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'Darkness' (104) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
    Because humor is subjective - that wasn't funny.
    You know what else wasn't funny? All those lame attempts at humour centered around McKay's allergy to citrus.

    It's funny how opinions differ like that.


      Originally posted by pjt View Post
      I don't know if it's a spoiler, so I'll just use the tags
      We know from the Comic Con girl talk that Alaina Huffman is expecting a child, and that's a first time for her that it's during the making of a show. Maybe they want to use this for SGU?
      Stargate, on the other hand, is very seasoned at this


        Originally posted by Jper View Post
        Well, if they will use it, it only adds up to what I said. Lots of 3-D characters and character development.

        As for if they'll use I don't know, I've only recently found out she was pregnant... haven't heard or read anything about it to indicate they would or wouldn't use it.

        TPTB did use Rachel's real pregnancy for her character Teyla in SGA. So maybe.
        Lets hope the writer's learned their lesson from that
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Lets hope the writer's learned their lesson from that
          Space abortion...Like, TOTALLY CONTROVERSIAL!
          After the whole lesbian body-switch debacle, this could turn SGU into the most politically-controversial sci-fi show in the history of time!


            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
            Space abortion...Like, TOTALLY CONTROVERSIAL!
            After the whole lesbian body-switch debacle, this could turn SGU into the most politically-controversial sci-fi show in the history of time!


              Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
              Space abortion...Like, TOTALLY CONTROVERSIAL!
              After the whole lesbian body-switch debacle, this could turn SGU into the most politically-controversial sci-fi show in the history of time!
              Doubtful considering how pregnant a person has to be to get an abortion
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
                Or there isn't, and you are just being a fanboi.

                None of that is character development, its just irrelevant nonsense.
                Well congrats because any of those points you tried to reason in your multiple posts in a row (the edit button is your friend) have pretty much been rendered null and void by you deciding that anyone who enjoys the show needs insulting. People who enjoy the show respect your right not to and understand it might not be everyone’s cup of tea but we tend not to appreciate being called wrong for simply liking a tv show. If you don’t like it fine, doesn’t mean you have to take personal offence at the rest of us that do.

                Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
                Your snide character suggests you don't know about adults. And throwing in gratuitous sex scenes is not adult, that's pandering to the teens and tweens - of course that worked well for Torchwood.
                So anything with sex in gratiutous and not for adults? because shows like the Sopranoes, Deadwood and the Wire have all had far more sex and nudity than SGU and they're not trying to attract teen audiences.

                Oh and I really hope you were joking with this
                Originally posted by JohnDuh View Post
                Because humor is subjective - that wasn't funny.
                as after making the statement that humour is subjective, you make your statement that it wasn’t funny to appear as if it was objective fact!
                Last edited by The Mighty 6 platoon; 18 October 2009, 07:38 AM.


                  Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                  Space abortion...Like, TOTALLY CONTROVERSIAL!
                  After the whole lesbian body-switch debacle, this could turn SGU into the most politically-controversial sci-fi show in the history of time!
                  I'm not exactly looking forward to that episode discussion.....


                    Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                    I'm not exactly looking forward to that episode discussion.....
                    Oh, glorious madness and pandemonium...Can't wait!


                      Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                      Oh, glorious madness and pandemonium...Can't wait!
                      Why do I have a feeling you will cause it?
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        Why do I have a feeling you will cause it?
                        Well, the "devil" part of my name isn't exclusively related to Manchester United...
                        *whistles innocently*


                          Originally posted by _Ancients_ View Post
                          Yeah, I was prepared for the continual flow from episode to episode, but I have had to get used to the BSG style camera angles. It's okay I guess. I wonder how many BSG personnel came to work for SGU?
                          None that I've noticed. Peter DeLuise (who directed this episode) is dyed in the blue Stargate. He never stepped within 50 miles of a BSG script or camera (thankfully!).

                          I quite enjoyed the directing and photography on BSG. SGU has yet to get to that level of quality, imo.

                          Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                          But how would Carter or McKay restore power to the ship without a power source? Or how could they have possibly done anything differently than Rush (or the rest of the crew) when the scrubbers in the life-support required them to go off-world to gather resources? Would McKay really do a better job of collecting the sand than Scott? McKay?
                          I have yet to see anyone questioning the use of the stones argue that point.

                          The point is fresh eyes. Fresh eyes that are not under the stress Rush and the others are under. Rush had not slept for days and supposedly these other people are "the wrong people in the wrong place". Having another set of qualified eyes or two to help sift through the data on the ship's computer from the very start could not have hurt in the least. Rush is one person and he was losing it and not thinking straight.

                          I would think this would be one point were pretty much everyone would be in agreement. Just because they can't physically bring supplies with them using the transfer has no bearing on their usefulness. It's the knowledge and experience that is in McKay, Carter, Daniel, etc's head that is the valuable resource.

                          Thus it makes no sense for them not having been called in or for some excuse given for why they haven't. Thankfully I'm not alone in my frustration over this. tptb decided to use the stones in SGU (which I was against as soon as I read about it) so they need to use some logic and don't assume I'm just going to ignore this giant problem of them not using them to try to help save these people.

                          Originally posted by Jper View Post
                          I would think for example it would be nice to have someone there other than Rush, who has a better understanding of Ancient and Ancient technology. To help Rush find the source of the power that is diminishing. To help him accessing the core systems. To translate the Ancient controls and text., for example.

                          Also, these people lack experience, while on Earth there a lot of people who have a lot more experience.

                          Look, I don't want that to happen, but with the stones present it only seems logical they would at least get a bit more support and help from Earth.
                          IMO always implied.


                            Originally posted by _Ancients_ View Post
                            Yeah, I was prepared for the continual flow from episode to episode, but I have had to get used to the BSG style camera angles. It's okay I guess. I wonder how many BSG personnel came to work for SGU?
                            Probably none. I remember seeing the same camera style (off angles and shaky cam) starting in "NYPD Blue" long before it made it's way to the sci-fi genre.
                            If you're wondering how he eats & breathes, and other science facts...(la! la! la!)
                            Then repeat to yourself its just a show, I should really just relax.

                            I own "Future War"..I can put up with a lot

                            sigpic - Black Belt Test 10/24/2009 -


                              as to carter and mckay, there is also the fact that, no matter how much the fans or viewers might think the characters should show up, they will only show up with the powers that be hire amanda or David for a guest shot

                              or when those actors are available.

                              and, of course, there is also the criticism of 'omg, they're propping up the new show with the old actors' that would come from the guest actors
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by _Ancients_ View Post
                                Yeah, I was prepared for the continual flow from episode to episode, but I have had to get used to the BSG style camera angles. It's okay I guess. I wonder how many BSG personnel came to work for SGU?
                                None actually, BSG was not the first show to invent shakey cam. Some of the new personnel I believe have worked on the shield, a show that had shakey documentry style about 2 years before BSG.

