.

    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Thats kind of the point of SGU. Not everything gets solved in 42 minutes. The storylines just get developed and may continue in the next episode
    yep, like that ^^

    Originally posted by s09119 View Post
    Hmmm, Eli definitely has the insight Rush doesn't, but he's not quite as knowledgeable and really, at the end of the day, he lacks the drive. Rush will throw his life into something, willing to give whatever it takes to get the answer. And while that may lead him to morally questionable actions at times, at least you can't doubt his dedication. Eli, on the other hand, only seems interested in putting his mind to work when he's ordered to or when it means something fun and exciting. I can see why Rush was so bitter that young Mr. Wallace stole the glory from him at Icarus.
    There are people that can be really smart, can be geniuses even, but they don't have the experience or maturity to cope with what they have. Eli falls into this category. He's incredibly gifted, but because it's a gift, and because he's still a kid, he doesn't put the work into it that someone else that has to try harder would do. I think all of us likely know someone for which something comes so easily to them that they don';t look at it as work and have no understanding of why it is so hard for you. I appreciate Blue's acting here. He's portraying a kid just like that, and one that, most likely until very recently, has never HAD to grow up.

    Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
    He's going to especially feel like a moron when he remembers he told Eli that Rush was working on a program. This is clearly it but perhaps you forgot about that scene.

    I just love the way probies come in and speak for all of fandom.
    I think that counts for more than just the very new. Assumptions about fandom can be made all over

    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Wasn't their a scene that Rush said the first time he wan't there for Gloria the first time she died because he was caught up in his work. That was kind of the point of all this. He felt so guilty for not being able to say goodbye to her.
    that broke my heart when she said that, pointing out to him that he hadn't really been there the first time. The terrible guilt he must feel

    Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
    On re-watching the episode, I'm struck by how often we hear the sound of a door closing in this episode. Rush is constantly closing doors, often between himself and his wife, or opening a door. And of course, the mental "key" that he and Brody set up for ending the lucid dream is a door, that he has to open and go through.

    It just struck me as a sad metaphor for his relationship with his wife - all those doors closing.
    what an incredible observation! And yes, I do hear that. It's as though the Destiny is constantly giving him the option to leave, or let him open doors on his own



      Originally posted by Daro View Post
      Once Eli is not living his life strictly on the whims of Chloe, Young, Rush, or anyone else specifically, maybe he can start to grow up. Hope that time comes soon, I've also had it with his childishness. All the other characters are growing, even ones that are less central than him. I'm eager to see the writers move Eli forward in a meaningful way, not just telling us who he's decided to whine about this week.
      While i don't think eli is that childish, i do agree he needs to grow up and start showing more initiative and drive.

      Well, why did Franklin get to be cut by those electrodes and Rush was unharmed?
      Perhaps franklin had a episode of shaking, or is epileptic.


        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
        I just love the way probies come in and speak for all of fandom.
        LOL that is cold, I may be a Probie here but Ill tell you right now I am not a newb on many other sites I am apart of. Besides, you dont have to have the experience if you are right. LMFAO!!!


          Rush was unharmed because (after Franklin's episode in the chair) he put a buffer in place in order to protect the user from information overload, as a regular human brain cannot handle what an Ancient brain can.

          Here's from the transcript:

          WALLACE: How does this new interface work?

          BRODY: We created a buffer to slow down the transfer of information. We also limited the connection to a narrow range of the subject's subconscious. That should protect the vast majority of his brain. Now, worst case, we hope only the memories that we targeted could be lost. If it works, the data stored in the ship's computer should be made available to Rush through a dream.
          Sig by Pandora's Box


            E writes: “In “Human” – holding the gate open by sticking something into the event horizon would’ve given the rescue team only 38 minutes, but why didn’t they even try?”

            Answer: In Air III, delaying the jump by having Eli stick his arm through the gate bought Scott and Greer the time they needed to reach the gate. In the case of the trapped team in Human, it was pretty clear that the time required would have far exceeded the 38 minute window.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
              In an episodic adventure, it would have been dealt with right then in that episode but SGU is a different kind of storytelling altogether. Will TJ deal with it? Most likely, but it will be on her own terms. If she didn't look/sound sick, she likely wouldn't have let Chloe know. If she didn't need to explain why she didn't want to leave, she likely never would have told Scott. TJ strikes me as a very private sort of person, and I don;t think she's likely to go blabbing all over the ship that she's pregnant. I sure don't think she'd appreciate it being blabbed. On the flip side, I doubt Chloe would break her confidence and Scott never would.
              I guess you're right. I am so used to the way SG1 and SGA was, that I half expected SGU to be the same. But it makes sense that everything doesn't get wrapped up in a nice neat package in the 40 somthing odd minutes. Agreed about TJ. She does seem more of a private person. And I too got the impression that if she didn't have to, she wouldn't have said anything to anyone until she absolutely had to. Unfortunately Chloe saw her getting sick, so she had to tell her, otherwise Chloe may have mentioned to others that something was wrong with TJ. As for Scott. Again I get the impression that the only reason that she told him was so that he wouldn't think that she had lost her marbles in wanting to stay on the planet.

              I have a feeling that it is going to be tough for her to explain to others about her pregnancy, just because I do feel that she seems more private than some of the others. And if it is Young's kid that will be all that much harder for her. Especially knowing that their "fling" has been over for a while and the awkwardness that is sure to be the fallout of her telling him, is not going to be good for her. I can definately see her struggling with being pregnant, having to face Young all the time, and being the ships only medical person who is pregnant and having to also deal with all the medical issues on the ship. Granted if they keep loosing people off the ship, then the amount of people that she'd have to take care of medical wise, wouldn't be too much problem after a while.

              Sadly I feel that the conditions in which she will go through her pregnancy, will cause her to either miscarry or something happen to the baby where it doesn't live. Let's face it, being on that ship isn't exactly doing wonders for everyone on that ship. They are basically barely surviving. I can only imagine what affect it will have on TJ's unborn child.
              My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
              "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


                I have never been a big fan of Dr Jackson, not that I hated him, but I loved his reaction when Rush said he wasn't really there. It was just the chair doing it but I can imagine the real Jackson reacting that way. It wouldn't be the craziest thing he has ever heard and he might just except it and follow along. I just thought it was funny.


                  Originally posted by BobbyScars View Post
                  LOL that is cold, I may be a Probie here but Ill tell you right now I am not a newb on many other sites I am apart of. Besides, you dont have to have the experience if you are right. LMFAO!!!
                  Counts for nothing. You don't speak for fandom; you speak only for yourself.


                    You know what, I'm beginning to really enjoy SGU. It started out a bit shaky and for weeks there, there was always something for me to hate with each new episode (though I still enjoyed the majority of them).

                    But this episode is yet another episode where SGU just "goes there", another episode which made me completely fall in love with the show again. Because it's a sci-fi show, yet it still goes "there".

                    What's "there"? Two words: "Light" and "Human".

                    Episodes where there are next-to or actually no action, episodes driven by character development, inter-character relationships and interactions, emotional drama. SGU is a Sci-Fi Drama (like almost every single other Sci-Fi show out there). Sci-Fi writers often neglect the "drama" part and go all-action-all-the-time and that just ends up being boring to me.

                    Of course, this type of episode often draws the ire of viewers, most often American, because they aren't used to, especially not on a Sci-Fi show, narratives that are slow, subdued and which rely on character development instead of action. Both episodes begot hate-threads, heck, "Light" begot two (at the very least!)!

                    But you know what? As a viewer of Japanese and Asian cinema, of a lot of films and television shows that aren't American, where each minute isn't filled with action, where there's not things going on the screen every single second, I welcome these kinds of episodes.

                    Just because there's a few minutes in an episode where there's not much happening besides two characters sitting around talking doesn't mean those minutes were uneventful! Those characters might just have gotten more character development during those few minutes than they got for the past 10 episodes where they were involved in high-speed action!

                    "Human" made me cry. I cried when Rush talked with "Gloria" at the end there. There was so much going on in that subdued scene. The emotions on display, the acting, the way they spoke. The actors did their job, they made me feel empathy, sadness and, ultimately, my eyes welled up and a I cried (not bawled, just a few tears).

                    Because it was good writing, good acting and just darngo**** good everything!

                    To those who did not like it: Try it sometimes, because, really, if you can only be entertained by a movie/TV show if it's jam-packed full of action, then you really need to broaden your horizons.


                      Oh my god, I find myself agreeing with you. Yeah, Human was pretty good, eh?
                      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                        Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
                        Chloe was really good in the episode and really contributed to for once.
                        God, I get so tired of seeing people saying Chloe was brilliant/really good/epic in an episode where she simply contributed at all.

                        She wasn't bad! She was good. But "really good"? Really? Hardly. She was great by Chloe standards, but if you compare her contribution to those of the other characters, she didn't do anything special this episode.

                        She is merely growing into, you know, an actual character. But just because Chloe's starting to contribute just as much as the other main characters doesn't mean she's magically "great" now. She's just good. She's just measuring up to the others. Give her her due, but no need to inflate her status just because she's no longer a wallflower filler.


                          I agree as well.
                          Sig by Pandora's Box


                            Originally posted by Sami_ View Post
                            His attitude (and much of it so far on SGU) was very reminiscent Aiden when he said to Mckay:

                            FORD: This is some sort of pay-back for guys like me beating up guys like you in high school, right?
                            Definetly not something that ingratiates you to sci-fi viewers, in fact its a little ugly imo.
                            I never liked Ford very much but I never blamed him for that particular line. Zelenka and McKay had been bullying him with their Prime - Not Prime game before he snapped. I loved that part of the Military/Scientist rivalry in SGA. It was also very funny when McKay and Jackson were making fun of Sheppard's claims that he could have been Mensa.

                            Greer is a different animal. I wasn't mad at him for his overreaction to Eli. I think he was just trying to cover up his fear. I just wonder how on Earth Greer was admitted on the Stargate Programme with such a serious issue.

                            Moving on to the episode itself, I watched the Rush parts at least 3 times discovering clues and enjoying Carlyle's phenomenal acting. The rest was stupid. Young was immensely stupid to allow Eli to go the planet just as Rush was attempting to fry his brain. The foursome were all stupid to go down to the cave just to retrieve a Kino. Greer was stupid on an epic scale shooting at that spider and I can't believe that Scott, Eli, Greer and Chloe are the Team equivalent for this show... I kinda hope they will stay buried.


                              Originally posted by yanna View Post
                              Young was immensely stupid to allow Eli to go the planet just as Rush was attempting to fry his brain.
                              I so agree with this - when I saw that Eli was going down to the planet I was thinking, um, your head scientist is potentially going to end up in a coma and you're letting his backup go sightseeing? Dude.
                              Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


                                i don't like jam.

                                anyway it's awesome, yes i know.

