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'Earth' (107) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
    it wasn't drone it was just a simple energy based weapons
    Agreed, drones do not fire like that. I don't think they were a type of rail gun either. I think they were energy weapons, very powerful energy weapons, they could do a lot of damage to any ship deciding to take on the Destiny.


      Decent episode, let's get into it.

      Good that they addressed the idea someone put forth awhile ago, about dialing Earth while Destiny was charging from the sun. Obviously not totally resolved, in that we still aren't sure if it would work, but at least it can be put off for now.

      Also still needing a good reason why Carter and McKay aren't there.

      Jack - He's changed. He's on the other side of the fence, so he can't rail on "the man" now since he is "the man." He has to take orders from the President. Still, I would have hoped that he'd run the plan by Carter first, since he trusts Carter's decisions; he has no reason to trust these scientists (as far as I can see). I hope he rethinks who he can trust now, and brings in people he can.

      Rush - Starting to see chinks in the armor. The mystery of "will the plan work?" is delightfully held in doubt, because we aren't sure if Rush could have made it work or not, since it seems he might rather want to stay on Destiny. At the least, though, my logical mind says that the idea was incredibly dangerous anyway and Telford was a douche that everyone could see, so I'm willing to suspend

      Young - Moral attitudes aside (as I don't feel I can judge the obvious love scene), this is adding new dimensions to the Young/Telford dynamic. I think he made some right calls here, regardless of the chain of command. If it were me, I'd say "You can court martial me when I get back" too. This is also the first time I saw a valid reason from Young that Rush could be hiding something. At first it was paranoia, but it is logical to assume Rush might not want to go home yet. Did love his speech at the end.

      Telford - Douchebag. I do hope we see more into his past, as he's coming across as an antagonist (where earlier I just thought he disagreed) for no apparent reason, except to be douche. Approaching Chloe levels. The ending really opens up several possibilities. He could tell Young's wife that Young is still doign TJ (if he knows) or pretend to be Young(she should catch on), but it seems clear he's going to try to sabotage it somehow.

      Chloe - Speaking of which... So apparently she realized she was shallow and thus went to work for her dad. Now it remains to be seen whether she recognizes that she's *still* shallow and grows out of it. But overall, she's continuing her downward spiral. The hand-holding at the end shows that she is still grasping onto people (Scott and Eli) to fulfill her emotional needs. It's blinding her to things. She owes Eli big time, but she's too self-centered at the moment to see it.

      Wray - Part of the reason I was looking forward to this episode, was that it was supposed to feature Wrap prominently. And while we got some decent tidbits, I was hoping for more, given that she had been sidelined for so many eps. Hoping to see more of her in the future

      Scott - didn't see too much out of him to really judge any changes, but it is good to see him supporting Young over Telford on at least some level. Hope he realizes that having a self-destructive girl hanging onto you is a bad thing. But I don't think he will; still standing by my prediction that he'll drop her eventually when he gets tired of her. Going to be a bigger boom then dropping a stargate linked to a black hole, into a sun.

      Eli - My man, who continues to be the real star of the show. His honesty is what's going to save this crew, I'm betting. I remember last ep when his honesty seemed to get annoying, but lying isn't good, either. It's going to come to a head, when student confronts his mentor down the line. More conformation of friend zone. My one gripe with him, is that he still wants her. Come on, man, grow a spine! Stop chasing and holding her hand. It's the only way she'll grow and the only way you may end up having a chance. Oh, and his humor is priceless as always.

      As a side note: It's easy to sympathize and empathize with a nerd on TV, because you see their heart-of-gold side. Pretty much the reason they are ignored as more than friendship-material by females like Chloe, is because females are generally self-centered and don't take the time to really understand them. They take them for granted to always be there. And Nerds generally don't have the confidence to make themselves scarce to force the female to re-evaluate things. "Don't know what you have til it's gone" as the saying goes.

      Seeming a bit soap opera-ish, but hope that changes. Hoping for less sex as it still seems a bit forced as a way to garner ratings. Sadly, sheeple fall for it.


        I don't think it would have worked; the amount of power, the disrepair of the ship, the damaged conduits, etc. etc.


          I was sorta surprised by the assumption that "well we need more power to go further so we'll just hook it up to a big power source". That really doesn't work for most machinery and devices and if you overwhelm whatever is used to regulate the power than you either blow up that regulation device or blow up the actual device.

          That's why you unplug electronic devices in lightning storms.
          If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
          Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

          I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

          sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


            Originally posted by Spimman View Post
            Do you think they are now having security on their bodies on the Destiny as they go to Earth with soldiers stationed to remove the stones after a certain amount of time to make sure Telford and/or somebody else can't take over again?
            No, Telford was acting within is orders and responsibilities.We may not like the way he does things but he's not a bad guy trying to take over Destiny for a nefarious purpose. His manner is abrasive, but the plan wasn't even, he was just tasked to carry it out.
            If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
            Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

            I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

            sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


              Originally posted by Spimman View Post
              At the end of Earth Young was briefing the IOA and US Military and he said something to the effect of, "Well the time I have allotted for this meeting is over" and walked out. He also appeared much more confident and in control.

              Do you think they are now having security on their bodies on the Destiny as they go to Earth with soldiers stationed to remove the stones after a certain amount of time to make sure Telford and/or somebody else can't take over again?
              The more I think about it, the more I think this is indeed the case. When they make the 'switch' the Earth, Young is going to make sure he can't be removed from command again.

              I really would like these stones explained, though. Why do they look so different than the ones we've seen before?
              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                The more I think about it, the more I think this is indeed the case. When they make the 'switch' the Earth, Young is going to make sure he can't be removed from command again.
                The only way Young can be removed from command is for someone superior to order that someone take over his command, in which case I don't think he could protest. While Young talked back a bit to Gen O'Neil as far as the plan, I really don't think Young is quite insubordinate enough to go that far
                If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                  Originally posted by siles View Post
                  He seems to tolerate insubordonation and being disrespected nowadays. I really hated how he took Young's last debriefing - "this is the alloted time I had for the debriefing" - I can't imagine Jack being so disrespectful to Hammond...
                  There's insubordination and there's insubordination

                  Jack can symathize with Young. he's the victim of several sets of manipulation and I'm sure Jack empathizes with the whole 'i need to get these people home and i don't have time to mess around with staff meetings'
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Funny, seeing as how every single character that has used the stones to visit Earth insofar has gotten tons of screen time devoted to their on-Earth activities.
                    Well, Chloe, Young and Eil have gotten more screen time on Destiny as well. At this point in the story, there's simply more story telling around those characters wherever they are. Wray simply hasn't gotten much to do yet in any location: hasn't gone off-world, solved any problems, saved the ship, etc... so there's not much going on with her yet to warrant a lot of time devoted to her personal life on Earth

                    This time at least I was impressed because her loyalty to the IOA and her conversation with the IOA head and subsequent conversation with Rush I thought added a new dimension to her character and actually pulled her up a bit to the point of a character with enough background and nuance of motivation to be interesting.
                    If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                    Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                    I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                    sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                      Originally posted by Lightning Ducj View Post
                      Well, Chloe, Young and Eil have gotten more screen time on Destiny as well. At this point in the story, there's simply more story telling around those characters wherever they are. Wray simply hasn't gotten much to do yet in any location: hasn't gone off-world, solved any problems, saved the ship, etc... so there's not much going on with her yet to warrant a lot of time devoted to her personal life on Earth
                      Yes, but they got a lot of screen-time for on-Earth activities this time. Camille should've gotten some as well. All she got was on-base stuff and then some quasi-off-base stuff (she was kinda still on duty, though).

                      Originally posted by Lightning Ducj View Post
                      This time at least I was impressed because her loyalty to the IOA and her conversation with the IOA head and subsequent conversation with Rush I thought added a new dimension to her character and actually pulled her up a bit to the point of a character with enough background and nuance of motivation to be interesting.
                      Which is kinda another way of saying "The PTB should've started using her more on the show earlier". After 350+ episodes, the first blatant LGBTQ interaction on SG cannot come soon enough. And this just frustrated me to no end.

                      I mean, the obsession on Chloe's former social life annoyed me because they lingered too much on it. But coupled with Wray's total lack of interaction with anyone who's not military of IOA, it just makes me bitter.


                        During his conversation with Telford, Rush said that "there is a right way to doing that" in response to Telford's remark that they need to get the crew back home.

                        I think that Rush already figured out a way to get back to Earth but, as the IOA suspects, he doesn't want to go back just yet.
                        I roll the dice and everyone else loses.


                          "A modern day warrior, mean, mean, stride, today's Tom Sawyer mean, mean, pride"

                          Hmm..maybe appropriate

                          Originally posted by ManofTheAtom View Post
                          During his conversation with Telford, Rush said that "there is a right way to doing that" in response to Telford's remark that they need to get the crew back home.

                          I think that Rush already figured out a way to get back to Earth but, as the IOA suspects, he doesn't want to go back just yet.
                          He was just meaning that they were going about it in what he saw as a careless fashion. Even *if* the plan would work, they were executing it poorly. He was trying to say "there is a right way to execute the plan", not an implication that he has a different plan.
                          If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                          Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                          I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                          sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                            Originally posted by Lightning Ducj View Post
                            "A modern day warrior, mean, mean, stride, today's Tom Sawyer mean, mean, pride"

                            Hmm..maybe appropriate

                            He was just meaning that they were going about it in what he saw as a careless fashion. Even *if* the plan would work, they were executing it poorly. He was trying to say "there is a right way to execute the plan", not an implication that he has a different plan.
                            Maybe, but he wouldn't be much of a devious character if he didn't do devious things, right?
                            Last edited by ManofTheAtom; 07 November 2009, 10:17 AM.
                            I roll the dice and everyone else loses.


                              Originally posted by ManofTheAtom View Post
                              During his conversation with Telford, Rush said that "there is a right way to doing that" in response to Telford's remark that they need to get the crew back home.

                              I think that Rush already figured out a way to get back to Earth but, as the IOA suspects, he doesn't want to go back just yet.
                              He does seem to know more then he lets on. I'm sure he suspected what the ship would do in the star, but wasn't completely sure, maybe he does have an idea how to go home. It could be a right time thing, or it could be that he just isn't ready to go.


                                Originally posted by ARealArchaeologist View Post
                                It could be a right time thing, or it could be that he just isn't ready to go.
                                I seriously doubt that Rush has the state of mind of someone who doesn't want to go home, unless he is truly suicidal.

                                Every episode, every event has been a threat (perceived or actual) to everyone on the ship, including himself. His life is in pretty imminent danger on a regular basis. Only an idiot would want to stay if he had a choice.

                                What I *do* see is that Rush is a pessimist and tends to few the chance of success of any plan succeeding as being pretty low. He's smart but tends to see the worst of everything and tends to need some goading from Young and maybe propping from Eli to be effective.

                                Rush seems actually to be quite depressed about their situation and chance of survival, maybe some remorse for getting them into this predicament, so tends to view every plan with a bit of bitter pessimism.
                                If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                                Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                                I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                                sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -

