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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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      Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
      I'm not sure whether it is possible to earn money with playing chess. The time I played activly, some 20 years ago , it wouldn't be possibly, at least not in Germany, unless you're a professional. And, to be a professional you have to spend all you're time playing chess. It's a lot of work, reading books, training games, learn quite a lot of standart openings, middlegames and endgames. You don't have time for anything else. But I'm not sure, I don't know the customs in Great Britain here.
      Maybe he just chess-'sharked' a lot of Oxford undergraduates who have more money than sense. I'd guess that he probably played for Oxford and I'd bet he was the faculty advisor for the Berkeley chess club as well.

      I wonder if he did some carpentry or building work as well. Those chess pieces he was carving looked very well done. He's definitely got some talent and experience working wood.


        Originally posted by Daro View Post
        On a rewatch (one of many) of "Sabotage," I noticed
        how desperately Rush needed a shoulder to cry on. The way he almost clings to Mandy and just the general body language and facial expressions, along with the admission of his mental trauma from the events of "Human" convinced me that Rush, deprived of human contact for months, has needed someone to just give him a hug for a long time.
        I agree completely. He looked like he was about to completely break down. After all he's been through from being abandoned to die, tortured by the aliens, the surgery to remove the tracker, the events of "Human" - he's got to be on the edge of a meltdown. No one has shown him any sympathy or comfort; they mostly treat him like he doesn't even have feelings (witness Eli in Sabotage). Poor Nick really needed her. I think that's why he almost slept with her. He was obviously very tempted - he needed the comfort. It showed a lot of honor and decency in him to say stop, esp. since he knew how much it meant to her.


          Originally posted by ladypredator View Post
          Maybe he just chess-'sharked' a lot of Oxford undergraduates who have more money than sense. I'd guess that he probably played for Oxford and I'd bet he was the faculty advisor for the Berkeley chess club as well.

          I wonder if he did some carpentry or building work as well. Those chess pieces he was carving looked very well done. He's definitely got some talent and experience working wood.
          chess-'sharked': nice word, I think I get the meaning If he played it's more than likely that he played the 1 place in line (what I mean is: when you play as a group against another group, let's say you have 4 players in each group, you arrange your players for their abilities, 1. your champion, 2. your second champion, and so on... I can't find the correct english word for that )

          Carpentry or any kind of building work might not be out of his possibilities.


            Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
            chess-'sharked': nice word, I think I get the meaning If he played it's more than likely that he played the 1 place in line (what I mean is: when you play as a group against another group, let's say you have 4 players in each group, you arrange your players for their abilities, 1. your champion, 2. your second champion, and so on... I can't find the correct english word for that )

            Carpentry or any kind of building work might not be out of his possibilities.
            I think 'ranking' is the word you're looking for.

            RC did building/painting. In fact, it was his experience in building work that got him the role in the movie "Riff Raff." I have this tendency to coopt RC's background for Rush's, when we're not given explicit history for the character.


              My fave pic on the major milestone



                ... and another one



                  ... aaaaand another one



                    Nice, kus.



                      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                      Thanks Egle!! Too bad it happens only once


                        Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
                        Thanks Egle!! Too bad it happens only once
                        What exactly happens only once? Getting custom av? It's a special moment, isn't it.


                          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                          What exactly happens only once? Getting custom av? It's a special moment, isn't it.
                          Yeah, getting the av. It is a special moment indeed


                            Originally posted by ladypredator View Post
                            I think 'ranking' is the word you're looking for.

                            RC did building/painting. In fact, it was his experience in building work that got him the role in the movie "Riff Raff." I have this tendency to coopt RC's background for Rush's, when we're not given explicit history for the character.
                            Got it, finally, it's called 1. board!

                            In this case it seems a good idea to include RC's background to that of Rush, because I got the impression, like you, that Carlyle played him based on his own background, it seems a nearby thought for me, your approach will work, I think.


                              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                              May I ask what kus mean?


                                Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                                May I ask what kus mean?
                                Oh, it's nothing really... it's just the way Egle decided to call me...

