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'Faith' (113) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
    Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since October 2009.
    And half the members here probably watched soaps at some point in there lives....
    By Nolamom


      I thought "Faith" mimiced BSGs god theme where god is pulling the strings eg god thinks, lets start over and send a few humans and Cylons across the galaxy to a new planet. In SGU, God puts a planet right in Destiny's way and it's a planet like earth. One of the characters is pregnant and wants to stay, so we have the Adam and Eve theme.

      I also think the Obelisk resembled 2001 Space Odessey.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post

        I disagree. Remember in 2010, the Aschen had the tech to help us create a sun by converting Jupiter iirc.. And they were no where near as tech advanced as the ancients were.
        creating a sun from a gas giant is surely much easier than creating a sun from nothing


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          And half the members here probably watched soaps at some point in there lives....
          I'll admit, I've seen my fair share of soaps throughout my life. It's for that reason that I find the constant soap references to be ridiculous, but perhaps I've never watched the right soap episode. Maybe there is a soap out there that is just like SGU?
          Sig by Pandora's Box


            Originally posted by dosed150 View Post
            creating a sun from a gas giant is surely much easier than creating a sun from nothing
            Remember, it would not be the case that they created the sun "from nothing". They would have just used an unknown means, to which we can speculate on endlessly.
            Sig by Pandora's Box


              I haven't watched soaps, and I might not use that word in particular. But yeah, it does seem partly like those teen dramas, like Dawson's Creek. Soaps are normally all about character interactions, and how each person is acting stupidly towards other people; how they form alliances and friendships and relationships, only to betray or be betrayed. The difference with teen dramas, is that they do it to modern pop songs.

              I can forgive the sheer amount of it in SGU in the beginning, as each person is struggling to learn to deal with each other. But I really hope it gets smoothed out and less used as it goes on, as they learn to get along together and confront the unknown; like SG is known for.


                Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since before October 2009. When exactly? I don't fuggin' know - ask Jelgate!
                Since the casting calls first showed up online.
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                  I liked "Faith". It wasn't a mind-blowing episode, but thoroughly enjoyable. TJ was great. Although I wish they'd given us more hints about her condition, not so much about TJ/Young. I can't wait to see how this storyline plays out.


                    SGU series writer, Carl Binder, tweeted his review:


                    My review of the episode Faith (from the set of Faith).

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                      Young said they could stay if they wanted as long as the military personnel returned to the ship, and they did so I'm pretty sure he let the civilians stay.
                      After Young's speech, they stepped from one side to the other. The military personnel and then the red-headed fellow stepped behind Young, then TJ. You did not see Scott or Chloe step behind Young, but saw them boarding the ship. Nobody else. I would think the rest of the civilians stayed on the planet.

                      Didn't see anyone else mention this … Young's telling Rush he was disappointed in not finding the aliens who created the planet because then he wouldn't have anybody as intelligent as he is to talk to … loved it!!

                      Also agree with just about everyone else re Chloe … and give the girl some character development please!!!


                        Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                        Gateworld: Adverse to all kinds of soap since before October 2009.
                        And don't we smell it...


                          Originally posted by GATEGOD View Post
                          *crosses fingers for the furlings*
                          I hadent thought about it much but if you look closely at the episode there is a lot of forshadowing. The furlings were known to have been killed on a planet they desided to live on. This planet had no technology. Of the furling technology we have found it all appears to take on an old/primitive form (the tower in faith). For all we know they were not all killed and create the planet we see here.

                          I remember on the very first episode we saw a damaged room that looked as if it were the size of an arena. After opening the door they found that there was a giant hole in the domed gglass ceiling. The robot, as mentioned earlier are likely repair robots. If this room was fixed i would be SO happy. Looked amazing


                            Episode starts and i find out about a star that apparently somebody made, so i think "U something cool is gonna happen" but of course nothing does, they just land on the planet, hold hands and run around like idiot children. ( Ya thats what hungry, desperate and always in danger people do, very realistic and dramatic must be nice to live in that world).

                            Then they find that obelisk thing and again i go "U this must be the time something good happens " but off-course nothing does, then the damn obelisk starts to shoot beam of light into the sky and again i go "U something real good is gonna happen" and once again nothing does. After that we have credits and the end, episode over and apparently i spent 45 min. watching nothing i would have more interesting time watching the test signal.

                            Oh yes what is it with that baby thing i mean besides rising the soap opera element another notch or two not that it can go much higher i mean they are now at Santa Barbara level.

                            Did someone mention that a good SF drama is what people wont to watch these days did you actually see how long those shows last and if SGU ratings are any indication this show is on a fast track to doomsville.


                              I quite liked the episode...more than Divided. And I say that as a critic (sometimes harsh critic) of the first half of the season. I love character driven episodes, and that was certainly what this was. It was those f'n stones that I hated about the first half and the way they were used as a crutch to create character driven eps.


                              - theme of the episode...even though I think it's bit early for people to ditch a tangible way to hopefully return home for one that might (and probably doesn't) exist.

                              - how they chose to advance the timeline ahead. Yeah it was an easy way to kind of gloss over the rift, but the constant friction was getting tiring. Though I don't take the Young/Rush resolution at face value. That's not going away so easily and I hope it doesn't.

                              - the chess reference. Even though I'm not exactly a fan of Young, I liked his low key remark to Rush to imply that he can be a patient strategist as well in this little game of theirs. My interpretation any way.

                              - Young's comment to Rush about not finding intelligent aliens to converse with.

                              - dichotomy between what was going on on the ship and the planet.

                              - the location. That may be an overused location in tv up there but it's quite beautiful. I know it's set on a ship, but those drab sets do take a toll as the only thing episode after episode.


                              - What was TJ thinking? Doesn't want her kid growing up on that ship. Is that worse than it not growing up at all? They haven't even been on Destiny for a year and she has completely given up all hope. I think that feeling is a bit premature. I thought she was stronger than that. I just don't see the ones left behind standing much of a chance. Granted living on Destiny doesn't offer the very best chance of survival either, but it offers the best chance of returning home. I get why she wants to stay, but then I don't. Not to mention the obligation to tell Young that she's carrying his child...and what, he gets no say? I think she liked the thought of staying there but reality did finally set in.

                              - Scott still being lead around by his .... I want to like him, but he's so intertwined with Chloe now that it's difficult to see beyond her as his motivation for staying. I think TJ wanting to stay factored as well, but it would have been interesting if he had made that choice while Chloe had decided to go back to Destiny.

                              Didn't like:

                              - the uncertainty of whether any one was left behind or not. Yes that can be answered in the next episode with a random line of dialogue, but I want to know now! Especially because my following criticism of Young involves it. And I liked Caine and now he's gone....

                              - Young not doing what needs to be done when the situation calls for it. There didn't need to be an if/then choice for those who wanted to stay behind. The military officers are under his command and they should have been ordered back gun point if need be. None of this pansy behavior of offering up the repaired ship if the military personnel returned. And while you are escorting the military peeps back under gun point, you do the same for the civilians who refuse to come back after you inform them that you will be leaving nothing of value behind to help them survive.

                              Since Young allowed those people to remain behind, did he offer the option to people on Destiny? If he's going to be all diplomatic about it...otherwise force the others to come back. Period.

                              That's my disagreement with Young...he doesn't want to make the tough decisions. When they thought the ship was going to crash into the star, he leaves it up to a lottery to decide who goes on the shuttle rather than make the tough, practical decision of who gets a spot and who doesn't. He sends himself to go mine ice rather than some other able-bodied man because the mission is dangerous and he doesn't want to risk others. Him dying helps no one. Refuses to even consider risking anyone to test the chair even though there were volunteers. And then here, he again doesn't want to make the tough decision...the only decision, imo,...make everyone come back regardless. He has now left behind some key scientists, the valuable asset of the shuttle, and who knows what kind of supplies.

                              Originally posted by Gallienus View Post
                              Third, I didn't see any hypocrisy when it came to Rush's actions today. Rush's suggestion to use force to bring the people back was based on his well-established pragmatic and utterly sentimentality-free nature. His problem is with Young, it's always been with young and in my mind he's showing he's able to look past that personal animosity when he knows full well what must be done. Attrition IS a problem, Destiny can't afford to lose people by the dozens every time they find a nice planet. Considering all the people that will likely die by accident, in war, of natural causes and etc, the decision makes sense.
                              Exactly. I completely agree on all points. In this situation, Rush knew exactly what needed to be done for the good of the people on Destiny.


                              - don't care if we ever learn exactly what created that sun/planet and certainly have no interest in running across aliens that advanced. Personally, I ended up hating the arrogant Ancients by the time the two other series were done with them. So if we never see a single Ancient in SGU, I'll be happy.

                              Am very much looking forward to the next episode. The show has picked up considerably in this back half of the season. I actually see hope for the show after all. I'm not completely satisfied with every element in these first three episodes, but it's no where near the level of dissatisfaction I had in a number of those in the first half.
                              IMO always implied.


                                Episode starts and i find out about a star that apparently somebody made, so i think "U something cool is gonna happen" but of course nothing does, they just land on the planet, hold hands and run around like idiot children. ( Ya thats what hungry, desperate and always in danger people do, very realistic and dramatic must be nice to live in that world).

                                Then they find that obelisk thing and again i go "U this must be the time something good happens " but off-course nothing does, then the damn obelisk starts to shoot beam of light into the sky and again i go "U something real good is gonna happen" and once again nothing does. After that we have credits and the end, episode over and apparently i spent 45 min. watching nothing i would have more interesting time watching the test signal.

                                Oh yes what is it with that baby thing i mean besides rising the soap opera element another notch or two not that it can go much higher i mean they are now at Santa Barbara level.

                                Did someone mention that a good SF drama is what people wont to watch these days did you actually see how long those shows last and if SGU ratings are any indication this show is on a fast track to doomsville.

