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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
    The first impression I had, seeing this cardigan was (the interview is from the last year, I think): 'Ok, it's not quite typical for men to wear lilac clothes of any kind'. But, it don't look ... bad, it's ok, for my taste, so why not.
    The second thought was, Carlyle likes from time to time to do things different, e. g. the longish hair, he has for some years now (I totally love this - that's of course I love men with longer hair -, and imo it fits him, and the figure he's playing). It seems, he likes to provoke people a little bit, and that's a good thing, because people need this. All of us are too adapt to our every days surrounding, we never question things we've learned to do, or to think.
    For me this is a good example: we've all learned men wear their hair short, or men have to wear dark clothes, it has to be that way, we've seen this by our fathers, other relatives, by our bosses at work, by our politicians, and so on. And then, somebody does something in a different way, we tend to miss it, instead of just saying, ah, it's just not the way I'm used to see it, it's just different.
    I love men with long or long-ish hair, and I certainly can't stand it when they're constantly wearing dark clothes. And I understand that Robert wants to be different and provoke people. But *that* shade of purple on that type of sweater, mixed with his slender build, makes him look a bit older that what he really is.

    I'm sure that if he wore that color a bit differently, he'd look good. But not all pieces of clothes look good in every color...

    "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
    Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
    "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
    Dr. Daniel Jackson
    "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
    Dean Winchester


      *says stoutly that RC can wear anything and look good*


        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
        *says stoutly that RC can wear anything and look good*
        *adds to that that RC looks good when he is not wearing anything too*
        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Originally posted by yessika View Post
          *adds to that that RC looks good when he is not wearing anything too*
          Most definitely!


            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
            Only the sweater?
            I thought the same thing

            Originally posted by rimorob View Post
            Priest, Ravenous, and (because I loved those last two so much) Face (which I'm buying without seeing it first, because Antonia Bird directed it as well).
            I am a firm believer in the incredible ability Antonia Bird has of getting something special out of RC. Yes, he's a brilliant actor (the best, ever, bar none, IMO) but it takes a brilliant director to get that special something and she does it, every time.

            Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
            *says stoutly that RC can wear anything and look good*


              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
              I am a firm believer in the incredible ability Antonia Bird has of getting something special out of RC. Yes, he's a brilliant actor (the best, ever, bar none, IMO) but it takes a brilliant director to get that special something and she does it, every time.
              Perhaps because she allows him to improvise.


                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                I always to that.

                And I thought I was special.

                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                Thank you!

                I like how your mind works
                I like when it works.

                Originally posted by ladypredator View Post
                Well, we can start with the sweater...
                *splashes in the gutter*

                Re the clothing - he could wear a potato sack and still look good.


                  Originally posted by rimorob View Post
                  Alright, in between finals and starting to get sick, I've watched a few more RC movies.

                  To End All Wars:
                  Deeply, deeply moving. Wonderful performances across the board. This was a film where I could understand the motivations of and sympathize with all the characters. I was worried as I was watching that they were going to make RC's character an irredeemable villian of the piece, but then you see that everyone is just trying to live and survive in the best way they know how. Hate, Revenge, Forgiveness. Each character had to find out how far they could and would go with each of these. I don't think I'm describing it very well, but it was a really good character film.
                  I liked this but the preachy voiceover really started to annoy me after a while.
                  The scene where the Colonel gets killed is extraordinary. RC is just brilliant in it.

                  I'm debating whether to buy SGU 1.0 while it's on sale for 20 bucks, or wait for a complete season 1 set.
                  Well, you'll be waiting until 2011 for the full set.




                      Originally posted by yessika View Post
                      *adds to that that rc looks good when he is not wearing anything too*

                      "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                      Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                      "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                      Dr. Daniel Jackson
                      "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                      Dean Winchester


                        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                        The scene where the Colonel gets killed is extraordinary. RC is just brilliant in it.
                        Yes! That scene and the last one where he finally decides not to kill the samurai guy only for him to kill himself just had me bawling. RC is so amazing when he cries.

                        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                        Well, you'll be waiting until 2011 for the full set.
                        Yes, but I'm a complete-ist. I'd hate to buy both half sets now and have the full one come out with some cool extra features that weren't on the earlier releases. But I am leaning towards just buying them now, because I'm getting impatient to watch the episodes in a higher quality.




                            hee! Wet!Rush never ceases to make me happy.




                                *wants to do obscene things with him rather than my work*

