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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    Will watch it as soon as podcast ends.
    Last question, the GW podcast? I love podcasts


      Originally posted by myhelix View Post
      Last question, the GW podcast? I love podcasts


        Okay... ten drabbles up. Gonna take a break, play some WoW and think about where Im gonna go with this thing.

        And yes, like Eli! I too climbed Redridge Mountain with a full pack! Lol


          Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
          Rushing Through the Universe

          First three drabbles are up, there isn't much to it atm. Merely setting things up. The fun and mayhem will pick up soon

          Like... after I get myself a sandwich to eat. Stomach is growling for attention. Heh

          Yes I did! Used my western hat to draw from. Though I had to do it twice because apparently Chloe, TJ and Becker got stuck under the headband. Volker actually got drawn twice, surprisingly enough. Lol. Park was the first drawing.

          I had to be fair to them all!

          Chloe: There is a reason why we got stuck under the headband!
          Haha, you can make a story abut the lottery itself.

          Gosh, you're quick!!!! And it's so funny to read... I like it...

          What was that everybody is mentioning afterwards??? Girls, girls, you're nasty, hee... Honestly? I like to see (read) it!


            Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
            Haha, you can make a story abut the lottery itself.

            Gosh, you're quick!!!! And it's so funny to read... I like it...

            What was that everybody is mentioning afterwards??? Girls, girls, you're nasty, hee... Honestly? I like to see (read) it!
            Lol. I might do that... as a flashback drabble.

            For those that are curious, here's my prompt table. #s 92 and 93 I'll be changing since it won't fit. If I had TJ then it might have.

            [1] Desperate
            [2] Angry
            [3] Exhausted
            [4] Uneasy
            [5] Alone
            [6] Bleeding
            [7] Haunted
            [8] Helpless
            [9] Dark
            [10] Trapped
            [11] Terrified
            [12] Sick
            [13] Loathsome
            [14] Freezing
            [15] Burning
            [16] Lonely
            [17] Heroic
            [18] Guilty
            [19] Crippled
            [20] Missing
            [21] Motionless
            [22] Filthy
            [23] Demented
            [24] Bitter
            [25] Unconscious
            [26] Plead
            [27] Flee
            [28] Hide
            [29] Sleep
            [30] Wonder
            [31] Clutch
            [32] Break
            [33] Destroy
            [34] Storm
            [35] Leap
            [36] Scream
            [37] Fall
            [38] Slander
            [39] Bind
            [40] Accuse
            [41] Experiment
            [42] Shiver
            [43] Attack
            [44] Stumble
            [45] Lose
            [46] Defeat
            [47] Fail
            [48] Choke
            [49] Murder
            [50] Crawl
            [51] Shackles
            [52] Prison
            [53] Alley
            [54] Rope
            [55] Injection
            [56] Instrument
            [57] Dog
            [58] Horse
            [59] Snake
            [60] Bed
            [61] Poker
            [62] Acid
            [63] Target
            [64] Fire
            [65] River
            [66] Water
            [67] Stone
            [68] Iron
            [69] Wood
            [70] Bullet
            [71] Dagger
            [72] Poison
            [73] Rifle
            [74] Club
            [75] Whip
            [76] Late Nights
            [77] Snowstorm
            [78] Thunderstorm
            [79] House Fire
            [80] Accident
            [81] Abduction
            [82] Falling
            [83] Beating
            [84] Dark Alley
            [85] Exhaustion
            [86] Death
            [87] Revenge
            [88] Collapse
            [89] Knockout
            [90] Self-defense
            [91] Defense of another
            [92] Illness – contracted by patient
            [93] Illness – contracted during a case
            [94] Injury – Accidental
            [95] Injury – Intentional
            [96] Author’s Choice
            [97] Author’s Choice
            [98] Author’s Choice
            [99] Author’s Choice
            [100] Author’s Choice


              Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
              Okay... ten drabbles up. Gonna take a break, play some WoW and think about where Im gonna go with this thing.
              Already? You're quick.

              Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
              What was that everybody is mentioning afterwards??? Girls, girls, you're nasty, hee... Honestly? I like to see (read) it!
              *adjusts her halo*

              Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
              For those that are curious, here's my prompt table. #s 92 and 93 I'll be changing since it won't fit. If I had TJ then it might have.

              [1] Desperate
              [2] Angry
              [3] Exhausted
              [4] Uneasy
              [5] Alone
              [6] Bleeding
              [7] Haunted
              [8] Helpless
              [9] Dark
              [10] Trapped
              [11] Terrified
              [12] Sick
              [13] Loathsome
              [14] Freezing
              [15] Burning
              [16] Lonely
              [17] Heroic
              [18] Guilty
              [19] Crippled
              [20] Missing
              [21] Motionless
              [22] Filthy
              [23] Demented
              [24] Bitter
              [25] Unconscious
              [26] Plead
              [27] Flee
              [28] Hide
              [29] Sleep
              [30] Wonder
              [31] Clutch
              [32] Break
              [33] Destroy
              [34] Storm
              [35] Leap
              [36] Scream
              [37] Fall
              [38] Slander
              [39] Bind
              [40] Accuse
              [41] Experiment
              [42] Shiver
              [43] Attack
              [44] Stumble
              [45] Lose
              [46] Defeat
              [47] Fail
              [48] Choke
              [49] Murder
              [50] Crawl
              [51] Shackles
              [52] Prison
              [53] Alley
              [54] Rope
              [55] Injection
              [56] Instrument
              [57] Dog
              [58] Horse
              [59] Snake
              [60] Bed
              [61] Poker
              [62] Acid
              [63] Target
              [64] Fire
              [65] River
              [66] Water
              [67] Stone
              [68] Iron
              [69] Wood
              [70] Bullet
              [71] Dagger
              [72] Poison
              [73] Rifle
              [74] Club
              [75] Whip
              [76] Late Nights
              [77] Snowstorm
              [78] Thunderstorm
              [79] House Fire
              [80] Accident
              [81] Abduction
              [82] Falling
              [83] Beating
              [84] Dark Alley
              [85] Exhaustion
              [86] Death
              [87] Revenge
              [88] Collapse
              [89] Knockout
              [90] Self-defense
              [91] Defense of another
              [92] Illness – contracted by patient
              [93] Illness – contracted during a case
              [94] Injury – Accidental
              [95] Injury – Intentional
              [96] Author’s Choice
              [97] Author’s Choice
              [98] Author’s Choice
              [99] Author’s Choice
              [100] Author’s Choice
              Wow. I wish PTB would consult you, so that S2 of SGU would also have one-word titles.


                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                Nah, it's much pretty.
                Originally posted by Artemis-Neith View Post
                It's great! But the text is not easy to read.
                Thanks and thanks for honesty I know that often the composition of the text is the weakest part of my works I work on it

                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

                Wow. I wish PTB would consult you, so that S2 of SGU would also have one-word titles.


                  Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                  I know that often the composition of the text is the weakest part of my works
                  I also have problems with adding text - using the right font, best position, size, effects. Ugh.

                  I really do miss the one-word titles.


                    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                    Already? You're quick.
                    Yep. Posted three more only because Rush demanded. Heh. NOW i'm going to take a break.

                    The hard part about writing these is not the word limit, but rather tying them in to each other somehow so that there is an actual timeline to this.

                    Wow. I wish PTB would consult you, so that S2 of SGU would also have one-word titles.


                      Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
                      It's SO funny how us Rush girls think alike. The name of your drabbles is almost identical to what I've titled my SGU/Dr. Rush story, which is "Rushing Through The Emotions"

                      I just thought that was funny, and wanted to point it out to you. Can't wait to read the drabbles.


                        Cool wallie!

                        Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                        Or left him on a planet, naked (okay that is just my imagination)
                        Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                        Having 'Rush' and 'naked' in one sentence is as good as... 'Rush' and 'shower'. Extremely distracting.
                        Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
                        I dunno... I'm in a good mood?

                        Rush naked in a shower? Even better!

                        Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
                        Lol. I might do that... as a flashback drabble.

                        For those that are curious, here's my prompt table. #s 92 and 93 I'll be changing since it won't fit. If I had TJ then it might have.

                        [1] Desperate
                        [2] Angry
                        [3] Exhausted
                        [4] Uneasy
                        [5] Alone
                        [6] Bleeding
                        [7] Haunted
                        [8] Helpless
                        [9] Dark
                        [10] Trapped
                        [11] Terrified
                        [12] Sick
                        [13] Loathsome
                        [14] Freezing
                        [15] Burning
                        [16] Lonely
                        [17] Heroic
                        [18] Guilty
                        [19] Crippled
                        [20] Missing
                        [21] Motionless
                        [22] Filthy
                        [23] Demented
                        [24] Bitter
                        [25] Unconscious
                        [26] Plead
                        [27] Flee
                        [28] Hide
                        [29] Sleep
                        [30] Wonder
                        [31] Clutch
                        [32] Break
                        [33] Destroy
                        [34] Storm
                        [35] Leap
                        [36] Scream
                        [37] Fall
                        [38] Slander
                        [39] Bind
                        [40] Accuse
                        [41] Experiment
                        [42] Shiver
                        [43] Attack
                        [44] Stumble
                        [45] Lose
                        [46] Defeat
                        [47] Fail
                        [48] Choke
                        [49] Murder
                        [50] Crawl
                        [51] Shackles
                        [52] Prison
                        [53] Alley
                        [54] Rope
                        [55] Injection
                        [56] Instrument
                        [57] Dog
                        [58] Horse
                        [59] Snake
                        [60] Bed
                        [61] Poker
                        [62] Acid
                        [63] Target
                        [64] Fire
                        [65] River
                        [66] Water
                        [67] Stone
                        [68] Iron
                        [69] Wood
                        [70] Bullet
                        [71] Dagger
                        [72] Poison
                        [73] Rifle
                        [74] Club
                        [75] Whip
                        [76] Late Nights
                        [77] Snowstorm
                        [78] Thunderstorm
                        [79] House Fire
                        [80] Accident
                        [81] Abduction
                        [82] Falling
                        [83] Beating
                        [84] Dark Alley
                        [85] Exhaustion
                        [86] Death
                        [87] Revenge
                        [88] Collapse
                        [89] Knockout
                        [90] Self-defense
                        [91] Defense of another
                        [92] Illness – contracted by patient
                        [93] Illness – contracted during a case
                        [94] Injury – Accidental
                        [95] Injury – Intentional
                        [96] Author’s Choice
                        [97] Author’s Choice
                        [98] Author’s Choice
                        [99] Author’s Choice
                        [100] Author’s Choice
                        Cool titles! I love one word titles!!
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          Cool wallie!


                          Cool titles! I love one word titles!!

                          I'm writing more drabbles instead of doing my classwork. What i want to do for class, my computer has the images I need. I NEED DESTINY SHOTS!!!

                          Yes, Im doing another Rush manip but as a magazine cover this time! Woooo!

                          Too bad I can't do a ... *dramatic pause and looks about*

                          NAKED RUSH IN A SHOWER magazine!


                            Okay ladies... some more Rush manipulation! Tonight's assignment was to create a magazine cover... so I made one to go with my magazine page!


                            I really want this issue now! Lol

                            EDIT: Omg I just noticed I put the WRONG name for RDA *face palm*
                            EDIT 2: There! Fixed it!
                            Last edited by ONeill4tW; 16 June 2010, 07:23 PM.


                              Originally posted by yessika View Post
                              Cool wallie!
                              Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
                              Okay ladies... some more Rush manipulation! Tonight's assignment was to create a magazine cover... so I made one to go with my magazine page!

                              I really want this issue now! Lol
                              I want it BADLY!!! Well done!


                                Originally posted by ONeill4tW View Post
                                Okay ladies... some more Rush manipulation! Tonight's assignment was to create a magazine cover... so I made one to go with my magazine page!

                                I really want this issue now! Lol

                                EDIT: Omg I just noticed I put the WRONG name for RDA *face palm*
                                EDIT 2: There! Fixed it!
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

