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Lt. Matthew Scott /Brian.J.Smith Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I don't remember any offended reactions - but I don't visit the "episode threads"... But I really don't see the issue with the horn dog thing. It doesn't make anyone a bad person, it's just who he is. Like when they say TJ can't be a role model, cause she got pregnant ... and she wasn't married! And I'm like OMG, where is the doctor, we're in Salem, lol.



      Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
      I don't remember any offended reactions - but I don't visit the "episode threads"... But I really don't see the issue with the horn dog thing. It doesn't make anyone a bad person, it's just who he is. Like when they say TJ can't be a role model, cause she got pregnant ... and she wasn't married! And I'm like OMG, where is the doctor, we're in Salem, lol.

      The "offended reactions" were everywhere...not just in the episode threads. Honestly, I'm glad the "horn doggedness" only lasted a few episodes.


        I guess cause SG-1 and SGA were 'family' shows, so there was no sex, at all... well, you could see Sam and Pete in one bed for example, but... it was because Pete didn't have an apartment at that time, so he stayed at Sam's place. Same goes for Jack's girlfriend in the episode Threads. So I guess ppl were kinda shocked that SGU starts with a sex scene... and a main character... is actually having sex! LOL Well, just wait until Camile and Sharon gonna have sex... then you'll see all the 'God will punish all the creators of SGU!' comments.





            Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
            I guess cause SG-1 and SGA were 'family' shows, so there was no sex, at all... well, you could see Sam and Pete in one bed for example, but... it was because Pete didn't have an apartment at that time, so he stayed at Sam's place. Same goes for Jack's girlfriend in the episode Threads. So I guess ppl were kinda shocked that SGU starts with a sex scene... and a main character... is actually having sex! LOL Well, just wait until Camile and Sharon gonna have sex... then you'll see all the 'God will punish all the creators of SGU!' comments.

            For as advanced a race as we THINK we are...its sad that people are still condemned for their sexuality. I, for one, didn't wake up and say, "I think I'm gonna be gay." Anyhoo...thanks for the good pics!


              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              For as advanced a race as we THINK we are...its sad that people are still condemned for their sexuality. I, for one, didn't wake up and say, "I think I'm gonna be gay." Anyhoo...thanks for the good pics!
              Sad indeed. In every meaning of the word. Especially cause it's no one's business. If two adults decide to be together, it's their choice, their right, no one else's. But yeh...your welcome.





                  ****drools more*****


                    Good, good.





                        Okay... I think this is the first time in my life when I think... okay, I wanna get married... but to him



                          Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                          Good, good.

                          This was pretty much my reaction on "Cloverdal" . I was happy to see an episode about Scott but when it was all about Chloe/Scott it became very painful to me.

                          If you want to sample some of the reaction, just look for threads like "What did you think about 'the scene'?" or "How christian of him". Things were getting rather heated back then.

                          @ LtColCarter

                          I would have much prefered him sleeping around Destiny to the Chloe/Scott "true love" plot. I don't see any chemistry between them (imo Eli and Scott have more chemistry and they aren't even a couple) and they jumped from "we had sex because we thought we would die" to "true love" way too quickly imo.
                          In the darkness of night we hear the whispers of the void


                            Originally posted by Jaemal View Post
                            This was pretty much my reaction on "Cloverdal" . I was happy to see an episode about Scott but when it was all about Chloe/Scott it became very painful to me.

                            If you want to sample some of the reaction, just look for threads like "What did you think about 'the scene'?" or "How christian of him". Things were getting rather heated back then.

                            @ LtColCarter

                            I would have much prefered him sleeping around Destiny to the Chloe/Scott "true love" plot. I don't see any chemistry between them (imo Eli and Scott have more chemistry and they aren't even a couple) and they jumped from "we had sex because we thought we would die" to "true love" way too quickly imo.
                            Yeh, I was very happy for that too. It's a great character and actor so it's always nice to see a episode about him. And hot too.

                            Thanks, but I don't think I'd wanna go there... I mean I respect everyone's opinion, but please...

                            I think Eli and Scott has lots of chemistry, I even opened a thread for them back then, cause they had some really good scenes together, but since then, not so much.





                                Originally posted by Jaemal View Post
                                This was pretty much my reaction on "Cloverdal" . I was happy to see an episode about Scott but when it was all about Chloe/Scott it became very painful to me.

                                If you want to sample some of the reaction, just look for threads like "What did you think about 'the scene'?" or "How christian of him". Things were getting rather heated back then.

                                @ LtColCarter

                                I would have much prefered him sleeping around Destiny to the Chloe/Scott "true love" plot. I don't see any chemistry between them (imo Eli and Scott have more chemistry and they aren't even a couple) and they jumped from "we had sex because we thought we would die" to "true love" way too quickly imo.
                                I know you said it was your opinion...however...who is to say what's "too quick." My Grandparents met in January of 1927...and were married in February of 1927...and were very much in love until their deaths in the mid 1990s.

