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Robert Carlyle/Dr Nicholas Rush Thunk/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
    And the thing is, Rush has never done anything to Eli. Before anyone reading brings up the whole nineth chevron thing, I'll remind people of the conversation in Light:
    RUSH: Eli, I, uh, I'm sorry I got you involved in this.
    WALLACE: Actually ... (he narrows his eyes as if surprised at what he's about to say) ... I'm not.

    Rush has been nice to Eli all along (despite what he says in Human) and Eli's been a horrible spoiled little lazy good-for-nothing arsewipe. Aside from mooching around with Wray in Faith, did Eli do one scrap of work for the month? I loathe the little toadie.

    And for those saying there's been this great change in Rush, no, there hasn't. He's less guarded but there's not much of a change for me at all.

    It would be nice if they did something with Chloe and Rush but I think that one flew as soon as she said she'd never go against Eli again.
    Yeah, it seems not a lot who watch the show take the whole conversation that took place between Rush and Eli. I don't see why so many out there just...can't stand Rush.

    And I wasn't saying Rush has changed. Always knew Rush was human. So he experiences anger, sadness, love, etc etc. I meant, for the show wise, it was nice to see them bring more of that side of him to light. As opposed to making it seem like another day where people readily accuse him for something.

    I wouldn't mind if they did something with Rush and Chloe either. But like you said, it doesn't seem like that will happen any time soon.


      Originally posted by Daro View Post
      Hey, I didn't notice, but promotion! *does a dance*
      Awesome. Congrats on the promotion. =)


        Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
        And the thing is, Rush has never done anything to Eli. Before anyone reading brings up the whole nineth chevron thing, I'll remind people of the conversation in Light:
        RUSH: Eli, I, uh, I'm sorry I got you involved in this.
        WALLACE: Actually ... (he narrows his eyes as if surprised at what he's about to say) ... I'm not.

        Rush has been nice to Eli all along (despite what he says in Human) and Eli's been a horrible spoiled little lazy good-for-nothing arsewipe. Aside from mooching around with Wray in Faith, did Eli do one scrap of work for the month? I loathe the little toadie.

        And for those saying there's been this great change in Rush, no, there hasn't. He's less guarded but there's not much of a change for me at all.

        It would be nice if they did something with Chloe and Rush but I think that one flew as soon as she said she'd never go against Eli again.
        Eh, I still like Eli. But I can't fault you for anything you said. Rush hasn't been mean to him, but Eli, being very childish, resents the the few times Rush has tried to give him a talking-to. I think the major point where they stopped being cool with each other was "Water," with Eli having a temper tantrum and Rush shouting at him to stop acting like a child. It seems obvious to me that Eli cared more about blabbing about the alien bugs than he did about having water to drink.

        And we'll just have to agree to disagree about Rush changing, I think. I see your point, but I still say Rush has changed. I have never thought he was evil, I've always believed he was a good man. But good men can do bad things. Rush is persistant, and that persistance blinded him to the negative effects of his actions. It took the spectre of Gloria in "Human" to remind him that he is hurting people, and that his tunnel-vision approach to science is something relatively new, that before he would never have done such things. Now that he's snapped out of it, he seems like a much richer character. Before he was mysterious, and while he still is to some degree, we at least know now, for sure, that he is the kind of person who will take great pains to keep from harming another person...providing he's fully in control of himself. I like the dark side contrasted with the light, it makes him very real to me.

        I wonder if, now that he perhaps has a different view of his actions leading up to "Justice," he is suffering from a lot of guilt? I'd like to see that addressed, if so.


          Originally posted by Daro View Post
          Eh, I still like Eli. But I can't fault you for anything you said. Rush hasn't been mean to him, but Eli, being very childish, resents the the few times Rush has tried to give him a talking-to. I think the major point where they stopped being cool with each other was "Water," with Eli having a temper tantrum and Rush shouting at him to stop acting like a child. It seems obvious to me that Eli cared more about blabbing about the alien bugs than he did about having water to drink.
          Eli is influenced by Scott who is influenced by Young. None of the former two appear to be able to think for themselves. Chloe seemed for a moment to be able to think for herself but we'll have to see.

          And we'll just have to agree to disagree about Rush changing, I think. I see your point, but I still say Rush has changed. I have never thought he was evil, I've always believed he was a good man. But good men can do bad things. Rush is persistant, and that persistance blinded him to the negative effects of his actions. It took the spectre of Gloria in "Human" to remind him that he is hurting people, and that his tunnel-vision approach to science is something relatively new, that before he would never have done such things. Now that he's snapped out of it, he seems like a much richer character. Before he was mysterious, and while he still is to some degree, we at least know now, for sure, that he is the kind of person who will take great pains to keep from harming another person...providing he's fully in control of himself. I like the dark side contrasted with the light, it makes him very real to me.
          Recall the scene in Air where Chloe attacks him. Did you not think he was actually upset during that? For someone apparently blind to others, he's damned expressive. For someone who doesn't give a toss about others, he seems to care overmuch. He withdraws in the face of potential hurt. And I think you're forgetting that it wasn't Gloria talking to him but Rush talking to himself.

          I wonder if, now that he perhaps has a different view of his actions leading up to "Justice," he is suffering from a lot of guilt? I'd like to see that addressed, if so.
          Since? I think he had that all along.


            Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
            Eli is influenced by Scott who is influenced by Young. None of the former two appear to be able to think for themselves. Chloe seemed for a moment to be able to think for herself but we'll have to see.

            Recall the scene in Air where Chloe attacks him. Did you not think he was actually upset during that? For someone apparently blind to others, he's damned expressive. For someone who doesn't give a toss about others, he seems to care overmuch. He withdraws in the face of potential hurt. And I think you're forgetting that it wasn't Gloria talking to him but Rush talking to himself.

            Since? I think he had that all along.
            Nope, I haven't forgotten that Gloria's statements were pretty much Rush talking to himself, but he knew what she would have said. Imagining her judging his recent actions was what I thought snapped him out of it.

            And I never said that Rush was cold hearted all the way through in the first part of the show. He wasn't, I never thought that, but I do think he's done some very morally questionable things. Sadly, I'll have to hold up the whole argument about landing everyone on Destiny along with himself. He's not been a total ******* since then at all, but he's used that 'greater good' argument so many times that I feel like he knew he was doing wrong and just thought that it was a necessary evil. His overall disrespect for the right of others to make choices for themselves seems the most egregious error on his part; but of course, I can't fault the logic of it. If everyone on that ship got to do what they wanted, they'd all be dead within a week.

            I don't think I'd love Rush as much as I do without that heavy burden he carries around, without the flaws and the ability to commit evil if he is in extreme enough circumstances. Like I said, the contrast of good and bad makes the character for me.


              Originally posted by BFH_Bushy_Tush View Post
              Guess what I got last night!!!
              Sorry it's been a while since I was last on... busy busy busy!

              Anyway, I got 28 Weeks Later! I don't have to rent it anymore. RC whenever I want, now!!

              "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
              Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
              "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
              Dr. Daniel Jackson
              "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
              Dean Winchester


                Ok, did I miss something? I am confused, as I don't know what some of you are talking about in your long posts...>.>

                "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                Dr. Daniel Jackson
                "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                Dean Winchester


                  *dances* Absolutely loved Sabotage!
                  Our Nick is a gentleman, has a heart as big as a planet, and is morally uprstanding with regard to all those around him. Whodathunkit?


                    Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                    *dances* Absolutely loved Sabotage!
                    Our Nick is a gentleman, has a heart as big as a planet, and is morally uprstanding with regard to all those around him. Whodathunkit?
                    I'd always suspected, and hoped, that was the case!

                    Also, thanks for the promotion green guys!


                      Originally posted by Daro View Post
                      And we'll just have to agree to disagree about Rush changing, I think. I see your point, but I still say Rush has changed. I have never thought he was evil, I've always believed he was a good man. But good men can do bad things. Rush is persistant, and that persistance blinded him to the negative effects of his actions. It took the spectre of Gloria in "Human" to remind him that he is hurting people, and that his tunnel-vision approach to science is something relatively new, that before he would never have done such things. Now that he's snapped out of it, he seems like a much richer character. Before he was mysterious, and while he still is to some degree, we at least know now, for sure, that he is the kind of person who will take great pains to keep from harming another person...providing he's fully in control of himself. I like the dark side contrasted with the light, it makes him very real to me.
                      You expressed exactly how I feel. I think Human was a huge turning point for Rush to start becoming the man Gloria-in-his-mind said he used to be.

                      I watch this show with my mom, because I make her watch everything I like (which is a lot), and a month ago she would have said she hated Rush. But the last several episodes have done a lot to change her mind. It didn't help that the first half of the season kept pushing the "don't trust Rush" sentiment onto the audience, and then the break gave it months to cement itself in the audience's minds.
                      I think this show definitely benefits from a repeat viewing, because there is a lot of subtle acting going on and the plot can require further attention. It was when I watched the series a second time a few weeks back that I realized a lot of the "don't trust Rush" moments were actually wrong or unfounded. After Darkness and Light, the end makes it seem like Rush is bad, but if you look at it logically his reaction in private to their not going to die revelation and how he came up with the idea to save the people on the shuttle are incredibly positive and redeeming moments for his character. And then Young leaves a bad taste in the audience's minds by accusing him in front of everyone. There are several more moments I noticed where Young questions Rush aggressively or openly mentions his mistrust in front of others, in situations where Rush hadn't even done anything suspicious. But just because I love Rush, doesn't mean he hasn't done things that have made me cringe, especially in Air and Justice.
                      Anyway, the point I'm trying to get around to is that if you go back and look at it Rush and Young kind of come out evenly on the whose right and wrong scale (at least, for me); but the whole first half of the season repeatedly tells the audience that Rush is a bad dude. And now the episodes are finally giving him a chance to show the best sides of himself.

                      I thought the relationship between Rush and Perry was beautifully done. An elegant, emotional journey for two very damaged souls. It was a really good episode all around. A great balance of plot and action around very touching character scenes.

                      On a shallower note, I swooned at all the touching going on in this episode. And that kiss...! *melts into a puddle of fangirl goo*
                      Last edited by rimorob; 07 May 2010, 11:10 PM.


                        Oh, and how about that preview for next week...

                        Rush and all that water! Count me as super excited for the next episode!


                          Originally posted by rimorob View Post
                          You expressed exactly how I feel. I think Human was a huge turning point for Rush to start becoming the man Gloria-in-his-mind said he used to be.

                          I watch this show with my mom, because I make her watch everything I like (which is a lot), and a month ago she would have said she hated Rush. But the last several episodes have done a lot to change her mind. It didn't help that the first half of the season kept pushing the "don't trust Rush" sentiment onto the audience, and then the break gave it months to cement itself in the audience's minds.
                          I think this show definitely benefits from a repeat viewing, because there is a lot of subtle acting going on and the plot can require further attention. It was when I watched the series a second time a few weeks back that I realized a lot of the "don't trust Rush" moments were actually wrong or unfounded. After Darkness and Light, the end makes it seem like Rush is bad, but if you look at it logically his reaction in private to their not going to die revelation and how he came up with the idea to save the people on the shuttle are incredibly positive and redeeming moments for his character. And then Young leaves a bad taste in the audience's minds by accusing him in front of everyone. There are several more moments I noticed were Young questions Rush aggressively or openly mentions his mistrust in front of others, in situations where Rush hadn't even done anything suspicious. But just because I love Rush, doesn't mean he hasn't done things that have made me cringe, especially in Air and Justice.
                          Anyway, the point I'm trying to get around to is that if you go back and look at it Rush and Young kind of come out evenly on the whose right and wrong scale (at least, for me); but the whole first half of the season repeatedly tells the audience that Rush is a bad dude. And now the episodes are finally giving him a chance to show the best sides of himself.

                          I thought the relationship between Rush and Perry was beautifully done. An elegant, emotional journey for two very damaged souls. It was a really good episode all around. A great balance of plot and action around very touching character scenes.

                          On a shallower note, I swooned at all the touching going on in this episode. And that kiss...! *melts into a puddle of fangirl goo*
                          Glad you agree.

                          I think you're right about repeat viewings. I re-watch the shows two or three times after they've aired, looking for stuff I might have misread or missed entirely. I've always been confused at how some could think that Rush could possible have known that the Destiny was going to survive the star in "Light." But then, if you've only seen the episode once, it's easy to forget how elated and puzzled he was when he checked his watch and realized that it was way past time for him to be on fire.

                          I think the touching was very significant, and has been throughout the show, for Rush. Through most of the first part of the season, we see Rush cringing from human contact. He stands at a further distance from people than he does now, he barely makes physical contact of any kind, and if possible he withdraws quickly from anyone that tries to touch him. It's something I know I have remarked on. Now that he's opening up, we've seen him being more comfortable speaking to people. He's positely a walking PDA in this episode. I think it's an intentional thing that the writers devised, acted out perfectly by RC, to symbolize Rush's lack, and then rediscovery, of his humanity.


                            Also awesome, the pic on SyFy's SGU page for the next episode, HERE. Obviously, SPOILERS for "Pain".


                              Originally posted by rimorob View Post
                              Oh, and how about that preview for next week...

                              Rush and all that water! Count me as super excited for the next episode!
                              I know. Poor Rush...the way he screamed made me get chills. Totally, completely terrified. We have to save him!


                                Originally posted by rimorob View Post
                                Also awesome, the pic on SyFy's SGU page for the next episode, HERE. Obviously, SPOILERS for "Pain".
                                No, seriously! We have to save him right now! Where's Young with that big pipe when you need him?!

