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Medical inconsistencies

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    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
    Syfy is exempt from consistency and logic now?

    Oh and no, it's not. It's a show about human beings and survival. 2 kinds of aliens in 3 episodes out of 12 is hardly "about aliens".
    U mean 3 kinds of aliens, 4 if u count the lucian alliance in ep 1. Really, i mean shes a medic and the dr was a dr, you think they would just somehow forget how to do what they do. Clearly whatever they needed to do they did. But go ahead, feel smarter than a tv show if thats what you really want.


      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      I really, really enjoyed this episode a lot. Up until the last 10 minutes or so, when it all stopped making any sense.

      How is it, after they were being blocked in the previous episode, the stones are suddenly working just in time to resolve this episode?
      They would have started working as soon as Rush killed the alien in the previous episode.

      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      Couldn't they have at least TRIED to keep the surgical area sanitary? (Ie: minimize the number of people)
      I doubt a few extra people would have made that much of a difference considering the whole room and possibly even the instruments they were using on Rush may not have been fully sanitized.

      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
      Why wasn't Rush screaming in agony at the GAPING HOLE IN HIS CHEST WITH A TUBE STUFFED INTO IT when he woke up momentarily?
      Have you ever woken up from anesthetic? As soon as you wake up you just don't have the ability to scream in agony even if you wanted to...


        I've gotten use to it by now. Most of the shows are highly errorical when it comes to medicine
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Yeah, I'm willing to let slide some medical 'errors' mainly because I have no experience in medicine. I will say that sequence did feel the most 'Stargate' the way they were like, yeah here we are, use this camera thingy.*Boom* oh yeah we're under attack, btw. Just something I could of scene SG1 or the SGA team saying


            I just thought it was funny how Rush regained consciousness and still managed to be really put out with what they were doing to him!

            Was he dragged to the operating area kicking and swearing? The scene changed so quickly. One minute he was really surprised that it was even suggested that the tracking device be cut out of him, and the next he was lying there being cut open! What really baffled me was the fact that there was hardly any blood, especially under the pretty rough conditions they were supposedly operating under. I guess that so called venom anesthetic/analgesic affected the blood pressure and clotting ability too. What an amazing convenient all round thing it is!


              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
              U mean 3 kinds of aliens, 4 if u count the lucian alliance in ep 1. Really, i mean shes a medic and the dr was a dr, you think they would just somehow forget how to do what they do. Clearly whatever they needed to do they did. But go ahead, feel smarter than a tv show if thats what you really want.
              The only real aliens we saw were the blue ones. The Lucian Alliance is technically human. Are you counting the sand stuff as an alien?


                Originally posted by jimv1983 View Post
                The only real aliens we saw were the blue ones. The Lucian Alliance is technically human. Are you counting the sand stuff as an alien?
                Alien: a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere

                Yea, the sand stuff would indeed be an alien.


                  Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
                  I never try to make sense of a sci-fi show.
                  Me neither, I want to suspend my belief systems when I watch SciFi, that's the whole point
                  General Jack O'Neill, still HOTTer than ever!


                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    How is it, after they were being blocked in the previous episode, the stones are suddenly working just in time to resolve this episode?
                    Yeah, but we still don't know exactly what happened. Did the alien have a communication stone? Did Rush take it with him, and then did Rush take it with him again, back to Destiny? Also, didn't Rush kill that alien? Maybe the aliens stopped blocking/using the stones? etc. Also, you must admit that those stones seem much more unreliable than before, in the first half. And the stones didn't actually work so well. The connection broke halfway through the operation.

                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Where did they get the nasal oxygen tubes?
                    Probably brought it with them when they came through. Made them? Creative thinking... If Greer can make a flamethrower and they can recharge their electrical equipment and they can create a hydroponics lab etc., surely such a thing a two simple rubber tubes isn't that extra-ordinary.

                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Couldn't they have at least TRIED to keep the surgical area sanitary? (Ie: minimize the number of people)
                    You've ever been in an operating room during surgery? A lot more people are in there than you think. At least this portrayal of a surgery was better than what we saw in SGA's The Shrine for example. Also, there are minimized resources... What I personally found lacking the most were mouth masks, and hair nets etc. Not the number of people in there. However, to me, the whole surgery seemed Rush. As in, quickly get it the device out before the jump to FTL. So partly it can be blamed on this.

                    Overall, the surgery scene wasn't that good, but it wasn't worse than any other scene like this we've seen in stargate or on TV in general.

                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Why wasn't Rush screaming in agony at the GAPING HOLE IN HIS CHEST WITH A TUBE STUFFED INTO IT when he woke up momentarily?
                    He was sedated. Simple as that. Quite difficult to scream in agony when coming to like that in the middle of the operation, still under the influence of the sedative. Plus, we don't know what exactly the effects of the venom are.

                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Urgh. Up until the end it was a really terrific episode, I hardly even realized that it had been nearly an hour. The 'resolution' of the revolt was pretty underwhelming too.

                    Hopefully the division story doesn't just end like this.
                    I agree. It went by fast, but I don't really understand your gripe about the last scene(s). Sure, it wasn't reality, but it wasn't worse than any other scene like this on TV or in stargate, particular in the situation where they wanted to remove this tracking device quickly.
                    A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                      Originally posted by jimv1983 View Post
                      The only real aliens we saw were the blue ones. The Lucian Alliance is technically human. Are you counting the sand stuff as an alien?
                      Technically the alien organism we saw in Air pt.3. and later on in Water, is actually a collection, group of thousands to millions of aliens.
                      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post

                        Watching SGA and SGU


                          Originally posted by Jper View Post
                          Technically the alien organism we saw in Air pt.3. and later on in Water, is actually a collection, group of thousands to millions of aliens.
                          If you want to get technical from our perspective anyone not from Earth is alien
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            If you want to get technical from our perspective anyone not from Earth is alien
                            A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              I really, really enjoyed this episode a lot. Up until the last 10 minutes or so, when it all stopped making any sense.

                              How is it, after they were being blocked in the previous episode, the stones are suddenly working just in time to resolve this episode?
                              I was admittedly confused last episode ( space ) how the communication stone signal got transfered to one of the aliens, but when young accused Rush of keeping one of the stones with him it makes more sense. I think the aliens might have taken Rush's belonings he had with him when they brought him on the ship, one of the aliens ( the one Young's consciousness was transfered to ) possibly touched the stone, so the stone was connected with him. Whenever anyone on destiny would've tried to use a stone they would've connected to the alien's body accidentaly because the alien touched the stone and therefore was open to "stone-linking".
                              Rush killed the alien in question, and you can't connect to a dead person. If Rush took the stone back with him then the stone has propably been reset by Rush touching it. So now when people on destiny use stones, the stones won't connect to an alien anymore, but the other stones on earth. And that's why the attempt to connect was this time succesfull and they could get a doctor.

                              In short: alien touches stone, you can connect to alien now. Rush kills alien, you can't connect to alien anymore.

                              I find it funny the show now does what people are nagging about for quite some time "use the stones to get professionals onto destiny, to train the medic, etc.". Apparently they thought about it long before they Aired the series.

                              Where did they get the nasal oxygen tubes?
                              They did get quite a lot of the equipment from Icarus through the gate, and there are also "ancient crates" ( Air ( I or II? )). They are low on supplies, but they might have certain medical tools.

                              Couldn't they have at least TRIED to keep the surgical area sanitary? (Ie: minimize the number of people)
                              Maybe there was no time to make the surgical area completely sanitary, or there was no surgical area set up before this ( usually you will have a slightly longer warning than a few minutes before you have to perform surgery, this was entirely unexpected and there was no time for a completely sanitary infirmary. ) I imagine that on the whole the infirmary is kept relatively sterile. The people present were necessary for the surgery ( I'm unsure if I forgot someone else being there though, I remember TJ, scott, chloe/doctor and rush ) , scott not really though, he just squashed the transmitter.

                              Why wasn't Rush screaming in agony at the GAPING HOLE IN HIS CHEST WITH A TUBE STUFFED INTO IT when he woke up momentarily?
                              I don't think you immediately feel that much when waking up from anasthetic. I've never experienced it personally but I assume your still a bit whacked sensory. I'd be more concerned with using the venom as anasthetic, because eventually people might develop an immunity for it. They'd have to be injected with it multiple times though, so unless they get surgery every other episode I think the chance of an immunity is relatively minor.

                              Urgh. Up until the end it was a really terrific episode, I hardly even realized that it had been nearly an hour. The 'resolution' of the revolt was pretty underwhelming too.
                              I saw the alien space ships ( they shoot fireballs from the orangy circles!! ) so I was happy the entire time.

                              Hopefully the division story doesn't just end like this.
                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              Oh and no, it's not. It's a show about human beings and survival. 2 kinds of aliens in 3 episodes out of 12 is hardly "about aliens".
                              Sand-bugs ( 2 episodes )
                              microscopic bacteria in the ice-planet water ( 1 episode )
                              Jungle creatures that burrow into your chest ( 1 episode )
                              blue epic aliens of cool ( I love their ship design, I'd be interested in their civilisation and what kind of territory they control. We even know they're coming back again, from the trailer. ) ( 2 episodes )

                              4 kinds of aliens, 6 shows, discounting the lucian alliance as being very alien to us as humans came from earth.


                                well you have to understand that by now, they do not just have full knowledge of all supplies, but also have a hydroponics lab where they're growing medical plants AND they have the alien venom which has more curing treats than we thought.

                                loved the surgeon. "welcome to destiny"

