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'Air, Part 3' (103) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear View Post
    No, I guess there weren't any superheroes in SGA.
    I believe they established that the Atlantis team were the Fantastic Four.

    Ronon Dex: I need to learn some science.
    John Sheppard: What for?
    Ronon: I'm not all that useful in situations like these. If you get into a fight, or need to break out of know, kill someone...I'm your man. But a laser attacking the city shield...I don't know where to chip in.
    Sheppard: Well, that's why we're a team. Like...the Fantastic Four. (Teyla looks confused.) It's a comic book. Where superheroes fight crime and stuff. See, I'd be Mr. Fantastic, Ronon would be The Thing, McKay would be the Human Torch, and you'd be the Invisible Woman.
    Teyla Emmagan: (Defensively) I am not invisible.
    Sheppard: No. No, and McKay's not a human torch.
    Teyla: Well, how come you get to be Mr. Fantastic?
    Sheppard: Because he was the leader, and I'm the...I'm just saying, they were a cool team and we're a cool team and they used their strengths know....
    (Ronon and Teyla stare at him.)
    Sheppard: I'm gonna go check on McKay.


      is Ming-Na a regular or recurring character now?


        Originally posted by YoshiKart64 View Post
        is Ming-Na a regular or recurring character now?
        Technically she is a regular but when the pilot was writen she was envisioned as recurring which is why you don't see much of her
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          This was a great episode, and while I found some of the Earth stuff a little boring (the mother stuff),The off world aspects of this episode was great, felt like a classic "through the Stargate" episode. And what I really liked was how not everything about the planet was explained, giving it that realistic sense of mystery and the unknown.

          I don't however like this new religious turn, but as long as it stays as a perspective of Scotts character and not an underlying tone of the whole show like BSG, then I will be fine with it.

          Overall I am now hooked on Universe, especially with that awesome cold, cliffhanger ending. From now on I shall be known as a Universe Fan.
          Last edited by MechaThor; 10 October 2009, 08:32 AM.
          Banner Made By Me for Me
          The Red Team proudly supports Stargate: Universe, Suck it Blue


            I found this episode the most boring. Desert planet? Please....

            The main plot of the episode is to find some kind of sands with specific minerals to save the ship. How do they do that? Walking...Walking a lot.

            Somewhere down the line I expected some Terrians to pop out of the sands LOL.
            *obscure Earth 2 reference here*

            The secondary plot of the episode is Chloe visiting her mother to tell her the bad news. The mother is sad, shes crying blablabla, I love you.

            As a little annoyance, I must say, that I dislike seeing the person doing the switching (I call her the sender) instead of the actual person (the receiver). Watching the real Chloe speaking with her mother was dramatically lower than seeing a stranger talking to her mother as Chloe. Also its unrealistic and seem to be only a cheap TV trick for us dumb tv viewers.

            There was also some conflict between Greer and Rush on the planet. It was ok, while a bit childish and cliche. "I can't walk anymore". I swear I saw that kind of thing before. If the rest of the episode was good, I would probably find the bantering funny.

            Eli was funny as he was in the premiere. The planet of the ape reference was particularly funny.

            I don't think Universe is a bad show, at least not yet, but this episode happens to be boring. A bit worrying that it happens on the 3rd episode, the first episode after the pilot. Lets hope next week the storyline have a little more peripety in it.

            4/10 sorry.
            Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


              Originally posted by danny.d View Post
              don't forget teyla- 5 foot tall fighting machine

              just because there are no pointless space battles and big explosions does not mean this is boring, use your brain people for crying out loud
              I didn't need to have cool SFX in the previous two series to be entertained. The Shrine, Window of Opportunity, Unending, Solitudes, Abyss, Urgo, Lifeboat, Avatar (character based to a point), Duet just to name a few.

              The Atlantis Expedition was made up of the best and the brightest. It's no wonder that they should look like "superheroes" compared to ourselves. And if I wanted to watch a bunch of 'normal' people like there is on SGU, I would just turn off the TV and pay attention to my own life.

              But, to be fair, the people on Atlantis had varying problems too. Sheppard had a dark side that we saw glimpses of in some episodes. Ronan was something of a loose cannon sometimes. McKay is, well, self explanatory. Teyla was the only one who may have been the closest to perfect. It's a pity too. I've thought of some provoking storylines that she could have been put through.

              Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!


                I like it. If the writers can keep the music and momentum similar to "Air III", they will have won me over. I liked this episode. After watching Rush in the first two episodes, I wasn't sure why he seemed selfish. He isn't. He is logical. I can see these characters bonding over time. They will have their weak moments, but they will ultimately end up making things work.

                "Air 3"'s music and style were very close to Serenity.


                  I've read a lot of the posts here and have to say that so far, I'm not roped into SGU. I will watch it as a loyal fan, I have found it a little dull.

                  I understand that these people aren't military, superheros, etc., etc., but then why were they on the base to begin with?

                  What does FLT stand for? Also, what happened to the Lou Diamond Philips character? I didn't understand...silly I know.

                  I could actually do without that song near the end... it really grates like GRAY'S ANATOMY or PRIVATE PRACTICE.

                  I think that to really hook people in, they had better get some crew interaction going... they said it was going to be more character driven than action. I also realize that the characters may not perfect heroes, but they should be likable.

                  I'm still watching, but just barely.


                    Originally posted by Vapor View Post
                    Um. Actually, most of what is being done with the show actually suggests to me that they're aiming for a smart audience that isn't distracted so easily by shiny CG and are interested in humanistic interpersonal storytelling to go along with the escapist aspects of the show.

                    I'm confused as to why you would cite a music selection as a reason for their supposed "let's get more kids onboard" mission, seeing as how there are hundreds of examples of adult-targeted shows using the same exact concept over and over again.

                    To be perfectly honest with you, the "old" Stargate feels more like it was targeted toward young people than SGU does. I loved SG1/SGA but there's no denying that they put a lot of emphasis on flash over substance in many ways over the years.
                    lol The post you quoted has my SN in it, but it wasn't me.
                    || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                      Originally posted by Ilana View Post

                      I understand that these people aren't military, superheros, etc., etc., but then why were they on the base to begin with?
                      Bases are rarely miltary alone even in RL
                      What does FLT stand for? Also, what happened to the Lou Diamond Philips character? I didn't understand...silly I know.
                      faster then light. It was quite obvious that Telford was on the Hammond when the Icarus Base was attacked and thus is on Earth.

                      I think that to really hook people in, they had better get some crew interaction going... they said it was going to be more character driven than action. I also realize that the characters may not perfect heroes, but they should be likable
                      Agreed but then again I find the characters likable in their own dark way
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Another OK episode. I like the fact that I don't really know where the show is going. Sometimes the show is trying to hard to be gritty-like-BSG though and that's where it fails. Greer is a great

                        The show sure as hell isn't Stargate though, but I don't really care.

                        We're whalers on the moon,
                        We carry a harpoon.
                        But there ain't no whales
                        So we tell tall tales
                        And sing our whaling tune.


                          The last 5 seconds was more entertaining than the first 00:42:24 minutes.


                            Just curious as to how much bouncing back to earth, the ship and new worlds will they be doing? And if they do, will it be a little more smooth than the here, there, and everywhere approach seen so far, IMHO?


                              Originally posted by latvian_stargatefan View Post

                              Most of the complains I read about here aren't really based on some faults with the show. People say it's boring (because it's not all shoot 'em up action like in SGA), people say they don't like characters (because they are not all superheroes and typical archetypes like in SGA), people say there is not much sci-fi in it (because it's not SGA where most of the technobabble was so far from science and so close to magic that it reminded me Trek)...
                              Seriously, if I would need to say which contain more science, I'd go for geologist examining the sand and making some experiments rather than McKay sitting at some console, pressing buttons and mumbling sth about "the time dilation field collapsing so we need to reverse the polarity"...
                              It is boring, they spent half the episode roaming a desert which could have been shown in half the time since nothing significant happened


                                Originally posted by Nemises View Post
                                The last 5 seconds was more entertaining than the first 00:42:24 minutes.
                                couldnt agree more

