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MSgt. Ronald Greer Discussion/Jamil Walker/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by FightforAtlantis View Post
    Okay, so was I the only one who thought it was a little disappointing that the only black guy on the show happens to be represented negatively (e.g. getting in trouble, pushing Rush around)?
    It wasn't negative. You have two guys with clinical and cold personalities, yet with different perspectives, one military and one science. Both also think they understand what makes the other tick, but in fact do not. Both have shown they are not afraid of physical confrontation.

    Jamil Smith pulls it off quite well.


      Not sure why, but I like this guy. As someone said, he could be this show's Teal'c, or Ronon. Total loose cannon, but loyal once you gain his trust. At this point he is one of the few I'm truly interested in seeing.


        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        I like Greer a lot. This group needs a 'greer' - they are ill-disciplined and self-seeking (including Greer), but at least Greer has a sense of duty. He could have let Rush die - he didn't. He could have left Scott behind - he didn't.
        When you say "self-seeking", do you mean self-serving as in selfish? If so, I don't think Greer is self-seeking. Greer is headstrong and does what needs to be done, damn the consequences and what other's think.... just like Dr Rush IMO.

        I'd even characterise Greer as having many similarities to Col O'Neill (BUT not the same and definitely distinct), just with a much darker less idealised portrayal.


          i loved greer from the start and i REALLY liked him in this ep. he don't take crap from no one and he's very loyal to his fellow military i liked that


            I kinda saw him as a loose cannon in the first couple of episodes, and this episode did not change that for me. Greer is definetely one to do what has to be done. Who else would have let Senator Armstrong go like he did at that point, or shoot that one idiot(don't know his name). For that I like his character. I can't wait to see further Rush/Greer conflicts/interactions.


              Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
              Greer is my absolute favourite character thus far! I like how his character is portrayed. I think there is a lot of potential for character development for him as well as all the SGU characters.... I'm not going to judge any character until just after the 3rd episode anyways. I mean, you can't really know someone's character just after three episode.
              Copy that. Though it was obvious from the premiere that he would follow in the footsteps of Teal'c and Ronon, Greer's got a unique edge to him that I find fascinating and humorous at the same time. Teal'c and Ronon were focused and quiet. Greer, however, is all over the place verbally and strikes me as the type who would somehow get a big laugh out of a grenade detonating right near him.


                I like the show but Greer's attitude puts a real negative spin on things. I'm hoping he is killed is some sort of gate accident.


                  Ronon was a lot better than Ford, but no offense to Jason, was a character that shouldn't have been in Atlantis. A lot of stuff shouldn't have happened in Atlantis that did (Teyla/Ronon are my biggest gripes - if Weir ordered Teyla on the team it would have been one thing, but Sheppard suggested it which seemed very out of place).

                  Sheppard (military) McKay (Civ) Teyla (Alien civ) and Ronan (Alien hostile soldier).

                  Thats all to say that SGU has a lot more believable makeup than SGA did. Don't get me wrong, I tolerated SGA (and would go so far as to say I enjoyed it) but my biggest fear is SGU becoming SGA 2.0 - to compare Greer to Ronan and Teal'c I think would be a mistake, and I think TPTB know that and will make his character a bit more dynamic.


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                    i loved greer from the start and i REALLY liked him in this ep. he don't take crap from no one and he's very loyal to his fellow military i liked that
                    My absolute favorite moment for Greer in this episode was when Rush was disparaging Scott about whatever figure from his past he was seeking approval from, he decided to kick Rush rather than saying something. I loved it!


                      As an African American we still dont know alot about Greer so lets not talk about sterotypes for all we know Greer. The story so far is only about 3 or 4 main character. Give it time then only then will I BE ABLE TO DECIDE THAT IT IS A STEROTYPE BLACK CHARACTER!



                        Greer is doing what people do when they get trapped in tough situations like that, which is not get along. When you get into a situation like they are in where there is obvious danger, people tend to:

                        A.) Not do what others want them to cause they think their idea is best but not really in a leadership roll.
                        B.) Not do anything and follow the people who they think are in charge.
                        C.) Start doing whacky out of their mind crazy stuff.
                        D.) Take charge either to try and save themselves, or others.

                        Greer is kind of a C for me at the moment. He's threatening to shoot people, thought about hitting a woman who was saying something he didn't like, he IS shooting people as of tonights episode, and debates following orders but doesn't seem to want to take control on his own.

                        Having been in a potentially life threatening situation, (twice actually though nothing like they are going through) you get to see what people's real character is. The soldiers are a little better trained to deal with it, but even some of them aren't obviously the 'best' soldiers or they wouldn't be stealing food, running off on their own, disobeying orders, or shooting people.

                        Yeah he's kind of a jerk, that Greer is, but I think he's going to be a major plot device for the writers to move him here or there and create or solve conflict between characters. One I look forward to watching.

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                          Truth is, since the show is more about the characters and internal conflict, I have a feeling we're all going to hate every main character at some point for awhile.


                            I think Greer is a great character. He's obviously got a few issues but if you look at what he's done so far he's maybe the best soldier on the ship. When Young let him out of his cell he didn't waste any time to get into the fight, and when they detonated the ruble in the Icarus base he covered Chloe and then didn't waste a second to take off running into the cloud of smoke debris to start getting people out.

                            In part 3 he was the one running back and forth to help save everybody on the away team, dragging Lt. Scott back, and he didn't hesitate to shoot Franklin in order to save his life. And even after all of that my favorite moment was when he gave the gun to Eli. You could tell he was getting aggravated but he still went back to pull the slide for him.

                            He's willing to do whatever he has to, but there're still signs that he cares.
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                              I went in with low expectations for the greer character but thus far I'm really liking him and he is def nothing like tealc/ronon, well not yet anyway.


                                Originally posted by Ponchoandy View Post
                                Truth is, since the show is more about the characters and internal conflict, I have a feeling we're all going to hate every main character at some point for awhile.
                                I think that depends on how you define "hate" in this sense.

                                Greer's actions so far have been outrageous for a military officer. Totally off the wall. Worthy of getting him disciplined six ways from sunday, if not discharged completely.

                                But I love all of this. I would probably hate his personality if I had to deal with him myself, but he brings an awesome flavor to the show.

