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'Air, Part 2' (102) General Discussion

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    Not too impressed. Half the episode was "we're stuck on alien ship and we're trying to get life support back online" (yawn). I'm also not a fan of the "group of people stuck on the other side of the galaxy with no way home" plot. I'll continue to watch and see where it goes.


      I loved the pilot. All of you that dismiss the lack of certain characters and the like need to remember that it was the first two episodes: the air problem was centre and characters like TJ, Camille and Telford weren't needed as much in that situation. Again: PILOT. FIRST EPISODE (First two, whatever).

      Yeesh. I like where it's going, and I can't wait for next week.
      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


        I got to say, that I watched it twice, the beginning of it, really felt like stargate, except for the sex scene, I did not expect that, it was hot, it was very sexy, the end of it did not feel like stargate as much , I was waiting for a little more acction than drama, but either way, I think it was awesome, and I'm definetly going to watch it!!!
        siggy made by RogueRanger
        killing threads one post at a time


          It was ok, but i have to question how the earth ship, equipped with asgard technologies could not even damaged or destroy some outdated gouald ships...
          Well i was bored and decided to make a borg vs stargate sig, so enjoy...btw the explosions and ships look weird i know, its hard to make them blend
          Anime signature in spoiler tag
          Here is an anime sig, i was bored so i randomly picked a maid pic and photoshoped it


            Wow, I liked it!

            Sure I miss SG-1 and Atlantis but this show has a completely different type of storytelling and this current 3-episode story arc has a great sense of tension that's based on situation and not solely on character conflict.

            So there were no bad guys? So what? IMO that's stale old-style TV format that goes all the way back to the earliest cowboy and indian melodramas. This show's format is hardly groundbreaking (as per the previous reference to ST: Voyager and similariies to the movie version of Lost in Space) but it seems to be following a more modern approach at storytelling that we've seen in Lost and BSG. Besides, if you want bad guys then just wait a while, I'm sure they'll be along.

            Sure there were plot holes but I'm willing to overlook them and not pass judgment until the season is over. Even SG-1 and SGA had their flaws but in general I enjoyed their first seasons because their format wasn't set and there were many great multi-episode story arcs as well as some even better single episode stories that were great science fiction. I can only hope that they don't get stale by falling into canon, but I suppose that's an inherent weakness of episodic television. We'll have to wait and see.

            There were no excessive use of lens flare and the shaky cam was only used for effect when called for. There were no replicators though you have the flaky genius with questionable loyalties that we've seen before in other franchises. I don't even mind the flashbacks because they serve a purpose, though I admit that they do have the potential to bog down the series a la "Lost" given the sheer number of characters involved.

            As for the way the story unfolded, I think that it worked because it started you at the most intense part of the story and making you hungry for an explanation of how it came to be. I can't wait to see the next installment.


              Originally posted by OriBaldr View Post
              That is exactly my impression. If there is going to be no cool aliens or uber-powered bad guys, there is one less series I have to keep track of this television season.
              Already they have stated we are going to see non human aliens, and we are not talking Gould or Asgard here.


                Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
                Never said that, just said that's what it reminded us of.
                Which is what I really hate about it. Other shows used that technique long before BSG, yet for some obscene reason, they get associated the most with it.
                These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                  I am a avid Stargate fan. But this show is not Stargate. It' BSG and that show stunk. I will be watching SGA and SG-1 reruns. This is a bad show. It's a copy of another bad show. I am so sad to see the stargate franchise go down this losing road. I will sum it up in one word. "depressing"


                    Originally posted by GateTrek2004 View Post
                    I assume he made it to the Hammond, and will be back later at some point.

                    Possible. But Carter said that they were not able to beam anyone on board due to the sheilding from the mountain. (I forget they exact quote.)
                    Jack O'Neill: If we want to find out who's behind this, we have to do what the Asgard do.
                    Daniel: You mean bluff?
                    Jack O'Neill: Yep. We just need to do it without revealing what we know.
                    Daniel: Which is nothing.
                    Jack O'Neill: Right. But they don't know we know nothing.


                      Well I read through a few negative posts, and I'll say most of the negativity is wrong.

                      The sex in the storage room was a little off and I was surprised when it happened but it's not a terrible thing. It gives you the setting of younger main characters, they're not as held back as our older characters in SG-1.

                      As for the group of people on Destiny not being the best obvious group to be there, well in case nobody noticed but thats part of the theme of the show. If you were paying attention to the first episode they werent planning on sending anybody through after unlocking the ninth chevron, as Rush said they were going to send a probe, then a proper team, then more people. The people on the base were probably going to be some of the people going through the gate but if the base hadnt been attacked, it would have been different, but once again, it's part of the story for the characters to be unprepared.

                      Oh and somebody said something about the long range communication devices being used too much already in SG-1 and Atlantis? Are you kidding? They were used twice in SG-1, three times if you count Oniell and Joe Spencer's connection. I dont remember about Atlantis though since Atlantis wasnt a good show so I never watched an episode more than once. But I thought it was cool that they made their own interface for the technology.

                      Also someone complained about i think her name is TJ, or thats what Everett was calling her, anyways the medic girl, someone complained about her hair? Well shes probably a lot prettier than you are, and her hair looked fine.

                      I was a little disappointed that the senator died, I never really liked the actor playing him but after seeing he was going to be in the show I was looking forward to seeing him possibly play a character I could like, oh well...

                      The camera ball things are cool, I was wondering what they were planning to do about traveling through the gate without any probes, well I'm glad they were creative about that problem, ancient cameras are cool. At first they actually looked like re-designed goa'uld bombs? Which they probably are, saving money.

                      I kind of like Rush, but you know hes up to no good and has his greedy agenda.

                      The sex scene is the only thing I'd remove, but it's not like it was that terrible, SG-1 was worse with it's pilot if you want to complain about what should be in a family show.

                      I only dislike that asian IOA lady, I didnt like the one who was in a few SG-1 episodes and in Atlantis, it's not the same one is it? Anyways I didnt like the other one and this one has the same annoying vibe. She's supposed to be a lesbian too, so I guess they need to make her appealing in some way?

                      I liked everything else though, and thought it was very good.


                        Originally posted by Detox View Post
                        Which is what I really hate about it. Other shows used that technique long before BSG, yet for some obscene reason, they get associated the most with it.
                        I don't know, I don't watch a lot of TV.


                          Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
                          I don't know, I don't watch a lot of TV.
                          I wasn't pointing at you in particular, but it just seems that a lot of people associate that.
                          These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                            I'll give it another week or two, but the characters need to lighten up, quit bellyaching, and start working together to survive.
                            Have you met people in real life? They complain a LOT. Not to mention they're always too serious too often.

                            Here's a perfect example:

                            Honestly though... has your son never met a girl before? They cry, sometimes when a parent dies, maybe it's just me? But that seems like something normal and completely not annoying and whining?

                            But then again, let's just what the majority of the human race feel is right. Who knows? Maybe we're all wrong.
                            These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                              OK, I was angry about the loss of SG-1. FURIOUS over the unexpected cancellation of Atlantis and only tonight felt like I was going to be able to watch SGU with some degree of objectivity.......
                              That being said; a few observations by an ol'gatehound.....
                              This is without question the worst portrayal of the military these guys have EVER put together. The kids "shagging" in the closet on what was his first tour and probably hers..... I'm not impressed. And don't get me wrong, it's not because I have a problem with the sex..... Teyla and Ronen, I probably would have stopped breathing to watch that. Nonetheless, one of the things the Air Force always appreciated (and I did too) was the degree of integrity they gave to their military characters. This show seems kind of short on honor, heart, and humor of any kind. But perhaps I'm asking too much.....
                              I am also a fan of having the characters revealed through a story. Not the other way round. Frankly, by the time they made it onto Destiny I pretty much didn't like anybody (characters I mean,... too soon to comment on acting/unless of course that is the comment!) I'd met. The Col. is OK. Just OK and same for the Lt. But, in the end, I find most of them to be pretty "whatever". I'll give it another episode or two but Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is airing opposite SGU in my time zone and as much as I like the writers and directors (or used to) of all those worlds we gated to....... Dollhouse has held my attention. Will SGU? I can't say for sure. But so far.... not so good.
                              IMHO of course.


                                Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                                The plot I knew from spoilers and such. I knew most of it, nearly all of it. So nothing really came as a surprise, but the character interactions and the pretty SFX and the great score helped everything along. I can't wait for next week, and I hope the show keeps on keeping on!
                                The graphics were very nice, I'll definitely give it that. It's an interesting "flutter" around the Destiny when it's moving. And the score was fantastic. The choice of instruments was quite unique, I felt, and appropriate for their circumstances. But we all knew Joel was a genius already.

