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'Faith' (113) General Discussion

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    Loved the episode! Was suprised TJ's pregnant but based on the actress pregnancy its not to shocking a twist. I loved the mystery of the artifical world. We saw Skaara and the ascended Abydonians make a planet/stargate so we know its possible. How cool would it be to meet physical aliens as advanced as the ascended ancients? Corporality does not inherently mean that you are not as powerful. Weird that the monolith sent out a signal. I hope whoever stayed behind was right or theyre @#$%ed. Even if the aliens come and arent hostile those humans are dead in a generation or two, having less than 80-100 people isnt enough genes to last more that 2-3 generations. Intresting that this is now the second planet on this side of the universe with humans on it, the first being the couple from air pt3.

    I wonder what was with the monoliths signal, i seem to remember something similar leading to very bad things on BeastWars. Whos to say theres uberaliens dont already know about earth and havent been by our way before?

    Maybe the planet was a test? Uberalien monolith detects a ship and POOF makes a sun and planet to see what the meatbags on board do when presented with paradise? At least no one killed eachother. maybe the ori feel badabout being dicks and made the planet as a reststop for destiny?

    Wonder if they left a stone with the people they left behind?


      Very good episode, that is, as long as the planet and its creators are revisited down the road. Here we have an alien race that managed to dwarf the Alterans technologically, which is a cool concept for SGU I'd like to see further explored. Hopefully, this will be SGU's Thor's Hammer.

      Interesting to see the Icarus Base survivors cooperating for a change. Ship exploration is also pretty good, especially when cool gadgets are found.


      PS 1 - Drop the soapy music!

      PS 2 - Where the hell are Riley and chair guy? Don't tell me they were disposed of along side the good senator
      Last edited by Stormtrooper; 17 April 2010, 12:52 PM.


        TJ does mention that someone (Lt. Cole?) will be keeping an eye on Franklin (aka "chair guy") in the infirmary (and letting her know if there is any change in his condition).

        From that, I'm taking it that Riley is no longer in the infirmary (perhaps on his way back to active duty soon).
        Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


          Originally posted by sblade View Post
          PS 2 - Where the hell are Riley and chair guy? Don't tell me they were disposed of along side the good senator
          Franklin "chaiir guy" is in a coma. TJ mentions watching him in this episode. And apparently Riley is recovering off-screen since the actor playing him is focused on another project.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Originally posted by sblade View Post
            PS 1 - Drop the soapy music!

            I thought the music was perfect for the setting



              Originally posted by xxxevilgrinxxx View Post
              I thought the music was perfect for the setting
              Oh man, "soapy" has seriously become an adjective of epic proportions around GW.
              Sig by Pandora's Box


                Do soap operas even use contemporary songs in them?

                I think the correct analogy is to teen dramas, such as "Dawson's Creek".

                Having said that, I think "Miami Vice" was one of the first shows that I can remember using contemporary, current music in the episodes. Contemporary music was also used (really well, I remember) in the fabulous "Homicide: Life on the Street".
                Goodbye and Good Travels, Destiny!


                  Originally posted by Coronach View Post
                  Oh man, "soapy" has seriously become an adjective of epic proportions around GW.
                  it's really not all that creative, is it?
                  moving onto the next meme in 3...2...1...



                    Originally posted by carmencatalina View Post
                    Do soap operas even use contemporary songs in them?

                    I think the correct analogy is to teen dramas, such as "Dawson's Creek".

                    Having said that, I think "Miami Vice" was one of the first shows that I can remember using contemporary, current music in the episodes. Contemporary music was also used (really well, I remember) in the fabulous "Homicide: Life on the Street".
                    Indeed. It seems there isn't any correlation between contemporary music and genre of show.

                    Who knew?
                    Sig by Pandora's Box


                      Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since October 2009.
                      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                        Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                        Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since October 2009.
                        They were calling SGU a soap long before Air premiered
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          They were calling SGU a soap long before Air premiered
                          Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since before October 2009. When exactly? I don't fuggin' know - ask Jelgate!
                          ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                          ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                            Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                            Do we know how much time there is between Divided and Faith? Not much I assume given what Jel said about Rush's state of disrepair?
                            I have known people who got operated on in the field, who a good month afterward were still in pain, and others who looked hearty and healthy 4 days later..
                            So i am thinking it was 1-2 weeks.

                            In that last exchange between Rush and Young, when he mentioned he liked to play chess, did anyone else pick up on the subtle double-meaning there, as if Young made his attempt at a joke ("Hey look I can be a nice guy") but then reminded Rush he's good at what he does ("I still have my eye on you, and I am ready to make the next move if you ever do"). Or was I reading way too much into it?
                            Ohh. That is an interesting look at it. Personally i feel young was throwing out an olive branch, but i would not put it past him to be thinking sneakily..

                            Their chess games will become bitter battlegrounds, I can see it now.
                            Magneto and Xavier played chess all the time from what it seemed in the comics. they played chess when he was locked up. They did not seemed to be bitter battlegrounds, and to me they have more to go against one another than rush/young..

                            By the way, was it ever said who ended up staying behind? I mean, I just assumed Dr. Caine (and a couple others?) stayed behind due to not seeing them get off the shuttle...but is that right?
                            They have not even revisited those 2 goons who went through the gate in Air Pt3, so i doubt they will re mention those who stayed behind..

                            I'd never seen it in the previews. So it was a good shock for me. I leaned all the way in for that. Makes me think of the Preserver Obelisk that Captain Kirk found on that planet with the Native American Indians in Star Trek TOS.
                            Or the oblesk SG1 found on the planet in it's good to be king.
                            But i do agree it would have made for a better show if it was not spoiled so much by the previews.

                            T.J. was very real in this episode, excellent performance. Chloe was Chloe sadly, lol. Eli was pushed to the background but had a nice scene with Wray. Young is really trying to make things work, and he even is starting to reach out a hand to Rush, and Rush smirks after Young leaves the room. So it is good they are working things out.
                            Young got some major props from me this ep for actually starting to turn himself around. And i was surprised at the Eli/wray scene..

                            If aliens did indeed make this solar system, they're probably the power-fullest we've come across on all of stargate.
                            I disagree. Remember in 2010, the Aschen had the tech to help us create a sun by converting Jupiter iirc.. And they were no where near as tech advanced as the ancients were.

                            1) Suddenly everyone thinks god is involved.
                            One of my workmates who spent 9 months in SERE and other trainings has made note that people stranded seem to put more focus on faith.. so that is not that surprising for me.

                            I think that there is an Ancient watching the crew. Prob watching Icarus cuz they were curious how the Destiny is fairing and went through the gate with them. But my theory still doesn't really explain what the obelisk was for. I am really hoping that this is revisited in the future.
                            It is my though that the ancients made the planet before we even found out about it, as they DID mention some ascended before they even left for the PG. So maybe he made it as a way point to restock for the others who DID eventually go there...
                            As to the obelisk. No clue at this point in time, though that beam did remind me very much of the Wraith's tagging beam from SGA season 1 (letters from Pegasus).

                            He even took Rush's suggestion about using gunpoint or force. Well he did not do it but he did threaten if the military folks did not return.
                            I was actually really surprised that rush even made that statement coming so close on what the did last ep..

                            If there was an ancient watching over them I would think they would just zap them right home ?
                            I disagree. They see we are so willing to go on one way trips (atlantis) and have that explorer gene, similar to them. SO it is not to me, outlandish to think they would want us to stay to do what they could not (or didn't) make destiny what it is.. an exploration ship.

                            Wouldn't it be cruel if they were right and the people who stayed behind go back to Earth thanks to the aliens.
                            That it would be. Heck, i would love it if they find out (somehow) the rest were right to stay on the ship..

                            We don't get to meet the aliens who built the planet or even find out why they built it. No answers on either of those two fronts.
                            How long did it take us to find out that the asguard were an alien race, not just a myth? Or that the ancients were still around? IMO that delay is part and parcel for how we do things.

                            Not to mention the possible introduction of a race that surpasses even the Ancients in terms of advancement. This far out in the universe, anything's possible.
                            As i mentioned before, the Aschen had the means to make a star.. So why is it hard to believe the ancients could do the same?

                            The concept of artificially creating a sun and planet is so crazy it’s cool. And the Trek geek in me laughed at Eli.
                            I laughed at Eli when he made that reference... Been a while since he did one.

                            We don't know if some aliens even built the planet. I think it was ascended beings.
                            Who's to say it was built and not just moved though.

                            and finally their is no indication that ascended powers can do that
                            We have full circle, where Oma rebuilt the surface of the planet in a few hours.. Who is to say they cannot build a full planet.

                            Why is it so far fetched to believe they can create a solar system?
                            I would find it easier to believe they did NOT create it, but just moved the planet/sun from elsewhere.

                            I find it hard to believe it was the ancients because:
                            a.) we have never seen them use that kind of power before.
                            b.) there are easier alternatives in place like powering the stargate
                            c.) all those things they created were great, but they all took a lot of time to do
                            d.) Rush or someone mentions unfamiliar markings on the obelisk.
                            e.) Why wouldn't they leave some sort of message for them?
                            A) well we saw Oma recreate the planet's surface in Full circle. Who is to say that is all they can do. AND as someone wise once said, Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.
                            B) as i mentioned elsewhere, who is to sya they WANT us to go back home.
                            D) who is to say the obelisk was made by them.
                            E) this one is easier to do imo. Remember their 'non interference. it is easier to do x without making it obvious that they did it, so we don't think it was them, than to DO it and run the risk of us realizing it was them.

                            One of my biggest beefs with the concept of ascended beings in sci fi series is it creates an artificial plot device that the writers can whip out of the closet any time they want to fix something. They're basically a genie, or a magic wand, and not that much more inventive.
                            Well at least we don't have to rub a lamp!

                            Cont next post


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              I disagree. Remember in 2010, the Aschen had the tech to help us create a sun by converting Jupiter iirc.. And they were no where near as tech advanced as the ancients were.
                              I have to disagree with your disagree. The Aschen could make a star out of an existing planet that meet all the requirements, By all the 'evidence' they provided in the episode it seemed like no planet was ever there before so its like they made a star and planet out of nothing or brought elements with them to make it unlike the Aschen. Which to me shows they are highly advanced even more so then the ancients.


                                Greer, yeah he rocks. Seriously I love his whole demeanor and the way he speaks. Eating the “looks like a kiwi” scene was hilarious.
                                Hilarious, yes. STUPID as hell, also yes.

                                I loved Scott here. Never say he isn't loyal, 'cause he is to those he thinks he can help. Volunteering to stay behind on the planet to help TJ and Chloe and the others was a good move, and even Young must've thought so - the Colonel didn't even reproach him for it in the end. "Heart as big as a house" (From Water) indeed.
                                That to me was the shining moment for Scott. Made him seem more real from all his blandness in past eps. Also showed great conviction.

                                The whole setup from the beginning threw up red flags for me. Not just that the star was effectively at Age 0, but that the planet had a fully developed, oxygenated atmosphere, AND it appeared to be -the only- planet in the entire system.
                                Not appeared to be, but WAS. Heck, on the screens where they showed the system, i did not even notice any moons.

                                So much of Destiny is unexplored, I'm particularly interested in what that "Dome" area is for (shown in Air part 2 I think) and the forward "bridge" or observation deck.
                                I am more interested in the pyramid like structure in the rear of the ship.

                                as we know, there are other ascended beings than the Alterans/the Ori. I believe this part of the Universe "has" its onw ascended beings
                                Remember in SG1, Oma did mention to daniel that the ancients we NOT the only ascended beings..

                                They know of Destiny, and believe it to be the bringer of the Ancients who they want to meet and impress.
                                Now that would be interested.. A race who sees what the ancients have done/are doing and actually want to make friends..

                                I wonder if Scott's desire to stay was 100% because TJ's pregnant. Afterall, he has a kid that he didn't know about (as would Young had everyone been allowed to stay), and he might feel like he's making up for that by being around for TJ and the baby.
                                From what we have seen of him since that ep, he does seem to be a bit more of the person to step up for what is right... So i would not put that past him to be feeling he needs to stay for the kids sake. BUT part f me is wanting to know was it done cause chloe was also wanting to stay.

                                However, once again my critique of SGU turns to the writers portraying human actions in an unrealistic manner. In this episode's story why are there not many characters that are dying to know about the obelisk? Shouldn't someone be so obsessed with it that an entire team spends the whole month doing nothing but studying it?
                                It does seem glaringly messed up that they did not do any exploration of it, but who's to say they DID NOT have a team of people out there doing that 'off camera'..

                                I don't know about that. In the SG-1 episode "2010" (LOL!) the Aschen were at the point of turning Jupiter into a little sun, so maybe Ancients did have the ability to make stars and planets...
                                Finally.. Someone else remembers that..

                                Daniel would be trying to decipher the alien language. While Teal'c would recall the existence of a powerful race of traveler and solar system seeder feared by the goauld but largely unknown.
                                And then end with "Indeed"

                                Eli - Loved his Wrath of Khan reference, and his interactions with Wray. I wonder if he's starting to branch out and talk to people he normally wouldn't, in order to get more of a handle on what's going on?
                                Remember when he first saw her, his instincts was to try and sneak away but Wray noticed him...

                                The thing I'm wondering is how long would it take before the shuttle runs out of power?
                                From what we have seen of puddle jumpers a long time. BUT these are less advanced, but larger versions.. Plus we don't know how they recharge...

                                Even if the aliens come and arent hostile those humans are dead in a generation or two, having less than 80-100 people isnt enough genes to last more that 2-3 generations
                                Not even that. iirc there were 3 of the 11 who wanted to stay behind who were mil, and then you add in chloe. So with all 4 of them out of it, that left 7 to stay behind.. We had NO idea how many of those 7 were women.

